Food Addicts Anonymous??



  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    mary, Welcome we are all in the same boat. I hope getting to be honest about your victorious moments with food and when your defeats will help you. It sure has me. Some things you can't share with the people in your home. Weight is such a personal issue. Richie
  • Sunshine, Thanks for the website tip, I really like veggies but get bored sometimes with how to fix them. My new fav is butternut squash, but they have a little more carbs- like potatoes- so you have to watch how much you have, they are delicious with cinnamon!

    Mary, Hang in there, try to take it a day at a time, I think looking at the whole picture can be overwhelming. But the little successes will really keep you motivated. This site is a great place to get out your frustrations...this is only my second day using it, but I love it!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    If you like butternut squash, maybe branch out into acorn squash, because they're a little smaller, and half of a small one pretty much portion-controls itself. Still a winter squash, so it's still sweet and yummy. I like them stuffed with a mixture of lean ground turkey and sauteed vegetables.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, Mary. I like your outlook and your honesty. You will do well here. :flowerforyou:

    Well, tomorrow I weigh in. I lost and gained over the holidays, so I am hoping the scale will be kind to me tomorrow! :huh:
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I AM A FOOD ADDICT. This seems funny to me because it reminded and I found the diet food guide for eaters anonymous. ( That's how spell it??) My old friend went to those meeting and gave me her list of food to eat.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome marisol, What sort of things is on the list? I have never been to a meeting. Richie
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Fingers crossed for you zora! The holidays are an enormous challenge for all of us.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Ugh, NOT a good day. I overate in a big way, because I was hungry and home alone and cooking pot roast, so the whole house smelled like steak and red wine. I was so proud of myself for coming in under yesterday - today, I was so over, my net for the last two days is over. :noway: I am not a happy puppy right now.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Hang in there sunshine we all do it from time to time. at least you posted and your not quitting! I hate it when I seem to sabatoge my progress! Thank god I can tell you guys and let go of the guilt that makes me feel like eatting all the more. I have my grandchildren here today so I will try to be good..........:heart:
  • Ive had food addict issues my whole life. I honestly believe that alot of its brought on by us depriving ourselfs then comforting ourselfs.Were excited about an upcoming event we starve, the event gets here we go and reward ourselfs for weeks later.And the vicious cycle starts over.ACCONTABILITY,3MEALS A DAY, WATER, SLEEP,EXERCISE AND CONSISTANCY,AND DONT BRING YOUR TRIGGER FOODS HOME,HAVE A PIECE OUT AND DONT BRING IT HOME.And when you slip up start again next meal.Its not a diet.WRITE AND TRAC EVERY PIECE OF FOOD. And be patient ,exercise helps.
  • Hi, my name is Fawn and I'm a Food Junkie. That just sounds so ridiculous yet true all in one breath.

    I'm a mom to 5 wonderful children ages 9, 7, 5, 2 1/2, and 1. Can you tell where the weight came from also? :laugh:

    I was 113lbs in 1998, then started Depo Provera shots. Wow, if I knew then what I know now I'd say HECK NO to those suckers. I only had 3 rounds but in 3 rounds I went up to 125lbs. Which isn't too bad, but it was 12 lbs I gained! I got pregnant about 9 months after stopping the Depo shots and went from 125lbs to 201lbs. :sad: I dropped 51lbs in 3 wks, yeah WOW and ACK all at once. I had #2, 23 months later and weigh in at hospital check in was 200lbs. All my pregnancies after I managed to stay under 186lbs. But I'd also never been under 150lbs (to my knowledge anyways) since.

