How many people know you're doing this?



  • ashleyconstantine
    ashleyconstantine Posts: 73 Member
    My husband.
    That's it.
    He actually joined the site, and is now doing this with me. :D
  • giftogab
    giftogab Posts: 29
    My cousin told me about this, and I have been telling friends and family as well. I encourage them to check my stats and see what I eat...Honestly I could care less what anyone thinks. This is not a Diet, this is me changing my eating habits and incorporating exercise into my life, which I have not done in a very very very long time. If they have something negative to say, that's their problem. I bask in my own glory, I am doing for me and not them. Yeah I ate a brownie last night for desert....what of it. Im the one working out, Im the one changing my life, I post everything to possibly help others. With so many negative people in the world, you would have to expect negative words about everything in your life, just keep enjoying MFP, make some new friends, motivate others, and DO FOR YOU.
  • JessicaPiche89
    JessicaPiche89 Posts: 59 Member
    I haven't told many IRL friends. I have a group of awesome friends in a moms group that are doing the same so we support each other. It is nice when I post new pictures of myself and have IRL people tell me how awesome I look and how much weight I have lost. :)
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I only am friends with one person on this site and IRL. I like it this way, it's more personal and I don't have to worry about IRL ppl getting offended or questioning me or facebook like drama that can occur.
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    Everyone knows it, and I said that this a lifetime change and I do it slowly Everyone was supportive. Some of them didn't understand first, why I eat quite everything, but I am not criticized. I even post photos of my food on my insta, and everyone can see what I eat.:)
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    I don't tell anyone. my family knows b/c they always give me the snide remarks, "ohh go log your calories" or I would just look like a freak frantically pushing in "stuff" on my phone after every they have to know.

    no wait, I told someone from my fb list just last night i do it only bc i saw she also does it...but she never added me. which I'm fine with...

    sometimes I just don't want all my worlds colliding. i figure if people are smart enough, they can figure it all out on their own, they don't need my "oh I do this" comments. besides, i like watching people do their crazy vinegar, juice, no carb, magic pill, raspberry ketone diets all the time. it saves me the time in trying them and wasting my money. :p
  • sandiegosummer
    I have only told a couple of friends about my commitment to getting healthy and losing weight. One of whom I told b/c I really admire her lifestyle and wanted her to know I wanted in on the hikes, kayak trips, yoga parties and a body pump buddy. The other I told b/c she understands having struggled with weight herself and knows better than to comment or judge.

    Everyone else - esp my male friends--- know nothing. I mean they know I go to the gym everyday, but so does everyone else we know so it's not a big deal. As far as eating and drinking ... I am doing less of it but no one's noticed or said anything thankfully!

    I am looking forward to the time when I don't have to "tell" anyone i am getting fit ...they'll just be able to see it :):)
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Everyone. Friends, Colleagues, Followers on Twitter and Facebook friends (because they get my updates automatically.)
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I've posted on FB that I'm doing MFP, so any friends who've taken notice know. I have a few real life friends who are friends with me on MFP, and my husband knows I'm doing this. I understand the feeling of not wanting people to know b/c you don't want them critiquing everything you put your mouth. And people seem to give unwarranted advice, which is so annoying. It's still good to let people know, b/c it holds you accountable. People know, and you don't want to let them down. If they give unwanted advice, just smile and nod. Tell them you have some leftover calories or you haven't had a cheat day in awhile.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I am with you on this. Only my husband, kids and 1 friend who is also on this site. And for the same reasons, other wise i get "should you be eating that" or "are you counting that" which is what i got when i was on WW.

