Never seen a community forum like MFP's!



  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    this is the most polite forum I've ever been to.

    Really, this is tame. Must be because they arent many guys here. Trying going to a board filled with 15-45 year old guys. Totally different's Misc section, 4chan, etc etc. a million times worse.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    ill tell you anything you wanna hear if you show me your boobs...if you dont......ur fair game
  • thats why i barely do the forums.. unless someone in my friends list joined into something that looks interesting.. I just post amongst friends.. just like I do in real life.. i create a circle of good people and trust my thoughts with them. I dont think its worth leaving MFP over tho.. there are so many good things about it too.. if you just look in the right places.
  • clovelyday
    clovelyday Posts: 14 Member
    People say mean and cruel things on websites that they would never say to a person face to face. Sad, isn't it? This is what's happening to society.
    This is so true and sad. I read and if I can't contribute positively or have no thoughts either way on the subject then I just keep it moving.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I don't read the forums late at night for fear of crying myself to sleep; some people can really hurt my feelings. One of my own friends called me over sensitive and offered to get me a tampon! What a doodoo head.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Maybe this has already been commented, but I find it interesting that this is coming from someone who calls themselves gdbadass.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    When I read on the news about some of the people that have tributes to loved ones that have been murdered/passed away/suffered an accident and they are attacked by internet trolls and facebook will not remove the page or comments, then it shows the society that we live in today.

    People sitting behind the anonymity of the internet and spewing out hate.

    MFP does have moderators and threads and posts do get deleted all the time.

    My advice, I know you haven`t asked for it lol!, but don`t feed the trolls, if the thread is a bit iffy then stay away if you feel you could get offended, if you feel violated report it via the report button on the thread!

    Meanwhile, enjoy MFP I do and I am sure lots of us do to, don`t let the A*holes ruin your time on here :-)
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    I don't read the forums late at night for fear of crying myself to sleep; some people can really hurt my feelings. One of my own friends called me over sensitive and offered to get me a tampon! What a doodoo head.

    If someone did that to me, I would promptly delete them from my FL...they should be ashamed!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I am wndering why the culture here is so different.

    People get on threads for no reason, it seems, other than to be rude to people, usually the person who started the thread.

    Someone posts about a problem, concern, something important to them, if not to you - that's what the boards are for. Instead of people responding because they have something constructive to add - after all, no one is FORCED to respond to anything in a community forum space - there are inevitably comments that are purely trashing the poster!

    Why do people bother?

    Maybe I belong to particularly polite online communities - and I don't think so, because when people disagree, they are vocal and it does get heated - but troll behaviour like saying a person is stupid for making a post in the first place, or implying it with disdainful, sarcastic remarks - I've never seen it done like it is here, in a decade of belonging to several, completely open public message boards.

    Why is this rudeness so common at MFP? People just cranky out of hunger? :)

    It seems that many people trying to change their bodies, their diet, their lifestyle, are particularly in need of support, encouragement, and safe space. Does that vulnerability bring just out the bullies?

    Give someone a keyboard, internet access and no webcam and they'll become a jerk face. Give them a webcam and they'll moon you while they're at it.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    white people problems :laugh:

    Funniest thing I've read all week. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I don't read the forums late at night for fear of crying myself to sleep; some people can really hurt my feelings. One of my own friends called me over sensitive and offered to get me a tampon! What a doodoo head.

    If someone did that to me, I would promptly delete them from my FL...they should be ashamed!

    :laugh: I see what you did there...
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I think it's about the same here as on other forums. The difference? Most people on here have struggled with their weight and health issues over the course of a LIFETIME. That means there's a lot of emotional involvement, inner voices repeating all the negative things we've ever heard about ourselves, and frustration brewing. Most other forums are not dealing with such deep-seated issues and so people aren't as easily offended as they can be here.

    Our goals of fitness, health, and weight management are very personal and we associate them with our sense of self-worth. Thus it's very easy to take a comment the wrong way (as a personal attack), or to get sidetracked on a rant. I really think that in many cases, people aren't so much attacking the OP's as they are everyone in their lives who may have said or done something similar.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I don't read the forums late at night for fear of crying myself to sleep; some people can really hurt my feelings. One of my own friends called me over sensitive and offered to get me a tampon! What a doodoo head.

    If someone did that to me, I would promptly delete them from my FL...they should be ashamed!

    Seriously. To think that adults would behave this way! What is society coming to??
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Give someone a keyboard, internet access and no webcam and they'll become a jerk face. Give them a webcam and they'll moon you while they're at it.

