I'm so sorry but with each new photo . . . . . . .



  • alli_dalli
    alli_dalli Posts: 22 Member
    You look 20 years younger now, I had to scrutinise the pictures cos I can hardly believe its really the same person in both. You look so much happier in the second. But changing your body is one thing, you haven't allowed your self image to change with it. You still think of yourself like the former pic. Allow yourself to admire what you have achieved and recognise how lovely you are inside and out. God I sound like a loony I know but it sounds like you need to read the story of the ugly duckling... you're a beautiful swan now!
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    My boobs were huge and saggy BEFORE I started this journey so I don't think I will mind that they are after, too! :) I am embarrassed for anyone to see me naked now (super heavy) too. What's worse....skin that is bumpy and jiggly or saggy?? You look great now but, more importantly, you are healthy and feel better too (I would hope--at least physically). The emotional and mental issues of weight loss are often much harder than the work to lose the weight. Sadly, MFP won't help you with those, but maybe you can see a counselor (your church? work?) if you continue to feel this way. Regardless, focus on the positives and remember how strong you have been to have made it this far!!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    You look amazing. You should be so very proud of all that you have accomplished. I so know what you are talking about. I see a pic of me now (75 pounds down) and I still can't believe what I see in the mirror. I still see the old me in the mirror or all the imperfections that come with losing a good amount weight. All the droopy, saggy skin. I am also hopping that the strength training and the cardio workouts will help. Just have to take it day at a time. No one every tells you that losing weight is the easy part. Getting our brains to catch up to what our bodies have accomplished is a whole other story. Just take it one day at a time and appreciate how far you have come :-)
  • Mgetsfit
    Mgetsfit Posts: 27 Member
    Wow, that is gorgeous! Your progress is amazing!! Thumbs up for that! :flowerforyou:

    And I do know what you mean. Sometimes I'm quiet happy with what I see on photos or with clothes on, but having them off makes me feel ugly, I see the body of an old woman with lots of stretch marks and other things on the skin and I am only 20.
    I try to remember then that most people look better with their clothes on. I hope your self-comfidence will come back!
    I have to admit that it helps me a LOT that I know that my boyfriend doesn't care that much about that... And I still feel ashamed a little bit every time.

    But girl, look at you! You look just amazing!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I am still loosing but I understand completely I took about 12 pictures the other day to add to my profile and deleted 10 of them and that is with clothes on granted I have another 40 pounds to lose and over the last year my skin has shrunk quite a bit and is still improving BUT we are our own harshest critics
    I look at your picture and see a beautiful young woman happy and healthy who is working on being in great shape. Hopefully you can see that same woman and enjoy the vision we are enjoying when we look at you
    Ill make you a deal you work on liking yourself more and I will work on liking me more as well
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    You've done a fabulous job losing all that weight ....... you look gorgeous !

    Try different activities and/or lifting ..... things will fall into place ...... keep working out & never give up :drinker:
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I feel EXACTLY the same way!! Like yeah, I look pretty good in clothes now, but if only you saw me naked. The sagging skin and don't get me started on the boobs. Yes, I strength train (P90X) as well as lots of cardio. All we can do is wait for our skin to catch up with the rest of us. And then (after I win the lottery) maybe a breast lift. We'll see.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    WOW you look great
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  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I agree, especially at my age it doesn't snap back the way I'd like, my friends talk about how great I look, I look on the mirror before the clothes and say, oh my goodness, my hubby fortunately thinks I'm sexy any old way but especially now, :)

    However just let me say you are gorgeous!
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I'm so sorry I just have to share . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    With the weight that I lost, currently 91lb and 9lb away from goal, I look at myself (eeeek naked) in the mirror and dispair.
    My skin is saggy, my boobs feel like their emptying and I dont feel sexy at all.

    I'm praying, hoping, pleading that all this weight training and exercise will help with my body shape and image and self confidence.

    When living day to day and looking in the mirror (eeeek naked) I fell like my 'old' self. Frumpy and ugly and I hate it.


    But then I see a photo of me now and I find it hard to believe that this is me?!?!


