Weirdest comment... ?



  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member

    "Amber! You've been losing weight! A LOT of weight! ... Your husband must be so excited!!" :huh:

    Hahaha NOT "Amber, YOU must be happy" or "Amber, YOU must feel better" nothing like that... the first thing out of their mouths was how happy my husband must be!

    This exactly! I was talking to a really nice man that goes to my church, I have become good friends with him and his wife, anyway I saw him at the school when we were registering our kids and he told me "Trish you look fantasic! Your husband must be so happy" I said Thanks but was like WTH? lol.

    Knowing that there are even more men out there that think this way... I am soooo glad that I have mine :laugh:
  • kyrieopal
    kyrieopal Posts: 1 Member
    I went back home to visit my family in Minnesota for the first time since Christmas, and I have lost 35 lbs since then. My grandmother said I was wasting away and a friend of the family said I was melting away. No, pretty sure I'm still here...
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    "You have a fantastic figure. I mean proportions and all. I just wish I could have those proportions only smaller..."

    UMMM, thanks? I suppose I wish I could have my proportions only smaller too!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    From my gyno: "The weight loss is great for the outside of your body, but I wish you could see what your cervix looks like now. It'll make it even more worthwhile..."

    Ahem... yeah.

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    Pretty sure it's still creepy for an old doctor guy giving me an examination to say stuff like that. Totally disregarding your douchey comment!

    Creepy? Yes. Probably intended as humor, and if you pointed it out to him he'd probably (and rightfully) be embarrased.

    Some of us aren't so great with social skills. We try. We fail a lot.

    And I've deleted my "douchey comment", sorry it (like many of the other things I try to say) did not come out in the way I intended.
    I understood what you were trying to say, but keep in mind that even though a lot of these things that people have said to us may look like legitimate compliments, the tone and context in which said "compliment" was said is what takes a compliment from nice to just plain odd.

    Example: My husband says "Wow, your *kitten* looks great!" <<great compliment
    The creepy mailman says "Wow, your *kitten* looks great!" in front of my husband...yea, not so much.

    Edit: "You're *kitten*"???? Wtf. Fail.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member

    Pretty sure it's still creepy for an old doctor guy giving me an examination to say stuff like that. Totally disregarding your douchey comment!

    Creepy? Yes. Probably intended as humor, and if you pointed it out to him he'd probably (and rightfully) be embarrased.

    Some of us aren't so great with social skills. We try. We fail a lot.

    And I've deleted my "douchey comment", sorry it (like many of the other things I try to say) did not come out in the way I intended.

    YES!!! This is exactly what I meant with this thread... MOST times there is an intent of niceness and compliment, but the WAY that things get said are what make these "comments" or "compliments" too funny not to share :bigsmile:
  • From my gyno: "The weight loss is great for the outside of your body, but I wish you could see what your cervix looks like now. It'll make it even more worthwhile..."

    Ahem... yeah.


    I think I probably would've rolled off that table/chair thing laughing!

    Still very odd but funny in a way.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Oh Oh OH I have another!!!

    My gram: I have some clothes for you. I hope you don't get offended that they are 'old lady clothes'.
    ME: Oh, gram, you have very good taste. I'm sure they are not OLD LADY CLOTHES.
    My gram: Oh good. They are just SOOO big for me, when I wore them I was so fat! But now that you are losing weight, they should fit you well!

    Ooooo Kay then! I love that woman!
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    My ex... seeing me 30 lbs lighter said... "WOW! Your not as fat as you used to be!"
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    how that you've lost some weight....can i have all your FAT clothes?

    I have some people who are giving me their 'skinny' clothes because they've gained weight but I can't bring myself to offer them my 'bigger' clothes because I don't want them to feel bad that I'm offering up clothes that are too big for me but maybe too small for them...
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    From my gyno: "The weight loss is great for the outside of your body, but I wish you could see what your cervix looks like now. It'll make it even more worthwhile..."

    Ahem... yeah.


