Whats your idea of the perfect body?



  • char_char_piper
    All personal feelings aside; I have to say that Kim Kardashian has the ideal figure, in my opinion. (Again, this is my personal goal as I have extremely wide hips and am pretty busty)...

    Her recorded measurements are as follows:


    and I'm just a few inches away from that goal. This is something that is realistic for my body type, but it doesn't mean that it's right for everyone else. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    All personal feelings aside; I have to say that Kim Kardashian has the ideal figure, in my opinion. (Again, this is my personal goal as I have extremely wide hips and am pretty busty)...

    Her recorded measurements are as follows:


    and I'm just a few inches away from that goal. This is something that is realistic for my body type, but it doesn't mean that it's right for everyone else. :)

    Also all personal feelings aside, I still think she looks....out of proportion, almost like a cartoon character. JLO and Beyonce look more balanced. LOL
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    All personal feelings aside; I have to say that Kim Kardashian has the ideal figure, in my opinion. (Again, this is my personal goal as I have extremely wide hips and am pretty busty)...

    Her recorded measurements are as follows:


    and I'm just a few inches away from that goal. This is something that is realistic for my body type, but it doesn't mean that it's right for everyone else. :)

    not knocking her at ALL, but I NEVER would have guessed she was 34-26-39. I am 34-25-24 with 15% body fat. Not saying she doesn't have a banging body, because she does, but I am almost certain her rear has a little more junk in the trunk than mine and I do believe she has a little more midsection than I do, too.

  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    How do you add pictures to your post?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    All personal feelings aside; I have to say that Kim Kardashian has the ideal figure, in my opinion. (Again, this is my personal goal as I have extremely wide hips and am pretty busty)...

    Her recorded measurements are as follows:


    and I'm just a few inches away from that goal. This is something that is realistic for my body type, but it doesn't mean that it's right for everyone else. :)

    not knocking her at ALL, but I NEVER would have guessed she was 34-26-39. I am 34-25-24 with 15% body fat. Not saying she doesn't have a banging body, because she does, but I am almost certain her rear has a little more junk in the trunk than mine and I do believe she has a little more midsection than I do, too.

    You look great. As far as for Kim K's measurements, I had that doubt too then I heard she's extremely short and weighs like 115 lbs? As little as I care for her look or anything else, I think her midsection is very tiny as well. :)
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I can aim for whatever I want. And I have seen 200+lbs girls go to 130lbs fitness competitors WITHOUT personal trainers, chefs, etc. They had dedication, and worked HARD. That is all you need. the motivation and stamina, and you can achieve almost anything. I realize it's photoshopped. I am 24 and have grown up in the digital age. I realize I will never have stick arms, but I CAN achieve a toned look. Don't ever tell someone what they can and can't do simply because they don't have funds. It costs NOTHING to go for a run, do pushups or invest in some dumbbells.
    My ideal. She's my height, and I don't want a popping six pack, just a defined tummy, but her arms! would kill for those! I have always had big arms! even when I was swimming 5-6 days a week competitively.


    Her name is Jennifer Stano, and you do realise that she lives in Beverly hills, owns her own fashion company and is married to a rich Greek businessman?

    She probably spends her entire day working out with an expensive personal trainer and has endless money to fund her image which is the only thing she has?

    On top of that the image is from her promotional material for her company, so is staged and photo shopped to no end, you really think some american Beverly hills wife is going to release pictures of her that are not enhanced? I mean look at her arms, they are not even the same size, and compared to her sharp face they are blurry which is a give away of being photo shopped.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member


    I think she looks a little too thin..u can see her ribs! Id like to be near this but not quite as thin x

    I don't think that she is too thin to be healthy or attractive. She is way thinner than I ever would want to be, but that's just because I know how little I would be able to eat to maintain that size (and I think that I would have to lose muscle).
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    It's nice to see some people putting their own body, before they gained weight or after they've lost it. Wish I had your confidence.
    I've just never been thin, so I have no size 'to get back to', and I also have no idea what I'd look like with less weight and toning. The picture I posted was just what I'd want in an ideal world ;D

    I'm pretty happy with my body now. I mean.. it functions pretty well so no point in complaining :D
  • HealthIsMyHobby
    HealthIsMyHobby Posts: 85 Member
    For women this:

    For guys this:
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Guys photo wont post D:
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    This is my first attempt here at pics, so I hope I get this right.

    I personally aspire to this:
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    My ideal. She's my height, and I don't want a popping six pack, just a defined tummy, but her arms! would kill for those! I have always had big arms! even when I was swimming 5-6 days a week competitively.


    This is the type of girl I go for. slim and toned but not ripped.

    pretty sure she's underweight or nearing it. but everyone has their preferences.

