

  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Friday Fitness: Drink a freightliner, cargo plane and water tower full of water each day for the next week because last night I went to buffalo wild wings for supper(no wings, naked tenders so no breading and dipped the sauce so not an over abundance but still enough salt to dry up a small lake) and tonight we will be going there again before a pre season bengals football game. I will also up my running days and try for 2 5k runs this week along with 2 short runs. I have to get this weight off to help my legs make it through my running. I'm convinced that it's one major reason I'm struggling with speed and feel so exhausted after going on my 5k runs.
  • Khamani
    Khamani Posts: 4 Member
    That's great keep up the good work.....:smile::smile:
  • CupcakeHarpy
    CupcakeHarpy Posts: 100 Member
    Friday fitness: My back is still in pain, so I'm sticking with the swimming until I can go to the gym and come back without any pain. I am able to do more laps now, so I will begin tracking how many laps and length of time that I'm swimming so that I can see my progress from now on. I'm hoping by the end of the month that I'll be pain free and be able to do more at the gym.
  • Jadsiat
    Jadsiat Posts: 18 Member
    Friday fitness? Now this is a good subject. I would say what I am doing for fitness is just losing weight. I need, or might need, knee replacement and if I can lose weight and become a more fit person, I might not need it. I also try to get to the fitness center twice a week and walk in the pool for 30-45 minutes.

    I won't be posting for a while. Leave for a weeks vacation tomorrow and don't know what the status of posting from the middle of a national forest will be. I wish all of you a happy week and successful weight loss. Take care all.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    @Bellawares - Hope your mom's surgery goes well, here's prayin.

    Friday fitness - I haven't been to the gym in over a week. I don't feel bad about it though. I took the transmission out of my truck, twice *#$*rotten*%&*rat8*#%*c(*&ks*)^*ck(ng*%**pieceOcrap*$##*!!!!. I feel like I've been doing 'mountain climbers' (as my old coach used to say, "You'll do mountain climbers until I throw up") for 2 weeks. I'm going back to the gym first thing tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    @BigAug - Sounds to me like you got a lot of exercise this week given the vehicle situation. And as anyone who read my rant yesterday will attest, I HATE STUFF THAT DOESN'T WORK!! I hope you have the darn thing fixed and that you get to the gym.

    @Lizmil - you mentioned your laptop died and you're doing this from your phone. My hat is off to you. The type on the screen is so tiny on the cheapie Android phone I got last week that I can't read it. Or maybe it's just my old age showing through again. I hope you can get a new laptop soon.

    @monachris - congrats to you on everything you accomplished yesterday. You are hitting it so hard! Do what you can but please also take care of yourself.

    @Robinsegg - thanks for moderating. We are a fast moving motley crew! And I hope you have no more malfunctioning appliances. Any hope of getting your washer back to fully functionality?

    To lots of other folks, hang in there. Frustrations sometimes can be small; other times devastating BUT things will keep changing. Let's make it for the better.

    And to those who wish people would notice they are losing weight, I don't think most people comment. Just as they would not comment when you are gaining weight they just keep their mouths shut. The last time I lost weight a gentleman in a meeting said, you are looking good, you have lost a lot of weight. At that point, he looked like he mentally slapped himself and said, ah, you aren't sick or anything are you? You look healthy. Ha. At that point we moved on to another topic. Just like no one comments on how horrible my hair looks now that I've grown it out to my striped gray, white, light blonde, brown state of affairs and no one said over the last couple of years---wow, you are getting so fat. Likewise no one has said a peep that I might be better a tiny bit smaller. That's fine with me.

    Now for working out this weekend. It's still the same. Stay the course, Do something everyday.


  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    @Christine - Walked Belle and went to the store? That's great! I know it's a lot but you proved to yourself that you can do it. Keep up the good work! :smile:

    @Lauriek - Isn't it so nice to feel appreciated? And by a stanger, no less! What a nice gesture on her part!

    @witchmoon - I had 2 beers last nght and they were delicious. Don't fret, today is a new day!

    @skinnyjeanz - I'd love to be able to run. I tried C25K and was on week one forever. It was just too hard! Maybe I'll try again after I lose more weight. I'm so impressed with your running!

    @JayLee - Mmmm wine. I love that, too! :drinker:

    @Bellawares - keeping your mom in my thoughts.

    Friday Fitness - Going to the gym in a bit and then to work. My legs are sore from yesterday's workout so today is upper body only. Then 2 days off from the gym because I have to work all weekend. :cry:
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Friday - Fitness
    I ride my bike in the rolling hills around my house 3 to 4x week

    75% of my max HR for a good 45 to 58 min. I LOVE it. My dogs come with me =)

    sometimes if its too hot, I like Leslie Sansone but It hurts me feet. Thats why I ride anyway. (it's easy on my feet)

    Have a great day MFP
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    WoW...does this thread move or what? Sorry I have been "lurking" and not really posting allot....Can't keep up:blushing:
    @RobinsEgg: Thanks for all you do for Us!:flowerforyou:
    @Bella: Sorry you have so much on your shoulders right now...Hugs to you!:heart:

    Friday Fitness: Move, Move, MOVE....simple enuff :wink:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    Friday Fitness- My plan for the weekend is to get some walking in. The last few days I have been making up hours at work and looking at houses. Time for some ME time again.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Friday fitness.... I met my goal of getting to the gym 3X this week. I plan to get walks in tomorrow and Sunday though as even the dog is getting a bit too chubby LOL. I plan to stick to my 3X/week at the gym for the month and then will kick it up in September. Just trying to decide on the change and how to fit it into my schedule. Weekends are either really good for me or really bad. As I really have no exciting plans for the weekend it should be a really good one for cause I will be cooking at home. Have my meals planned out and grocery shopping done. I got this....I'm confident!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karen - a feeling of depression is also a common, delayed reaction to general anesthetic. It should go away shortly. Also, up your protein, and stay on a maintenance plan to feed the muscles which were cut and must grow back together - (I was a nurse in a former life)

    Laurie - aaww, what a lovely gesture from the parent to you!

