Beautiful Blues



  • mrwatson
    I haven't felt the need for a water bottle since I work out at home. I have been thinking about getting one to take to work and haven't done it yet.

    I have trouble fitting exercise in on the days that I work. I also have a love/hate for Jillian and have put her away for now. I received a pair of Sketcher Shape Ups for Christmas and have started wearing them. I have also done the 30 minute workout that comes with the shoes. However, I know I am not getting enough cardio with these activities.

    I am considering joining a gym and/or buying a treadmill or recumbant bike to use while watching tv. I have found some reasonably priced used equipment and January is the time most gyms offer big discounts. I really don't want to be one of those people that pays money to a gym they never visit or uses the treadmill in their living room as a clothing rack. I am weighing my options closely. I love hearing about your exercise experiences.

    Great minds must think alike...I went out in search of sugar free Swiss Miss today too...before seeing the posts:happy:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Morton's neuroma is an enlarged nerve in between two foot bones, in the area near the toes. I actually have 3 in my right foot. I am almost done with the treatments for them, which is getting denatured alcohol shots in them every two weeks. I started this treatment in July, and it gets a little old, getting 3 shots in your foot every two weeks. I hope it is successful, as I do not want to do surgery. And - when that foot is done, I have at least two of them on my left foot to start on. An even bigger pain is that the dr. is 25 miles away. I will be so glad when the whole thing is over.

    It is very cold tonight. We just got home from church, and I am so glad to be in. The wind chill is below zero. We may not see double digits on the thermometer again until Saturday. I think I will go dig out long underwear to wear to work tomorrow.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My favorite water bottle: Thermos Nissan Intak

    My favorite hot/cold bottle that I use constantly for hot tea: (It will keep it very hot for at least 8 hours.) Thermos stainless steel backpack bottle

    They both do not leak at all when I throw them in my bag. A little pricey, but I love them enough it was worth it!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    mrwatson- I just got a used treadmill and when I got it my husband said as soon as it starts collecting stuff I have to re-sell it. I agreed and it hasn't sat out and not getting used since I have gotten it. I have it so I can watch TV at the same time and it does make the time go by so much quicker. It gets loud when like my hubby is on it and I'm trying to watch TV but I try and do something else while he is on it.

    So today I decided to do the wii fit I didn't burn as much for calories but it felt good doing some hula hooping and just having fun with my hubby for a little bit before he went to bed.

    Its also cold here and we have snow. I LOVE living in MN however. :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    I want to confess.... I lost control this morning for whatever reason. But I thought of you all and I am done. I'm not gonna say "Just start over tomorrow", I'm going to finish out the day better than I started it food wise. I write this to you all in hopes that it will help me be accountable for my actions. Not sure if I'll be able to work out today but I can take control of the food I put in my mouth.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I want to confess.... I lost control this morning for whatever reason. But I thought of you all and I am done. I'm not gonna say "Just start over tomorrow", I'm going to finish out the day better than I started it food wise. I write this to you all in hopes that it will help me be accountable for my actions. Not sure if I'll be able to work out today but I can take control of the food I put in my mouth.

    Remember, if you stumble, don't even fall all of the way down, just get back in balance and keep on keeping on! You can do this - I'm proud of you! "I'll start over tomorrow" should become the least used sentence in the English language for us!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin all

    I have had this real bad wierd headach for 4 days and nothing is getting rid of it. I can not bend over or even cough without pulsing pain running to my head. i just don't know what to do
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mornin all

    I have had this real bad wierd headach for 4 days and nothing is getting rid of it. I can not bend over or even cough without pulsing pain running to my head. i just don't know what to do

    If you have tried everything, maybe you should go to the dr,
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    I want to confess.... I lost control this morning for whatever reason. But I thought of you all and I am done. I'm not gonna say "Just start over tomorrow", I'm going to finish out the day better than I started it food wise. I write this to you all in hopes that it will help me be accountable for my actions. Not sure if I'll be able to work out today but I can take control of the food I put in my mouth.

    Remember, if you stumble, don't even fall all of the way down, just get back in balance and keep on keeping on! You can do this - I'm proud of you! "I'll start over tomorrow" should become the least used sentence in the English language for us!