    In other news. The very first person I EVER webcammed with actually full on 'sunned' me... or whatever the heck it's called. Trauma. I was 16. He was much, much, much older. I never webcammed again. True story.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I mean come on, what do you expect people? You have a bunch of fat people trying to lose weight, they just realized that they can no longer have chocolate and then you throw some controversial topic in their face and expect them to calmly and rationally listen to your points of view?... It all makes sense really... :laugh:
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I mean come on, what do you expect people? You have a bunch of fat people trying to lose weight, they just realized that they can no longer have chocolate and then you throw some controversial topic in their face and expect them to calmly and rationally listen to your points of view?... It all makes sense really... :laugh:

    Careful bro, watch the F bomb. You may get eaten if you anger the mob.
  • MonkRocker
    MonkRocker Posts: 198
    When I read on the news about some of the people that have tributes to loved ones that have been murdered/passed away/suffered an accident and they are attacked by internet trolls and facebook will not remove the page or comments, then it shows the society that we live in today.

    Hang on now. Think about this just for a second. Someone decides to post something that is essentially a *personal* event (loss of a loved one) on a PUBLIC forum where at best - no one cares, and at worst - people are going to be annoyed that some crap about someone they don't know dying is now clogging up their news feed. Then they're going to complain that no one seems to be taking the death of their friend seriously? Do YOU care about total strangers you have never met, never seen, never seen a picture of and never even heard of? Most people do not. Is it mean-spirited to troll those posts? Of course it is, and since I DO have a sense of empathy, I don't personally do it. But again, after the 50th time seeing someone's tribute page for their amazing friend who passed away and was the most amazing person ever and the world is much worse off now that they're not in it, it gets a little tiresome.*

    There is a PROPER time and place for those things and for the most part - the internet aint it. At least the public part of it isn't. Your personal stuff is just that - personal. Nearly every social media whatever has a way to form private groups for friends or whatever - so that's the place for those things.

    I don't think that's "how society has become" either. If you went back to 1867 and stood on a street corner handing out flyers to everyone who walked by and telling them how awesome your friend who just died was, you'd eventually get people saying "can you shut up now? Sorry for your loss, but we ddin't know him - and don't care..."

    *aside: how come every person who has recently died is the most amazing person ever? I assume a55holes die too - but no one ever says "hey my friend died - he was a jerk!".
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I mean come on, what do you expect people? You have a bunch of fat people trying to lose weight, they just realized that they can no longer have chocolate and then you throw some controversial topic in their face and expect them to calmly and rationally listen to your points of view?... It all makes sense really... :laugh:

    Careful bro, watch the F bomb. You may get eaten if you anger the mob.

    I just read that like 4 times going "when did I say f***?"
  • because nobody is moderating and it is a free for all. like sitting at a bar and hearing anyone and everyone's thoughts out loud..

    So sitting at a bar and hearing everyone's thoughts out loud isn't usual?
    Maybe I should have another drink....

  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I mean come on, what do you expect people? You have a bunch of fat people trying to lose weight, they just realized that they can no longer have chocolate and then you throw some controversial topic in their face and expect them to calmly and rationally listen to your points of view?... It all makes sense really... :laugh:

    Careful bro, watch the F bomb. You may get eaten if you anger the mob.

    I just read that like 4 times going "when did I say f***?"

    Fat. The F Bomb is Fat.
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230

    Awe Man!! Now I want Wenches and Rum!! :grumble:
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    because nobody is moderating and it is a free for all. like sitting at a bar and hearing anyone and everyone's thoughts out loud..

    Exactly what he said.. This site needs better moderators. JMO
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    As plenty of others have already said, this place is no better or no worse than any other Internet forum I've used. There are always people spoiling for an argument. But you just choose how to deal with them, either argue back or ignore them but don't get upset and take posts personally when the people don't know you and are hiding behind a keyboard. If you can't deal with people disagreeing with you or being rude then I'd just avoid forums full stop. :smile:
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I mean come on, what do you expect people? You have a bunch of fat people trying to lose weight, they just realized that they can no longer have chocolate and then you throw some controversial topic in their face and expect them to calmly and rationally listen to your points of view?... It all makes sense really... :laugh:

    Careful bro, watch the F bomb. You may get eaten if you anger the mob.

    I just read that like 4 times going "when did I say f***?"

    Fat. The F Bomb is Fat.

    yeah... I got that.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Bacon makes me less stabby, offer more bacon related items.


    Bacon just makes it better. I see a bacon STARRY NIGHT?

    That is all kinds of win!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Cranky? MFP is tame compared to several other forums (fora?) that I belong to.

    Try starting a thread about diving to 300 fsw on air with an 80 cf aluminum tank on a scuba forum and you'll see what "cranky" is........
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member


    Bacon just makes it better.

    Does anyone else hear that rumbling in the distance...?
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member

    I's a Wench just call me Irishwench :bigsmile:
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    You haven't been on the WoW forums, have you?

    Or Trade Chat :P

    Oh wait, I'm a girl, and they don't exist in WoW...guess I've never really been there :)
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    This is why I post my questions / concerns to my MFP friends instead of the forums. I seem to get a much better (and positive) response.
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