Just bought P90X



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    So, Chrissy, how are you doing with the program?

    Mine was delivered today. I still don't have the pullup bar... and my dumbells are at my Mother-in-Law's. I'm going to go ahead and do my Power 90 tonight and start reading the information and intro DVD that came with P90X. I'm really excited to start but don't want to if I don't have everything I need. I'll figure it out!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I actually bought it for my hubby and I've harassed him enough about starting - he's got the bar, weights, bands but hasn't started.....{sigh} I'll keep working on him though. I think you can start without the pullup bar.
  • Kinipela
    Hey everyone, I ordered P90x and if came a few days ago. My boyfriend and I are both planing on starting this week. We read all the info and got the equipment this last weekend. I wonder if anyone has had experience doing the lean version of P90x I am looking for more weight loss and by boyfriend is looking to bulk up. So looking at the weekly schedule we will be doing different things the first 2 days but together for the rest of the week. I am a vegetarian so I am going to stick with the nutrition plan and adapt it for my needs, plan on taking the fitness test asap and get ready to bring it!
  • haleysman
    had it, did it a while ago, went from 200 to 185....started again today at a ridiculous weight of 210...yeah i got comfortable with my fiancee and lost the urge to keep working out. needless to say wedding is in may and honeymoon is in myrtle beach and i want to get rid of the pseudo baby in my belly. starting with the lean program then will bounce to classic and end up with doubles, and see where i go from there...using the pull up bar from wallmart/target/sports authority that mimics the beach body one, also had success with one at my old place that got from SA for like 15$ it has 2 feet that screw into the wall in your hallway and the bar sits in those feet and can be removed when not in use...fiance not doing the p90x but she uses a home gym band kit that slides over the door, got it at SA and she has had no problems...hope that helps
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    had it, did it a while ago, went from 200 to 185....started again today at a ridiculous weight of 210...yeah i got comfortable with my fiancee and lost the urge to keep working out. needless to say wedding is in may and honeymoon is in myrtle beach and i want to get rid of the pseudo baby in my belly. starting with the lean program then will bounce to classic and end up with doubles, and see where i go from there...using the pull up bar from wallmart/target/sports authority that mimics the beach body one, also had success with one at my old place that got from SA for like 15$ it has 2 feet that screw into the wall in your hallway and the bar sits in those feet and can be removed when not in use...fiance not doing the p90x but she uses a home gym band kit that slides over the door, got it at SA and she has had no problems...hope that helps

    Thanks for the advice, best of luck to you on your goals and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I am on my second round. There has already been so much great advice posted. My 2 cents are to be patient when looking for results. Many of you look like you are already in good shape. That is where I was when I started. I had gained 9-10 lbs and needed to firm up. I was no couch potato when I started. While my husband was transforming into a new fit muscle machine by day 30, it took 47...yes I kept a journal & it was 47 days before I had a "wow this s**t is awesome" moment. But once that happened the changes came much faster.

    I also never used the pull-up bar, only bands. I had a band snap/break in my face before, so I will only use the Beachbody ones & have had no problems. I use weights in the 12-25 lb range. I also need a yoga mat even though I workout on carpet. AB Ripper X hurt my tailbone w/out a mat.

    Fantastic program!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    amylolo-did you do the fit test yet? I did the abs, wall squat and jumping jacks just for fun...

    I did 6m on the wall squat and my legs are screaming and it's been over an hour since I did it! Did 50 of the ab/leg extensions...got tickled at the dog trying to give me kisses...I probably had a couple more in me.

    Let me know how it goes for you.
  • mnixon13
    What did your P90X/Insanity hybrid look like? I am thinking about doing the same. Maybe P90X for strength days and Insanity for cardio days.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    What did your P90X/Insanity hybrid look like? I am thinking about doing the same. Maybe P90X for strength days and Insanity for cardio days.

    I'm doing just that now. Instead of Plyo X & Kenpo, I put in Insanity workouts. I also am throwing in some One On One workouts as well. Like Medicine Ball Core Cardio this Thurs instead of an Insanity workout and Just Arms on occassion in place of Shoulders & Arms....I also have P90X+ and am subbing some of those in as well (intervals +, Kenpo+), but mostly its P90X for strength & Insanity for cardio.

    It's really fun to mix it up once you complete the programs. It's the best of both worlds if ya ask me (not that you did!).
  • haleysman
    used the p90x diet and noticed my sodium levels are crazy high for day 1(2300 mg over the 2500 allotted by the recommendations here), read somewhere that high sodium intake helps muscles to absorb water and recover faster, is this true, or is the nutritional guide telling me to eat too much sodium? please help!!!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    amylolo-did you do the fit test yet? I did the abs, wall squat and jumping jacks just for fun...

    I did 6m on the wall squat and my legs are screaming and it's been over an hour since I did it! Did 50 of the ab/leg extensions...got tickled at the dog trying to give me kisses...I probably had a couple more in me.