    I love food, and love to make it and bake it. I've been on/off birth control between pregnancies and I don't think that has helped me any in losing post baby, baby fat. I ate what I wanted while pregnant and just continued to do so after wards. Pregnancy #2 I was packing away a personal sized cheesecake (So Mrs. Smith said, but in reality it could have easily fed 4 dessert servings) for b-fast, chicken nuggets/fries drenched in bbq sauce, a giant root beer float for lunch, sleep (I worked 3rd shift), go to work and pack away a micro meal, a large Ghirardelli bar w/ caramel, yogurt, chips, and soda for dinner. Plus other various snacks. This was an everyday occurance for a good chunk of my pregnancy. No wonder he was over 9lbs!

    Since the last baby I've just been doing my normal thing, eating somewhat healthy, just double or triple portions. I'd graze between meals or eat when bored. Now I'm watching what I eat and still realize that food is a big part of my life. Then again I always seem to be planning meals for 7 people.

    I'd like to lose a good chunk of this weight but it's hard since my body will not let me eat diet foods or drinks without repercussions. I can snack on 100 cal packs for the most part. But anything with Sweet N Low, aspartame, etc is a no no. So this is going to be a challenge to just reduce portions and choose healthier options.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Hi, Fawn, welcome! Hormones are a big issue when it comes to controlling your diet, but knowing how it affects you is a big step forward - you can do it! And we're there with you every step of the way. :smile:
  • Love your goals,,, cool good for you. Coloradogirl
  • tiggers
    tiggers Posts: 20
    Hi I'm Amy and I'm a major food addict!

    I'm an emotional eater and I will eat anything I can get my hands on even if I didn't like the food.

    About 6yrs ago I quit smoking which was my crutch so I wouldn't eat (how sick is that) Once I quit all these foods had a wonderful taste and when I got stressed from my job i would eat since I quit smoking. I had gain about 40 or so pounds and when I went to another properyty to work my boss husband had a work out group and I made a bet with one of my friends if you go I'll go that type of thing. Well I went and I started to work out and tried all different types of diet pills I could get my hands on and I guess I tried to eat healthy.

    This group got me runng and I trained for my 1st marathon which was great I lost about 50 lbs from all this. But my employers moved me back to the resort that I wanted nothing to do with(I was the only run that could run it and put up with the B.S.) but I still had my running to remove the stress until May 2008 I hurt my back at work and I could not move I thought crap now what am I going to do for a stress reliever but I some what manage. Right after monther's day my father wantedt o come over and talk with us he told us that he had lung cancer. Well that put me over the edge and I really turned to food and my sweet husband would go out and get all my comfort food.

    I gained all my weight back that I lost and some. How ashamed I was to look at these people and they seen this fat looking person that was skinny the yr before.

    This Dec I started OA with a friend and I've been doing good so far. I eat slowly and thanks to MFP I can control my calorie intake and keep track of my excerise, but sometimes I 'll work out a lot so I can have more calories to eat.

    Last night a friend and I went out to dinner and we a wrap and they came with fries so we took more thatn half of the fries off our plates so we wouldn't be tempted to eat all of them.

    I'm glad someone started this group and sorry that this is long

    God Bless
  • I am also a food addict! It is very hard for me to say that and to come to terms with it......but I am! I came to get this way because my grandparents use to let me eat anything I wanted. My fathers parents allowed me to eat whatever I wanted at their house because it made my mother mad! My mothers mother taught me how to cook, and that was sort of our "thing" when I went over to her house was we would cook together. Now this didn't become a problem until, my first semester on nursing school when all the bad eating habits finally caught up with me because my metabolism dropped from all the stress I was under. So the viscous cycles ensued. I graduated from my LPN school and became a nurse, worked hard and went from 155 to 130. YAY me right, it was great until I started back for my RN in which I completely lost all control and started eating related to how I was feeling....and now I am back up to 155. So I am currently trying to retrain myself while in nursing school so the I can by the small nursing dress for pinning instead of having to put my medium nursing dress from my first pinning back on.......I hope the best for you with school and with weight loss! Congrats on taking the steps to help yourself! :smooched:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Hi, my name is Fawn and I'm a Food Junkie. That just sounds so ridiculous yet true all in one breath.