    I think I probably would've rolled off that table/chair thing laughing!

    Still very odd but funny in a way.

    Called my gentleman friend immediately, told him about it and requested a "second opinion". That led to a really fun afternoon of erm, exploration (?). :drinker:
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Coworker: WTH! you trying to be a 20yr old again!?

    Me: NO, If I was I'd be drunk and sleeping with your wife!
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    From my gyno: "The weight loss is great for the outside of your body, but I wish you could see what your cervix looks like now. It'll make it even more worthwhile..."

    Ahem... yeah.


    I haven't had any weird comments about weight loss, but a doctor told me I had a really nice uterus! :noway:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    From my gyno: "The weight loss is great for the outside of your body, but I wish you could see what your cervix looks like now. It'll make it even more worthwhile..."

    Ahem... yeah.


    I think I probably would've rolled off that table/chair thing laughing!

    Still very odd but funny in a way.

    Called my gentleman friend immediately, told him about it and requested a "second opinion". That led to a really fun afternoon of erm, exploration (?). :drinker:

  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I don't take any compliment very well. I have had lots of women at my gym congratulating me in coming third in our weightloss contest and I can only respond with 'thank you' every time, because I don't know what else to say!

    My mother in law likes to talk to other people WHILE I'M THERE about my weightloss. So she'll say to my five year old 'Your mummy looks very nice, but I think she might waste away if she keeps losing weight' or to great-grandma, who's proud of my weightloss, 'Oh yes, but she was fine the way she was!' It's infuriating because this is what I want and I feel like she can't support it! So her backwards, offhand 'compliments' are really quite hurtful.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Coworker: WTH! you trying to be a 20yr old again!?

    Me: NO, If I was I'd be drunk and sleeping with your wife!

    :drinker: :laugh:
  • A co-worker told me yesterday that I have such a beatiful face and that I will look gorgeous if I keep losing weight....
    What ever B%^&*..... I am gorgeous anyways :P
  • I actually have comments that I've SAID to someone before.

    My bestfriend's husband used to be about 400lbs (give or take). He was a big boy, as had been. After reaching the end of his early 20s though, he decided to lose weight and get healthy. He's dropped down to about 180lbs. I hadn't seen him in 2 years but I knew he had lost a lot of weight.

    My first reaction, seeing him after all that time and all that weight lose, I laughed at him. And not in a mean way. More of a shock seeing him look so different after being used to him being so much more.

    I also made a few of the "Where's the rest of you?" type comments and my favorite "I think you lost something."

    He got a good laugh about it and then, while still shaking his head and laughing at me, told me to "shut up".

    This was 6 years ago. He has since kept the weight off and him and my best friend have celebrated 10 years being married and 13 years being together.

    Little does he know, that he's also been a bit of inspiration to me also. He's done it and he's kept it up. I can and I will do it.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I don't take any compliment very well. I have had lots of women at my gym congratulating me in coming third in our weightloss contest and I can only respond with 'thank you' every time, because I don't know what else to say!

    My mother in law likes to talk to other people WHILE I'M THERE about my weightloss. So she'll say to my five year old 'Your mummy looks very nice, but I think she might waste away if she keeps losing weight' or to great-grandma, who's proud of my weightloss, 'Oh yes, but she was fine the way she was!' It's infuriating because this is what I want and I feel like she can't support it! So her backwards, offhand 'compliments' are really quite hurtful.

    Thank you is all you need to say :wink:

    Is your MIL my SIL??? Cuz really, sounds close to some of the comments that have come out of her mouth. What you could do is follow up with "Yes, five yo dear, mommy is getting healthier every day to spend more time on Earth with YOU, you are happy for momma huh?" and smile wide.
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Now I'm bummed that I haven't got any weird comments! I get asked if I'm sick and how much more weight I'm going to lose. I had one friend who hadn't seen in a couple weeks tell me he felt like he wanted to order me a cheeseburger. I chalk that up to people being used to how I used to look. They'll come around.