
I did WW a few years back and when I got to a little over my current weight I just couldn't seem to lose anymore. I feel like I watch what I eat {for the most part} and exercise a good amount but I always get stuck around this weight. I know I could be better with my diet {more veggies, less carbs} but it gets so frustrating sometimes to watch my friends eat worse than I do and not exercise and they don't gain weight. I must have a super slow metabolism because if I go off track even a little bit I gain quickly. I try to stay positive but today I weighed in and gained a pound so I'm just upset. I know it's only a pound but it's been 2 weeks since my last weigh-in and it would have been nice to see a loss rather than a gain. Everyone is different and I think I am someone who would have to be super strict to lose another 15 pounds. I just don't know if I'm willing to live that way. I like to eat healthy and I love kick my butt workouts and will continue with this lifestyle but I also want to be able to not deprive myself or be so strict I can't enjoy my life. Anyone else ever feel this way? Anyone with my body size run into this problem? I'm 5' 3" and 153 lbs. and am 38 yrs old. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, just needed to vent.

PS~ My eating over the weekend was NOT good. I don't think it was crazy bad but I am sure it is why I gained a pound. Our friends invited us for homemade pizza/wine and we had two birthday celebrations. This is what I'm talking about with living my life. I didn't go crazy but I didn't say no. I would hope I could treat myself sometimes and not have a heavy price to pay.


  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    First off, I want to say I'm sorry and totally understand what you're going through. I used to be one of those girls that could just stuff my face and not gain a pound, but then I had babies. My hormones are out of whack and my metabolism is crap. If I even slightly veer off track, I gain weight too. Keep your head up! I get just as down as you are right now, but you just need to stay focused. I'm 5'3" as well but am 170lbs. (I was 115 prior to having my girls) I lost 20 but am stuck at 170. I go up and down by a pound or two and that's all I've been able to do for a few months now, no matter how hard I work. It's very upsetting. I don't even need to be a size 0 again, I just want to feel comfortable in my skin. Anyway, Good luck and please don't give up!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    that was way too long to hold my attention but keep on keepin' on.................
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I hear ya! Especially this part..."but it gets so frustrating sometimes to watch my friends eat worse than I do and not exercise and they don't gain weight." It kind of kills me when I see people who can seemingly eat any damn thing and still look great. Arghhh:grumble: when I have to plan a huge sweaty workout just so I can splurge with a Frappuccino once in awhile!!!

    But I can give you a tip for a plateau buster that helped me -

    Make sure you are getting enough protein! I weigh 143 and I try to net 100 grams a day (this is a feat for someone like me who is not very much of a meatasaurus!)

    Ease up on long cardio sessions (if you're doing this) and Lift Weights/ strength train! No not circuit train like 30 day shred and the like. (although I love me some Jillian Michaels these types of workouts still fall more in a cardio category) Lift heavy!! Muscles burn calories!!!!

    And lastly and the hardest for me - staying on track on the weekends. It's hard...but a few weekends in a row of staying true to your 'diet' and you will see a difference.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • KristinaMarieOH
    First off, I want to say I'm sorry and totally understand what you're going through. I used to be one of those girls that could just stuff my face and not gain a pound, but then I had babies. My hormones are out of whack and my metabolism is crap. If I even slightly veer off track, I gain weight too. Keep your head up! I get just as down as you are right now, but you just need to stay focused. I'm 5'3" as well but am 170lbs. (I was 115 prior to having my girls) I lost 20 but am stuck at 170. I go up and down by a pound or two and that's all I've been able to do for a few months now, no matter how hard I work. It's very upsetting. I don't even need to be a size 0 again, I just want to feel comfortable in my skin. Anyway, Good luck and please don't give up!

    Thanks for letting me know you can relate. It's comforting to know others are going through the same thing. I feel the same way you do, I don't need to be a size 0, just feel good. Good luck to you too! We can do this!
  • KristinaMarieOH
    that was way too long to hold my attention but keep on keepin' on.................

    Haha, that's something my husband would say. It was long. LOL Thx for the laugh and encouragement!
  • Ashers83
    Ashers83 Posts: 92 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. There have been times in the past where I even avoided events because I knew I would miss a workout and be faced with tons of unhealthy food and alcohol. In college I drank like a fish and ate garbage and as long as I worked out I was fine. But those days are over. I've been thinking lately, is it worth it? Am I really avoiding life so I can lose weight? It sucks but I'm trying to find a balance but since I've adapted that attitude, I haven't lost a pound. I've been hovering at 160-162 for a month. Very discouraging. I guess we just have to keep plugging along!!!!
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    woah...time of month again...jk hope all is better
  • KristinaMarieOH
    I hear ya! Especially this part..."but it gets so frustrating sometimes to watch my friends eat worse than I do and not exercise and they don't gain weight." It kind of kills me when I see people who can seemingly eat any damn thing and still look great. Arghhh:grumble: when I have to plan a huge sweaty workout just so I can splurge with a Frappuccino once in awhile!!!

    But I can give you a tip for a plateau buster that helped me -

    Make sure you are getting enough protein! I weigh 143 and I try to net 100 grams a day (this is a feat for someone like me who is not very much of a meatasaurus!)

    Ease up on long cardio sessions (if you're doing this) and Lift Weights/ strength train! No not circuit train like 30 day shred and the like. (although I love me some Jillian Michaels these types of workouts still fall more in a cardio category) Lift heavy!! Muscles burn calories!!!!

