Girlfriends - I Have To Rant Here



  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Slit her throat and put her in a drum of acid. Since she's divorced, it will take a while for people to notice she's gone. Her next outing isn't schedule till Sunday. You could easily remove all evidence by then. You're golden.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    While I do tend toward the passive aggressive, you could also go for the high road of honesty and say "[guy] told me you asked him to brunch on Sunday. You know how I feel about him and would appreciate it if you would persue another guy instead."

    You're ruining all our fun with your grown up responsible answers. Knock it off!

    Never said it was the option I'd take, just that its and option. Personally I'd c*nt punch a b*tch.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Id punch her in the *kitten*.

    LMAO!!! Yes! And then I'd tell her that "something came up" and cancel on da bi!ch.
  • Vitosmom5455
    Maybe he can take her out, and drop her off with me when it's time to get her drunk and dancing on a bar.

    And make sure to post pics on Facebook so everyone can see how gross she is!:bigsmile:
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    sucks you have to work together...I'd just ignore it and move on.
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    Just because you feel sorry for her situation (hers, not yours) you cant let her mistreat you. She's not really your friend if she's trying to F* you. (and they guy you like it sounds like). Kick her to the curb.
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    Call her up, cancel all of your plans telling her that you don't want to put her out, but you have a hot brunch date with a guy on Sunday Morning.

    Agreed..........ORRRRR cancel and then show up at *the* brunch unexpectedly...... she'd poo her pants.
  • supergirlie00
    I would cancel on her last minute due un-foreseen circumstances and have your other friend cancel brunch and you two spend the weekend together! Then come Monday morning tell her you had a great weekend without her two faced self! Or just show up to brunch! :drinker:

    Hope the situation improves!!
  • supergirlie00
    Slit her throat and put her in a drum of acid. Since she's divorced, it will take a while for people to notice she's gone. Her next outing isn't schedule till Sunday. You could easily remove all evidence by then. You're golden.

    LOL wow that was a really twisted suggestion!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Call and tell her (don't ask her) that you know she made plans with the guy, because he told you about it, thinking you would be going, too. Tell her that regardless of how you and he feel about each other, the fact that she felt compelled to sneak around and lie to you about it was manipulative and hurtful.

    The reason I say not to ask her about it, is it gives her another opportunity to lie and gives her control of the conversation. Try to stay calm and reasonable. No screaming or drama. She will respond defensively, for good reason, but stand your ground. Keep it simple and brief, but offer to keep plans with her. Be gracious. You will feel proud of yourself for it, and may possibly repair this friendship.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    Id punch her in the *kitten*.

    Lmao for real, i would tell her that she is not using me to waste my gas on her and to stay at my house knowing that she is lying about having to go home and feed her kids. i mean if she's going to lie on her kids just to get out of hanging out and having breakfast it would make me think what else has she lied about.

    As far as you looking forward to a girl's day i would do it with one of my other friends/family
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  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Always, ALWAYS call someone out on their bad behavior. When they are able to get away with stuff, it enables more and more of that entitled behavior.

    "I know you did XYZ and tried to lie to me about it and I'm not thrilled about furthering a friendship with someone who tries to play me the first chance they get..."
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If this guy is into you the way you think he is, why doesn't he just tell this woman he'd rather it be the three of you? Why worry about her taking it the wrong way when he has time to correct how she will take it? He's under no obligation to this woman -- neither are you. Why didn't you just say "Oh, Bob told me you are going to brunch" when she started talking to you about Sunday morning?
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Id punch her in the *kitten*.

    HAHA. Call her out on it and say "While you're having brunch with X on Sunday, maybe he can take you out all day Saturday too"

    I actually LOVE this idea, because she wants me to take her to art museums and to hear classical music, both of which bore me to tears, but HE would love that crap.
    Maybe he can take her out, and drop her off with me when it's time to get her drunk and dancing on a bar.

    Uhhh no! Shes a lying biotch! I would NOT spend time with her outside of work!
  • sparkle1908
    sparkle1908 Posts: 16 Member
    Call her on it! No need to spend all that time, energy and gas when she's simply using you for what she sees as potential.
    Sorry, I just need to rant. This is ridiculous.

