How much weight do you put on in a 2-week vacation?



  • I gained 5 pounds in one week earlier this year when we were in California staying with friends.
  • Chelseatheturtle
    Chelseatheturtle Posts: 25 Member
    My family went on a two week +3 days vacation back in June, road tripping all the way to DC(main attraction) and back to Tejas. We tried to eat as healthy and cheaply as we could (Subway was our best friend). We didn't always eat great because of the options we had around us, but we were constantly walking around everywhere (especially DC(those museums are bigger than you'd think if you haven't been there)). Just remember - calories in : calories out. Two weeks later I had a Dr.s appointment and I had lost 4 pounds between the visits (about a month). Surprised and relieved. But in my opinion, if you've bee on a 1,200 cal/day plan, I would not go over 1,700 cal max. Just don't go over-board on the junk foods and drinks. Small 100 calories snacks and plenty of water is a must! Have fun!
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I know a lot of people will disagree, but I try to really be "good" on vacation because trying to lose 5 lbs when I get back is not fun. I just have bites and tastes of the yummy stuff while on vacation, but never really go overboard.
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    I know a lot of people will disagree, but I try to really be "good" on vacation because trying to lose 5 lbs when I get back is not fun. I just have bites and tastes of the yummy stuff while on vacation, but never really go overboard.

    You're smart... I need to learn some control like that!! It's too easy to fall into an "F-it! Ima have a burger! And wine! And cheesecake! Well, maybe half a cheesecake! Spiltsies?!" attitude when on vacation.
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    I have been on two longer vacations both between 10 to 14 days, and may weekend get always since trying to get healthier.

    Both times I have Los weight, the first was to LA and Disney area, and the second a road trip. My strategy is I try to as well as I can ,but more at maintenance calories. I have gotten rid of my out attitude of since it's vacation , can relax on the food front and o crazy.

    However, what I have done is instead of deciding it was okay to ea like crap when ever I want while away, I decided to modify my thinking that I wll indulge and splurge when feel that it's really worth it, and miss out otherwise.

    For breakfasts, I find it really to eat healthy, it lunch and dinner tha we are always out. My theory was if it was fast food places or places that didn't have anything that I would consider 'Special' or could get at home, I didn't indulge, adjust ate health. If was something really new, or special in terms o local cuisine, or a different preparation, I would try. If it was something special, then I would just enjoy it, and attempt to watch my portion.

    As a total foodie, I LOVE food and different things. I find that less we are eating out at fancy restaurants where it's like art, and I may not ever have again, I can live with having something healthy. I also bring snacks and go to the grocery store witha cooler bag almost everyday.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I went on a 7 day vacation recently and went with the attitude that I would try as best I could, but I wasn't going to obsess over it and still try to enjoy myself and indulge a little here and there. Since there was a breakfast buffet everyday, I tried to choose the healthiest options - usually fruit if I could. For lunch and dinner, I did the best i could with the options that were available.. but we definitely ordered room service late at night a couple times, plus I was drinking a lot of sugary frozen drinks all week. When we got back, I was up about 4 to 5 pounds, but that came off within a week. I think a big help was all the walking that we did and I still tried to drink A LOT of water. Come that Monday, I got back on track immediately .. it actually felt good to be eating healthy again and having a routine and a plan every day.

    You really need to go on the vacation with an attitude that you aren't going to gain anything, otherwise you will go too far off the wagon and it will be harder to get back on track when you get home.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I have been on two longer vacations both between 10 to 14 days, and may weekend get always since trying to get healthier.

    Both times I have Los weight, the first was to LA and Disney area, and the second a road trip. My strategy is I try to as well as I can ,but more at maintenance calories. I have gotten rid of my out attitude of since it's vacation , can relax on the food front and o crazy.

    However, what I have done is instead of deciding it was okay to ea like crap when ever I want while away, I decided to modify my thinking that I wll indulge and splurge when feel that it's really worth it, and miss out otherwise.