    This girl is not underweight or unhealthy. Not my ideal body, because I want more definition, but she looks really good and healthy.

    Do you see the size of her thighs? There isn't that much definition either so she's not likely to weigh much despite being rather tall. Think what you want--I know enough about body comp to know when someone's weight is nearing the underweight category. She's probably...5'7, 5'8 and 120 pounds??

    5'7 and 120 is a BMI of 18.8, that is pretty close to underweight.

    5'8 and 120 is a BMI of 18.2 which IS underweight.

    The angle make it's difficult though--if she's 5'5 I'd guess her weight closer to 115

    5'5 and 115 = BMI of 19.1, which is much closer to being underweight than well within the "healthy" category. For many women anything under a BMI of 20 is actually too thin. Unless they are of Asian descent which is another discussion altogether.

    Who cares about BMI?? Is anyone taking into consideration her actual muscle mass?
    I'm 5'7.5" and 118 lbs with a clean bill of health, and can LIFT. The BMI BS chart never factors in your frame size, either.
    You could be 5'8" and 120lbs and RIPPED with a decent LBM, or you could be 5'8'' 120 lbs and a couch potato with 40% BF

    ETA: Every doctor, nutritionist and PT I've ever been to laughs at the BMI chart
  • katierechgomez
  • katierechgomez
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My ideal. She's my height, and I don't want a popping six pack, just a defined tummy, but her arms! would kill for those! I have always had big arms! even when I was swimming 5-6 days a week competitively.


    This is the type of girl I go for. slim and toned but not ripped.

    pretty sure she's underweight or nearing it. but everyone has their preferences.

    This girl is not underweight or unhealthy. Not my ideal body, because I want more definition, but she looks really good and healthy.

    Do you see the size of her thighs? There isn't that much definition either so she's not likely to weigh much despite being rather tall. Think what you want--I know enough about body comp to know when someone's weight is nearing the underweight category. She's probably...5'7, 5'8 and 120 pounds??

    5'7 and 120 is a BMI of 18.8, that is pretty close to underweight.

    5'8 and 120 is a BMI of 18.2 which IS underweight.

    The angle make it's difficult though--if she's 5'5 I'd guess her weight closer to 115

    5'5 and 115 = BMI of 19.1, which is much closer to being underweight than well within the "healthy" category. For many women anything under a BMI of 20 is actually too thin. Unless they are of Asian descent which is another discussion altogether.

    Who cares about BMI?? Is anyone taking into consideration her actual muscle mass?
    I'm 5'7.5" and 118 lbs with a clean bill of health, and can LIFT. The BMI BS chart never factors in your frame size, either.
    You could be 5'8" and 120lbs and RIPPED with a decent LBM, or you could be 5'8'' 120 lbs and a couch potato with 40% BF

    ETA: Every doctor, nutritionist and PT I've ever been to laughs at the BMI chart

    oh gosh. do not get me started. AGAIN. You continue with your thought that being underweight is okay. Is that what you're trying to rationalize? That it's sometimes okay? Hmmm...no. I'd say yeah it's pointless for a bodybuilder/weightlifter who's classified as OVERweight because their muscle mass puts them over a BMI of 24.9 but on the lower end, yeah it matters...especially for women. I don't care if you're 18 or 25% bodyfat...if you're UNDERWEIGHT and not of Asian descent then MOST LIKELY you are causing some degree of harm to your body. (notice i said most likely--there are exceptions but they are rare)
  • katierechgomez
  • KaitieBean
    Love her look:


    This is what I'm aiming for. I have a fairly broad frame so I will never look frail or skinny. I also haven't been blessed by the boob fairy. I've always been fairly small chested, so as much as I may like to chose a curvy women as my ultimate goal...I know I can't GAIN curves while losing weight,

    I think this is probably the most realistic body type I could aim for without going to see a plastic surgeon. I want a flatter stomach with slightly defined abs. Also, since I'm a drummer my arms have alway been pretty strong. I've been working on making them even stronger.

    Aaaannnddddd, Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in the tomb raider has the best set of legs around. Won't stop 'til I achieve those legs. I definitely thinks it's an achievable goal.

  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Last time I checked I thought Kiera Knightley is a pear....And she looked too thin at one point...
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    My idea is.......

    A spine thats not all broken......

    Ribs not broken.........................

    No Arthritis...........................

    No Fibromyalgia.................

    At my goal weight...............

    And my body would be getting off a ski lift, ready to ski down some ski run somewhere in Hawaii.... Or Colorado ... Or the Swiss Alps...
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Aaaannnddddd, Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in the tomb raider has the best set of legs around. Won't stop 'til I achieve those legs. I definitely thinks it's an achievable goal.


    And this too.....