MFP Confessional



  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned!!!!

    I just binged on 6 chips ahoy cookies but they were sooooo good.....They are evil and came out with gooey center ones and ones with reeses cups.....Tomorrow's another day!!

    I was SOOO relieved when the Taco Bell Dorito Shell Tacos weren't all I expected. That could have been disasterous.
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I am about to sin lol. I'm going out with my ex boyfriend tonight and no, I don't want him back. I just want to hook up with him haha.

    Hahaha, well that should work out well for you both. Burn some calories. ;)
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    I really didn't expect this to take off this way. Thanks guys, this is super fun.

    This totally made my night! I've been super stressed about making a wedding cake for today and baby shower cupcakes for tomorrow, and I really needed a good laugh. BTW, awesome hat!
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned...

    Yesterday I only had 8 glasses of water, but I logged 9.

    LOL!!! It's always fun to watch that glass spill over, isn't it?!?! --I have no confessions, I was perfect all week........... don't be hatin'!!! :love:

    Seriously? It can spill over????
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    I really didn't expect this to take off this way. Thanks guys, this is super fun.

    This totally made my night! I've been super stressed about making a wedding cake for today and baby shower cupcakes for tomorrow, and I really needed a good laugh. BTW, awesome hat!

    Thanks, I didn't actually buy it though. Just tried it on at the store.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    My bad. I didn't realize this was about eating foods you're not suppose to be eating. In that case I'm still the perfect angel I was yesterday lol. Well wait, I do consider orange juice a sin, so there's my bad deed for the day. Forgive me MFP for drinking 3, yeah three whole cups of orange juice in one sitting today :drinker:

    lol and have fun tonight :D
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    Seriously? It can spill over????

    Yeah, I didn't know either, I don't log my water. I drink a couple of litres a night.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned, for judging people who only go over by 100 calories.

    What a bunch of fricking light-weights!

    No kidding!
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I really didn't expect this to take off this way. Thanks guys, this is super fun.

    This totally made my night! I've been super stressed about making a wedding cake for today and baby shower cupcakes for tomorrow, and I really needed a good laugh. BTW, awesome hat!

    Thanks, I didn't actually buy it though. Just tried it on at the store.

    I've taken pictures of whole outfits that I didn't buy lol, n this thread really took off, thanks for the entertainment!
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I'm order pizza for dinner tonight.
    Though I am not too worried, since I'm going to go swimming for over an hour.
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned, for judging people who only go over by 100 calories.

    What a bunch of fricking light-weights!

    No kidding!

    Haha, 2 weeks ago I ate my whole days worth of calories in one meal. And still had 2 more meals and drinks. I guess I should have started there. :)
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Depending on if your weight loss goal is set at 1 pound or 2, you're still below maintenence by 400-900 calories.

    Rachel....May I just say that your picture looks DELICIOUS!!!

    Yeah, I was pretty bad with some potato chips yesterday...
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned......

    I had 2 Dr. Peppers this week and today I had a vanilla blue bell ice cream cup and 2 fresh baked brownies. I have ate nothing but junk today, but I am still within my calorie limit, if that counts for anything.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I am about to sin lol. I'm going out with my ex boyfriend tonight and no, I don't want him back. I just want to hook up with him haha.

    Hahaha, well that should work out well for you both. Burn some calories. ;)

    Or at least burn the sugar from all the orange juice I guzzled. I don't know why I bother eating and drinking out of measuring cups all the time when I filled the thing up three times in a row. I cannot be trusted with orange juice in the house, it is my biggest downfall like alcohol is to an alcoholic. I am that bad.
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned...

    I had PIZZA for dinner last night, skipped lunch, and have lost more weight eating chocolate this week than previous weeks. :O

    i may try this......
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    I have to STOP reading this thread because all the sins are making me HUNGRY
  • Vgrindle
    Vgrindle Posts: 23
    Forgive me MFP for I have sinned, I can't kick my addiction to Dr. Pepper and I still have a soft spot for fast food from time to time :(
  • iammegs
    iammegs Posts: 38 Member
    This is hilarious, never a dull moment on MFP.

    FTW I ate pizza at Sams club today:-)

    What is it about Sams club pizza that's just so good?
  • tina81052
    This is making me hungry!! glad i am in my jammies so i wont be tempted to go to the store for dessert stuff : )
  • astina2727
    astina2727 Posts: 149 Member
    Love this I eat like crap as well but in moderation it works lol