plans when you lose the pounds?



  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    The first thing I plan to do once I lose the weight is to finally go shopping. Also I plan on getting my belly button re pierced.
  • dirty_blonde
    dirty_blonde Posts: 71 Member
    I'm doing another sexy session when I reach goal weight and I am so confident that it will happen this fall that I already have scheduled it.
    I'm a professional photographer myself and own my own studio so I'll be having my assistant take my portraits. She has done this for me once before in the studio. This time I want to do outdoor portraits. My husband will LOVE them.
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Well Stated!! :) Thanks for starting this thread...

    I want to:
    1. ride bikes with my son...
    2. get my hair cut... I love a-line bobs! but always had a fat face...
    3. feel sexy again!!
    4. do push ups.... pull ups... and run to my hearts content! :)

    Good Luck on your journey!
  • The first thing I want to do is..........Take some awesome pictures ( pinup style.) get a new sexy bathingsuit and strut my stuff ! hahaha well you asked... hahahahahahah HAVE A GREAT DAY !
  • spacechick365
    spacechick365 Posts: 26 Member
    I want to take part in a powerlifting competition. I love to lift weights and I want to be that girl that looks small but can wow everyone with how strong she is.

    I also want to wear a low back dress somewhere and not have to worry about fat spilling out.

    Oh and at work there is a sign I see every day that says the floor can only support 250lb per square foot. I never want to look at that sign again and think, "hmm if I stand in place too long, will I fall through the floor?"
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    Coming from the southern US, I've always envied the people who can live in tank tops and short shorts or tiny sundresses. I want to join them next summer.

    I want to wear something absolutely fabulous to my five-year college reunion in 2014 and have everyone freak out.

    I'd love to do a colour run or something similar. I've had bad knees and been restricted in my exercise for 10 years, but I think if I can lose the weight then it's possible. Hadrian's Wall is pretty close to where I live, and I'd love to hike the entire length of it one day, too.

    Wonderful thread, and reading about all the goals makes me even more motivated! Good luck reaching your goals, everyone!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Pin up pics!
    All the roller coasters I can muster
    Imma jump out of something high. Preferably in someplace exotic. Which brings me to the next one....
    Go some where exotic where backpacking is the main form of transportation
  • twonkieone
    twonkieone Posts: 132
    Take more topless pics in front of the mirror, workout topless at the park. Be an all-round shirtless *kitten*.

    THIS hahaha (well, in a sports bra!)

    I WANT TO BE A SHIRTLESS *kitten* TOO!! New goal!!!!
  • Get married.
  • keep them off!! then have a baby... then lose them again! lol
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    One word: bikini

    good word
    I can't wait to move to Florida in a couple years, hopefully I won't have to worry about getting harpooned on the beach by then.
  • KatiaClouse
    KatiaClouse Posts: 27 Member
    One word: bikini

    ^^ that.

    I've gotten to where I can wear my old bikini and my husband says "not bad!" I'm aiming for being able to wear a new bikini so well that my husband is a little nervous about my wearing it outside of the house.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I just want to go shopping, is that bad?
  • boy!!! Firstly, like someone said...KEEP the WEIGHT off...

    But I am so gonna
    1. Wear Little Black dresses
    2. Sport my yellow bikini (of course will have to get a new size)
    3. Buy extra long WEAVE and throw my hair around like a DIVA
    4. Act Like a DIVA at all times (with or without the hair)
    5. See how much I can get away with just by being slimmer!""

    ....too many things to even mention!!!!

  • babymine55
    babymine55 Posts: 127 Member
    So, a bit about me. I was once in shape, many years ago. I was able to ride a bike for miles and miles, even up hill if you can believe that. I swam miles, not feet. Sometime up the river just for the extra work. I walked, I hiked, I did fun things, I hung out with people. And then all that changed.

