
  • LNZimmer
    LNZimmer Posts: 94
    I am new to this thread, so I am just jumping on in! I have A LOT of weight to lose, but I will get there!!!!

    Monday - I feel good about my weekend, but I didn't get out as much as I had liked to. We went and walked around the festival in town Friday night. Saturday, I spent the day cleaning, and yesterday at family's house. Still trying to figure out when to fit a true workout in! Having a 3 year old should be a workout in itself.

    Foodwise - over the weekend - was good. I always have a hard time at breakfast, because I love cooking a big breakfast for my daughter and boyfriend. But the rest of the day isn't so bad. I need to work on breaking up meals into smaller, more frequent meals.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,355 Member
    Monday check-in. Good weekend---ok food choices and even an acceptable amount of activity (for me).

    Doug - I'm sorry about that darn scale. I feel for you on that. So many times in my life I've wanted to throw it across the room. Please don't give up or feel bad about yourself. You're doing the right things. And you will do the 5K.

    Helen - I hope the newsletter means you have indeed been chosen to participate. Please let us know when you hear something.

    At this point I'll just say, KEEP ON IT FOLKS! :drinker: :drinker:

    I still am waiting for my service call on my broadband service and would you believe after confirming which phone # to call me at
    they called to remind me of my Wednesday appointment by calling on the VOIP # which isn't working most of the time rather than my cell phone number. They say if they cannot reach me on Wednesday they wil cancel my appointment. I am frustrated---again.

    Right now I'm on the MiFi connection which is 3G. SLOW and COSTLY. Moving on.....

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Grammy - Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou: Too funny about the results of ingesting the beet - kale salad :happy:

    Regojess - welcome to our thread !

    Bohemian Coast - you Brits put on a wonderful Olympics - last night I watched the closing ceremonies and it was fabulous!

    Dobarber - Ugh! How frustrating - but I'm sure its just a blip (or poo :laugh: ) so relax, relax ...... and what a good deed you and your family did - and so great to see your 8 year old inspired to do it again :love:

    Annie219 - good to see you again -

    Aug - push mower? Bathing a cat? Oh wow :sad: can we see a picture of the scratches on your arms?

    Cia_Clayton , Poocon, LNZimmer- welcome!

    Tikafly - Sounds like you need to lay down the law with your father and make him keep his junk food in his room - its your kitchen and no reason he needs to keep his junk there! I hope your good habits rub off on him. Good luck!

    Tina - so happy you had a great day at the theme park!

    Lin - Internet service in my condo building is spotty if you use one provider - so many have been switching to another provider. You see their trucks in the parking lot every day. So frustrating - you have my sympathies!
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    Monday Check in: Well I didn't too bad over the weekend. I did go over calories yesterday it was my sis in laws birthday and we had chicken & dumplings but for the whole day I went over less then 400 calories so not toooo bad. This morning however I had to have a heart to heart with my DH. He always cooks breakfast on Monday's which is nice but when I got the plate he made me it was piled with bacon. Now I love bacon but when I asked him he had cooked the whole pound for just the two of us. Ugh. He also fixed eggs, toast and milk gravy so I ate in moderation but part of the bacon back for a sandwich today cut out all the snacks I would have had today and settled for having a chicken breast with green beans for supper tonight. I will come in under calories about 23 but if I get a walk in I should be fine.

    Just my funny Monday musing hope you all are having a great week.

    By the way I forgot to say this is my weigh in day and I am down 3 lbs Yay Me!!!
  • beachlover1129
    beachlover1129 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I have over 100lbs to loose but I had VSG in May, Can I still join yall's group? I have to watch what I eat and exercise to get the weight off, haven't done very well on the excercise but pretty good on the eating.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Happy Monday?!? (TBD)'s great to see you uploaded a pic. You are beautiful!

    @Tina...while you had a weekend of challenges presented to you food wise, you made awesome choices with getting in exercise to counter-balance them. WTG!

    Monday check-in...I have lost 2 of the 4 lbs. I gained while on vacation. Didn't get in any real exercise over the weekend though as I had planned. I found myself in a major frump dealing with some now-ex relationship issues. In the past, I would have consumed every piece of junk food I could have found as I am a MAJOR stress eater. Instead, I only ate 4 Snickers mini-bites and a bag of Steamfresh garlic cauliflower. Funny how my cravings have changed! LOL.

    It's a new week. I hope that we can all make the most of it!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on THIS PAGE a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    Robin, Moderator

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    morgori- The dragon fruit sounds interesting. Can you eat the skin or do you peel it? I have never heard of it before so I don't know much about eating it. Your description was helpful.
    I just cut them in half and scoop out the meat with a spoon.
    Here is a picture of the purple, red and white insides varieties


    Here is picture of the tree they grow on, strange looking fruit and tree :laugh:

  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Monday check-in... I am soooooooo tired this morning. I spent the night at my boyfriends last night and we stayed up late watching movies and playing punch out on the super nintendo. It was very fun but it is taking its toll on me today. I need to learn that even though he may not have work the next day and I do that I can not stay up late. In good news my sister got home yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed her like CRAZY! Her and I made an agreement that once I get under 300lbs that we will start the C25K. I did fairly well this weekend. I may not have actually worked out but trust me I got my work out by scraping paint off our kitchen cabinet doors.

