which do you prefer..... exercising alone or with a partner?

hello fellow MFP...er's
hope everyone is doing great
i have a question for you all
ever since i got into fitness and fat-loss
I've been working out alone
whether at home or in the gym
but now i have found a guy nearly my age and lives close to me
when he asked about how i lost weight an stuff
he got excited and wants to exercise with me
i feel awkward and want to say no.....i think he will drag me down to his level??
what do you think???


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Partner! So many good reasons.

    I miss fewer days
    Enjoy the company
    Always have a spotter that you trust
    Have someone to push you higher
    Will vary the routine
    Will keep the workout on schedule because of the natural rhythm of switching places

    I've found that even when they are on a different level than me, it still works out great as long as they are focused and determined. My current partner is 100 lbs weaker than me on some exercises, but we're having some of the best workouts I've ever had.
  • Alone. I like doing my own thing, in my own time.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i like the idea of working out with a partner since that's how we did it when i played rugby. but outside of training for a sport, i've never met anyone who would be OK with working out at that intensity.i've tried workout partners before and it always ends up being me working out alone anyway because they can't hang.

    you could always give the guy the benefit of the doubt and try a workout together. if it doesnt fit then it's easy to come up with excuses to not do it again
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    I prefer working out alone. But my partner and I do walks together which is really nice.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    alone, doing P90X with one, and he is ALWAYS finding excuses to skip.

    This is my second round, but I'd be done by now if it weren't for him.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I don't workout in the gym. I'm a runner and hiker and yogi, and aside from some weekend hikes with my hubby I'm usually all on my own. I like it that way, and I'm pretty good about pushing myself. However, while we were on vacation back in May, my hubby and I decided to take a run together. Both of us posted our best pace ever for that length run. So maybe there's something to be said for working with a partner.
  • fabfindz05
    fabfindz05 Posts: 92 Member
    If I'm running, especially when the mileage gets to be 8+ miles, I like to have a partner.
    I'm OK with doing DVDs by myself.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Alone. I hate working out and find it to be a thoroughly unenjoyable experience, so I don't want to go through that with anyone else. I was embarrassed when I just happened to pass two friends I know who also run going the opposite direction on the trail last Sunday.

    Also, I'd either be running with people slower than me and I'd be annoyed that they couldn't stay on my pace. Or with people way faster than me and I'd end up over-exerting myself trying to keep up because my competitive self wouldn't be able to let them just go ahead of me.

    I nearly killed myself pushing too hard and fast through my strength workout last Monday because two other people came into the fitness center at my apartment complex. It was a combo of wanting to get out of there as fast as possible and wanting to not look like a loser so pushing myself to do more than I should have.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member

    I've turned down people who have asked me to workout with them and flat out told them that I really like my solo workouts. It is 'my' time and all of them thus far have been understanding.
  • aaronf289
    aaronf289 Posts: 50 Member
    Alone........ seem to BS more and work out less w/a buddy
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Partner! So many good reasons.

    I miss fewer days
    Enjoy the company
    Always have a spotter that you trust
    Have someone to push you higher
    Will vary the routine
    Will keep the workout on schedule because of the natural rhythm of switching places

    I've found that even when they are on a different level than me, it still works out great as long as they are focused and determined. My current partner is 100 lbs weaker than me on some exercises, but we're having some of the best workouts I've ever had.

    i'm with this...
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    Completely dedends on what your doing, imo. Running... yeah, I'd rather do that alone or with someone who will make me push harder.

    As long as you set the tone and keep it sweat focused, working out with a partner is super fun. However, if the tone becomes one of chatty McDoin Nothin...then, heck no.

    In some of my Group Fitness classes there are peeps who try to out jump/out rep each other...and it's all in good heart pounding fun which can make you push just a little harder then you would have if alone.

    If you make it about the workout...and chat later...then helping someone else and having that accountability can be a wonderful thing.
  • ebsshassan
    ebsshassan Posts: 17 Member
    Alone. I like doing my own thing, in my own time.
    i hear you sis !!!
  • ebsshassan
    ebsshassan Posts: 17 Member
    , my hubby and I decided to take a run together. Both of us posted our best pace ever for that length run.
    good for you guys !!! :))
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    when i go for walks, i take my kids.
  • ebsshassan
    ebsshassan Posts: 17 Member
    Completely dedends on what your doing...

    i'm doing my second round of p90x ??
  • definitely with a friend
  • Momma2Beauties405
    Momma2Beauties405 Posts: 32 Member
    I am more consistent when I have a "buddy" ... it makes it more fun AND having someone to hold you accountable!!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I like to workout alone.. but I also workout with a trainer once a week.

    I enjoy my time with my trainer but I enjoy my alone workout time even more!
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    There was a girl who lived next door to me, who would walk the dog with me for over an hour EVERY day. Now she's in boarding school, and we only walk on Sundays after work. With her, I would walk in rain, snow, foul weather, bad moods. Now, I struggle to get out with him at all.

    So, partner. Keeps me motivated. Although, if I'm going to REALLY sweat, I'm happier on my own. I can't run with a friend, unless they will shut up and keep up. Doing weights or gym classes, I would prefer a buddy, though.