

  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Thursday Truth: My legs got pretty banged up on the trip and the bruises were bad enough that I was advised to go to the doctor. I seriously doubt it is anything but wear and tear but I went to be on the safe side and I was reading the computer screen over my doctor's shoulder and saw "obese" as a diagnosis and I said, "I am not obese any longer, please remove that." So she did! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    RobinsEgg :blushing: thanks.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Thursday Truth: I feel like everyone is watching me all the time. When I walk during my lunch at work. When I eat (especially at restaurants when I ask for substitutions to make my meals more healthy). Even at the farmer's market I feel like people were wondering, "What the heck is that girl doing here, she looks like she'd be more at home at a McDonald's..." I know if's not true, but that's just how I feel.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    A Post that has NOTHING to do with Truth, Justice and the American Way.........

    I just got a roll of Kinseo tape and have been watching YouTube videos on taping the foot for 1) neuroma, and 2) plantar fasciitis. I think I'll try taping the foot with the huge neuroma first. That looks fairly easy.

    Anyone here with experience want to tell me I'm deluding myself on being able to do this?

    Heck, I'm going to try anyway. What do I have to lose but tape and time.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Nevermind, I'm taped!!!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: I guess I'm still so new that everything is on track. Tomorrow is my second week weigh in. I've been doing everything almost perfect so not too much to get off my shoulder. My true hatred of the scale is probably the only thing I can think of. I've been so addicted to that stupid little box. I did take a challenge this week to not weigh myself every day. I haven't weighed in 3 days and it's gnawing at me, but tomorrow is the official weigh in. I get so worked up when the scale doesn't move. Excited when it goes down and soooo frustrated when it stays the same or goes up (of course). I will NOT let the scale dictate my mood.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Wed Wish: For produce to be cheaper and easier to keep fresh. Having just 1 person to shop/cook for makes it hard to get a weeks worth of produce.

    This is why I went to get a to go salad at a salad bar and only got the extra veggies, so I could have a variety to do what I want with, that are already partially usable and not too much. My produce always ruined before I could use it up. I get the mixed spring mix at the store and then add stuff for salads or use it to cook with to add to omelets, etc.


    that is a great idea. Sadly the groceries stores in my area don't do that :( Whole Foods has a great healthy salad bar, but it is 45 minutes way out of the way from where I live and work. I miss having a Hy-Vee to shop at! Who would have thought I would say that!
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @holly--I also know some teachers who never send home permission slips and up until a few years ago, it wasn't even policy to do so. I don't know what movies your son is watching, but history classes probably have the most R-rated movies in my HS. I mean, any war movie is going to be rated R--at least if it's realistic. I actually only show 3 movies the entire school year, but 2 of the 3 are R-rated. As far as relating the movie to their curricular goals, I will give you an example of why I show a "cool" movie. My juniors read Fahrenheit 451 over the summer. When we return to school, we spend a few weeks discussing the themes, archetypes, and motifs along with some close analysis of Bradbury's use of diction and syntax. At the end of the unit we watch V for Vendetta and the students must find theme similarities and identify some common archetypes and motifs in the film. Could I do the same lesson with a PG movie?--perhaps, but I have yet to find a PG film that shares the themes so perfectly. Also, the students love the movie (most have already seen it) and this motivates them to WANT to search for the themes and archetypes. In the 5 years that I've shown this movie, I've never had a parent refuse to sign the permission slip b/c I explain the curricular objectives on the slip. I agree that the school needs to look out for the best interest of everyone, namely the students. However, having me waste time on alternate activities that I will probably never use, takes away time I could be devoting to my students.

    @rebecca--when you consider the novels students read in English class, it shouldn't be shocking that they may see R-rated movies. My 11th and 12th graders read Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, The Awakening, 1984, The Scarlet Letter, The Things They Carried, Montana 1948, Othello, Oedipus Rex, The Great Gatsby--all contain sex, violence, or strong language (most contain all of the above). It would be kind of silly to say we expect them to read and discuss the topics in a mature manner, but then say we don't trust they can handle an R-rated movie. Also, the content they study in history is (sadly) filled with violence--moreso than some movie depictions.