    I have a work friend who is recently divorced with three kids. She married young and never got a lot of time to have fun before she started having kids. Her husband was unstable, so she was never able to leave the kids with him and just get out of the house. She has a family member in town for the week, so she has a baby sitter for the first time in ten years this weekend. She asked me if I would take her out dancing, and I said I'd love to.
    Fast forward to yesterday, when she tells me she also wants to go see an art museum, go out for lunch, etc.. She asks if I'll drive her around for the day, taking her to do all this stuff, and then if she can sleep at my house so she doesn't have to drive 45 minutes out to the boondocks tired and/or drunk. Of course, I said I'd love to have her.
    Last night, a coworker/very good friend/guy I will probably date as soon as one of us finds a new job sends me a message saying this woman told him she was spending the night at my house and asked if he wanted to meet for brunch on Sunday. He said he'd love to meet us, and she said "No, it's only me." He was worried that having brunch with her would send 'the wrong message' to her, and he was regretting saying yes.
    So, this morning, she finds me at work and says "You sleep in late on Sundays right?"
    I told her I usually get up early on Sundays to run, and she told me I would be tired and deserved to sleep late. She would just let herself out early in the morning.
    I told her I had planned to fix her breakfast, and she pretended to consider it for a long time, then said "No, it's your Sunday, you should just rest."
    I told her I would love to fix her breakfast, and she told me she needed to get home to make breakfast for her kids.

    Seriously!? This girl *knows* she's moving in on my territory. I'm not the least bit concerned about her having brunch with my guy, but damn if I'm not pissed that she's going to stay at my house, then ditch me for brunch with my friend, and then lie to me about it!

    I haven't told the guy yet that she lied to me about her breakfast plans, because I don't want him to be upset with her too. But I was looking forward to this girl's day out, and now I'm just resentful.

    Ladies, what would ya'll do!?

    I agree...I wouldn't be her private tour guide knowing full well that she has plans behind my back with someone I am interested in...and if she asks why, then I would let her know...
  • bradenapple
    Let her go. Pretend you are going to sleep in. After she leaves, get up, go to the same place, and when she see's you say, "um i couldn't sleep and since you left I wanted to come grab a bite to eat. I thought you had to go feed your kids?"
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Call that b i t c h out.

    Id punch her in the *kitten*.


    She needs to know she's overstepped her bounds. Tell her that your guy communicates with you, and that you and he are both uncomfortable with this.
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    Be Mature. Just talk to her. Don't make some plan to catch her in her lie, don't go meet up like it's an accident at brunch, and don't start off Saturday as resentful.

    Just talk to her, let her know that you know about Brunch and you aren't sure why she lied to you about having to go home Sunday AM to feed her kids.

    Sometimes it's better just to be honest and have a conversation with someone about what they are actually thinking/feeling.

    If you aren't happy with what she tells you, then tell her so and decide if she is someone you actually want to spend any time with.

    Simple as that.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I fail to see the problem unless you have specifically said he is off limits and she should respect your friendship. I also don't see where she lied to you, it seems more like she omitted a detail.

    I fail to see how the guy is your territory unless you are an exclusive couple, and it doesn't seem like you are based on what you describe.

    If she's interested in him for a relationship or sexually, she can make a move on him. It is up to him to reject her, and it sounds like he will.

    I do think her behavior is somewhat poor form though.

    If she omitted the fact she was going out with him, even platonically, then I would imagine she knew that the OP was interested in this man. Girl rules on this basically are "if your friend likes a guy, you're not to touch him out of respect." It's part of being considered a good friend in that situation. In this case, she's not being much of one by not only demanding so much from her friend, but by sneaking around behind her back with this guy who isn't even interested by trying to force the OP to do something she wouldn't normally so she can sneak away unnoticed. It's backhanded.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    wait a minute.................
    How come coworker/very good friend/guy that you will probably date as soon as one of you finds a new job still said YES to her even AFTER he knew you ladies were going to hang out the day before and AFTER she told him it was only going to be HER showing up at the brunch? (then feels guilty/regret afterwards)

    is he serious about you? and on board with your plans to date after one of you gets a different job? guess i need more clarification is all.