Restaurants are Irresponsible.



  • cindergirl73
    Subway also uses HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in their wheat bread.....
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Subway also uses HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in their wheat bread.....

    GASP... those *****es
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'd be crabby if I ate Subway every damn day too. Maybe.....bring a lunch???
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    On the surface of things I totally understand what the OP is saying. Subway spends millions of dollars advertising themselves as the "healthy" alternative. However, like many food labels, the information they put out there is totally misleading. I remember looking at a small bag of something recently and noticing that the per serving numbers where pretty low. Then I noticed the number of serving per container and laughed. Subway is pulling pretty much the same trick.

    Yes, you can eat a low calorie, low fat "meal" at Subway. If you have meat, lettuce, bread and nothing else. I won't even go into the crap that is other fast food establishments "food". I sometimes have a hard time accepting that I once ate that crap on a regular, almost daily basis.

    But then comes that oft forgotten, frequently unused but very important aspect of being a human. Personal responsibility. You and you alone are responsible for the choices you make. Places like Subway are there to make money and provide a service. Eating at a fast food restaurant and complaining about unhealthy food is like going to a bar and complaining about drunks, or strip club and complaining about naked women. You should know what you're getting into before opening the front door.

  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Subway also uses HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in their wheat bread.....

    GASP... those *****es

    Oh no. Did we just go from an "I shouldn't be responsible for myself" thread to another HFCS is bad for you thread??
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I haven't read through the entire thread, but I'll respond to the number of responses I did see in the vein of, "It's your individual responsibility, not the companies'!"

    I don't buy that. If restaurants and food companies were upfront and honest, I'd have no problem. But that's not what happens. What happens is that these companies spend millions, even billions, fighting tooth and nail against regulations that would force them to be open and honest about what they're serving. Remember when California wanted restaurants to put nutritional facts on all their menus? Or when NYC tried to do the same thing? These companies act like it's some horrible injustice to force them to let the consumers know what they're buying. You can't claim it's all personal responsibility when people are deliberately kept in the dark about reality.

    What's wrong with letting people know what they're eating? Why shouldn't they be allowed to make an informed decision? If you're afraid that they won't buy your food because it's too unhealthy, the solution is to make healthier food, not to lie to people and claim it's better than it really is. It's disgusting that these businesses are placed above the health and welfare of the general population.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Supply and demand, dude. If the consumers are demanding more fat the restaurants are going to supply it because that's what sells.

    Personally I'm sick and tired of fast food places bowing to the pressure of people like Mrs. Obama. We went out for a fun family day and decided to eat at McDonalds for a treat and I was PISSED when my boys got only a thimble of fries with their happy meal! We don't get to go out to eat every day cause we can't afford it. One happy meal as a treat is not going to make them fat and die! I'm tired of this spoiled generation constantly begging for people to make "smart" choices for them. When I go to Subway, you better believe I'm getting mayo and ALL the fixings. Heck, make it a footlong, I've earned it!

    less fries won't make them fat and die either. just saying :flowerforyou:

    If you go to a drive through for healthy food, you're an idiot. If you go to Baskin Robbins for low fat frozen yogurt, not all that smart. Am I questioning the intelligence of many people? Yes, yes I am. I already know fast food is crap, I don't need the gubbernment getting involved. Educate people on what is actually in the crap they call food, absolutely. But keep the regulations for things that need them. On the rare occasions that I do partake in fast food it's because I want something nasty, greasy, full of sodium and other chemicals. When I want to eat healthy, I eat at home or take something with me. Or go someplace that I know has better food choices.
  • charlybu
    charlybu Posts: 47 Member
    Supply and demand, dude. If the consumers are demanding more fat the restaurants are going to supply it because that's what sells.

    Personally I'm sick and tired of fast food places bowing to the pressure of people like Mrs. Obama. We went out for a fun family day and decided to eat at McDonalds for a treat and I was PISSED when my boys got only a thimble of fries with their happy meal! We don't get to go out to eat every day cause we can't afford it. One happy meal as a treat is not going to make them fat and die! I'm tired of this spoiled generation constantly begging for people to make "smart" choices for them. When I go to Subway, you better believe I'm getting mayo and ALL the fixings. Heck, make it a footlong, I've earned it!

    less fries won't make them fat and die either. just saying :flowerforyou:

    Did you not read what I said? My kids get no fries on a general basis. If they're lucky they get to eat fast food once or twice a year. Give the apple slices to the fat kids and give my kids some damn french fries!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Are you serious?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Supply and demand, dude. If the consumers are demanding more fat the restaurants are going to supply it because that's what sells.