    It is so sad that our society thinks that it is media that causes children to grow up thinking violence is ok - or whatever it may be. Especially when you look at the history of the world and realize how prudish America is compared to all societies in all time periods in the whole world! It's crazy!
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Thursday Truth: My legs got pretty banged up on the trip and the bruises were bad enough that I was advised to go to the doctor. I seriously doubt it is anything but wear and tear but I went to be on the safe side and I was reading the computer screen over my doctor's shoulder and saw "obese" as a diagnosis and I said, "I am not obese any longer, please remove that." So she did! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    RobinsEgg :blushing: thanks.
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Alright, someone is going to have to teach me how to quote. That is awesome getting the "obese" removed from your medical file.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Joe Thank you for opening it up about the Fitbit. Iowa's wondering about it myself.
    @Lin. So sorry to hear about your pain. I understand your body not cooperating the way you want it to.

    @monarchris. Tomorrow is a new day its good you came under still. Shows some self control. :) you are doing great.

    Thursday truth It was hard to day at dinner. I did ok but I can see my
    Lack of control. Normally I put/dish up my food on my plate measuring out everything. Tonight I was lazy I just serve every thing family style it was so hard to push away from the table.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth- Today has not been a stellar day. I blew my food allowance and don't even care right now. Most of it is I still don't feel well and I am tired. Most likely, will go to bed early tonight it is still before 10pm (EST) my time. Today I had half a bagel and pizza at the meeting I had today and tonight was frozen yogurt with Capt'n Crunch, Andes mints, marshmellow topping tonight plus I did not exercise a great day. I am house sitting again so I did walk the dog today but that was it. I thought about going to the gym on my over here but just did not have the energy to even walk the track.

    All I can do is try again tomorrow to get back on track. Hopefully, a good night sleep will help.

    Good night, everyone.
  • linny8306
    Hello Everyone

    Just starting Today!!! Yeah just got married with him for 9 yrs and our honeymoon is in PDC Cancun....Needless to say it is time to become happy with my self. I have a long journey ahead of me 300+ pounds and want to be in the 200's by my honeymoon. You are all an inspirations and i can't wait to start seeing some results. "How do you Quote?"

    I have been reading all the messages and the support system is amazing!! You GUYS ROCK :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nichols--I absolutely agree with you! It makes me crazy when I read about people trying to ban books from schools and libraries to "shield" children from the evils of society. Are you gonna lock them in the house as well? Better to read about issues and discuss them in a structured environment so they can understand and examine all sides of controversial issues. At least that's my humble opinion. I guess it's actually not so humble--I'm adamantly against government censorship. I believe parents should make those decisions for their children. Even though as teachers we choose texts using our expertise as educators, I'll still gladly find an alternate if a parent objects to any of the course curriculum.

    @susan--freeing ourselves from the scale is probably the hardest part of this process. As you can see, even those of us who've been at it for a while still let that "stupid little box" get to us at times. You are starting out with a great attitude toward it! :flowerforyou:

    @lin--you'll have to let me know how that Kinseo tape works out for you--I've thought about using it for my knee.

    @jana--It's very common--here is an explanation and suggestion for how to deal with it from

    "It's called exercise-induced rhinitis, and it's a lot like allergic rhinitis -- also called hay fever or nasal allergies. For the unlucky people with EIR, as it's called, a good workout triggers allergy symptoms: congestion, sneezing, runny nose, itchiness, general misery.

    Just like regular allergies, exercise-induced rhinitis is common among both "real" and recreational athletes -- whether they have an underlying nasal allergy or not (but it is more common in those who do have allergies), according to a 2006 report. And you're not imagining things: rhinitis symptoms are more common in the winter, the lead author of that study, Dr. William Silvers of the Allergy Asthma & Immunology Clinic of Colorado, said in an email. (Think of a skier's nose, he points out.) It's more common in people who exercise outdoors, but it can also happen indoors, Silvers says.

    Between 10 percent and 20 percent of Americans suffer from allergic rhinitis, but, strangely, 40 percent of endurance athletes suffer from the condition. And while it's well-known that exercise can trigger asthma, hives and anaphylaxis (a life-threatening, whole-body allergic reaction -- that's right: in rare cases, exercise can and does kill), it's not well-understood what triggers the annoying allergy-like symptoms. But the latest theory medical research is narrowing in on is, perhaps unsurprisingly, pollution. In particular, nitrogen dioxide -- found in car exhaust -- has been the subject of a handful of recent studies involving allergies and athletes.

