No compliments on weight loss...

So, I am doing this FOR ME, but does anyone else get sick of.people not noticing your efforts? I have lost almost 30 lbs this year and started weight training and gone from a size 16 to a 10. I am 5'8 (and a half) and started at 190 and am almost down to 160. I dropped 15 lbs this summer from working my rear end off and just saw some colleagues I haven't seen since school let out (I teach) and NO ONE commented. No, "Wow, you are looking good" or "Have you lost weight?" I just feel like I am working so hard, and no one notices/cares. I guess I just need an internet hug :/.


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had to lose around 50 lbs and 2 sizes for anyone to even notice. But, people WILL notice. Sometimes people just don't want to comment cause they're unsure if you're ok and stuff.

    Keep it up, the comments will start coming :)
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Yeah, I agree...and perhaps, especially with women and weight being such a sensitive subject, they may not know how to bring it up in the right way. What if you didn't lose any weight, then does that mean they were calling you fat? I mean, people's minds go on all sorts of conflicting ways before they decide to make a comment...especially on a potentially touchy subject.

    Also, then there are the haters. The ones who are so jealous and miserable themselves that they can't bring themselves to say anything nice to you. I love those types...I just smile inwardly to myself and wish them a **** you too...haha.
  • Connieburt
    Connieburt Posts: 7 Member
    ( hug):flowerforyou:
  • Candywoodroof
    So, I am doing this FOR ME, but does anyone else get sick of.people not noticing your efforts? I have lost almost 30 lbs this year and started weight training and gone from a size 16 to a 10. I am 5'8 (and a half) and started at 190 and am almost down to 160. I dropped 15 lbs this summer from working my rear end off and just saw some colleagues I haven't seen since school let out (I teach) and NO ONE commented. No, "Wow, you are looking good" or "Have you lost weight?" I just feel like I am working so hard, and no one notices/cares. I guess I just need an internet hug :/.

    I lost about 60 pounds before I was sick of all the compliments. I had a married man make a comment that was way innappropriate. I don't like all the attention when I lose weight. I want people to notice me for me not for the "skinnier" me. Sometimes I don't compliment others who have lost weight because I don't want them to feel that there is so much emphasis on their now "fit" body. So, don't take it personally. Maybe if you lose a little more people might notice but like you said "I am doing this FOR ME." congrats on your weight loss so far! :flowerforyou:
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    I have lost a ton of weight, and some people are just floored, and some people say absolutely nothing. People are weird about change, I think it intimidates some and makes others uncomfortable. Once, I was laid off for 6 months, and had a lot of time to concentrate on my so I put my effort into weight loss and lost 60+ pounds. I returned to work and one girl was like "Holy cow! You lost a boat load of weight!". Another girl I had been talking to (who hadn't said anything yet) was shocked and said "Wow, you're just right out with it eh?" and then said "I need to do what you did. How'd you do it?" So I think they kind of explains the mindset of some.

    You did this for you. I know compliments are nice. Be patient, they'll come eventually. Stay proud! :D
  • ecrim
    ecrim Posts: 17
    I am also a teacher, and I think there are a couple reasons that people may not be saying anything. First, even though people always think that teachers are the kindest, most nurturing people, the truth is that we often treat each other terribly. I would rather spend 3 hours with 100 high school students than spend 10 minutes with 10 teachers. There are probably many people who notice but are so jealous and insecure that they don't say anything. The other thing is that a lot of teachers are super stressed out right now. They may be so focused on getting ready for students that your success hasn't registered on their radars. Be patient.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm actually glad people dont fawn all over me for losing weight.i'm doing it for health reasons so i think it's weird if people would make a big deal out of it. i also get yearly pap smears and visit the dentist twice a year, i dont need anyone congratulating me on those things either
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    First off, congrats.

    I know some don't like to say anything out of fear of why you are losing weight. My uncle has lost a lot of weight because hes been battling cancer, so did my grandma.
    My mom had lost 70 pounds when my uncle, the one battling cancer, approached her about it. He actually waited until she was alone and quietly ask if she was okay and that she wasn't sick.
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    I lose weight in my face and abdomen first, so people noticed as early as ten pounds. If you lose weight more evenly around your body, it might take a while, but don't worry. They will notice! :)
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 417 Member

  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Teacher also. As other posters mentioned some people are uncomfortable mentioning someone's weight. I never know what to say exactly, especially if the person never mentioned they were concerned about their weight previously. It feels sort of out of the blue or critical (not the right word, but don't know how to explain it).

    Wow!! You look great or gosh, you've lost a lot of weight? It just feels like you thought the person was overweight before, which I may have but I don't want the person thinking I was thinking or caring about their weight. But, this only pertains to coworkers. Friends and family, I would definitely mention the weight loss.
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    I believe people are jealous. I have lost 24 pounds and only 3 people noticed. REALLY! I mean they must all be blind or jealous because it is sure noticeable. I want to see your photos! :)
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    i totally understand.. focus and keep up the good hard work... remember it's for you.. not others... once that weight comes off, people will turn their heads and notice!! :) I PROMISE!
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I have lost 27lbs and my husband and my sister are the only two that ever say anything. And my sis is the only one encouraging me. My husband told me yesterday I better keep my clothes because I will gain it all back....sigh....Anyway, I'm a teacher too and I start school in two weeks. We shall see if anyone there says anything. So, big hug, I know how you feel. I just keep reminding myself that my clothes are falling off me and I feel great, that is what is important!
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    The ladies at the salon where I work have made a few comments that made me feel like I need to defend myself. Like the "You need a cheeseburger" and, "you're so EAT, right?" kind of stuff. For f**k's sake, It's taken me 5 1/2 MONTHS to lose only 13 pounds! I'm 5'7" and 137lbs...hardy wasting away with an ED. Seriously? If someone is going to make me defend my good habits, and reassure them that I've: busted my *kitten* in the gym, eat quite well (thank you vey much) and don't purge, "promise!"...I'd rather have no comments at all. Of course some friends have said nice things, and some said nothing. So I reckon what the above posters have said about people not wanting to make you feel awkward could very well be very proud of yourself! You'll probably inspire someone to get healthy without even knowing you have!
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    That is not cool in a work setting! That really sucks and they need to mind their own business and stick a hamburger in their mouth and shove it. LOL
  • LittleRedBird18
    LittleRedBird18 Posts: 70 Member
    So, I am doing this FOR ME, but does anyone else get sick of.people not noticing your efforts? I have lost almost 30 lbs this year and started weight training and gone from a size 16 to a 10. I am 5'8 (and a half) and started at 190 and am almost down to 160. I dropped 15 lbs this summer from working my rear end off and just saw some colleagues I haven't seen since school let out (I teach) and NO ONE commented. No, "Wow, you are looking good" or "Have you lost weight?" I just feel like I am working so hard, and no one notices/cares. I guess I just need an internet hug :/.

  • technicalman
    technicalman Posts: 23 Member
    i went months feeling almost invisible. No one acted as though they noticed or said something. Then within a week, everyone i knew started asking me what i was doing. MFP has been a lifesaver for me. I have lost 86, but have at least 100 more to go. i haven't been this light in 15 years. keep up the good work and they'll come around. beware, sometimes the compliments work against your efforts. when people start saying you're losing weight, it can side-track you and you've fall off the wagon. it's happenned to me. hang in there.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Sometimes guys are scared to say anything about weight loss because we don't want yelled at when it's a sickness that has a person losing...keep at it and someone will say're doing great and probably look great...have a good day, Jerry
  • docdevore
    docdevore Posts: 39 Member
    Here's a hug. { }