    I'm a mom to 5 wonderful children ages 9, 7, 5, 2 1/2, and 1. Can you tell where the weight came from also? :laugh:

    I was 113lbs in 1998, then started Depo Provera shots. Wow, if I knew then what I know now I'd say HECK NO to those suckers. I only had 3 rounds but in 3 rounds I went up to 125lbs. Which isn't too bad, but it was 12 lbs I gained! I got pregnant about 9 months after stopping the Depo shots and went from 125lbs to 201lbs. :sad: I dropped 51lbs in 3 wks, yeah WOW and ACK all at once. I had #2, 23 months later and weigh in at hospital check in was 200lbs. All my pregnancies after I managed to stay under 186lbs. But I'd also never been under 150lbs (to my knowledge anyways) since.

    I love food, and love to make it and bake it. I've been on/off birth control between pregnancies and I don't think that has helped me any in losing post baby, baby fat. I ate what I wanted while pregnant and just continued to do so after wards. Pregnancy #2 I was packing away a personal sized cheesecake (So Mrs. Smith said, but in reality it could have easily fed 4 dessert servings) for b-fast, chicken nuggets/fries drenched in bbq sauce, a giant root beer float for lunch, sleep (I worked 3rd shift), go to work and pack away a micro meal, a large Ghirardelli bar w/ caramel, yogurt, chips, and soda for dinner. Plus other various snacks. This was an everyday occurance for a good chunk of my pregnancy. No wonder he was over 9lbs!

    Since the last baby I've just been doing my normal thing, eating somewhat healthy, just double or triple portions. I'd graze between meals or eat when bored. Now I'm watching what I eat and still realize that food is a big part of my life. Then again I always seem to be planning meals for 7 people.

    I'd like to lose a good chunk of this weight but it's hard since my body will not let me eat diet foods or drinks without repercussions. I can snack on 100 cal packs for the most part. But anything with Sweet N Low, aspartame, etc is a no no. So this is going to be a challenge to just reduce portions and choose healthier options.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    fawn I don't do phony sugar either. I just eat alot less of anything that has it and stay away from soda . The water is my new favoriet drink with ice and a lemon. I just gave the kids the smallest icecream cones I have ever seen! They are called kids size and hold about one tablespoon of icecream or frozen yogart. Glad to have you with us!
  • emoodze
    emoodze Posts: 15 Member
    I too am a food addict. I've known this for a long time but have never deliberated on it. And certainly haven't tried to deal with it. I've dealt with changing my weight, but never with the mind set that comes with being a food addict. That is where I need to work on it next.

    I just returned from a conference and was very concerned about my food making decisions. Would I have the strength to eat right and not binge? Would I be able to stay away from "junk food alley" across the sreet from the conference center? I did well. I was very pleased with my food choices and compromises. It felt good to leave there and not feel guilty. Phew! That felt great actually! It was one small success.

    Any tips on how to deal with the mental struggle that comes with being a food addict, especially with regards to finding other ways to comfort oneself?
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Hi, Amy and Lauren! Welcome to the group!

    emoodze, good for you for sticking to your guns during your conference! I tend to overeat when I'm away from home, from a combination of "I want to try everything in this new place!" and "I'm stressed out of my mind from being somewhere strange I don't careOMNOMNOM." So to me, that seems like a really big success. :flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, all ye newcomers. :flowerforyou: Never feel bad about long posts - that's what we're here for. If you need to let it out, let it out! Hopefully we all will help lift you up. :happy:

    Well, I lost one pound. Which means I FINALLY LOST MY HOLIDAY WEIGHT GAIN!!! Yay!!!!!! :drinker: Now my ticker isn't lying! LOL!!! :laugh:
    emoodze - as for the mental struggle, well, always ask yourself BEFORE the first bite: is this going to make me healthy? That helps me a lot with the mental struggle of it all. You can always pop on here and let the mental anguish release from you through your typing. That always helps!!!
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