    For breakfasts, I find it really to eat healthy, it lunch and dinner tha we are always out. My theory was if it was fast food places or places that didn't have anything that I would consider 'Special' or could get at home, I didn't indulge, adjust ate health. If was something really new, or special in terms o local cuisine, or a different preparation, I would try. If it was something special, then I would just enjoy it, and attempt to watch my portion.

    As a total foodie, I LOVE food and different things. I find that less we are eating out at fancy restaurants where it's like art, and I may not ever have again, I can live with having something healthy. I also bring snacks and go to the grocery store witha cooler bag almost everyday.
    um, what?
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    I have been on two longer vacations both between 10 to 14 days, and many weekend get aways since trying to get healthier.

    Both times I have lost weight, the first was to LA and Disney area, and the second a road trip. My strategy is I try to eat as well as I can, but set my target more at maintenance calories. I have gotten rid of my old attitude of since 'it's vacation , I can relax on the food front and go crazy.'

    However, what I have done is instead of deciding it was okay to eat like crap when ever I went while away, and worry about it when I return. I decided to modify my thinking that I wll indulge and splurge when I feel that it's really worth it, or would feel like I missed out otherwise.

    For breakfasts, I find it really easy to eat healthy as I am usually in the hotel or room which I have control, it is lunch and dinner that we are always out. My strategy is if it is a fast food place or a place that didn't have anything that I would consider 'Special' or could get at home, I didn't indulge, adjust ate healthy. If it was something really new, or special in terms of local cuisine, or a different preparation, I would try a little bit and share. If it was something really special, then I would just enjoy it, and attempt to watch my portions

    As a total foodie, I LOVE food and different things. I find that unless we are eating out at fancy restaurants where it's like one of a kind art, and I may not ever have the chance to eat again, I can live with having something healthy. I also bring snacks and go to the grocery store witha cooler bag almost everyday.
    um, what?

    Sorry, I was typing on my Ipad, and it auto corrects and doesn't register my keystrokes all the time. I corrected my quoted version to you. I really am articulate when I am not rushing on my Ipad. Hopefully, with my corrections, it's a little more understandable. :embarassed:
  • shaxnax
    shaxnax Posts: 87 Member
    I just got back from a two week vacation from Seattle. We were averaging walking 7 miles a day and I was EASILY eating 2500 calories a day while we were there. I ended up "gaining" one pound, but the second day home I was down two so I'm pretty sure it was all water retention and I didn't actually gain anything. I was happy to have maintained. I ate a healthy breakfast every day, and a semi healthy lunch and allowed myself to try something new and deliciously bad for you almost every night, and I don't regret a moment of it.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I went to Mexico last week for 7 days. I ate whatever I wanted but I walked a lot. When I came home I thought I'd be happy if I had only gained a pound. But low and behold it seems I LOST like 2-3 pounds, not kidding, and I was actually stuck at a plateau for a long time. Idk what it was, because I would take weeks off at home and eat whatever I wanted and still couldnt get past my plateau. Maybe I burned a lot more calories than I thought? Well anyway I guess you never know.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I added 3 lbs on an 11-day outing in June. Finally got it off this week.
  • DeTaart
    DeTaart Posts: 93 Member
    I agree with the "being good".

    In my experience:
    - two weeks of logging, enjoying treats but no seconds = +1-3lbs which can be lost again in a week
    - two weeks of "screw it I'm on holiday" = all out binges, feeling terrible and +8lbs which takes two months to shift.