    Doug - thank goodness you were born with your own firehose with all that water you plan to drink! :laugh: :laugh:

    Aug - that's really affection your displaying for your beloved truck, right? :wink:

    Lin - it costs $600 to repair my washer, so no fix, I'll be using the quick wash cycle for everything. Good thing I don't get very dirty in my daily activities - just sweaty!

    Thanks for the kind words everybody. I try my best.

    Friday Fitness. Getting ready to go swimming. That will make twice this week, one short of my goal. Darn! Then I am off to spend the w/e at my best bud's house, and we are going to a nice restaurant on Saturday with some old friends of his. I have to Google the menu and plan ahead. I have been saving up calories and should be OK.
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    My Friday Fitness will be to take a 30 minute walk this may be a little difficult today as I have a board meeting in just a couple of hours and I don't get off work tonight until 7 but I am going to do my best to get it in.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    To The Group:

    Weekends seems to be really difficult with food temptations for lots of people. As I mentioned earlier, one strategy that works for me is: Count Calories and Compensate! Don't go into the weekend with the attitude if you go over your calorie limit on Friday night or Saturday that since you blew it you can continue to blow it for the rest of the weekend. Toughen up on yourself. "The Weekend Off" behavior is just old knee-jerk behavior from your juvenile school-days! Re-think what you are doing to yourself. You are NOT OFF on the weekend. Sure, tempting situations do occur - but you can Count Calories and Compensate.
    What you do is average your caloric intake so that if you exceed your allotted calories one day, you decrease your intake the next two days to make up the difference. Lets say you are on a 1400 calorie a day intake, but you attend a party and have 1900 calories that day. So the next two days you allow yourself only 1150 calories. Net result is an average of 1400 calories over 3 days.
    I sure would like to see Monday come and lots of people report they had a healthy and happy weekend!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    Friday Fitness....I have got to start moving! Everything I type I see as the excuse that it is. So my goal for today is to just keep getting up from my desk more often, go to upstairs offices even if I have no reason to.

    Our new location manager is working on finding us a gym that will give us free membership as part of our safety record. At her office in CO 24 Hour Fitness has partnered with them. In my city there are only a few 24 Hour Fitness gyms so she is trying to find a different one with more locations. I know she has more important things on her mind but I hope she gets this accomplished soon! I don't like working out at home with people around...they are all steps, if it were my kids I wouldn't mind. It is way too hot to go outside - at 9:30 last night it was still 108! This heat has got to break soon!

    Enough whining. Where there is a will there is a way and I must find it!!!!

    I do take a lot of inspiration from you runners and hope that by the time the temps fall I will have lost enough weight to start running again.

    Lots to do today - hope you all have a Fabulous Friday!!!
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    :laugh: I barely hit the submit button and one of our clients came by who needed to correct a labpack that they had sent to us. He couldn't find the dock guy so I had to walk with him clear to the back of our property!!! (I could have called the dock guy - I knew he was probably in his shed taking a break but I chose to walk the guy out there just to get some movement.) Yay me!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    friday fitness, i seem to be burning a lot of calories by cleaning out our garage. i wrote a blog about it the other day :laugh: but we have so much crap in our garage that we haven't been able to park in there since we actually moved in. it's stacked up to the ceiling. so i'm not doing much work besides that. i can't imagine how to appropriately catalog that so i'm just calling it cleaning :laugh:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--yeah, I was originally thinking the same thing b/c I'm half Mexican and I could totally imagine my grandparents (who were native Spanish speakers/ESL) making that mistake.

    yeah, i'm also half Mexican. What part of Mexico is your family from? Anyway, i was thinking that must be what it is. although i get it from people who are clearly as white as can be. but their brains may well have been trained by living here.
    @jtconst - love, love, love the list! My new, midway goal is to lose 77 lbs - a gold brick - and then find the gold brick! :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: sounds like a fair trade to me.
    Thursday Truth...I've lost a little over the weight of an elephants penis & I feel pretty good about it. hehehe

    i've lost an elephant brain. i bet the elephants wouldn't be as happy as we are to be losing these things lol
    Thursday truth...I did bad yesterday and I did not log it because I know exactly how bad I did and I am taking today as a new day.. I will log it when I get home today because I wrote down what I ate. My chaffing is getting better but is not looking better. Might attempt to do some time on the bike tonight. I know the treadmill is still out of the question for now. And I will do my ab/strengthening work out tonight. No matter if I have to do it in my moms room or not!

    I have a suggestion to help against chaffing and you will probably think I am insane, but I swear it works...DEODORANT! (I use Degree) I put it anywhere that my skin rubs and chaffs. It not only keeps the area dry, but it also helps with keeping me from smelling during my workout...LOL!

    this is what i do too. i have a special stick just for my inner thighs :laugh:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Friday fitness! well, I was supposed to get one more cardio in this week but I'm not going to. I still did my Yoga this morning but not doing aerobics tonight. HOT here tday and it's going to stay that way until Monday. I don't feel TOO terribad about it since I'll have 2 aerobics and 6 mornings of yoga completed.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Friday fitness: I continue to walk the dog morning and night then ride my bike after the morning walk. I need to do some upper body training, too, but haven't. I love bike riding too much!!! I'm off to school this afternoon to set up my classroom. It's back to work Monday, so I will have to change my exercise routine around a bit but plan to keep on keepin' on!