    I don't care if people know. I don't necessarily broadcast it, but I don't hide it either. And my 14 year old son asked me the other day whose Coke was in the fridge. I told him it was mine. He thought he needed to give me crap about it. Sigh... If I want a Coke, I'll have a Coke. It's been in in there for weeks, he's just been gone (on vacation with his dad & step mom), so he hadn't noticed it.
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    I let everyone know....keeps me accountable, plus several of my friends have joined with me. So we are doing the plans together and keeping each other motivated. fact, several girls I work with are on here. Not that I'm not an honest logger, but if I forgot something...they will remind me. :o)
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    I do this. I say nothing 'cept.. I've made a life style change. I put down the lame for the lift. If I snitch at a family function I let it slide. LIFE will always happen. Its not a friggin diet its a life style.
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    My partner knows- he lives with me.
    My mother and brother and ex boyfriend know- They've always given me crap about being overweight and I turn their negativity into positive motivation.
    My friend John knows- He was my weight loss buddy before I joined here. We'd have weekly weigh ins and discuss technique.

    That's it.

    Once someone saw me scanning food into my food diary and asked why. I said "so I can log the calories." She asked "are you on a diet?" I said, "no just keeping track of what I eat."

    I'd rather not tell anyone I am trying to lose weight as a by product of treating the body the way I should. Too many questions and unsolicited advice.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    1) If I have the odd bit of chocolate, or a biscuit or something, I don't want people saying 'I thought you were on a diet'!

    If people who know I am watching what I eat comment about something I eat that THEY think is inappropriate, now I can actually be proud of myself and tell them that I've worked it into that day's or week's plan, because watching what you eat doesn't have to mean giving up everything you love to eat. With that perspective, we might even convince other people that eating healthy doesn't have to feel like a punishment!
  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    Very few people and for a very good reason. While my medical doctor has bugged me for years about my weight, it wasn't until I started going to a chiropractor for back pain -- which none of the medical doctors fixed -- that I finally found someone sincerely concerned about ME. He and his whole staff were so kind, caring, uncritical, supportive, on-and-on, that I finally got started. After the first ten pounds, I actually told the chiro guy about that little success and asked him to please not say anything about it to his team. When I had lost an even 30 lbs and went in for my bi-weekly appointment, one of his staff asked me, "Have you been loosing weight?" That was the best "high" ever! Well worth keeping it quiet to get a boost like that.
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    I tell anyone and everyone who listens or cares. It helps keep me accountable. I don't go overboard with details, but let people know I'm eating a healthier diet and if they ask questions, I tell them about MFP. Some don't care, some offer support, others watch from a distance as if they're going to catch me failing. But in the end, it's my choice, and it's now a healthy one!
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    Not many. The friends/family I've told really weren't too interested so I just decided to keep it to myself. They'll find it eventually if they really want to make a change.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    not many people know I'm on this site... mostly because I'm tired of everyone *****ing me out for counting my calories... You're so thin already, you don't need to watch what you eat! Geeze don't you exercise enough already? You keep building muscles, you're going to look like a man... blah blah blah.

    I love my MFP peeps - they're the ones who get that I need to keep getting better! (not thinner)

    My family = gets facebook... I get MFP. :-D

    THIS exactly! How do they think we've gotten the bodies we have? My family also thinks I'm too skinny already. Um, no... I'm just the only one in the family who is at a healthy body weight. Because of all the hard work and calorie counting. And yes, I need to continue all that exercise to tone my body and keep it that way.
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    Great question. Um. Not sure.

    I had some members of my parish ask if I was losing weight. It was only after about 5 lbs and I shrugged it off. I guess I don't like announcing my weight to the world. I feel it is my struggle. If I think the person would be a help and encouragement, I don't mind them knowing. If I know someone might be less than helpful and start making unhelpful comments or start telling everyone ... I don't mention anything.

    I'm a single guy and haven't told family. Like some other posters mentioned, I have certain people who scrutinize everything I eat (Mom, I'm 37 years old now...).

    I have some real life friends who I "friended" on here ... so they know.
  • brandy2076
    brandy2076 Posts: 37 Member
    Its kind of personal and I'm not doing it for anyone other than myself so I don't really make it public. If someone asks, I let them know. But I don't open with "Hi, I'm Brandy and I'm changing my lifestyle. Nice to meet you." People see the difference and ask. I say I am just watching what I eat and being more active. Usually enough to make them happy.

    But my sister and I are doing it. She lost 100lbs and I've lost about 23lbs and so its going pretty well!