    Let me know how it goes for you.

    I haven't done the fit test yet - will do tomorrow. I read through all the info last night and plan on starting next Wednesday since I don't have my weights or pullup bar yet. I have school on Tuesdays until 10pm so that will be my rest day. I am going to do P90X Lean, but include some Plyo in there too...
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    this looks great. however i do not have a pull up bar nor can i ude one in my house. What can i do instead so that i can still do it?
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    Just started this yesterday!! I had to break up the plyo today into 2 30min work outs, due to children in the house running around... I didnt do the fit test, didnt know it came with one, I am borrowing a friends cd set, and looked up online the diet portion/schedule.... I am so hooked, and so outta shape! the elliptical has nothing on P90x!!!! :)
  • gmvanloo
    gmvanloo Posts: 100 Member
    the elliptical has nothing on P90x!!!! :)

    I agree! I've been a cardio junky my whole life and started P90X about 2 months ago. I'm on my last 4 weeks. I absolutely love it and feel that it actually compliments my running.
  • londonlawmom
    You won't be disappointed if you both do the classic version. I lost 25 lbs doing the classic. You can also add muscle mass using the same program just by manipulating calories in. It's a really fun program!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    OK- I'm starting today and doing the Lean version. I believe it starts with Core Synergetics. I am hoping I can get away until Saturday without my weights and pullup bar. (I do have a band) My weights are coming down with my in-laws Saturday and I will go out and buy the bar before then... I assume I will end up doing my pullups in another room because my doorways in the living room have no frame. I don't want to screw anything into the wall. I am not following the exact P90X Nutrition Plan but am striving for the recommended 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat and eating 1600 calories per day. After everything I have planned to eat today I still have 230 calories, like 70 grams of protein, no carbs, and am over by like 4 grams of fat... I guess I should add a chicken breast to my lunch... but I am at work and don't know a quick place to get some healthy chicken!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hubby and son started last night...it was tough - they are doing classic. I figure I'll do somedays with them on cross training days that I don't have a class. Good luck everyone!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Ok- Started this evening with Core. Wow. I give myself a B+ for effort and a D- for performance. I struggled through most of it. BUT -- I tried every move, and I finished the DVD. I even did a few of the "bonus" moves. I can definitely see myself improving as I go along, so that is really encouraging. I had to pause and rewind quite a bit to see what they were doing. I am going to read the book again tonight and read the moves that were in the video and what will be in CardioX tomorrow.

    I did get a little frustrated because I ALWAYS get calf cramps.

    One other thing... I like to workout barefoot. I don't have a good pair of shoes and seem to be more stable barefoot. Anyone see issues with that?

    Now -- shower, snack, bed. Night ya'll!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Ok- Started this evening with Core. Wow. I give myself a B+ for effort and a D- for performance. I struggled through most of it. BUT -- I tried every move, and I finished the DVD. I even did a few of the "bonus" moves. I can definitely see myself improving as I go along, so that is really encouraging. I had to pause and rewind quite a bit to see what they were doing. I am going to read the book again tonight and read the moves that were in the video and what will be in CardioX tomorrow.

    I did get a little frustrated because I ALWAYS get calf cramps.

    One other thing... I like to workout barefoot. I don't have a good pair of shoes and seem to be more stable barefoot. Anyone see issues with that?

    Now -- shower, snack, bed. Night ya'll!!

    Try eating more potassium - it will help the calf cramps. I have to eat bananas often for that reason.
    People run barefoot - I think if you're body is tolerating it than you're good to go.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Ok- Started this evening with Core. Wow. I give myself a B+ for effort and a D- for performance. I struggled through most of it. BUT -- I tried every move, and I finished the DVD. I even did a few of the "bonus" moves. I can definitely see myself improving as I go along, so that is really encouraging. I had to pause and rewind quite a bit to see what they were doing. I am going to read the book again tonight and read the moves that were in the video and what will be in CardioX tomorrow.

    I did get a little frustrated because I ALWAYS get calf cramps.

    One other thing... I like to workout barefoot. I don't have a good pair of shoes and seem to be more stable barefoot. Anyone see issues with that?

    Now -- shower, snack, bed. Night ya'll!!

    Try eating more potassium - it will help the calf cramps. I have to eat bananas often for that reason.
    People run barefoot - I think if you're body is tolerating it than you're good to go.

    I should track my potassium. I'm sure I don't get the recommended amount. Most dairy foods have a lot of potassium, correct? I started eating things like cottage cheese, yogurt, string cheese, protein shakes with milk, to UP my protein and lower my carbs, and I noticed the potassium. I just started back on my multivitamin too which has 80 mg. I will check into my potassium. Thanks!

    Edit: From what I'm eating today I am getting about half of the recommended potassium... That's crazy.