Mud Runs - People talk the talk...



  • mellowmerlot
    mellowmerlot Posts: 4 Member
    I challenged my friends to the Irvine mud run here in California this past spring, it happened to be on my and my friend's birthday. I said instead of wallowing in the fact I was going to be 39, I want to prove to myself age is nothing but a number. Everyone embraced it and we did it! All at varying fitness levels. I didn't run the whole thing, as it was near impossible and I didn't want to leave my sister and friend behind, but it was an AMAZING experience. I highly recommend it! I just recommend telling your team, that no one will be left behind, we did split up but there was always at least a buddy there with you.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I totally feel you on this! I'm currently scheduled to do Run For Your Lives in Oct alone because all 4 other people who said they'd do it with me didn't come through. But I'm used to it by now. That's why I'm happier in my life than all those flakers are. Cuz all they do is wish. I just do.

    I'm doing this one in Baltimore (it's the closest one to me, I'm in CT)... Have fun!!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am doing Rugged Maniac with a team that was once 20....and it now 6. Also I am doing Mud Factor
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I did my first Warrior Dash this year, it was myself and my best friend. We tried to get others to do it but they were afraid of getting hurt. Once they saw the pictures and heard our stories of how much fun we had, they all changed there minds and want to do it next year.
  • This year I ran my first Warrior Dash, and although I am not a marathon runner (it was only 5K) it was hard work but lots of fun... and I thoroughly enjoyed the sense of accomplishment I got in completing something like this.

    I also made a pact with my very dear friend that we would run the Warrior Dash every year until our bodies give out.

  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    Im doing the Rebel Race this weekend in Dallas 2pm wave....never have done one before but i figure why not? Plus if i can sit my *kitten* on a bike seat for 6 hrs why cant i run through the mud for an hr.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I've done 2 Warrior Dashes and have a third in about a month....they are so much fun and the feeling you get when you finish them is awesome!- I feel like I can do anything after that haha.

    But everyone says they want to do it with me, and I always encourage them, and they never follow through and sign up...oh well, they don't know what they're missing!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I am in training to do the Spartan Sprint and Warrior Dash next year. I also want to do the Run for your Lives, but they are not coming to NJ yet. Thank God my husband wants to do it with me. My friends in the area have absolutely no interest in doing it. Unfortunately, my Sister in Law who is very active lives in another state, I would love to do these with her and we could make a team.

    My husband and I are running our first 5k in a few weeks, he did not think it would be a good idea to do an obstacle race as our first 5k, so we are working our way up to the obstacles.
  • reighvin
    reighvin Posts: 14 Member
    I totally feel you on this! I'm currently scheduled to do Run For Your Lives in Oct alone because all 4 other people who said they'd do it with me didn't come through. But I'm used to it by now. That's why I'm happier in my life than all those flakers are. Cuz all they do is wish. I just do.

    I'm doing this one in Baltimore (it's the closest one to me, I'm in CT)... Have fun!!

    I tried to get friends to do this too, but nobody else wanted to do the 3 hour drive. So screw it. I'm running the Baltimore run by myself.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    I signed up for a Spartan Race in May 2013. I know it's far, but that way, I KNOW I won't change my mind, I can't. Trying new things and be taking out of our comfort zone is the hardest! But I'm sure it will be fun, and all of my training is based on that race, so I'm actually doing a lot of burpees, push ups, pull ups and stuff like that! :laugh: I don't like it, because it's hard, but I do it, because if it doesn't challenge me, it doesn't change me.

    Good for you for trying all that new stuff! :drinker:
  • hparker2
    hparker2 Posts: 19 Member
    There are a couple mud runs coming to my area and I really want to do it! i love challenging my fitness level
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Just running? See T in the Park 2012 for living in mud ;-)
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Did the Warrior Dash in June - 35 people said theyd do it from work - 6 of us actually did it. IT WAS A BLAST!! One of our group was a 60 + yr old woman - we just had to make sure she got over all the obstacles - didnt actually help her with any - she did them all herself - we just promised her wed be there to help - SHE IS AWESOME. the other 30 or so people who bailed....PU$$IES.

    This Saturday I wil run the Shawnee Mtn Mud Run for Girls on the Run - this time, i only asked about 10 people - 4 said yes, 1 signed up (me) - again, these people are all PU$$IES. But i do have 1 partner for this one..... my 8YR OLD SON!!

    Everyone wants to talk like they are superstars...then they stay on the Fin COUCH....

    Ill have a blast without them!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm not a runner...more of a slow jogger...but I did do my first 10k mud run - the Merrell Down and Dirty National Obstacle and Mud Run - in Philadelphia this past July. It was fun, but physically demanding on a level I wasn't prepared for. I am proud to say that I finished even with a twisted ankle and badly bruised rib and because I had my sister with me from the start encouraging me on.

    I will definitely do another in the future - but I'm going to be sure I'm physically stronger and in better shape beforehand. :smile:
  • LaNena01
    LaNena01 Posts: 61 Member
    Bump! I would love to do a mud run!
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    But then fail when it comes to the follow-through...

    So many times I've told friends about whatever. Most recently stand-up paddle boarding. "Oh that seems like SO MUCH FUN! I want to try it!" So I arrange for them to come to my town and rent boards and give lessons and no one wants to commit. Not ONE!

    And now I'm trying to wrangle up some friends for a Spartan race... lol...
    Come ON people! Don't be afraid of trying new things in front of other people! Pride is an entirely ridiculous thing. Give it up and have some fun!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Would you sign up for a Spartan Race or mud run? Have you done one? I want to hear your stories.

    I ran as part of a relay team for a Spartan Beast. I did 2 of 3 legs and it was awesome. There's 6 of us trying for the Spartan Trifecta next year. Sprint/Super/Beast! It'll be awesome!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I did my first Warrior Dash last year (and my second this year) and I had never done any type of race before fun or otherwise. I had a blast both times. Last year I was just shooting for finishing and got a really great time (28:56) and finish (10th out of my age/gender division) and top 12% overall out of over 7000 runners. Not bad for my first race. This year, I wanted to beat my time...but alas more people signed up and there was wait time at every it wasn't AS fun and my time was much, much worse (42something). I haven't decided if I'll do it again.

    I am, however, training like I'm going to do the tough mudder (I am doing the Tough Mudder boot camp 3x per week and running at least 3x per week; logging in 15-20 miles per week). I will say I've never ran 10 I'm not sure I'm up to that challenge.

    Also, I had thought about the Hero Rush, but it is on my anniversary and since my husband cannot run more than a couple miles due to back injury, I will not participate this year (hopefully next year). I am interested in the Spartan.....
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    My last 5k mud run was on June 2nd and I broke my foot. My next run is on Sept 22nd and I have been training hard for it to make up for lost time due to my injury. Also, everyone but my brother flaked out because they were too lazy to train.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I want to do Run for Your Lives next year. But, the hard part is that it's a hard thing to "practice" ahead of time. The running I have down, but the just don't know what they're going to be like!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    my first mud run is on Saturday! EEK CAN'T WAIT!!