    And lastly and the hardest for me - staying on track on the weekends. It's hard...but a few weekends in a row of staying true to your 'diet' and you will see a difference.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:

    Wow, thanks so much for your tips and advice. I'm going to try them! I knew I was playing roulette with my messy last couple weekends so I shouldn't be surprised at the weight gain. Thanks again! :smile:
  • KristinaMarieOH
    woah...time of month again...jk hope all is better

    Actually it probably is...LOL
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    that was way too long to hold my attention but keep on keepin' on.................

  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    You ate pizza and drank wine - you're retaining water. Calm down. It will go away.

    Keep doing what you should be doing. Know that every good food choice, every work out, every positive thought ..... is progress. It may be slow progress, but in the end, it is leading you to where you want to be.
  • KristinaMarieOH
    I totally understand where you are coming from. There have been times in the past where I even avoided events because I knew I would miss a workout and be faced with tons of unhealthy food and alcohol. In college I drank like a fish and ate garbage and as long as I worked out I was fine. But those days are over. I've been thinking lately, is it worth it? Am I really avoiding life so I can lose weight? It sucks but I'm trying to find a balance but since I've adapted that attitude, I haven't lost a pound. I've been hovering at 160-162 for a month. Very discouraging. I guess we just have to keep plugging along!!!!

    I often wonder if I hadn't given up on WW and had just kept going if I would have seen some more weight loss so I'm going to keep plugging along like you said. Good luck and thanks!
  • KristinaMarieOH
    You ate pizza and drank wine - you're retaining water. Calm down. It will go away.

    Keep doing what you should be doing. Know that every good food choice, every work out, every positive thought ..... is progress. It may be slow progress, but in the end, it is leading you to where you want to be.

  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey - life is a marathon, not a sprint. Some days you win, some days, you don't quite, but it's a pound - keep the perspective of your prior achievements in mind when you see that scale after a weekend when you had fun! Maybe it is also the time of the month too - so consider all things, keep that lovely smile on your face, look at yourself in the mirror and say "I'm proud to be me!" Because you should be able to kick back from time to time, you still work out, you still watch what you eat - so stay in the gym an extra 5 mins - call it Pizza Tax!!

    Don't be hard on yourself, you look wonderful, you sound wonderful and I'll bet you are wonderful!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    that was way too long to hold my attention but keep on keepin' on.................

    S/N: Pedal_Pusher is apparently a troll, he has been making sarcastic comments all over the boards today. I have some Midol PMS in my purse if that will help.

    Sadly, we are not all blessed with fast metabolisms. It is frustrating, and we all have "that friend" who can eat a school bus and lose 3 pounds. Are we secretly hate them, because we are jealous of them (I know I am!) But despite your frustration, keep up the hard work (and the hard workouts!), and congrats on your success so far!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It looks like you're eating a fair amount of processed foods and almost no fresh fruits or vegetables. Make vegetables and fruits your snacks instead of crackers and protein bars. Start making your meals from scratch. Also, you might need to increase your calories. 1200 calories, even when eating your exercise calories, isn't enough for a lot of people. Try 1400-1600 calories plus exercise calories for a few weeks.
  • bowties_r_cool
    bowties_r_cool Posts: 66 Member
    *Hug* I just wanted to say that I agree with you. I have similar problem. I am 5'3" as well and I always get stuck at the 10pound markers forever. (At least it feels like FOREVER) I was stuck at the 140-130 mark for at least 4 months before tipping down. Now I am stuck at the 120-130 mark. I have been bouncing around here for the last 2 months I seems. I have the same issue with not completely depriving myself. I feel like I have to become a hermit in order to achieve my goals which isn't healthy either. I have a goal to not drink or indulge more than once every couple of weeks. I can attend the events but I must not indulge. It is really hard and frustrating.

    Also I believe that Dixiedavidson has a point regarding water retention. You have to take those things into consideration. Although I have to admit myself it never really makes me feel better at the time to think that.

    Anyways *hug* just wanted to show you some support. I know you will get to your goal without completely depriving yourself, it is just going to take longer than expected.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I feel exactly the same way! I wish I had some good advice for you but I haven't figured it out for myself yet.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Everyone is different and I think I am someone who would have to be super strict to lose another 15 pounds. I just don't know if I'm willing to live that way. I like to eat healthy and I love kick my butt workouts and will continue with this lifestyle but I also want to be able to not deprive myself or be so strict I can't enjoy my life. Anyone else ever feel this way? Anyone with my body size run into this problem? I'm 5' 3" and 153 lbs. and am 38 yrs old. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, just needed to vent.

    I used to have the same problem in my early to mid 30s. Weight loss seemed ridiculously hard, and I thought the only way I could lose weight was to majorly restrict my calories. I wasn't willing to live like that, so I gave up. I was convinced that since I was in my 30s, I had a slow metabolism and nothing I could do would change that.

    What I found after joining here in my late 30s was that I was previously TRYING WAY TOO DAMN HARD. :laugh: Hard work does not always mean good results. I could work really hard trying to push down a tree, but it's not going to get me anywhere. But with the right tools and the right knowledge, I can fell a tree.

    What worked for me was aiming for one pound a week (half pound a week when I was within 10 pounds of goal), because I didn't have enough excess weight and body fat to support a larger deficit, getting regular exercise (weight lifting and running are my favorite, but I tried other things along the way), and eating most of my exercise calories. Longer version: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/494091-i-just-don-t-care-anymore

    Also, aim for more protein. Your protein is typically only around 50-60g a day, which is pretty low.
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    Don't be discouraged! You are only 15 pounds from goal and those last pounds are VERY dificult to lose. Just keep after it and if the scale is up a pound don't panic. As others have said more than likely just water gain and not actual fat gain. You are still young, you can and will lose the rest if you continue to eat right and exercise. And an occasional splurge will not hurt you in the long run. Live your life. If you are eating healthy 90% of the time you will do great! Good luck!