

  • trmjnnmln
    trmjnnmln Posts: 4 Member
    Friday fitness: Gym day today. Which will probably be rough since I am fasting but I'm gonna do it anyways. At least I know I will get all of my water in today and then some. :happy: The weekend is full of specific thing that will prevent me from exercising this weekend. But I will remain focused on calories since today is the last day of fasting. Away we go weekend. Good luck everyone and keep reminding yourself. Move, move, move, and when you want that snack or craving.... DRINK WATER and do something else for a few minutes.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    @Robinsegg Good point about better looking skin since eating healthier! My shins used to be rough as sandpaper from the dry skin. (For some reason, they never grew hair, so I don't have to shave there...). I used every lotion and moisturizer known to woman, including good old petroleum jelly! Not only did they stay dry, but were painful to the touch! BUT, six months into drinking at least eight glasses of water, three servings of dairy, five of fruit and vegetables, etc, my shin skin not only wasn't painful, but I can't find the rough spot any more! I'm not sure if it was any one thing or the combo, but I'm grateful!
    I also suspect that I'm in a better mood and smile more. While I am gap toothed, and don't have the prettiest smile, I think laugh lines are prettier than frown lines! :laugh: I'm making more laugh lines every day!

    Friday Fitness-- Well, I woke up with severe leg cramps today. I suspected low potassium level, so I got my "exercise" walking around the grocery store picking out foods high in potassium, as we were pretty much out of everything accept pistachios. No gym today, but I did use five pound hand weights to work on my upper body, so I'm not admitting to failure this week either!
    The leg cramps aren't so severe any more. (I ate two bananas at breakfast, with milk and Cheerios). I'll be drinking plenty of V-8 this afternoon. Hopefully I'm right about the cause, and will be kicking up my heels at Bob's company picnic tomorrow.

    I am a bit disappointed that I can't go see 7th Heaven play tonight. My cousins and I really like that band, and they are playing at St. Zach's carnival. But I'm not driving with leg cramps. My husband even drove himself to work this morning. He didn't think it was such a hot idea for me to actually drive with leg cramps when I didn't want him driving IN CASE his leg cramped up. We aren't REALLY a mess. Our problems are temporary. Our problems are temporary. Our problems are temporary.....
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 216 Member
    I think laugh lines are prettier than frown lines! :laugh: I'm making more laugh lines every day!

    Our problems are temporary.

    Indeed - on both counts!
  • futureonfire
    futureonfire Posts: 32 Member
    Friday Fitness: I've got almost 2 weeks of my eating program under my belt and ready to start adding some exercise! I plan on walking this weekend a total of 4 miles.. 2 2 mile walks:) Gonna do this 4 times this week. Then starting in September I"m taking a boot camp class I got off living social for 4 weeks too! So excited!! Have a great weekend everyone and remember to stay on plan!!
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Hello all, I'm new to the group. I hope it's alright to join since I'm now a tad bit under having to lose 100 lbs (94 as of today!!).

    Friday Fitness:
    Today is my off day, as I've been at the beach last 3 days and I need a day to rest to remember how to walk on solid ground lol. I don't do a lot of exercising, I am mostly just watching my calorie intake and portion control, but really need to start adding in a little bit of exercise at a time. Keeping an eye out for a treadmill or exercise equipment that I can get cheap.

    Plans for eating healthy this weekend... the way I look at it is that my body doesn't know it's the weekend, and is going to act like any other day of the week, so I don't take weekends off or eat badly during.

    Nutrition Goal - Add more fruit and/or veggies throughout the day.
    Fitness Goal - Start walking the dogs more
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    EEGATS! I am soo flippin excited! My baby sister (14) will be home on sunday after being gone the WHOLE summer! I can not wait to see her. I missed her like cah-razy! I will have a work out buddy when she gets back too. She recently hit ONEderland and I am so proud of her. My g-ma got her and my other sister that is living with her a gym membership to the Y which means now that she will be back I gotta get one too! Sorry I just had to let out some of my excitement here because I can't in the office.

    Thank you to everyone for all your helpful suggestions on getting rid of and avoiding my chaffing. It is feeling much better after a ton of Gold Bond powder. I think it was a mixture of chaffing, wrong size underwear, and they soap I had just started using. I am so glad to be able to ask ya'll questions.

    @Skinnyjeans- Thank you for explaining the whole net calories thing to me, I really needed it. I set a personal goal to eat between 1200-1500 cals a day but am not mad if I hit what MFP says. So a net of 1200 after exercise it is. Though it may be a challenge because I work out so late and am normally not hungry afterwards though I do force myself to eat some tuna.

    @Helenatrandom- I think your smile is just lovely! Keep on smilin' you never know if it will catch on or not!

