About to give up and just accept im fat



  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    from what i seen in your diary you are either not eating enough or on the days you do it's all crap food.....

    check out my youtube channel. i got sum good videos on there that might help you


    feel free to add me if you'd like
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    oooh please don't give up!!! Sometimes you just have to stick it out a lil bit longer and you will see the changes!!! Im two months in and JUST starting to see a noticeable diffrence! Even other people are seeing it!!! Please just hang in there and keep going on strong! You just have to tell yourself its just a way of life, its what I do and realize that the numbers on a scale and smaller jean sizes are merely just a side effect from hard work and consistency! Hang in there and I will too! we can do this!!! :D
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Someone may have already suggested this, having only read a few replies, but I would add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And watch your sodium. A lot of those pre-packaged foods you're eating are very high in sodium and that leads to increased water retention/water weight. Try not to use quick-add calories as much-you need to be as accurate as possible with your calorie counting and with your nutrients. I just read a study that when it comes to losing weight "your diet" aka what you eat, is more important than exercise. You can't "out-exercise" an unhealthy diet. I wouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week. Your weight fluctuates at different times of the day and throughout the week. So pick one day and weigh yourself when you get up, before you eat or drink anything, and AFTER you go the bathroom. And naked :). It can be done. I'm down 35lbs and 4 sizes since joining MFP in mid-April, about 4 months ago. It does take commitment, discipline, and patience. You also have to cut yourself some slack. Oh, and buy a food scale. My food scale is my new BFF. Good luck-it's time for me to Zumba :).
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Be glad for the inches off and by no means give up!!
    Not sure if you finished todays diary if so , and i did not look at other days, but if you finished todays, you may be eating too little!
    Do you think on othe other days when you may have eaten more do u think u are measuring things right? It really helps to get out actual measuring cups.
    Hang in there!!! Inches lost are just as good as pounds.
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    I think i have high anxety so i can never sleep when i need to.
    I use to take melatoin ( A Herbal pill that helps you sleep)
    I am getting ready to get that again.
    As for stress. Yes i am stressed to the max.
    I Am about to get a job and i been a sahm for almost ten months.
    I Am worried about that also

    Valid stressors! Make sure that you do start taking melatonin again if need be. If you are working, worried about your baby, AND not sleeping, that will be bad! Make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet of good whole foods! I find that processed foods (granola bars, breads, bacon) even if they fit in my calorie limit are not good for the overall results I want to achieve. Drink lots of water! Get a dry erase marker and write positive affirmations on your mirror!

    I am having a serious attitude crisis over my own lack of results as well. Thanks for posting this. Reading the remarks others have made has really helped! I guess I shall forgo the french fries another day.... :)
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Just like everyone on here said "DON'T GIVE UP!" In 2006 I was 216 and was a size 16-18 I'm 5'4 so I looked huge! But it took me 4 months to just lose 10lbs! I was taking Kickboxing 2 days a week but wasn't watching what I was eating very much. Once I got my diet under control it really helped me out A LOT! After KB class ended I started to add 30 min walk 5 days a week during my lunch break... I went literally everyday faithfully Mon-Thur rain or shine. Then started to add extra workouts at home, I basically did a mixture of everything as long as I moved around and was active for an hour. I would pop in a CD and just dance, mix in some kickboxing moves that I remembered add some weighted squats and lunges. I then added some running, I would run fir 30 mins different paces and inclines and did some weighted punches while I walked fir a warm up and cool down. Added some core and strength training and in 1 month I lost 14 lbs... The most I ever lost.
    I followed the Abs Diet for a whild and the excersice program and workouts. I ended up going from 216 to 179 lbs went from a size 16-18 to 11 and lost 4 inches in my arms. All this took nd a whole year!! But I didn't give up I kept pushing through.

    I ended up injuring my right knee and right shoulder so I had to lay off but gained a lot of weight back just due to not working out as much as I did before... But I'm back in the game. :) You can do this.
  • PatriceHrabowskie
    It might be going much slower than you like, but you lost SOMETHING. Keep that in mind, give it time, and by time I mean more months, try eating more ways and other healthy foods.
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Sorry for all the typos..... my touch screen is super sensitive. ;)
  • dcordy
    dcordy Posts: 5 Member
    Just saw a quote... "Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress...... is progress! Don't give up!
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    You look so beautiful in your photo!!! Please hang in there honey, I have been trying to lose weight my whole life & FINALLY by being on MFP I have lost 7kg - but I'm still classified as obese so I have a long way to go. It's not easy but my advise is to continue to stay under your calorie count & add wherever exercise you can (assuming the baby in the pic is yours you'll be working around a little person, or more than one, so that's a feat in itself!!) - over time it has to get results for you!!!
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    You aren't taking ownership and accepting all the support people are offering. I know there are people on low budgets who eat very well. If you have enough money for McDonalds a couple times a week you have time to eat basic nutritious food, use free resources, get walking/running and fill some water bottles with rocks or sand and start lifting. If you buy in bulk and get creative, I know you can do it. Remember, only you can decide.
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    I mean, I dont come hear to talk unmotivated people out of giving up because nothing anyone says here is going to keep you going if you dont have the drive to suck it up and move forward.