    Enjoy it, don't get out of control.
  • hulalipop
    hulalipop Posts: 8 Member
    I always think that I'm going to pig out on my vacations, but somehow I magically lose weight.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    I just returned from a one-week vacation in Las Vegas and I only picked up 2lbs! I'm not much of a drinker or party girl, but I did do my share while there! But we also did quite a bit of walking each day taking in the sites and the various tours, so there's no doubt that also helped!
  • It depends completely on where I am. I put on four pounds in a week in France recently, but it came off again pretty quickly. Sometimes I put on only a couple of pounds, sometimes as much as 6 or 7 pounds if it's a two or even three-week holiday. Sometimes it can be nothing - if it's a trip to South-East Asia for example, or this year I went to Cuba where the food isn't that good and I couldn't be bothered to eat it. I don't really care tbh - food is a big part of why I like to travel.
  • the good thing is with florida your doing lots of walking so although you will over eat a bit you'll be walking it off at the same time so fingers crossed things wont be that bad, have a fab holiday anyway :)
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I've been on an almost two-week vacation fairly recently and I lost almost 5 pounds. There was a lot of walking going on though.
  • I hit the duromine when it's holiday time.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I'm obviously the world's worst.
    I went for a week all-inclusive with my children and decided to try and enjoy myself SENSIBLY.
    First 2 days I just went nuts. Kid in a sweet shop.
    Middle couple of days I calmed down a bit, but still allowed myself a dessert and a couple of drinks in evening.
    Last few days I ate fruit for breakfast and desserts, drank less and avoided the pastries.
    I swam every day (though I am rubbish at swimming so it probably didn't help) and walked around but not very quickly as the weather was beautifully warm.
    Came home full of trepidation at the idea I might have put on 4-5 lbs.
    No, I didn't have a wonderful surprise and discover that I'd lost weight, or only added a couple of pounds...

    I had gone up 10lb, yes, TEN.
    I hate that I did that, when everybody else has such positive stories.
    I loved being on holiday, and wish I was still there, but putting that lot on stinks. I'll be shifting it for months.:sad:
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    My vacations are always active vacations (bike tours, long hikes, backpacking trips) so I never worry about gaining weight while I'm gone.
  • mlegosz
    mlegosz Posts: 74 Member
    I make sure to eat at regular restaurants and not at fast food places. I also make sure I do a lot of walking and drink heaps of water. You can make healthy choices, or even then just scale down if you want to go all out. Here are my suggestions:
    1) Fast food for 2 - get a combo and a second burger - share the fries & coke
    2) Desert - share a desert
    3) Booze - get a water with it. If beer, drink light beer. If soda based, get diet soda.
    4) Devise a little 15 minute workout in your hotel room - push-ups, dips, crunches, plank, etc. Better than nothing.
    5) Do at least a few active activities whilst your on vacation. Do a scenic walk, a hike or bike ride. Spend the day at the pool or in the ocean.
    6) Find a local store and get some healthy snacks for "on the road" and breakfast (if its not included)
    7) A dinner, switch between healthy options and not healthy from day to day. i.e. get a burger with fries one night, then the next go for the salmon with salad (go easy on the dressing).

    I'm going on a 2 week vacation out to eastern Canada in a few weeks - we'll see how much I can put into practice! At the end of the day it is easier said than done!
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I know this thread is old, but we go on an all inclusive vacation twice a year, and while yes, I can gain weight while there and never take it off, if I come home and get back to my healthy ways and exercise and drop my calories back down, the weight comes off in a few weeks. Totally worth it for me. I'm vegetarian, so if I don't drink, I might as well not even pay the money to go. I try to make some healthy choices while I'm there, like an egg white omlette for breakfast, etc, but not drinking is just not an option for me. Sometimes in life you need to enjoy yourself!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    My last vacation was 3 weeks and I lost 4 pounds. I don't eat any differently on vacation than home.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    We went on a cruise in May and I gained a pound. We went to Disney World in August and I lost 2. I ate similarly both trips, but at Disney I was walking 5-10 miles a day whereas on the cruise I was pretty much a slug.

    I refuse to diet on vacation. AIn't happening.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    wow, you actually get a 2 week vacation, lucky you?
    be merry
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I lost weight. Eating crap, drinking coke, juice and alcohol all day and spending 8 hours a day reading by the pool.
  • leelxxsh
    leelxxsh Posts: 28 Member
    I put on 1.7 in a 2 week vacation. I didn't count calories, but I still made health conscious decisions. Did I really need to eat the entire bowl of poutine by myself, or could I split it with the rest of my family? Have fun on your trip!
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I was on a 6 week vacation and didn't put on any weight.
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    I just got back from one and I am pretty sure i put on a few so I am not going to check, I am just going to kick my own *kitten* and work harder.
  • a pound