    Friday fitness...As my chaffing is feeling better I think I will definitely get on the bike and will do my ab work out tonight. I didn't get to last night because I had to cook dinner then my mom and aunt had a hankering for cupcake and homemade buttercream icing...:grumble: I did good though I had 3 very tiny cupcakes and barely any icing where as my aunt licked the mixers, the spoon, the icing tip, the bag, and the bowl! :noway: I can't eat too much icing toooo sweet for me. BACK ON TOPIC. I plan to ride the bike saturday and sunday as well and do my ab/strength routine 3x's a week. Thanks a lot of planking and what not.

    Have a great weekend and stay thirsty my friends! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    So I found this awesome quote today and I know it rings true for me! Sometimes you just need a few words to give you a boost. :)

    "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!"
    - Zig Ziglar

    Love the quote!!! Will keep repeating that to myself when I don't want to walk.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon all, hope you're having a great Friday. I really need to vent and it has nothing to do with food. My son was going to pick me up and take me to his house today, I called him to see when he was going to be here, but got his answering machine. Left a message for him to call me. About an hour later he called saying he was here. I still had to make my lunch to take with me and get my portable oxygen, etc. After he honked several times I called him and told him I would be another 5 minutes. When I got out the door he had left!!! I called him and told him I was upset as he hadn't let me know when he was going to pick me and that I was tired of his immature behavior (ok so maybe I shouldn't have said this) and he called me back saying I need to get my facts straight, etc, etc. I hung up on him (ok my immature behavior) he then texted me he was no longer my son and never wanted to hear from me or see me again and that he was tired of all the drama. By this time I had steam coming out of my ears as the only drama going on is started by him. I have been praying for forgiveness for my part and for strength not to feed into his stuff when he pushes my buttons. Ok, I'm done, sorry.

    Have loved all the posts, and would respond to them all but my arthritis is acting up and can't take notes today and have such a short memory.

    Friday fitness is to continue to walk Belle daily despite how my arthritis is hurting. Its going to hurt whether I walk or not.

    Have a good weekend all and use those calories wisely.
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    he then texted me he was no longer my son and never wanted to hear from me or see me again and that he was tired of all the drama.

    @Monarchris- This seriously made me cry. That just upset me so much. No matter what happens (with a few exception) a child should never say that to their parents and vice versa. I hope that he realizes his mistake and rectifies it as soon as possible.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Friday Fitness: I am going to the Farmer's Market tomorrow to buy fresh fruits and veggies and then some of my gal pals and I are going to try out healthy recipes we found online. I picked the Hungry Girl's recipe for spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta with ground turkey meatballs. I will let you know how it works out! I figure I will get a lot of walking in then.

    Update that is Fitness related, remember my Wed Wish that my bf would start wanting to lose weight too? He is going to do breakfast smoothies with me instead of bagels everyday AND he wants to sign up at the gym by our house and start swimming 3 nights a week after work (we carpool). I guess wishes really do come true!
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Update that is Fitness related, remember my Wed Wish that my bf would start wanting to lose weight too? He is going to do breakfast smoothies with me instead of bagels everyday AND he wants to sign up at the gym by our house and start swimming 3 nights a week after work (we carpool). I guess wishes really do come true!

    That is AWESOME!
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Good afternoon all, hope you're having a great Friday. I really need to vent and it has nothing to do with food. My son was going to pick me up and take me to his house today, I called him to see when he was going to be here, but got his answering machine. Left a message for him to call me. About an hour later he called saying he was here. I still had to make my lunch to take with me and get my portable oxygen, etc. After he honked several times I called him and told him I would be another 5 minutes. When I got out the door he had left!!! I called him and told him I was upset as he hadn't let me know when he was going to pick me and that I was tired of his immature behavior (ok so maybe I shouldn't have said this) and he called me back saying I need to get my facts straight, etc, etc. I hung up on him (ok my immature behavior) he then texted me he was no longer my son and never wanted to hear from me or see me again and that he was tired of all the drama. By this time I had steam coming out of my ears as the only drama going on is started by him. I have been praying for forgiveness for my part and for strength not to feed into his stuff when he pushes my buttons. Ok, I'm done, sorry.

    Have loved all the posts, and would respond to them all but my arthritis is acting up and can't take notes today and have such a short memory.

    Friday fitness is to continue to walk Belle daily despite how my arthritis is hurting. Its going to hurt whether I walk or not.

    Have a good weekend all and use those calories wisely.

    I have a sister that acts like this too. The best thing you can do is to ignore his behavior. When they realize it isn't getting them what they want they will try something else (hopefully something better). I hope he calms down and apologizes. No parent should ever hear(read) those words coming from their kids.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    K so I am getting a late start today. Got a new comp tower lst night and since I repel technology we have been working out the kinks, lol. I love reading all the posts on here. Everyone has such a great attitude and I have actually thought to myself a couple times when I was about to be bad, would you want to have to tell everyone about that, so I am getting some great support. My fitness goals for today are to go and walk my dog. This will be after spending the day at the playground with a friend and her little ones. So I have to not let myself use that as an excuse to not go out tonight with the dog. Anyway best wishes everyone and have a great day.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Friday Fitness: I am going to the Farmer's Market tomorrow to buy fresh fruits and veggies and then some of my gal pals and I are going to try out healthy recipes we found online. I picked the Hungry Girl's recipe for spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta with ground turkey meatballs. I will let you know how it works out! I figure I will get a lot of walking in then.