    Now, that being said, I CAN sympathize with not losing what you thought you would. So now the real work begins. I can't see your food journal but I would suspect the answers lies in what you did or DIDNT put in there. Do you need to rethink the types of food you eat? Do you need to consider a different plan? Low carb, high carb? cut out the sugar? should you try going vegan?

    No one can answer these questions for you. In short, try harder, keep fighting for it. Did you gain 5 pounds every single month? Probably not. You're not going to lose it every month either.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    I ve lost inch off my waist and thigh.

    what are you complaining about exactly?

    you didn't get fat overnight. it won't come overnight (or even in a month)

    if you wanna be fat and unhealthy, be fat, but that's all on you.
  • Rylansmommy12
    You aren't taking ownership and accepting all the support people are offering. I know there are people on low budgets who eat very well. If you have enough money for McDonalds a couple times a week you have time to eat basic nutritious food, use free resources, get walking/running and fill some water bottles with rocks or sand and start lifting. If you buy in bulk and get creative, I know you can do it. Remember, only you can decide.

    Your right i should nt of got mc ds but i cant walk or run where i live due to we have shootings daily but i need to try to find a trail.
  • sgoessling
    sgoessling Posts: 119
    This is from my blog I just started (http://theamazingslimmingsarah.blogspot.com/). I am hoping it might have some good advice, please dont give up. the fact that you have kept up and fought for an entire month is everything! Please add me. My starting weight was 196 and I am down to 186, and I think we can help each other :)

    My Greatest Pal

    My Fitness Pal is a FREE website used to track your food. It counts calories, protein, fat, whatever you need it too. It also calculates your exercises, then at the end of the day tells you what you would weigh in 5 weeks if you did the same thing everyday. But you can not simply sign up and log your food/exercise and expect greatness! You need to know how to get the most of of it

    1. USE THE FORUMS! MFP has a great community full of people who want to offer adivce and motivation and that need advice and motivation. Be warned hardly anyone is a professional, so do your own research, but nothing wrong with recieving tips from people who have "been there done that!" Make sure you go to the "Introduce Yourself" forum and start a topic. Talk about your goals, why you are doing what you are doing, and also ask for friends!

    2. ADD LOTS OF FRIENDS! This isn't facebook. You don't have to be afraid of strangers! Everyone on the site is there to help you. I have almost 200 friends, and some of them are like family already. You will notice that people refer to their friends as their "MFP Family". Thats because you truely bond with a lot of people instantly. You see them fight and struggle and win and it makes you want to do the same. Have a good day, and people congratulate you and give you lots of praise! Bad day? Instant love and motivation. We always have people in our "real life" who try to support you, but they just dont understand what you are going through as well as your MFP family will.

    3. FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE! Its not for others, it is for you. Having to write why you are fighting everyday, what your goals are, your motivation, is an important step. Then when ever you feel low, you reread it and get re motivated.

    4. MAKE YOUR DIARY PUBLIC! I know, it stinks when you have to eat badly, but by knowing that everyone is going to see my diary, I behave better. But even when i have to be naughty, no one ever yells at you! Everyone understands because EVERYONE has those days. Another benifit is people can offer advice on some different food options

    5. DO NOT LIE ON YOUR DIARY! and yes, "forgetting" to log something is lying. Even though it puts pressure on you to eat right by making it public, don't lie and said you had a turkey sandwich when you really had a bad day, and had to eat a big mac. Logging it lets you know exactly how bad something is for you. When I logged a big mac meal, I haven't eaten it since. This is a learning experience. If you lie, you are hurting no one but yourself. Let me repeat this EVERYONE WILL HAVE BAD DAYS!!! Tt is the ability to be able to learn from mistakes and MOVE ON that will be the most important to your journey

    6. DO NOT TRY TO GO FOR 1200 CALORIES A DAY!!! That is starvation mode. So yes, you will lose at first, but then your body starts freaking out. My beachbody coach sent me to this calorie calculator. Once you fill it out it will give you 3 options. Do not do the extreme weightloss because that number is YOUR OWN starvation mode number. Customize your goals and shoot for that. Mine is 1900

    7. NOW POST LIKE CRAZY! Every time you are happy/sad/proud/ mad POST a status update. All those friends you have added will help you! Also, return the favor, and take a little time to praise and motivate your MFP family. You will keep yourself and other motivated! When i felt like a failure i posted and got 10 messages about how I inspired people and how proud they were of my hard work (shout out to my MFP family love you guys!!)