    Thank you Mary!! You made me smile. I am planning a workout DVD tonight, maybe more snow shoveling too :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning beautiful blues,

    Chrissy- You go girl~ You inspire me to want to work out harder, so thank you! I just got back from the gym this morning and did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 23 minutes on the elliptical. I can't believe I'm running 30 minutes in the treadmill. Trust me it took me 4 months to train my body to get to this point, but I feel so powerful and my body now does it effortlessly.

    Mrwatson- Great idea on trying different options for exercise. I find that for me it is best to exercise in the morning because it is done and over with and I don't have to think about it for the rest of the day.

    Taradise- Stay warm in the snow and I also go through days when I do not want to work out. What I do is read about people's success and picture myself doing it. I'm also kind to my body and instead of 2 hours, I'll do 1 hour of something. I think the important thing is to keep your body moving and finding different exercise options. Maybe try a new workout dvd. You can do it! I've been discouraged this week about the scale, but I've decided I'm not going to pay attention to it. I know my clothes are looser, I feel leaner, and I can run longer. The scale will adjust itself in a couple of days. I can try different things like do different exercises, look at my food closer, and really look at the amount of water I'm drinking.

    smadag- sorry, I don't know much about headaches. You should definitely check it out by a doctor, because depending on where the pain is, it might be really serious.

    msh0530- Take care of yourself and sending warm wishes for your foot's recovery.

    debnu- Enjoy your shopping, this is the best part for me about losing weight. I have a few items waiting for me to lose weight in my closet. I cannot wait!!!

    Here's to us and staying warm and motivated to exercise!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I want to confess.... I lost control this morning for whatever reason. But I thought of you all and I am done. I'm not gonna say "Just start over tomorrow", I'm going to finish out the day better than I started it food wise. I write this to you all in hopes that it will help me be accountable for my actions. Not sure if I'll be able to work out today but I can take control of the food I put in my mouth.

    Atta girl! Don't let that stop you from success the rest of the day!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    My workout today will be Jillian last chance workout or maybe I might try another Biggest Loser DVD then treadmill tomorrow. Or hey I might do both. I just ate double on my cold cereal. I haven't been doing so well on eating lunch lately. I'm not use to eating lunch because I don't wake up till noon or so. I know I know must be nice. I don't go to bed however till 2am. I get more done late at night weird. I'm a different person. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I need to get some housework done also. Does the laundry and dishes ever end that is all I ever do anymore. Maybe I can get a workout by mopping my bathroom floor and cleaning the bathroom today.

    We got some snow today so I might have to go shovel a little bit also today. ugh so much to do so little time. hey I could stay in front of the computer and just stay warm :love: :love: :love:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mornin all

    I have had this real bad wierd headach for 4 days and nothing is getting rid of it. I can not bend over or even cough without pulsing pain running to my head. i just don't know what to do

    Could be congestion--try mucinex but if it doesn't work go to the doctor!! If you can't move you need to get it checked out!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Cross training for me today....hour or strength then 20-30 minutes on elliptical or treadmill - depending on what's open.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I lost control of my emotional eating last night and had way too much food! I am starting fresh again today. I don't even know what I was thinking. All I know is that I really never ever should buy fruit snacks, I can go through a box in no time! I shouldn't even buy them for the kids. I am being good today! (the fruit snacks are gone and I promise not to buy any more!)
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I know several of you have treamills and I am going to get myself one once I get my tax return any suggestions on what kind to get? What do you have?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    look for one with automatic incline not manual and the wider belt - at least 20"
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I got mine from costco a few years ago. It has a wide belt and is long enough that my husband (6'3") can run on it. I really like it. I'd check the consumer reports and see what they say as far as the best and not too expensive. This is the link to the newer version of what I have. I really like the speed controls on the handles, I could have used that! :laugh:

    Wow that is a long link! I bought myself some 15 lb weights today. Never thought I would need those. My exercise for the day is going to be putting away all the case lot sale stuff I just bought. That will be about 20 trips up and down the stairs. Sounds like a workout to me.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • mrwatson
    smadag- How is the headache? I have been having them too. Mine seem to be allergy/sinus related. They have gotten more frequent and intense over the last week so I will probably go back to the doctor to see what else can be done. I hope you have been able to get yours under control.

    Thanks, debnu1 and chrissyh for the treadmill suggestions. I usually try to read reviews and have thought about the automatic incline. I didn't give much thought to the width of the belt. I will try to keep that in mind when shopping.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say howdy. I just got home from swimming, and need to do the dishes and make a menu for a few weeks. Have a good evening!