    Update that is Fitness related, remember my Wed Wish that my bf would start wanting to lose weight too? He is going to do breakfast smoothies with me instead of bagels everyday AND he wants to sign up at the gym by our house and start swimming 3 nights a week after work (we carpool). I guess wishes really do come true!

    I used to fix spaghetti squash with meat sauce back when my husband was alive and loved it. Only thing is 1 squash makes too much for 1 person. I don't know if it can be frozen or not. Any one know?
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    he then texted me he was no longer my son and never wanted to hear from me or see me again and that he was tired of all the drama.

    @Monarchris- This seriously made me cry. That just upset me so much. No matter what happens (with a few exception) a child should never say that to their parents and vice versa. I hope that he realizes his mistake and rectifies it as soon as possible.

    Sorry, didn't mean to make you cry. I was just angry and had to vent rather than eat. He is just very immature for 23 and this is the first time he has said this to me although he has thrown lots of temper tantrums.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    I used to fix spaghetti squash with meat sauce back when my husband was alive and loved it. Only thing is 1 squash makes too much for 1 person. I don't know if it can be frozen or not. Any one know?

    I'm not sure if it can be frozen or not, but I figure if I stick it in the fridge and tell my roommates to dig in, it will be gone (two broke college students living with me, they can pay their rent n stuff, but only just so not much left for food) plus when I do make it it will be for me and the boyfriend (if he likes it) so I won't be dining alone!
  • andreabeatty
    @Monarchris - I have a sister who's a lot like this. It lasts until she needs something. It's so hard to go through tima and again, though. I know how hard it is.

    @Robin - I KNOW I need to be beaten with a noodle. The no eating till the afternoon thing has GOT to stop. I am a horrible person without a schedule, and no matter what I can't get into one when I'm not at work. And I keep so much good stuff in the house - lots of fruit, yogurt, oatmeal - that there should be no excuse to be waiting to eat.

    Today I woke up late since I was up until about 5 am, did little things around the house, and was reading for a while and hadn't eaten yet when my husband texted me at noon and told me to try to book a hotel room for the next two nights. I wanted to do this weeks ago but noooooo and he decided today I can get a room for the weekend. Men. Anyway then I was on that mission and then had to run out, go to the bank, the store, blah blah blah and next thing you know it's 3 pm, still havent eaten, and almost drove to Taco Bell. I went home and had a turkey sandwich with some water instead. Then did a bunch of housework since now I'll be away all weekend. Sad that I'd rather spend he money and go to a drive through instead of taking 90 seconds to put together a sandwich, but there you have it.

    As for the 5K, I usually do 3 miles on the treadmill at a speed between 3.7 and 4.0. I walk fast, but never run, and occasionally jog a bit. So I know I am capable of moving this body for 5K! Moving it over a cargo net and though what they call 'chest high water'? Don't know about that. The guy who invited me is my good friend from work, he's been periodically calling me over the summer to make sure I'm staying motivated and keeping on track. Anyway after talking it over with him and my husband I think I am going to do it. Since it's okay to avoid any obstacles you think you can't handle and the people I am going to be with don't care if I look like a mud covered heifer slogging through the weeds I think I'm going to give it a go.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 216 Member
    he then texted me he was no longer my son and never wanted to hear from me or see me again and that he was tired of all the drama.

    @Monarchris- This seriously made me cry. That just upset me so much. No matter what happens (with a few exception) a child should never say that to their parents and vice versa. I hope that he realizes his mistake and rectifies it as soon as possible.

  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @Monarchris- I am so sorry you had to go through that today! My heart hurts for you and your son. ~hugs~ Regarding the squash- I have cut acorn into squares and kept it in the fridge a couple of days. Maybe you could blend some into a smoothie?

    Friday fitness – Well, I got the steroid shots in my hip (this time for the bursitis) yesterday. The doc said I could try to take my walk again today. It is still painful, but I am hoping that the walk will move the medication around in there a bit more. Wish me luck!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I love spaghetti squash. If you are expecting it to be a replica of pasta you'll be disappointed (that's how I felt the first time I tried it). It brings a fantastic flavor to dishes though. I really enjoy it.

    Monachris - I could not reply to your post right away because it really pissed me off. I'm really really close to my mom and absolutely worship her. The idea of someone talking to their mom in such a way is appalling to me. I could never even comprehend saying such hurtful things to my mother. What a bratty drama king. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. {{{{{hug}}}}}