How many people know you're doing this?



  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I don't tell anyone for the same reasons that I don't want to be judged or have people watch what I eat- I KNOW I'm doing well, I don't want other people's opinions on how to do it and quite honestly the fact that a lot of people haven't said anything about my very obvious 13 kg loss goes to show how supportive they would be.

    On the other hand, when people do notice they can't really appreciate how hard I've worked for it because they don't know what I'm doing so they think it's been much easier than it has and I must just be somehow lucky to lose weight so easily!
    ^This. But my family knows and a few of my closer friends. I still get the "should you really be eating that" or "oh your not going to eat that?" from my mom occasionally. Since I have been pretty successful its okay, but if I put on weight Im sure that would be a little embarassing.
    What bothers me is that when people whine about being overweight and ask me what I am doing, I tell them enthusiastically about the site and offer to help them set up their account and calculate cals/day. Then they never get going with the weight loss or dont bother to take my advice. I guess ppl will lose weight when they are ready.
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I have told mom and sister and friends I see often. the day I signed up to this site I shared site info on facebook and explained what it was. I have not shared my weight or how much I have lost on facebook (a few friends know). I have been sharing a workout challenge that I am doing on facebook. no one really seems interested to try the workouts or this site for that matter. unfortunately I think they want to hear that I am taking diet pills or starving to lose weight. when some people gave noticed my size getting smaller and asked what i do, I can see the disappointment when I tell them just exercise and changing eating habits. everyone wants that magic pill!
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    I've told everyone and even gotten a few people to join the site. The only thing that I don't like about my journey this time around is that people are giving me unsolicited info and some are even trying to sabotage my progress. I'm gonna prove them all wrong and push forward.
  • I haven't told anyone except my parents and my boyfriend. I would rather not tell anyone, for mainly the reasons that you have mentioned.
  • Tors1984
    Tors1984 Posts: 25
    Morning all,

    I was just wondering how many people you have told about this site, that you're trying to lose weight, etc?

    I have only told my husband that I'm actually calorie counting and a friend who is on here already and recommended the site to me. I mentioned in passing to my Mum that I'm eating healthily at the moment ready for the IVF, but not that I'm trying to lose a bit of weight.

    I don't want to tell people this time round for several reasons:

    1) If I have the odd bit of chocolate, or a biscuit or something, I don't want people saying 'I thought you were on a diet'!
    2) It's not a diet, this is now my new way of life - eating healthily and treating my body the way it should be treated.
    3) I am losing weight at a nice and slow pace and am focusing on being healthy, rather than losing weight quickly.

    What are your thoughts? :)

    I totally agree.
    I've told my parents and a few friends that I trust. I'm also trying to overcome BED which all my friends and even my family have insisted is just a lack of self control and that I shouldn't be asking for help for it, which you can imagine makes things difficult. That and some of my friends will wave chocolate in my face every time I pass within a day of me saying the words 'losing weight'

    I used to have BED so if you ever want to have a chat, let me know! I have had a few lapses since having treatment for it, but I would say more in the opposite way, where I've gone to the extremes of not eating enough, but I haven't had a proper binge binge with that uncontrollable feeling for about 8 years now! It's not a lack of self control, it's a demon to fight! I'm here if you need me!!
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    My husband and my mom know. That's it. I don't like people knowing as I feel that opens things up for judgement. In my opinion, it's really no one's business what your personal goals are especially if they are not going to contribute to them in a positive way or add support. Just me though.
  • Tors1984
    Tors1984 Posts: 25
    No one except for my husband and a family member that also uses MFP.
    I feel like I am not taken seriously by anyone else because the only person that sees the effort im putting in to this is my husband.
    And weight loss is personal for me! Ive always been the chunky girl.

    Just so you know, you look beautiful in your profile picture!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    It isn't a secret anymore, I'm just about 1/2 the size I was two years ago so people tend to notice!!!
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    My mom, my sisters, my boyfriend, and three of my friends from school..that's about it, I don't have a problem telling anyone, it just never comes up that much.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    People know I'm losing weight, I comment occasionally about my running, but I try not to talk about it like it's the only topic I can come up with. I don't want to antagonize people or bore them, I just let the results do the talking. If they ask about something, I will certainly answer, but I rarely bring up the subject, myself.

