

  • joerobbins2001
    Prayers out to those with health concerns.

    Ok, let me blow the topic up. I am thinking about getting a fitbit? Yes or no and why? :tongue:

  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Thursday Truth - other than trying to get a minimum number of steps in, I haven't been doing any "formal" exercise. Trying to open the new school has me fully exhausted by the time I get home and I really just crash.

    @Joe: I know that when Fitnesspal and Fitbit linked, several of us went and got a Fitbit. I love mine. I personally don't do a lot on the Fitbit site even though I have the two sites linked. However, it does help me keep myself a little more in balance than before I had it. If I'm with a friend that wants to stop for yogurt or coffee, I can take a quick look at my calories and steps for the day to help me make my decisions for that extra treat or not. Then at the end of the day, the two sites help me to determine if I need to go for a walk to burn a little more, etc. I also like to pay attention to the sleep mode. I'm trying to get my sleeping a little more under control. To me, the measurements are a little more user friendly than the fitness pal. My sister swears by hers and she's lost over 120 lbs. Well, that's my 2 cents worth. :D
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,121 Member
    Prayers out to those with health concerns.

    Ok, let me blow the topic up. I am thinking about getting a fitbit? Yes or no and why? :tongue:


    Totally a personal decision Joe. I love mine and use the Fitbit site to get an instant update on BMI, track blood pressure and pulse, and each day I enter the time I went to bed and the time I got up---it then creates a sleep record so I can see how many times I woke up and how long I actually slept versus being in bed. It is also pushing me to take more steps each day and I have a goal to use a certain # of calories everyday. Not just activity but my total expenditure just living + activity. Fitbit gives me a measure on that.

    I find it to be a good tool to utilize with MFP. Just a personal opinion.

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Lots of good reading, thanks. I have been just spinning my wheels it seems. Good news is family reunion went well and had tons of fun and good food, 4 extra pounds worth. I think I am again going to have a stable couple weeks so I can get back on here and log my food and get back to the bicycle. Summer and family matters can be so time consuming.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Wednesday Wish: This is not health related, but some buyers looked at my house in Atlanta. They really liked it and my realtor thinks they may make an offer. I really need to sell. For the past 2 months, I've paid a mortgage in Atlanta and rent in Vegas. I'm getting ready to pay both (plus utilities, maintenance, etc. . .) again for September. I could be saving a LOT of money by not paying two properties. I'm just so thankful I have the means to pay both. Doors opened for this big career change so I know it will work out.

    nice. i hope it sells. i've been paying rent and mortgage for SIX years. and it's a killer for sure.
    My Wed wish this week is for a friend. His 6 year old was recently diagnosed with leukemia. If you believe in prayer, I would appreciate it if you would keep this little guy in yours.

    poor baby. my biggest fear. i hope his journey isn't too hard.
    so i know that i posted today already but i feel like i need to do more. since today is wish day i wish that i didnt get the phone call that my dad has cancer yet again. wont know till he has the surgery to knwo how bad how much where it started or anything. we only know he needs the surgery asap. so needless to say not the greatest food day but it wasnt that bad either. im emotionally drained right now and i just felt the need that i needed to share with someone else that isnt so close to the situation. sorry for the rant but thank you for allowing me to do it.

    i hope his surgery shows it isn't so bad and you can get right to work fixing it.
    When I first got back I saw no change in my weight but after two days of being home and not eating salty restaurant food. I lost about 2.5 pounds of water weight, so the trip was good for my weightloss. I actually broke through a long plateau and I also tightened up my upper arms some more. It was also good for my attitude. Working with people who have lost their homes makes you appreciate what you have. It is hard to believe that a year after the flood almost 8% of the residents of Minot are living in FEMA trailers. If you or your church are looking for an missionary/service project I recommend checking out Hope Village in Minot ND. My wish today is that the family whose house I worked on gets their wish of being in their home by Christmas.

    oh wow, nice work. i didn't even know they'd had a flood. hazard of never watching or reading the news.
    Assuming cloning were perfected and you could clone yourself with no medical risks, would you do so? Would you want a baby who is a perfect genetic replica of you?

    I will start: YES!! I would absolutely clone myself; I think it would be so awesome to watch a biological replica of me grow up! I know it would be a challenge to not have certain expectations of her, but I still think I would do it. I mean, don't all parents have to be careful not to pressure their kids to be like them, even though they aren't clones?

