You know what really bugs me....



  • swkittrell
    If you really want to know what bothers me ( if you are not interested disregard) I work at the front desk of a high school. I am tied down to my desk. I am trying so hard to stay on program with my eating and exersice. There are co workers that come up to my desk when they need a break and bring their snacks and eat them in front of me. I can not leave and I do not want to hurt anyones feelings and ask them to leave while eating their snacks. This is something that makes me a little nuts. I don't think they really realize what they are doing. This is just a get it off my chest. I do not want any not so nice replys I just wanted to get this off my chest as to what bugs me.
  • PattieCakes23
    If you really want to know what bothers me ( if you are not interested disregard) I work at the front desk of a high school. I am tied down to my desk. I am trying so hard to stay on program with my eating and exersice. There are co workers that come up to my desk when they need a break and bring their snacks and eat them in front of me. I can not leave and I do not want to hurt anyones feelings and ask them to leave while eating their snacks. This is something that makes me a little nuts. I don't think they really realize what they are doing. This is just a get it off my chest. I do not want any not so nice replys I just wanted to get this off my chest as to what bugs me.

    I work in an office full of ladies that LOVE their sweets and take-out lunches. It is VERY VERY hard not to be tempted when someone brings in fudge or someone goes around the office to take orders for my favorite take out place.
    BUT, I also have my goals posted on my desk so I can see them everyday. I just look at those and imagine reaching my goal. Then I go grab my granola bar or yogurt and I'm fine!
  • mrsmerrithew
    mrsmerrithew Posts: 74 Member
    I think you sounded judgmental and harsh upon reading the post. The topic IS "You know what really bugs me..." and then you go on talking about other people having kids. Not yourself waiting to have kids, but other people who decided to have kids at an early age.

    With that said, I had my daughter at 19. She's almost 7 now, and I'm 26. I don't regret a thing either. She has shown me the world in a whole new light. And instead of being drunk and hitting up bars at 21, I was being a mom. At 23, I was divorced from her dad and enjoying my early 20's as I should have been... but I was still playing mom and being more responsible than my childless friends.

    Sometimes I definitely wish I would have waited a little, but in the grand scheme of things - I am who I am, because of the choices I've made. I am happy, my daughter is happy and neither of us are suffering because I became a mom at young age.
  • bennysammysofie
    what bugs me is that some people have jobs where they can sit on MFP all day and post stuff every 2 minutes :)

    also, 2 more things that bug me...people who dont capitalize the first word in a sentence or thought and people who say what bugs them then get bent outta shape when other people say that they are annoyed with the first person saying what bugs them :) those little smiley faces are annoying too :)
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    what bugs me is that some people have jobs where they can sit on MFP all day and post stuff every 2 minutes :)

    I'm working a desk job while I go to school to become a nurse - I am milking this sitting in front of a computer for all it's worth! ;)
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Around here, 80% of the girls I graduated with have kids already and I graduated in '08, I'm almost 22.
    Obviously it's their choice whether to have a kid or not, but in my opinion, they're babies having babies and the kids that had the babies have their parents basically raise it and they go off and do whatever they want -- that's not an assumption, I was close friends with a lot of these girls until they pulled this crap-- I think it's your responsibility not your parents because it's your kid! They raised theirs they don't have to raise yours too.

    Some of them got married and got jobs and actually care for their own kid, but most of them, they're still too childish and selfish to raise their baby, they'd rather party and do drugs and again, I'm not exaggerating. Every parent needs a night out, but when your night out turns into 5-6 a week and you are out until 3 am, nope. My "sister"(best friend) got pregnant and had a baby, she moved in with me and I turned into a full time babysitter while she went out with a different guy every week(she was proud of her high sexual partner count).

    It's just my opinion, you should wait until you're at least 20. But thats MY OPINION. Don't anyone jump on my *kitten* for having an opinion just like the rest of you do.
  • PattieCakes23
    what bugs me is that some people have jobs where they can sit on MFP all day and post stuff every 2 minutes :)

    I'm working a desk job while I go to school to become a nurse - I am milking this sitting in front of a computer for all it's worth! ;)

    I'm actually quite a great multi-tasker.
    and it doesn't get busy here until about noon. It's only 10am.
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member
    If you dislike these people so much then take them off your facebook page. I'm sure they would not want to be friends with you if they read this.


    Good to know that they should only post things that you care about. God forbid they post things about their lives. Sounds selfish if you ask me. If you would have wrote about feeling different because you are not having children, or you are waiting until you are older to have children this would be an entirely different sort of conversation.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    So delete them.. duh.

    I personally like seeing pictures of my friends kids on their first day of school, but then again I'm not a snob.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    So delete them.. duh.

    I personally like seeing pictures of my friends kids on their first day of school, but then again I'm not a snob.

    Clearly none of your FB friends have ever posted a picture of their placenta or that first time Johnny pooped in the tub.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Yeah, posting photos of your kids all the damn time is just boring for people who aren't related to you. I don't post multiple photos of my dog every day and I guarantee those people are as interested in my dog as I am in their kids. Once in a while, sure...all the time, nope.
  • PattieCakes23
    So delete them.. duh.

