What gender stereotypes don't you fit?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't really fit any of them. I love sports, all sports and any sports. I'm rough and tumble, I'd rather be dirty and sweaty and exercising then sitting in my office chair. All the power tools in my house belong to me, if there's a house project I get it done. I'm super competitive, in sports and activities, not with friends and relationships. After sex, once i regain my composure, I'd rather roll over and fall asleep than cuddle (until then I just flop). I'm an auditor and it was either accounting or science.
  • 1. I do the driving, not my husband
    2. My husband cooks better then me
    3. I suck at cleaning
    4. Make up is pointless
    5. I don't care if my husband goes to the strip club, hell I'll go with him (I don't always behave real well though:wink: )
  • I was born a blonde and I am very smart.
    I love to read. All topics. Politics is important.
    I ride a Harley Davidson Road King
    Don't do make up- it hurts my eyes.
    Don't like popular music - prefer the classics. LIsten mostly to talk radio to be better informed.
    Don't like sports - or the excessive salaries that players get paid to provide entertainment.
    The national uniform should be blue jeans + tee shirt + tennis shoes.
    My hair cut has stayed the same for the last 30 years and I still like it. It is so easy to care for.
  • Sweetdistraction
    Sweetdistraction Posts: 12 Member
    I rescue spiders
    Love sex, anytime, anywhere, with my husband
    I can open the pickle jar
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Most of them. It would be much quicker to list the ones I do fit:

    1. I PMS.

    2. I like skirts (mostly for comfort rather than looks, though).

    3. I like my hair really long (however I like long hair on men, too!)

    4. I suck at math.
  • JaniseNikolic
    JaniseNikolic Posts: 24 Member
    Well I drive a four by four and a motorcycle. I handle all the finances in our house. I am not terribly maternal although I have an amazing daughter that I am constantly in awe of! I love football, married a football player even! I cook only out of necessity, not skill and I would rather be outside playing sports than in the house! That said I love high heels on special occassions and getting a pedicure is great!
  • I am highly educated in engineering
    I am the highest paid intern at my company
    I LOVE math and science
    I severely dislike tv, especially the chick drama things
    I don't flirt, ever
    I LOVE classic and 80's rock
    I build all of my own stuff and fix my own computer, if I had car I would fix that too
    I don't talk about my emotions and I don't cry in front of others

    However, I do love clothes, makeup, shoes, and DANCING. (I really really really love dancing)
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    If given the choice between shopping or digging for potatoes, l'll start digging.
    I know how to handle a gun
    I don't like small fluffy dogs, give me a Rottweiler
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    i abhor pink.
    i detest shopping.
    i don't "leave it" for a man to do.
    i lift weights.
    i can landscape like a boss.
    i can do a large variety of remodel-type upkeep.
  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    I'm a girl (because it isn't immediately obvious by my avatar) -

    I don't like pink.
    I'm not into unicorns.
    I don't wear girly clothes.
    I hate make up.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I have repaired frozen water pipes in heels and a dress and can and have changed a flat tire on the side of the road.....
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I do not wear make or style up my hair. I don't even own a blow dryer.
    I hate reality TV, unless its game shows.
    I hate romance/drama movies and soap opera TV shows.
    I hate fake nails, don't ever keep my nails looking nice.
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    I can weld like a beast! :)
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    I love hockey and football! Go Flyers!
    I don't wear makeup often.
    I HATE pink
    I built my own home with my ex. Yes, I built it. Not just cleanup or painting.
    I love to ride 4 wheelers and play in the mud with them.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    1. I do most of the cooking and shopping.
    2. I share all remote controls.
    3. I am the romantic sentimental one.
    4. I am a stay at home hubby working out of our home.
    5. I cry at movies and sad songs or great moments.
    6. I don't need help coordinating my attire.
    7. For 33 years, I have considered my stunningly gorgeous babe of a wife whose heart is made of gold my equal.
    8. I have not kicked anyone's *kitten* since 1986 when I decked a guy.
    9. Wife calls me her soft hearted badass stud. Hence, I am straight but obviously confused! ;=)
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Love math and science
    Sweat pants please
    Takes me 10 minutes to get ready in the morning.. shower, pull clothes from the dryer, hair in a pony tail.. no makeup
    Hate to cook, hate to clean, will never be a homemaker..ever.
    Anal sex- hell yes.
    Super hero movies are way better than chick flicks
    And ESPN is always on

    Girl stuff- I love pink, flirt all of the time, and always have my toenails cutesy'd up.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I don't wear makeup except on VERY special occasions (like weddings).

    I prefer hiking boots to tennis shoes or heels.

    I love and am addicted to science fiction and comic books - basically love Trek / Star Wars / Babylon 5 / Stargate type series.

    I wish I could join Josh Gates on Destination truth - I won't mind camping on the floor and jumping off cliffs into raging rivers (once I'm in shape again).

    I love horror movies - zombees, vampires, weird b-rated stuff like Army of Darkness.

    I think it's stupid to wear makeup to an amusement park or water park.

    I hate heels and skirts and would rather wear pants or flats (not girly sandals - ick)

    I think it's fun to hike up mountains, go snorkeling, basically doing the stuff guys do. I'm hoping next year to be skinny enough to get on that swing rope in Tennessee (you should have seen the looks on those teen boys faces - he he).

    You won't catch me wearing a purely pink shirt that's fluffy with weird little wrinkle stuff (that frivolous stuff).

    Basically, I'm more of a tomboy type than a girlie girl as they call them. :)
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Love hiking and rock climbing
    Love dirty and fart jokes
    don't hold grudges "your an idiot" "sweet" that's as far as my arguments go
    I will give you a dead arm when you least expect it.
    I know something about cars, I do the simple things in the car.
    I won't look for things when I need them, I'll make my husband find them (yep lazy)
    Everything is a joke.

    I do everything else very girly and I love it :)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I would rather be in sweats and a t-shirt and have my hair up
    I don't like perfume/scented lotions/ect
    I hate women's magazines
    I don't like spas and massages
    In relationships, I'm the one that tries to keep things from getting too serious
  • I hate shopping
    I am a new born giraffe when I am forced to wear high heels
    I drink scotch
    My nails are always short
    I love hockey
    I say what is on my mind and I don't play mind games.
    I rarely wear makeup.
    Chick flicks annoy me
    I rarely style my hair.
    I hate perfume
    I never want children