    Personally I'm sick and tired of fast food places bowing to the pressure of people like Mrs. Obama. We went out for a fun family day and decided to eat at McDonalds for a treat and I was PISSED when my boys got only a thimble of fries with their happy meal! We don't get to go out to eat every day cause we can't afford it. One happy meal as a treat is not going to make them fat and die! I'm tired of this spoiled generation constantly begging for people to make "smart" choices for them. When I go to Subway, you better believe I'm getting mayo and ALL the fixings. Heck, make it a footlong, I've earned it!

    less fries won't make them fat and die either. just saying :flowerforyou:

    Did you not read what I said? My kids get no fries on a general basis. If they're lucky they get to eat fast food once or twice a year. Give the apple slices to the fat kids and give my kids some damn french fries!

    Honestly if the fat kids are scarfing McDonalds I would say it's probably a general lifestyle issue that has caused them to be fat and not just the fries. I was the fat kid, I know these things.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Supply and demand, dude. If the consumers are demanding more fat the restaurants are going to supply it because that's what sells.

    Personally I'm sick and tired of fast food places bowing to the pressure of people like Mrs. Obama. We went out for a fun family day and decided to eat at McDonalds for a treat and I was PISSED when my boys got only a thimble of fries with their happy meal! We don't get to go out to eat every day cause we can't afford it. One happy meal as a treat is not going to make them fat and die! I'm tired of this spoiled generation constantly begging for people to make "smart" choices for them. When I go to Subway, you better believe I'm getting mayo and ALL the fixings. Heck, make it a footlong, I've earned it!

    less fries won't make them fat and die either. just saying :flowerforyou:

    Did you not read what I said? My kids get no fries on a general basis. If they're lucky they get to eat fast food once or twice a year. Give the apple slices to the fat kids and give my kids some damn french fries!

    I agree with you. People who eat out all the time and then complain that restaurants are making them fat and should have smaller portion sizes are ridiculous. For those of us, that eating out is a treat and like to bring home doggie bags there is no reason that restaurant portion sizes should be controlled by the government. For those that eat out everyday, it's called self-control.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Besides the fact that normal fast food places are horribly bad for you, I have even fell in to the trap of Subway being misleading. They have Jared for years telling us about 6 subs with under 6 grams of fat. But when you go to the place (as I do 5 days a week), its much different.

    I used to get about what they advertize. I'd get a 6 inch turkey sub. Good so far. Then they immediately ask you what kind of cheese you want and if you say "none" as you would have to to stay under 6 grams of fat, they make you confirm it as if you are abnormal. Move down for veggies and then get your sauce. Virtually all fo them are bad for you. I used to get light mayonase. Its LIGHT so it must not be too bad. The problem is that legally "light" only has to be 30% better for you than the original, no matter how fatty that is. Then the serving size is 1 table spoon, but they would put about 2 times that on the sub. Now at 400+ calories and 17 grams of fat, they want me to get a drink and chips or a cookie. Unless i get a diet coke and no chips or cookies, those numbers go up again. Then double that on the days I got hungry and got a 12" sub.

    Bottom line - I was gaining weight eating subway on a regular basis.

    These days I still eat there but get a grilled chicken salad with no cheese or dressing and fat free Lays and I net about 250 calories.

    How is any of this subways fault? Are you blaming them for your weight gain? Or just saying their advertising is misleading. I wouldn't call them Irresponsible. They have a product to sell. You can go in there and get a straight up turkey sandwich with nothing on it and do fine. The problem lies in all the fixins that you can either choose or not choose
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member

    I disagree. I do think people should make better food choices but restaurants ARE irresponsible. They try to hide their nutritional information as much as possible and try to mislead costumers. Not everyone has a computer or phone to do the research before they buy a certain type of food.

    I agree with the OP to an extent, but I think she made a poor choice in the wording of her title. Restaurants are not irresponsible -- they are deliberately deceitful. Restaurants hire marketers to "spin" their food the way politicians hire speech writers and consultants to "spin" their viewpoints. They are experts at tricking people into thinking that they are providing "healthy" food when really, they're serving the same unhealthy things they always have.

