Those who lost 20-30lbs... how long did it take you?



  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    It has taken me a little over 7 months to lose almost 30 pounds. I am 5 foot 5.5 and started out at 177.4, and this week I finally hit 150. I'm pretty close to my goal weight now so I figure i'll probably continue losing slowly...maybe even more slowly since my body doesn't lose easily once I hit the 160s and below. I've lost this same weight faster before, but I was eating too few calories and not exercising. This time I have my cals set to between 1400 and 1600 before exercise and I really worked on getting healthier and being able to work out harder instead of extremely restricting my cals like I had before. I want to be really fit for the first time in my life instead of just thin, exhausted and not eating.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    47 in 4 months, I started at 270 dropped to 223. Then got back into lifting and went back up to 250. Couple of weeks ago started a cutting phase @ 237 lbs. right now.
  • Pudgebrownie
    I lost over 30lbs in 3 months. So on average, about 10lbs lost per month.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    I lost 38lbs in 3 and a half months. Done thru exercise (running/biking/etc) and through portion control.
    Cut out snacking & night time eating.
  • NiaRestored
    NiaRestored Posts: 5 Member
    ...its been about 2 1/2 months to lose close to 30 pounds...I do have a lot more to go, but I have changed EVERYTHING! Eating clean and working out hard! :o)

    Good luck, you can do it! :o)
  • jwilson80121
    jwilson80121 Posts: 72 Member
    You can check out my diary if you wish.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,301 Member
    I am on my 21st day of mfp and I my goal is to lose 30 pounds. I have lost six..but have not weighed this i'm sure I'm at 7 or maybe 8 pounds. So..I'm right on track for a three to four month journey.

    I've done this very same thing before...and it was last year and it took me about three to four months to get down to 150.. the last 7 pounds where hard..and I recall I lost 17 in six weeks...that's because i was on the six week body makeover diet and recall the total amount I lost in the first phase.

    Note: I also noticed I lost faster when I didn't exercise. So not exercising right now..but really want to add it in as soon as I stall.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    One year to lose 30 pounds. I lost 25 in about 6 months and the last 5 pounds took 6 months. I am the queen of plateaus. And patience!
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    It's taken me 10 1/2 weeks to lose 21 lbs.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    I lost 25 pounds in about 4 and a half months, then I fell off the wagon a little bit and I am up to 33 pounds in about 11 months.

    My cousin is about the same weight and height as me and she's lost like 35 pounds in less than 6 months.

    If you stay strict with your calorie counting and some how work in activity I think you can lose at a pretty consistent pace.
  • shan09
    shan09 Posts: 6
    it took me ages, around 3 months at the gym everyday with one day rest. lol
  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    About four months for me! And I went on holiday for two weeks during that and wasn't able to workout/eat properly.
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    I lost 23lbs and it took me about 4 months. I've slacked off lately though...trying to get back into it to lose the last 20!
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    It took me about 5 months to lose 30lbs, although I feel like about 10 of those came over 2 months and the other 20 came through the last 3!
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    Here is a link to my post:

    I'm almost 6'. SW: 212.2. CW 177.4. GW: 165-170 (I'm flexible)

    I started April 24th. So 16 weeks for 35 pounds.

    I eat every day. Didn't start exercising still about a month ago. PLEASE NOTE- everyone is different. I am very tall and had a bit to lose. No cheat days or anything. If i wanted something, I made it fit in my budget. That simply. Be patient. Good luck. Much love!
  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    Just over a year :)
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I started June 30th. 28lbs as of this morning.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    40 pounds--5 months. Workout average at least an hour a day M-F cardio and strength training. I started to lose when I started to eat more! Go figure!
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    A year.
  • Kellybeth16
    It took me 4 1/2 months to lose 30 pounds. I wouldn't say it was REALLY hard work, but it was definitely a lifestyle change. I have been running 2-3 miles every day and more recently added walking 2 miles a day. I have done this anywhere from 5-7 days the entire 4 months. I also changed what I was eating, but didn't make it a dreadful thing. I do an excellent job with my food selection during the week, and let myself cheat (kind of) on the weekends. I've eaten lots of fruits, veggies, fish, chicken, and tried to stay away from fast food, or fried food. Like I said, it really hasn't been that difficult to do, but it is definitely a change.
    I hope this helps a little! :)