    MFP is an amazing website. No matter what your health goals are, there are people trying to do the same. It is so awesome that I have become a hardcore MFP cheerleader and recommend it to EVERYONE. Sign up today, and get ready for a lifestyle change!
  • gacfree1
    If you look at a 2lb per month weight loss by the end of the year you will have lost 24lb and be 170lb plus with the inches lost you'll be a fox. I started on my weight loss journy a year and two months ago and am down 45 lbs with another 45 lbs to go. I get some help from a supplements I get from my local health food store called African Mango. Maybe it would help you? I don't know because everyones physiology is different. I do know that it is too early for you to give up. Hang in there and be very proud of the inches lost!!!! That is key. Good Luck.
  • Rylansmommy12

    I ve lost inch off my waist and thigh.

    what are you complaining about exactly?

    you didn't get fat overnight. it won't come overnight (or even in a month)

    if you wanna be fat and unhealthy, be fat, but that's all on you.

    yes it is on me thanks hun!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    First of all your little man is adorable, my Rylan is now 10 years old.

    Second thing I see is that you use quick add calories alot. I am not familiar with those, but I am of the belief that it is best to eat real food. You also have quite a lot of processed and boxed foods.

    My recommendation is if you need the quick add calories limit it to once a day. Get some fruit, vegetables, nuts, even whole grain breads or rice. Dried fruit is great.

    You can do this.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    exercise isnt nessisarily the best for weight loss
    have you ever tried low carb?
    i was 171 two years ago and found low carb
    i literally felt the same way you do
    first i did a twelve step program called FA
    then did low carb
    then did vlc
    then did low carb again
    im sorry i feel for you hunny
    feel free to add me
  • kyomoon
    kyomoon Posts: 30 Member
    I Like to cook and i eat as clean as i can. I Do not have a bunch of money for food $80 for two weeks but when i get a job i will be able to put $50 more in which that will bring me to $130 but i really do want to eat clean. Maybe you can tell me some foods that are not out my budget.

    I completely understand about being on a tight budget I have a weekly household budget of $75/week to feed a scrawny 16 yr old girl with the metabolism of a hummingbird and the appetite of a bear; a 7 yr with the same problem, a cat & myself. I shop at 7:30 am to get the deals... like 30% off meat. It's good meat & it will keep longer... it just needs to be frozen. The Wal-Mart Supercentres up here have so I'm assuming the ones in the US do as well.

    You can also find day old bread at 50% off as well as discounted dairy items that are nearing their "best-before" date. This stuff is still good. I keep the eating loaf in the fridge & the extra in the freezer.

    I think some of the problem with the groceries maybe in what you are buying, for example, a can of sweet corn (a generic brand) is about $1.28/can and has about 2.5 half cup servings ($.51/serving) meanwhile a 2lb bag of frozen corn costs about $3.78 and has about 10 (1/2 cups serving at $.40/serving). Not only do you have a bit of a cost savings but it's also better for you than canned veggies. No sugar, no preservatives, no BHP from the can linings. Frozen veggies are frozen as soon as they're picked preserving all their goodness and lets not forget that all important fibre that seems to be missing from your diet.

    You need to really look at what you are spending your money on, food-wise that is, and look at the stores in your area and really evaluate the prices. I live in Edmonton, Canada and we have a store called H&W that sells nothing but produce... now the produce isn't perfectly shaped but I'm not putting it on display... I go there cause the prices are usually pretty good. Green peppers for 99cents/lb as compared to $1.67/lb at Superstore or Wal-Mart... $.79/lb for apples when they're about $1.29/lb everywhere else. There may be something like that in your area that you don't know about.

    Here's a SUPER cheap meal my kids love & is filling:

    1 box generic mac'n'cheese - $ .50
    1/4lb lean ground beef (at 30% off of course!) - about $ .92
    4 tomatoes diced - about $1
    1/2 a red onion - $ .30
    1 finely dice jalapeño pepper - $ .05
    1/2 a bunch of cilantro - $ .25
    1/2 lime - $ .17

    How to put together:
    1. Dice up all the fresh stuff, squeeze in the lime juice and add a little salt to taste & put in the fridge.
    2. Fry up the beef.
    3. Cook up the mac'n'cheese as usual.
    4. Put the fried beef & the cold veggie mix into the mac'n'cheese

    About $3.19 for the whole meal feeds all three of us and I have leftovers for lunch the next day. The big bonus here is it's a WHOLE lot cheaper than hamburger helper AND whole lot healthier.

    Don't EVER give up. Just remember NOTHING is impossible you just need to step back and look it the problem from a different angle.