5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    5th workout of the week.....:smile: 30min on the treadmill and 30min free weights(whole body with emphasis on chest). Yesterday was actually more of a brisk walk than a workout but it was 30min of cardio...:smile:

    The first week is going well. Exercise - check. Cals - check. :bigsmile:

    That is awesome. Keep up the amazing work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am in! My sis is getting Married next Oct and I'm a bridesmaid! 8 mths at 5 lbs loss a mth and I will be at goal!

    Mini goals:

    1. Drink my 8 glass of water
    2. Eat 3 veggies and 2 fruits everyday
    3. Work out at Curves 5 days a week
    4. Long walk every Sunday
    5. Take multi vitamin everyday
    6. Tone, tone, tone
    7. Take a day off every now and then without freaking out or falling off the wagon!

    Today is Friday so......

    SW: 181 January 2009
    CW: 160 January 2010
    GW: 120 (My Dr says 120, but I would be happy with 130) by Oct 2010

    Great goals. You can do this and we are all here to help. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Count me in! Thanks for starting this group. Can we always find this forum to
    pic in General Diet and Weight Loss Help? I am completing my second week. If I lose 5 lbs a month I should reach my goal by the end of May! Just in time for summer!
    My goals:
    Log in to MFP daily
    Exerice 5/7 days week
    Eat healthy and think healthy
    Drink my H2O
    Enjoy this journey and the new me!
    STG: 169 by Feb. 1

    When you click on Message Boards off of the home page you can always click on My Topics from there and you will find this thread.

    Glad you are here with us. You have great goals that are very attainable. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    :smile: Good morrning to all of you...

    01/01/10 SW: 222
    01/08/10 W: 214.6

    Wow!!! Did I really lose 7.4 pounds this week? I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!:noway: Is my scale off??? Its funny coz I stepped on my scale about 10 times just to make sure.... Crazy... At first it gave me a few numbers a pound off or a pound more but this weight seemed to come up more than the other numbers so I went with this. If my scale is off I will find out next week... I am seriously only stepping on the scale once a week coz I dont want to get discouraged if I dont see any progress in a day. (Its crazy coz you cant really expect to lose much in a day, but I get discouraged so better for me not to do daily weights)

    Anyways, Great job to all.... Lets keep up the great work... =) Thanks for this group. I think its helping a ton

    Annabel :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    lol! They were for my husband and son. I buy sooo much less junk food lately I did very well with all the Christmas goodies; but the Oreos are tempting little jokers! You have a good one too!
    I am home from work today. The cold has closed the schools. Will do my best to work on keeping within calories resisting that Oreo temptation :angry: and getting in that much needed exercise. I have housework that needs to be done, that should help to get me moving...:laugh:

    Decided to make homemade vegetable beef soup in the cockpot for supper. Cut the meat lean and am using as many fresh and frozen vegetables as possible to control the sodum.

    Take care,


    Get rid of the Oreo's!!! If you are anything like me, I have to eat them until they are gone. They don't last long in my house, that is why I don't buy them anymore. LOL

    Housework is definetly a good start for the day. Do you have any other exercise in the mix for the day? I hope you have a fantastic Friday. :bigsmile:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    :smile: Good morrning to all of you...

    01/01/10 SW: 222
    01/08/10 W: 214.6

    Wow!!! Did I really lose 7.4 pounds this week? I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!:noway: Is my scale off??? Its funny coz I stepped on my scale about 10 times just to make sure.... Crazy... At first it gave me a few numbers a pound off or a pound more but this weight seemed to come up more than the other numbers so I went with this. If my scale is off I will find out next week... I am seriously only stepping on the scale once a week coz I dont want to get discouraged if I dont see any progress in a day. (Its crazy coz you cant really expect to lose much in a day, but I get discouraged so better for me not to do daily weights)

    Anyways, Great job to all.... Lets keep up the great work... =) Thanks for this group. I think its helping a ton

    Annabel :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I am sooo proud of you! What have you done different this week? Please share with us...inquiring minds want to know!! Great job!
  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    :smile: Good morrning to all of you...