    I know this makes me sound really conceited, but other than being overweight, I really like my physical self.

    PS--I realize some people might have religious arguments against cloning; I am in no way trying to start a philosophical/religious debate in this. So let's assume, for the purposes of this discussion, that there are no moral conflicts in this "perfected" cloning process. Remember, this is just for fun! :smile:

    you know, i think it would be interesting as a nature vs. nurture experiment. i was raised in a pretty crappy environment by substandard parents and it does beg the question of how i'd be had i been raised in a healthy environment and how much is bred into me at birth. but as far as raising myself just for the joy of raising myself, nah. i much prefer my children. they're always a surprise and they change and grow in such fascinating ways and i have no way of knowing that they will be. that's the fun of it.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Cloning - yea or nea? I love me too much to have another one of me around. :laugh: Plus I made so many mistakes growing up I wonder about who would raise the other me and how the other me would grow up and if she would make the same mistakes or if, I assumed the same resposibilities, she would be free of them. Then she would be free to develop the free-spirited side of me that got squashed in young adulthood. Its a very interesting question. If I were dying, I'd loved to be cloned to live on, that would be the perfect time.

    Thurs truth - I am caught up on my medical bills - but OH how it hurts my savings account! And I am going to have some female surgery on Sept. 6th. Don't need to go into details - will spare the men-folk. Will be in the hospital 2 days and then no lifting, pushing or pulling more than 10 lbs. for six weeks. Good news is I can go swimming after my 2 wk. post-op visit if the doctor approves. I will be looking forward to that go-ahead!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--I also know some teachers who never send home permission slips and up until a few years ago, it wasn't even policy to do so. I don't know what movies your son is watching, but history classes probably have the most R-rated movies in my HS. I mean, any war movie is going to be rated R--at least if it's realistic. I actually only show 3 movies the entire school year, but 2 of the 3 are R-rated. As far as relating the movie to their curricular goals, I will give you an example of why I show a "cool" movie. My juniors read Fahrenheit 451 over the summer. When we return to school, we spend a few weeks discussing the themes, archetypes, and motifs along with some close analysis of Bradbury's use of diction and syntax. At the end of the unit we watch V for Vendetta and the students must find theme similarities and identify some common archetypes and motifs in the film. Could I do the same lesson with a PG movie?--perhaps, but I have yet to find a PG film that shares the themes so perfectly. Also, the students love the movie (most have already seen it) and this motivates them to WANT to search for the themes and archetypes. In the 5 years that I've shown this movie, I've never had a parent refuse to sign the permission slip b/c I explain the curricular objectives on the slip. I agree that the school needs to look out for the best interest of everyone, namely the students. However, having me waste time on alternate activities that I will probably never use, takes away time I could be devoting to my students.

    @rebecca--when you consider the novels students read in English class, it shouldn't be shocking that they may see R-rated movies. My 11th and 12th graders read Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, The Awakening, 1984, The Scarlet Letter, The Things They Carried, Montana 1948, Othello, Oedipus Rex, The Great Gatsby--all contain sex, violence, or strong language (most contain all of the above). It would be kind of silly to say we expect them to read and discuss the topics in a mature manner, but then say we don't trust they can handle an R-rated movie. Also, the content they study in history is (sadly) filled with violence--moreso than some movie depictions.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,121 Member
    First regarding cloning, no way. I have so many health issues I see no reason to make a copy of this mess. :grumble:

    Thursday Truth: I have gotten my 10,000 steps a day in the last 4 days (and I'll hit it today unless I break my leg or get hit by a bus). HOWEVER, the truth is what should be a doable thing, a thing recommended by so many health experts, a thing that so many people do each and every day without trying that hard...............this is something my head is telling me is really beyond my physical capabilities at this point in my life. After the first day my back started to hurt, then my feet, and yesterday add the hip to the pain stew. I just did some quiet crying yesterday because I felt I just could not finish it. Yeah, I did finish but it was getting up and doing it 100 steps at a time. It was insane and beyond the pain I am able to deal with on a daily basis. I was just feeling happy the other day that getting around on a daily basis was on the upswing since some pounds disappeared and I can't willingly put myself back into that mess again.