    I'm entirely sure when it changed, It seems I suddenly woke up one day morbidly obese. OK, so I busted one knee and tore up the other, developed a serious case of depression and social anxiety, caught me some arthritis and continued to steadily gain weight for over a decade until I got to where I am now, fat, in pain and barely able to move. Surviving instead of living. After years of therapy I'm finally dealing with the depression and working though it (it never completely goes away), working on dropping weight and eventually getting bariatric surgery to help me get healthy again.

    One of my biggest problems is staying motivated. A large part of that is due to the depression and how it screws with my mind and my thought processes. So I have to keep coming up with reasons to not simply give up and climb in bed until my hear finally pops. This is a daily struggle for me. I've started thinking about those things I want to be able to either again, or for the first time. The more I think about it, the longer that list gets.

    Here are just a few of the things I look forward to doing or being able to do:
    -scuba diving
    -dancing again
    -riding a motorcycle comfortably
    -riding a mountain bike again
    -not worrying if what I'm sitting on can support my weight

    and when I get in really good shape again, taking a picture and sending it to all the people who judged me for being fat with a nice big F U attached.

    So tell me, what are some of the things you all want to be able to do that you can't? What keeps you going?

    It takes a lot of strength to post what you did...I don't know if I could have done that.

    I know exactly where you are coming 5'6", I was knocking at 400 pounds at my highest. It's mind bending being not just overweight, but, to hit the super obese category, it's physically and mentally debilitating.

    Being able to get out of bed without rolling, scooting or heaving myself out were big ones. Other, seemingly innocuous things, like being able to reach my E-break iny car without having to open the door and nearly get out to reach it, was another. Not having to sit down to put my pants on. Not having to think about the size of the booths or chairs at a restraunt. Parking my car WHEREVER and walking...rather than driving around and waiting forever for a spot close to the entrance to open up.

    ....the biggest and BEST rewards have been, my relationships with my family and friends. I didn't realize what the depression and sadness had done to how I treated others and how I interacted with them. I was cranky with my children, who got the brunt of my sadness, for no reason. My husband, who has loved and supported me through it....has admitted, I was downright *****y most of the time. :(

    I applaud you for the steps you are taking. Emotional and physical! When you're staring down the barrel of having to lose 200, 300+ pounds...there are hardly words that can express the emotions that came up in me, anyway. Fear, anger, excitement, all wrapped up. Some people think bariatric surgery is cheating or some easy way out-IT'S NOT!! It's one step in a life long journey! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Screw the haters!!

    My most sincere best wishes to you. Anything I can do to help...I'm here. :D I'm definitely a work in progress still, but, getting support is CRUCIAL to our success!!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    -Maybe skydive
    -feel comfortable enough to go clubbing
    -to run again.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    When I get to my goal weight, I'm going to dress how I WANT TO , not just whatever fits. I never had the guts to dress the way I wanted when I was younger and fit, but I'm bloody going to do it this time around!!
  • philco41
    philco41 Posts: 68 Member
    Your goals are great, but try setting some smaller, more immediate ones for the short term. If you're just looking way ahead, it's easy to get depressed and want to give up. Set your goal to increase the distance you walk. If you walk a block, shoot for two, then three or four, then try to do it in less time. Just don't think it all has to happen in a day or two. If you have a buddy who can do things with you, that helps. I always seem to walk farther when walking and talking with a friend. If you hit a plateau, don't letit stop you. Just keep on. Things will come. When I first lost some weight, I saw my blood work improve. That gave me more motivation. Good luck! You seem to have the right attitude. You can do this!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    First thing I hope to find peace.
    Knowing I will hopefully be around longer for my children.

    That is my biggest worry...didn't mean to be a downer.:flowerforyou:

    So upside, fall in love again and be a pain in her *kitten*:drinker:
    Oh and see my doober with out leaning forward:blushing:

    Rock on, wish you the best in all you do OP!!!!
  • Get a tattoo on my rib-cage
    Go to an amusement park and not feel scared of the rides (not the dips and speed, but actually fitting in the seat)
    Skydiving and not worrying about being over the weight limit.
    Wear cute clothes EVERY DAY
    Wear something really sexy on my wedding night.