    01/01/10 SW: 222
    01/08/10 W: 214.6

    Wow!!! Did I really lose 7.4 pounds this week? I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!:noway: Is my scale off??? Its funny coz I stepped on my scale about 10 times just to make sure.... Crazy... At first it gave me a few numbers a pound off or a pound more but this weight seemed to come up more than the other numbers so I went with this. If my scale is off I will find out next week... I am seriously only stepping on the scale once a week coz I dont want to get discouraged if I dont see any progress in a day. (Its crazy coz you cant really expect to lose much in a day, but I get discouraged so better for me not to do daily weights)

    Anyways, Great job to all.... Lets keep up the great work... =) Thanks for this group. I think its helping a ton

    Annabel :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I am sooo proud of you! What have you done different this week? Please share with us...inquiring minds want to know!! Great job!

    This is the first of actual trying to lose weight since the new year of corse. I just totally cut my calories and taking care of my 4 year old and my 2 month old.... =) I didnt exercise at all but running around and taking care of 2 kids prolly helped. =) Also, I think I have more to lose than most of you so easier to lose.... hehehe thanks for the support!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I woke up at 3:45, checked on my child and cannot go back to sleep. Was craving something to eat so bad! :sad: Heated water and had a cup of sugar free cocoa instead. Warm AND chocalate! Saved again! (This time...)

    QUESTION: What do YOU do when those late night (but too early to get up) cravings hit? May need your suggestions next time!

    See you soon, going back to bed now...:yawn:

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sorry to hear you could not sleep. I too woke up around 3 am and was awake for about an hour. I was a wimp and stayed bed. The house felt so cold because it was -15 outside. I did finally fall asleep about an hour later. I am fortunate that late night cravings have never been my problem. Munch on some veggies that you have. I have friends that quilt and if they wake up in the middle of the night they work on a quilt. So maybe if you have a hobby that you can work on rather munch.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Sorry to hear you could not sleep. I too woke up around 3 am and was awake for about an hour. I was a wimp and stayed bed. The house felt so cold because it was -15 outside. I did finally fall asleep about an hour later. I am fortunate that late night cravings have never been my problem. Munch on some veggies that you have. I have friends that quilt and if they wake up in the middle of the night they work on a quilt. So maybe if you have a hobby that you can work on rather munch.

    Thanks! I got on this website and on Facebook to pass the time. I like to write and will be starting another class with University of Phoenix soon (I am on break now). I also like to read. I will try one of these activities. I have to train myself not to munch while I read, though! :laugh:

    Have a nice (warm) day.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Treadmill came yesterday. We spent last night putting it together so no workout but got up this morning and did a 5k. Ran almost the whole way but I never changed the incline that will be the next step. I am so glad it came. This morning it would not have been a good day to go out and walk or run it was -15 again. Now to take my daughter jean shopping. Have a great day!
  • kenya84
    kenya84 Posts: 41
    I joined MFP a week ago and just came across this post and would like to join the Challenge. 5 lbs a month sounds very achievable. I tried to go back and read previous post, but could not find the rules. Is there a weekly weigh-in? How often should I post?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I joined MFP a week ago and just came across this post and would like to join the Challenge. 5 lbs a month sounds very achievable. I tried to go back and read previous post, but could not find the rules. Is there a weekly weigh-in? How often should I post?

    No rules! We weigh in on Fridays and the first of every month. Post your starting weight and then what you weigh at weigh in. We are in it to lose and support and give help to each other on this journey.

    Welcome aboard.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    :smile: Good morrning to all of you...