    It's like when you're a new mom and so much of your baby's health and the quality of your day depends on the baby's poop. No one gets this unless they are in the same boat. Don't talk about baby poop or fitness unless that person is knee deep in it, themselves.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I play it down but the more you lose the harder it is to hide!
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    my nuclear family knows, just because they see me eating better and working out. my best friend, because i recommended the site to help her gain weight. i posted my ticker on my art forum blog, but very few people watch me on there so maybe three more other than that.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    i honestly don't know what there is to tell really...i'm not on a diet. I'm just eating better. People know i log calories but only because they ask how i lost weight and i tell them because i watched my intake. I don't see it as anything to keep a secret because it's just a way of life...
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    I tell people who care enough to listen- mostly family. So far, everyone has been very supportive (although not all understanding, as I'm one of the few average sized people in my family).

    If anyone tries to put me down because of it, I just tell them that I don't want to listen to their negativity and to have a good day! :wink:
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    I have told several people and have a few of my hometown friends on MPF. I have told my BF who is VERY supportive and although he's not on here himself, he tries to eat healthy and helps me watch what I'm eating. Checking before going to make dessert to see if I have enough 'points' he calls it or if instead of a homemade pie or something we should have cut up fruit. :blushing: He's so good to me...

    I've even told my mom and best friends hoping to get them involved. But they all doing their own things at the moment.

    I'm also telling people about it because I LOVE the support I get. I tell them when talking about MPF that it's a lifestyle and not a diet. Most people on here are aware of that and everyone is super helpful. I just love it.
    :flowerforyou: So... thank you everyone!
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    When I rejoined Weight Watchers in October 2010....I only told my husband. I had done WW before only to quit and regain the weight. But after losing a few pounds this time I started to tell everyone. I AM making the choice to change my life for ME. Now that I have joined MFP I tell everyone. I'm trying to encourage my sister to join also. People see that I am living a much healthier lifestyle and most embrace my changes...a few however are "downers" and seem envious. I try to encourage everyone who asks me how I've lost the weight. My answer to them....healthier food choices and exercise!!

    My husband is my biggest supporter and the love of my life!! My mother on the other hand always seems to be trying to feed me!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    My wife is the only one who knows about MFP. I don't discuss my fitness/weight loss goals with friends and family because it's a personal journey for me. They've noticed that I'm losing weight/getting more fit, and if they comment or ask about it, I basically just say I'm eating a little less and moving a little more. I don't want the kind of "support" most people would provide, which is either spouting disproven diet/fitness myths or being judgmental.

    To be completely honest, I've never been a big "support group" person for any of my personal goals. I'm very self-motivated and am my own worst critic. I'm doing this for me, not for anybody else, and I'm really not interested in friends/family's vision or opinion of my goals or how to accomplish them. I can obtain all the encouragement (or criticism!) I need simply by looking in the mirror. I don't share my goals or accomplishments on Facebook because I don't want/need people clapping their hands and saying "Yay, you lost another pound, congrats!". That's my own little silent victory when I look at the scale, or see it reflected in the measuring tape or skinfold calipers. It matters more to me than it does to any of them because I'm the one feeling the improvements and reaping the benefits.

    People who aren't on this same journey wouldn't understand (or care about) the satisfaction we feel when we hit our calorie goal and macros for the day....or when we rack the last weight or use our sweat-dripping finger to hit the "stop" button on our HRM at the end of another good workout. The ones who would like to lose weight or get in better shape themselves but lack the drive or guts to do anything about it would rather see you fail, because misery loves company. The only motivation I get from negative people like that is to focus more intently upon my goals and drive myself even harder to succeed, so I don't have to look in the mirror and silently tell myself that I'm just like them.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Haven't really told anyone personally, but they obviously notice something is up when they see me..and then, it turns out to be the whole topic of our conversation :noway:
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    Not many....Most don't understand why I would want to lose weight or eat healthy because I'm "small" already. So I just do my own thing and keep it to myself. Plus I don't want to hear about your shakes, meals, pills, or whatever crap you are doing that works so "great".
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Since I have started losing weight more and more people are finally noticing that I am smaller. When they ask about the "secret weapon", I tell them all about MFP! I love this site, why not share it! Make the world a better place!