    . . . . . I see the picture of me and I feel slim and sexy and amazing and then I just think its a lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    IF only they saw me naked!!!!!!! does anyone else feel like this??? Its really knocking my self confidence!
    wow you look fantasic, good on you for losing all that weight, forget about the sagging you look great to me.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    HOLY WTF?!

    You look amazing. If it makes you feel better I will gladly look at you naked. I'll even do so if it doesn't make you feel better. Just sayin. Wow.

    That's some serious progress you've made. You look amazing.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    You are SO young....the saggies will go with the strength training. I am hoping I can get some of the sagginess I expect to go away. But I will still be THRILLED to be able to wear a dress like you are. Fabulous change...CONGRATS!!!
  • FitXnX50
    FitXnX50 Posts: 122 Member
    I stumbled on your supportive comment to chicky26, saw your profile, and am SO IMPRESSED! Damn, you have resolve! A word of support coming from you is really authoritative and means a lot. Congratulations on letting the half the man you used to be come back out! You and the rest on this thread really are a kind and helpful bunch. By the way, I second the comment, chicky26, beautiful "before," is even more stunning now. Hope she keeps her head high, her muscles active, and her meals pleasantly modest!
  • CopperGalaxy
    CopperGalaxy Posts: 27 Member
    Congratulations. Honestly people underestimate the guts it takes to admit you need to lose weight, never mind the strength and willpower to accomplish it. Well, you have! And you look bloomin' marvellous. Give it time, you'll eventually realise that those small things are nothing compared to what you've achieved and you will start seeing yourself in another light, mentally. You're a true inspiration to others who are trying to lose weight!
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    Umm... yes! My boobs are a shell of what they used to be... I actually often times refer to them as "Balls in a Sock" and my tummy has stretchmarks and loose skin that will NEVER tighten - BUT - IN clothes, I look and feel GREAT - so who cares, right?!?!

    Balls in socks :laugh: Thats hilarious but sooooo true.

    I do hear what your all saying and its amazing thank you all sooooo much :blushing:

    Im happy im healthy and I have gained so much from loosing this weight. Im weight training and doing cardio too to try and improve things. When I look in the mirror though I just get so mad at myself for putting my body through this, I have very fair skin that is extremely damaged and I doubt that it will ever go back after a decade of being 240lb.

    And I know that although I have soooo many health benefits and life benefits from loosing this weight, there is deffinatly an element of me that just wants to be physically attractive!! including skin that is toned and shapley rather then skin that is saggly lumpy and ugly!!

    Thank you all soooo much for all your very kind words its truely moving so thankyou. And its sooooo nice to hear from the people having the same issues. Its such an emtional and mental roler coaster ride at the moment . . . . . . im finding it difficult
  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    You look amazing.
    I think I might have these same thoughts once I lose the weight too.
    I dont really have an advice for you but I thought I would say WAY TO GO, you look fab!!!
  • FitXnX50
    FitXnX50 Posts: 122 Member
    Following up my post a couple minutes ago, I thought I was quoting specifically on EdDavenport's comment. I'm new and still pretty clumsy navigating in MFP, which is why I wrote about you rather than to you. I wondered about loose skin too. I gotta say (directly), you're looking great! I hope feeling great too.
  • You.look.FABULOUS! Where r u hiding the sag???

    A mom of many children once wrote on her blog that she just rolls up her National Geographic boobs, tucks them in and she's on her way...

    I laugh every time I have to roll part of me into something!

    Give yourself a break and start talking to yourself like you talk to your best friend- positive, encouraging words.

    You are a superstar! Congrats!
  • Definitely in the same boat as you!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I've been with my husband for nine years. And I can honestly say that even at 70+ pounds heavier than I am now, I was never as self conscious as I am now without my clothes on. It's miserable.

    I see myself with clothes on, and I'm happy with that, but naked.... not so much. I'm worried that I may never be comfortable with my body again, honestly. But I just keep plugging away, hoping it will keep shifting and a year from now I'll feel better about it.

    Sometimes all we can do is hope and keep working at it. The end result may not always be perfect, but surely it will be better than today, right?
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