    I'll do it when I can. That's the truth.

    Once again I've shared TMI. Moving on....back to :drinker: :drinker: Need to drink a lot this afternoon, I had an overwhelming urge for cottage cheese and OMG the darn stuff is so sodium laden that I've just about doubled my intake for the day by having one 1/2 c serving. Garp.......

  • AuntieVaVa
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Yep - I'm probably capable of more physical activity than I do. I get tired, I have pain, I get fatigued, but I'm probably capable of more.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thursday truth: I don't like my job... :sad: I used to love it (been here over 5 years) but they started piling the work of several people onto me, and there is harassment and bullying going on here that makes it difficult to push through. I wish I could just go to school. I love school. Here's to school! :drinker:

    I am so incredibly happy before I get to work and after I get home... the in between stinks! :tongue:

    On a brighter note- I LOVE my life. I feel terrific physically and spiritually! :happy: My kiddo is happier too!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Prayers out to those with health concerns.

    Ok, let me blow the topic up. I am thinking about getting a fitbit? Yes or no and why? :tongue:


    I'm glad you posted this Joe, I've been thinking about it too.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    First regarding cloning, no way. I have so many health issues I see no reason to make a copy of this mess. :grumble:

    Thursday Truth: I have gotten my 10,000 steps a day in the last 4 days (and I'll hit it today unless I break my leg or get hit by a bus). HOWEVER, the truth is what should be a doable thing, a thing recommended by so many health experts, a thing that so many people do each and every day without trying that hard...............this is something my head is telling me is really beyond my physical capabilities at this point in my life. After the first day my back started to hurt, then my feet, and yesterday add the hip to the pain stew. I just did some quiet crying yesterday because I felt I just could not finish it. Yeah, I did finish but it was getting up and doing it 100 steps at a time. It was insane and beyond the pain I am able to deal with on a daily basis. I was just feeling happy the other day that getting around on a daily basis was on the upswing since some pounds disappeared and I can't willingly put myself back into that mess again.

    I'll do it when I can. That's the truth.

    Once again I've shared TMI. Moving on....back to :drinker: :drinker: Need to drink a lot this afternoon, I had an overwhelming urge for cottage cheese and OMG the darn stuff is so sodium laden that I've just about doubled my intake for the day by having one 1/2 c serving. Garp.......


    Lin, sorry you are in so much pain. I know the feeling, some days my feet and back hurt so bad I cry. I have found that I have to get through the pain though one step at a time because if I sit too long then I hurt even worse. I'll be praying for your pain to stop.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I promise this will be the last time today I get on here, but I have a Thursday truth and that is I ate 3 small pieces of pizza instead of the 1 piece I had. Didn't eat all the crust and still came in under calories, but disappointed in my lack of discipline.:sad:

  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 271 Member
    Thursday Truth-I have just learned something about myself. :huh: At a young age, I became a people pleaser.
    When I lived with my grandparents, noone was ever called fat, told they need to lose weight, or to exercise more. We were taught to love each other and ourselves. If we don't love ourself noone else will. When my grandfather pasted away, I had to move home with my parents. Everything was ok until my parents divorced. My mother's new man would tell me all the time that I was going to get fat if I ate that and that I need to be skinny if I wanted to ever wanted to marry a good man. I was only about 9 years old when this started. I wanted to be loved, so I would watch what I ate and exercised all the time. This went on all the way through my teens. I ended up eating one meal a day and running track everyday. My coach told me that I needed to lose weight to run for the state track and field, so I did. I got sick and couldn't run track anymore. There went my dreams. :sad: I got married and had a baby all in the same year. Yea I gained weight. I was now 20 lbs over weight and my husband was telling me I was fat and that he was going to leave me. :grumble: I lost the weight to please him. Then I got preg again two years later. By this time we were at ends with each other. My life was changing even more. I got up to 180 lbs. I had gain 60 lbs in 5 years and two children. He would call me fat and I ate more. Because he said he would live if I got fatter. We seperated shortly after that. :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :wink: :smile: My family and freinds whould then tell me that I would be so pretty if I was skinny again and that I could find a good man if I was skinny again. So what did I do? I ate!! By this time I new habit had formed. I was no longer a people pleaser, but a people hater. I hated people who told me I was fat and so on. I have carried this bad habit with me for more than 20 years now.
    Time for a new habit. :happy:
    I know that I needed to find out how I got this way and why I am still this way. I now can make a mind change and the body will follow. :bigsmile:
    I never seen it before. It just hit me across the head. WOW!! :smile:

    Sorry I just had to get this off my chest and tell someone who would understand.
  • clynch1968
    clynch1968 Posts: 45 Member
    Thursday Truth....I really do not enjoy exercise. I do it because I know its good for me.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good afternoon all. I fell so behind the day is half over and I am just getting on here. My son and I both had errands that needed to be done so the morning was spent doing that. I did discover a new grocery store today that carries much better produce then where I usually go so I spent to much money there but have some real nice things to eat, lol. Isnt it funny how I can always justify a fast food stop or a gas station candy bar but if I overspend at the grocery store on food thats good for us then I feel guilty for going over budget. Anyone else ever feel this way? My thursday truth is I havent told anyone in my family that I am working on losing weight again. I dont want to say anything this time until they notice on their own. It has been such a roller coaster my whole life that it seems like when I say something now I can feel them secretly expecting me to fail. I know that is toatlly me and not them as I hav a very loving nd supportive family but I cant help feeling that way. So I will just wait and see and when they start to notice I will just say all the new recipies I have been trying are apparently paying off, lol.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    So I woke up this morning and felt a little woosy, almost like I had fish swimming around in my head. I've never had that before and thought it was a little strange. I managed to get up and head on to workout anyway. I did my C25K and then came back upstairs and did the 30 Day Shred. After my workout the swimmy headedness was gone. Anyone have a clue on what it could be?

    I also have a question for my friends who run. Sorry if this sounds random, but I'm really curious if it's just me. Do any of you get extremely runny noses during or after running? It seems like every time I run, my nose just wants to run and run. It's really hard to run when you can't breathe through your nose. (Sorry if that's weird)

    Thursday Truth: The truth is, I'm loving the 5K training. I honestly thought I would hate running because as a child I was told by my PE teacher that I was "too fat" to make a good time during the running portion of our physical fitness test. (I was 8 and STILL remember this!) I'm also feeling better and have truly enjoyed "shopping" in my own closet again. (Goodbye 26's and 24's...and I'm almost saying farewell to my 22's. I'm looking forward to the day that I can wear a pair of pants that start with a 1 instead of a 2.) Lastly, I'm truthfully thankful for all of my wonderful MFP friends who push and motivate me daily! Big shout out to @ Naceto, judymelton, SkinnyJeanz, BSchoberg, ewhirly02, justaride, and Kimpossible471. You guys rock! :)

    Oh, and a big thanks @Robin for doing such a great job with the sight. I know I don't give her a shoutout often, but I'm grateful for her as well. :)

    Hope everyone had a Thrilling Thursday.

    ~ Jana
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I also have a question for my friends who run. Sorry if this sounds random, but I'm really curious if it's just me. Do any of you get extremely runny noses during or after running? It seems like every time I run, my nose just wants to run and run. It's really hard to run when you can't breathe through your nose. (Sorry if that's weird)

    Yoga does this to me. NOt aerobics or walking (haven't tried running yet). The first 15/20 minutes of yoga my nose is like a faucet. I have to keep box of tissues right there to keep blowing it. :tongue:
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    I hope it's okay for me to post on here, I started at 289 pounds a year ago although I have been as high as 320. I am down 100 pounds now and want to lose another 25 and then I may set another goal. I want to congratulate the member who was able to walk past the gluten free items and not purchase them. I used Atkins a few years ago and lost 40 pounds only to gain it back by buying their carb free candies, cookies and other high calorie foods. I still have a problem with things like peanut butter. It's so hard to stop when you get started so I try to not temp myself or take that first bite. I have to remember these things are like poison to me and that food is not only an addiction but it's the one addiction that we can't do without. Imagine if a drug addict or alcoholic had to consume a small amount everyday to stay alive how hard it would be to quit. I will continue to work every day to improve my eating habits and share any positives things I have learned from this experience to anyone struggling with a food addiction.
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Thursday truth - still haven't tested out those running shoes... :embarassed:

    I have done at least an hour of brisk walking today though, just running errands. Will try for some jogging this evening.