    I personally like seeing pictures of my friends kids on their first day of school, but then again I'm not a snob.

    Clearly none of your FB friends have ever posted a picture of their placenta or that first time Johnny pooped in the tub.

    Haven't had a friend post the placenta, but I've had numerous stories of potty training and messes. Oh, and most recent was a play by play of a friends birthing process. Counting down the centimeters and all.

    I may be judgemental at times, but a snob I am not.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Why is it that as soon as someone expresses an opinion on here, they are quickly branded as judgmental?

    That is what really bugs me, in answer to the original question of this post.

    Yup. That's what bugs me too.

    Here's things that bug me that I'm sure will get me called judgemental also. I don't care. I am judgemental and so is everyone else. Everyone judges everyone all of the time and it's a major pet peeve of mine when people deny it. So let the flames begin lol

    First and foremost, if you smack and pop bubblegum like an angsty teenage girl being a brat, quite frankly, I don’t want to be near you. Do this in a professional environment like an office and it’s even worse. Learn how to chew like an adult human instead of like a cow chewing it’s cud.

    Next on the list of things that annoy me is people who refuse to acknowledge that they want to lose weight to look better. Hey, I’m sure there are some people who could care less about their looks and are only losing weight for health purposes but most people care how they look and looking better is a reason they want to lose weight. For me, honestly, it’s the primary reason. I’m not so overweight that it’s effecting my health. I just want to lose 30 lbs so I can go back to modeling for extra money.

    Also, stop acting like I’m a horrible person because I don’t think obesity is attractive. I don’t personally know anyone who thinks obesity is attractive but I seem to be the only one I know personally that is willing to admit it.

    Political correctness, in general.

    I do animal rescue and a major peeve is when people abandon their pets for stupid reasons. I think my personal favorite is “I didn’t realize he’d require so much time or food”. Do your research before you buy a living thing. FFS.

    Actually, do your research before you have human offspring also. I’m so sick of news stories about little kids being hurt or killed because of their parents stupidity. If you leave a baby in a hot car, you deserve to be punched.

    Speaking of the news, I’m sick of seeing politicians spending millions on attack ads. You know what would REALLY make me think you’re a better choice than the other guy? Take those millions and donate them to charity instead of on an ad.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    So delete them.. duh.

    I personally like seeing pictures of my friends kids on their first day of school, but then again I'm not a snob.

    Clearly none of your FB friends have ever posted a picture of their placenta or that first time Johnny pooped in the tub.

    Haven't had a friend post the placenta, but I've had numerous stories of potty training and messes. Oh, and most recent was a play by play of a friends birthing process. Counting down the centimeters and all.

    I may be judgemental at times, but a snob I am not.

    Judgmental/ there a difference? Why are you friends with these people if you have no interest in their life?

    I'm sooo tired of hearing people complain about this honestly. Just move on.
  • BlueEyesXoXo
    What bugs me... This whole conversation of judgmental, negative, throw a fricken hissy fit because you don't agree with that fact that I think people are crazy for having kids at a early age.

    There. Yell at me. I will still continue to not have children, I will still continue to go to school full time and work two jobs. I don't even want to take care of a gold fish right now.

    Does this make me a lesser person? No. Does it make you a lesser person for wanting kids? No.

    The world will never agree. Get over it people.

    Have an awesome day! Whether it be with your kids, with your friends, or with a beer. :):)
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    My issue has nothing to do with her not wanting kids young. I just think its lame to ***** about your 'friends' on a forum. Especially when all they did was post pics of their kids.
  • MrsBoney
    MrsBoney Posts: 12
    I'm stating that I can't wrap my head around that I'm old enough for it to happen.

    Don't worry. I'm 28, I have an almost 4-year old and I'm married. I don't feel old enough for it to happen, either. Hang in there...:flowerforyou:
  • BlueEyesXoXo
    Yes because none of us have ever complained about anyone else on a forum... ever. Not that guy at the gym or the girl at work who just really irks you every once in a while. Not your boss, your sister, your mother-in-law.... Nope. I never complain about anyone I am friends with.

    Bahahaaa. Sure I do. Everyone does. It's human nature. Do a search on this forum and you will find 10 times more negative posts dealing with people complaining about anything and everything, then you will positive posts.

    Human nature is to only remember the negative.
  • BlueEyesXoXo
    Oh and to the OP...

    Some advice.

    Don't post anything ever. Even sunshine and rainbows will get you haters here lately. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    when people say "also, too" - that bugs me.

    when someone speeds around, switching lanes back-and-forth to maneuver around me and others in traffic, only to end up being the car beside me at a red light - that bugs me

    kobe bryant bugs me

    someone drinking the last of the coffee, but not making another pot bugs me

    directv customer service bugs me

    the windows vs apple and android vs iphone arguments bug me

    people who say "explanation point" instead of "exclamation point" bug me (also add "flustrated")