alternate day fasting



  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Interesting. I will be looking in to this more later
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I read the "Curves" book that was written by the founder of women's gyms called Curves. He discusses fasting one day a month to maintain weight. He discusses the menstrual cycle and how it makes women very hungry for a week out of each month. His theory is that the body does not detect once in a while fasting quick enough to go into starvation mode. I've often wondered about restricting my calories for two days a week and eating my 1200 and 1/2 of my exercise calories the other five days.

    I remember when I was young and skinny. I had no idea that the menses caused my ravaging hunger, but I fed it faithfully, only to eat like a little bird the rest of the month because I truly wasn't hungry. After reading the Curves book, I am sure that these fluctuations in my eating patterns had a hand in keeping me thin.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    There are 2 alternate day diet groups at mfp based on Dr Johnson up down day diet. He is one of the Drs mentioned in the U of Il study. His website gives calorie calculations based on your weight. You can eat your 500/600 calories at any time.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I just looked up calorie cycling and found this link:

    Striking a balance between dieting and enjoying life can be difficult. With calorie cycling, you can enjoy some foods or dishes you might not normally enjoy on a regular diet and still take care of your body. The goal is to consume the same amount of calories per week as you would on a low calorie diet, but with alternating high- and low-calorie days.

    Besides breaking your monotonous dieting routine and still allowing you to maintain or lose weight, calorie cycling can have some other notable health benefits as well, such as improving insulin resistance, slowing mitochondrial aging and reducing oxidative damage, as noted by NutritionData.
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I googled JUDDD (Johnson's up days down days diet) and found a calculator for my height and weight.
    1800 for up days & 350 for down days. Glad I checked as I would have happily munched though the extra 200 calories. one tomorrow. I welcome new friends for support.


    Will you please post the website address? I can't find it.:cry:
  • I have problems with it sometimes. I can usually go two days a week with periods of hunger but then on the weekends I tend to binge and then have to fast more the next week to make up for singeing. Until I can convince myself to not binge to make up for the fasting but I slip up quite a bit over a month and it affects my mood.
  • Louiyen
    Louiyen Posts: 69
    If you guys want more information regarding fasting, check out:
    Read " EatStopEat" - A book written by Brad Pilon

    I also watch youtube channels of: LowcarbCory, Fastingtwins (Very entertaining twins).

    I'm currently on my 3rd week of Intermittent fasting and see great results. Since i been slacking for the past 3-4 days b/c i had friends and family come to visit, i practically ate anything and everything. Had major surplus of calories, ate late, and still maintained my weight. Didn't gain nor lose weight. Now to get back into the grind!.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I just watched the BBC program and thought it looked really good. I'm going to give it a try - not every other day, but two days a week, like the presenter did.

    I don't find calorie counting sustainable, for me. I can do it twice a week. I mean, I can do two days a week of one carefully calculated meal. But, I can't go back to weighing my oatmeal and measuring every glass of milk, every day.
  • The way I look at weight loss is: It took a long time for me to become very overweight and it will take time and patience to lose it properly. The purpose of a diet should be to lose weight and to learn healthy eating habits so you can continue to stay healthy for the rest of your life. Is that the lifestyle you want to have the rest of your life? Eating unhealthy certain days and starving others. If weight loss was so fast and easy, than everyone would be doing it successfully. Myfitnesspal works, just be patient and hang in there.
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    sky+ episode, still need to watch......bump
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Starting ADF. Will see how that goes!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    The odd thing about ADF, as they explained in the programme, is that it has all sorts of additional health benefits. Oh, and fasting on most ADFs is modified, allowing some calorie consumption. There is a lot of science out there about it, on human participantrs, usually bariatric or diabetes patients.

    There are small studies , and lots of anecdotal information, mine included, that ADF changes your food behaviour, quickly too.

    For example I suddenly got a full functioning full button after a week, that's just 3 Down Days! I have not had one of those for decades, that is why I am fat!