    01/01/10 SW: 222
    01/08/10 W: 214.6

    Wow!!! Did I really lose 7.4 pounds this week? I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!:noway: Is my scale off??? Its funny coz I stepped on my scale about 10 times just to make sure.... Crazy... At first it gave me a few numbers a pound off or a pound more but this weight seemed to come up more than the other numbers so I went with this. If my scale is off I will find out next week... I am seriously only stepping on the scale once a week coz I dont want to get discouraged if I dont see any progress in a day. (Its crazy coz you cant really expect to lose much in a day, but I get discouraged so better for me not to do daily weights)

    Anyways, Great job to all.... Lets keep up the great work... =) Thanks for this group. I think its helping a ton

    Annabel :smile:

    If this is your first week changing your eating habits and exercise, that is not impossible to do. Normally the first and second week are you biggest losing weeks and then it will slow down, but don't get discouraged when that happens. You are losing the correct way and it will take a while.

    It is always best to only weigh once a week, you are doing it right. Also, make sure to take your measurements once a month, that will also be a big motivator for you.

    Keep up the awesome work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I woke up at 3:45, checked on my child and cannot go back to sleep. Was craving something to eat so bad! :sad: Heated water and had a cup of sugar free cocoa instead. Warm AND chocalate! Saved again! (This time...)

    QUESTION: What do YOU do when those late night (but too early to get up) cravings hit? May need your suggestions next time!

    See you soon, going back to bed now...:yawn:


    You made a great choice instead of munching on those Oreo's. LOL

    I hope you were able to get some sleep after that. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Treadmill came yesterday. We spent last night putting it together so no workout but got up this morning and did a 5k. Ran almost the whole way but I never changed the incline that will be the next step. I am so glad it came. This morning it would not have been a good day to go out and walk or run it was -15 again. Now to take my daughter jean shopping. Have a great day!

    Yeah, I am glad it came in. Good for you for getting in a 5k this morning. You are doing an amazing job. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I joined MFP a week ago and just came across this post and would like to join the Challenge. 5 lbs a month sounds very achievable. I tried to go back and read previous post, but could not find the rules. Is there a weekly weigh-in? How often should I post?

    Welcome aboard. We are all here to help each other out. To support, encourage and motivate. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay, I have a confession to make. I did not update my weight last week like I should have because I gained a few pounds over the holidays and I was very upset with myself. I was also sick during the holidays so was not able to get in all my workouts and I know that did not help any.

    So, here is my starting weight and my weight from this morning.

    01/02/10 171.0
    01/09/10 168.8

    Okay I lost a little, but I am still upset with myself. My goal last year was to get down to 165 and I still have not gotten there. It is very frustrating, because I have worked really hard to get there. I know, I only have 3.8 to go, but I have now added needing to lose another 10 pounds before my wedding in August.

    Today I decided to change my meals for the week, so I am hoping that will help. Also, I am pushing myself even harder in my workouts for the next couple of weeks to get that scale to get down to 165. I will be starting Insanity on February 1st, so I am sure that will help tremendously. Then after that first round I am going to start training for a 10k. That will be a start for the half marathon I want to run in October. I know I can do this, I just have to remember that.

    Thanx for listening and understanding. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    That is my goal too. my wedding is in 4 months. I would like to be down 20 by then!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I am in! My sis is getting Married next Oct and I'm a bridesmaid! 8 mths at 5 lbs loss a mth and I will be at goal!

    Mini goals:

    1. Drink my 8 glass of water
    2. Eat 3 veggies and 2 fruits everyday
    3. Work out at Curves 5 days a week
    4. Long walk every Sunday
    5. Take multi vitamin everyday
    6. Tone, tone, tone
    7. Take a day off every now and then without freaking out or falling off the wagon!

    Today is Friday so......

    SW: 181 January 2009
    CW: 160 January 2010
    GW: 120 (My Dr says 120, but I would be happy with 130) by Oct 2010

    Great goals. You can do this and we are all here to help. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:

    Thanks. Didn't so great on Sat but Sun is a new day!
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