    I always miss sunday share so here is mine. I'm Helena but I go by Lana most of the time. (Lay-nuh) People always pronounce my name wrong even one person in my family.... :grumble: I am 22 and I am dating my soulmate. I love to play video games. I love to play WoW and rpg's mostly but I have recently gotten into first person shooters and though I used to loathe those games I actually find I really enjoy them and am decent. I moved to TX 4 yrs ago and really have no friends here. I am currently in the process of studying for tribal enrollment hopefully in December. I am Cherokee-Lumbee. I am learning about where my family comes from and all the history. I plan on learning the Cherokee language. I am losing weight because I want to look more the way I feel. I love to dance. I have taken modern and ballet classes. My weight got in the way of both and made me not be able to do some of the moves that I would love to do.

    I hope everyone has a great monday. Drink up! :drinker: :drinker:

  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Monday Check-In...I wa MIA on here, but did good on my foods for Sunday...Saturday not so much..but I am going by "RobinEggs" theory of slacking off today to make up for the fiasco of Saturday!
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed!!:heart:
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    Was off line over the weekend - ended up with the grandbabies. So much fun! It is also good to get away from the screen for while!

    Monday Checkin: Went to physical therapy today for a knee injury sustained at the beginning of July. The guy was really great. I've never had to go to PT before and was not sure what to expect. He gave me some great exercises to do and I am fully expecting to be good as new really soon!

    Looking forward to this week and doing things the right way! Probably won't be able to go back and catch up on posts until later today! Happy Monday everyone!
  • blixgirl7
    blixgirl7 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello All!! Newbie here. Well not new to MFP but new to this thread. And I don't normally converse a lot on the message boards but I tend to lurk a lot when I'm at work. I've been at MFP for about 3 months. I have lost 23 pounds. At least another 80 to go. Ugh!! Saturday I didn't do that good. My family all took a trip up to Put-In-Bay. I ate over my calories and then I had ice cream (which I haven't had since I started this!) Then Sunday I went to the movies and had ice cream AGAIN!!! I NEVER DO THAT!! It reflected on my scales this morning. Up 3 pounds. =(

    New start today. Drinking lots of water. Encouraged by everyone here. Will do better today and doing some water aerobics tonight which I am really looking forward to!

    Happy Monday!! =)
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    I just joined MFP today. My husband and I both want to get healthy. I'm trying to get myself mentally prepped for this because I've failed in the past, but I don't want to end up a big mess like my mom, and I've been told I'm headed that way if I don't make changes. Looking forward to talking to people here. I really think the support will make a difference this time around.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, I have been away working to get ready for camping and then Camping for a week! It was great lots of activity but lots of bad food. I gained 2 lbs but it was well worth it. I am now ready to go back to work and ready to get back on the the weight lost wagon! New thread, new me. Here we go.
  • evanpdixon
    evanpdixon Posts: 20 Member
    Man this thread is really growing! I think participating with you guys here will really help to encourage me and stay on track. Hopefully I can remember to check in every day!

    My Monday check-in: I did pretty well over the weekend. Worked on the house some (we're remodeling our two bathrooms) and cut the lawn. Both things I really enjoy doing that are active! We went to a cafeteria-style restaurant yesterday for lunch and I had the will power to pass up the fried chicken and go with baked. I'm starting to learn to look at food in a new way, and claim power over it. Got on the scale this morning and I'm 1.8lbs down from the middle of last week, so I'm encouraged! Forcing myself to weigh only once a week now, so Monday will be my weigh day.

    I got a comfy bicycle seat in the mail Friday, so I'm excited to try out bicyclist for some cardio around the neighborhood. I've heard that;s a good place to start for a big guy like me, rather than jogging. Less stress on joints.

    I updated my settings today to set my goal for the top of the "healthy" range for my height. Might as well set my goal for my real goal! I have a long way to go, but I'm closer than I was last week, last month, or even last year.

    I am trying to set some mile marker incentives for myself. My wife has agreed to take a motorcycle trip with me when I reach the 50lb mark (something we've never done together). Any ideas would be WELCOMED. We don't have lots of extra money, so I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas. Anybody have some reward ideas that don't cost a lot/any money?

    Blessings to you ALL.
  • Monday Check In - Well I'm new to this today. I had been seeing a friend on FB that was posting to MFP, and thought I would check it out. I really need to make a difference in my weight. In the past 8 years since my son was born I have gained around 50 lbs, that is on top of my already overweight body. I'm hoping I can stick with this. Wish me luck!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

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    Robin, Moderator
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart:

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    Robin, Moderator
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

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    Robin, Moderator