    My cravings for sweet stuff and carbs is disappearing fast. My Up Days are far getting healthier by the day. I have hope I may stay thin as my taste buds are helping out.

    I am not thinking about food at all, I can't remember a diet attempt when I didn't focus on food every moment of every waking day. That's why diets fail!

    I have been doing JUDDD for almost 4 weeks and it is a lifestyle now. I barely think about it. For example, today was supposed to be a Down Day, but a colleauge returned from maternity leave so we went for lunch. I haven't broken my diet, I just changed the Down Day to tomorrow! No guilt, no problem.

    I don't have to count every day. I don't have to eat weird or faddy foods, or worse foods made sepcially for dieters, lining someone elses pocket! I eat my normal food with minor modifications. I can stick to my made fresh, locally grown, seasonal foods.

    So, hoewver you look at it, for me, it works, fits my life, changes my poor behaviours to better ones and is probably making me healthier physiologically and psychologically too!
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    The more a person weighs, the higher his/her metabolism is. That's why MFP uses weight to show us our bmr. When we lose weight our metabolism goes down. So when we lose weight whether by fasting or calorie reduction, our metabolism slows. Gaining muscle is about the only thing we can do to offset this. It actually take 72 hours of zero calories to immediately slow our metabolism. I've been doing alternate day fasting for a week and love it. And I've lost 2 pounds.
    This was supposed to be a reply to Cereal Eater
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I am really intrigued by this plan. I'm going to do some research.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I like ESE better than ADF.
    The problem with me is once I starts eating I want to eat more.
    ESE...I don't eat anything until dinner time.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Well I talked by my best friend, Google and everything about this plan seems too good to be true. I'm ready to jump on board and this is why...I have hypothyroidism and my metabolism is at a complete stand still. I am also now, pre-diabetic and have high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. I have 135 pounds to take off and I get discouraged very easily. Heck, I'm already there. I have tried for the last 4 years to lose weight and never make it past week three because the pounds stop coming off after week 1, I get frustrated and give up.

    The cycle is starting again. I'm on my second week of my weight loss journey. The first week, I lost 5 pounds. This week I haven't lost any yet and my weigh date is tomorrow. I'm exercising every day, eating healthy, staying at or below my calorie goals and nothing is happening. I hope that by trying this plan this will at least give my metabolism a little jump start. Activate my skinny gene, so to speak.

    Good luck to all on the plan. Keep posting results so we all can encourage each other.
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Well, I've done my research and read all the posts here and actually started an ADF challenge at

    I find this site ( an excellent place for weight and fitness 'challenges.' Join me at for the "Alternate-Day Fasting-Our 5-Week Challenge."

    It starts Aug. 26 thru Sept 30 (5 weeks duration). Calorie guidelines for 'down/fasting' days: 700 calories or less for women, 875 or less calories for men.

    I know it's more than the 400-500 calories normally seen, but I want to make ADF a sustainable lifestyle. 700 calories on fasting days seem more doable than 400-500 calories. Check

    Hope to see you at ADF challenge.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Well... I've been doing it this week. 500 calories every other day. Eating whatever I want every other day. I'd probably benefit from taking care to eat healthier food - I do like my sugar - but at least on the low-calorie days, I am careful. No good to just eat sugar. I eat something high in protein and fat, and rich in nutrients.

    Anyway, I've been coping pretty well. I've exercised and done everything like normal. I eat one meal, at about noon. I don't spread it out, but I'm not sure if it matters or not. I just had this idea that I'm supposed to make my body burn something besides blood sugar for a few hours. That's not science or anything, that's just me. Anyway, one 500 calorie meal is just about satisfying, so at least I feel non-hungry for a little while every day.

    However, the later afternoons are hard and I think it's maybe messing with my sleep. It's hard to fall asleep at night and I have weird dreams.

    I've lost 2.5 lbs and it hasn't been a week, yet.