    Of course, runners aren't the only ones who have respiratory problems triggered by physical exertion -- swimmers, divers, boxers, skiers and figure skaters get similar symptoms. Interestingly, exercise-induced asthma is disproportionately seen in Winter Olympic athletes, reported a 2010 New York Times blog post.

    Exercise-induced rhinitis won't cause you any real harm -- it's more of a nuisance that, as Silvers phrases it,"snots up your nose and clothes!" But if you regularly work out and your nose is really bugging you, a nasal spray -- specifically, ipratroprium bromide nasal spray -- can help. If the irritation is in your lungs, Silvers recommends using an albuterol inhaler before exercise, and as needed after that."

    @jana--I've never tried using any kind of nasal spray or decongestant, but I know other runners who do. I used to get a runny nose even from just walking the dog, but now that I'm more fit, the problem seems to have diminished. I really only notice it when I run outdoors in the cold. In fact, when I asked a friend (who coaches cross-country) about it, she said the boys on her team just wrap a bandana around their fist or wrist and wipe away while running. I did that when I ran the Turkey Trot last Nov. and it worked well, but I still had to stop once or twice and actually blow my nose to clear my sinuses completely.

    @clynch--love your profile pic! :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    I honestly can't think of anything to write for this. The truth is I'm doing what I should be doing most of the time and feeling pretty good about it.

    I guess one truth is I'm not very excited to start back to school next week. I love my job and enjoy the students--I'm just really in a great groove right now and I'm worried that the change in schedule will knock me right off track. Ok, so that's my truth, I'm afraid I will let work interfere with my healthy habits. :frown:
  • sweet_basil
    Just starting today but my Thursday Truth is: Today hasn't been fantastic but not terrible.

    There is no chocolate in my apartment and I don't know if I can cope with that. It's a comfort food. I've been trying to not eat past 9 p.m. and it's 9:30 already and I've got a snack craving.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lin - I'm no exercise expert, but if that amount of steps is that much pain, I urge you to back off the amount and do your walking every other day to give your aches time to recover until you've built those complaining muscles up to the level where you can handle 10.000 steps without your body complaining like that. I hate to see you hurting :cry:

    Alleykat - isn't wonderful to have an AHAH! moment where you get to see inside yourself? Thanks for sharing your story - I'm sure that parts of the story fits lots of us.

    jana - and everyone - thanks for the kind words!

    Laurie - hope you feel better - frankly I had to laugh at that concoction you ate! :laugh:

    Newbies - please read the first post on page 1 and abide by the rules.

    I got another swim in today for 25 minutes . Huzzah!
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    I found a gym near my house that does has great rates! It's called blast fitness. They have 2 different types of memberships. One is $10 and one is $20. And they have a big sale thingy happening where you can get the lower one for a year for $100 if you pay it up front but it is one day only. i need to do a bit more research on it before i decide but i gotta decide before the 28th! So excited.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Lin - I'm no exercise expert, but if that amount of steps is that much pain, I urge you to back off the amount and do your walking every other day to give your aches time to recover until you've built those complaining muscles up to the level where you can handle 10.000 steps without your body complaining like that. I hate to see you hurting :cry:

    I got another swim in today for 25 minutes . Huzzah!

    Robin - it could be the fibromyalgia kicking me in various places again. I never know how hard to push which causes indecision. I don't want to be a total wimp! (Just a partial one....)


  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thursday Truth: My legs got pretty banged up on the trip and the bruises were bad enough that I was advised to go to the doctor. I seriously doubt it is anything but wear and tear but I went to be on the safe side and I was reading the computer screen over my doctor's shoulder and saw "obese" as a diagnosis and I said, "I am not obese any longer, please remove that." So she did! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    RobinsEgg :blushing: thanks.

    wow, that's amazing. what an NSV!
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    @Skinnyjeanz- Thanks for finding that! I do have mild allergies as the seasons change, but I didn't realize that running could trigger them. That's so interesting. And all this time I thought I was strange! LOL! I think I might try the bandana thing. I am not sure my poor shirts can handle anymore...haha!