    With that said, I agree with the dissenters on this thread as well. It is a consumer's job to investigate what they are consuming and make an informed choice. Any time there is a thread about the "healthiest" fast food, numerous people always bring up Subway, but I really don't thing a giant wad of bread with a tiny bit of meat and a gob of added fat and cheese is healthy. I can think of many other things that would provide better nutritional options for me.

    In the end, we are all responsible for our choices and I know I am the only one who makes my health, fitness and weight a priority, so if I make good or bad choices, the successes or failures are mine alone.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I haven't read through the entire thread, but I'll respond to the number of responses I did see in the vein of, "It's your individual responsibility, not the companies'!"

    I don't buy that. If restaurants and food companies were upfront and honest, I'd have no problem. But that's not what happens. What happens is that these companies spend millions, even billions, fighting tooth and nail against regulations that would force them to be open and honest about what they're serving. Remember when California wanted restaurants to put nutritional facts on all their menus? Or when NYC tried to do the same thing? These companies act like it's some horrible injustice to force them to let the consumers know what they're buying. You can't claim it's all personal responsibility when people are deliberately kept in the dark about reality.

    What's wrong with letting people know what they're eating? Why shouldn't they be allowed to make an informed decision? If you're afraid that they won't buy your food because it's too unhealthy, the solution is to make healthier food, not to lie to people and claim it's better than it really is. It's disgusting that these businesses are placed above the health and welfare of the general population.

    Time to grow up and be a responsible adult. And the information is available if you ask for it. I agree with the restaurants in NY and CA, the information on the menus just takes up space and makes it difficult to read. If I really wanted/needed the information, I can ask for it.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Besides the fact that normal fast food places are horribly bad for you, I have even fell in to the trap of Subway being misleading. They have Jared for years telling us about 6 subs with under 6 grams of fat. But when you go to the place (as I do 5 days a week), its much different.

    I used to get about what they advertize. I'd get a 6 inch turkey sub. Good so far. Then they immediately ask you what kind of cheese you want and if you say "none" as you would have to to stay under 6 grams of fat, they make you confirm it as if you are abnormal. Move down for veggies and then get your sauce. Virtually all fo them are bad for you. I used to get light mayonase. Its LIGHT so it must not be too bad. The problem is that legally "light" only has to be 30% better for you than the original, no matter how fatty that is. Then the serving size is 1 table spoon, but they would put about 2 times that on the sub. Now at 400+ calories and 17 grams of fat, they want me to get a drink and chips or a cookie. Unless i get a diet coke and no chips or cookies, those numbers go up again. Then double that on the days I got hungry and got a 12" sub.

    Bottom line - I was gaining weight eating subway on a regular basis.

    These days I still eat there but get a grilled chicken salad with no cheese or dressing and fat free Lays and I net about 250 calories.

    Know what else is 400+ calories and 17 grams of fat? A healthy PB&J on whole wheat. Just sayin.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Educate people on what is actually in the crap they call food, absolutely. But keep the regulations for things that need them.
    Who exactly is going to do this? The companies who rely on selling those foods to turn a profit won't do it willingly; it's business suicide. Without a regulation, government doesn't have a right to say anything. Hell, even Oprah got sued for saying she wouldn't eat beef. Who is supposed to be the instructor here and say, "This *kitten* will kill you," without getting their pants sued off?
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I've been reading the forums today and I think we all need to eat a sammach! Got some hungry, angry people on here! It can come from Subway or home!!! LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Two words: Personal responsibility
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Restaurants aren't irresponsible. You're the one placing the godddamn order.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I haven't read through the entire thread, but I'll respond to the number of responses I did see in the vein of, "It's your individual responsibility, not the companies'!"

    I don't buy that. If restaurants and food companies were upfront and honest, I'd have no problem. But that's not what happens. What happens is that these companies spend millions, even billions, fighting tooth and nail against regulations that would force them to be open and honest about what they're serving. Remember when California wanted restaurants to put nutritional facts on all their menus? Or when NYC tried to do the same thing? These companies act like it's some horrible injustice to force them to let the consumers know what they're buying. You can't claim it's all personal responsibility when people are deliberately kept in the dark about reality.

    What's wrong with letting people know what they're eating? Why shouldn't they be allowed to make an informed decision? If you're afraid that they won't buy your food because it's too unhealthy, the solution is to make healthier food, not to lie to people and claim it's better than it really is. It's disgusting that these businesses are placed above the health and welfare of the general population.

    and I agree with you. But that is not what this thread is about. He is saying its subways fault because apparently they pressure him into making bad food choices... Like mayo and cheese and chips and cookies.