You know what really bugs me....



  • Totally agree. I'm 28, I've had fun but not nearly enough. I've always been a firm believer that you should feel ready and that means being financially stable, in a stable relationship and mature enough to deal with the responsibility. I see so many young girls with kids and they are clearly more interested in buying clothes, chatting on their phones and drinking than taking care of their babies. It's very sad.

    Almost everyone I know who had kids young absolutely loves their children, are brilliant parents... But say they would've waited.
  • Try being 28 and not having kids and having to see all of these pictures.

    While hungover. What happened to just being 28 with an alcohol problem?

    I know, right?!
  • Stevie0018
    Stevie0018 Posts: 21 Member
    Why is it that as soon as someone expresses an opinion on here, they are quickly branded as judgmental?

    That is what really bugs me, I guess, in answer to the original question of this post.

    I've noticed that a lot around here. On any topic really.

    How to start an argument on MFP:
    1. Post a topic or discussion concerning anything.
    2. Wait.

    LOL!!! Love it. You know what bugs me is angry ppl who feel the need to defend other ppl that aren't even part of the topic?! ...Annnnnnd morning breath. My own morning breath bugs me! It's so gross & my boyfriend wakes up & says I'm so beautiful ...and all I can think of is, "Yea right! Wait til I open my mouth & release dragon breath onto you!" ...that bugs me haha
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.

    100 years ago if you weren't married with kids by the time you was 12 you was considered an old maid.
    A lot of my classmates either married and had kids right after school or went to college. I guess it depends on where you want to go in life. You definitely should wait until after school to have children. ( preferably with a good paying job)
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I'm with you OP - I'm 21 and in the same position. It's kind of surreal. I'm still at uni so I still feel like a kid myself. Plus I wanna put my hard-earned degree into practice, so won't be having kids anytime soon after that either.
  • PFunkkkk
    Wow People!
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    You know what really bugs me?

    Old people driving huge recreational vehicles they cant handle. Get a car you can drive safely or get off the road grampa.

    Women blocking the entire grocery store aisle so they can talk. Move your *kitten* already so others can shop & go home.

    Misdelivered mail. Cant postal carriers read??

    Noisy neighbors.

    People who let their cats & dogs run loose. Keep them home where they belong, not in my yard or squashed on the road.

    People wandering on my land. No Tresspassing means stay the hell out.

    Oh I could go on but I doubt anyone wants me to. And THAT bugs me too.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Facebook really bugs me. That's why I no longer have it!

    QFT... People take crap on Facebook WAAAY too seriously.
  • Glassjaw01
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.

    I dont get how this bugs you though....weird
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    There really is no need to comment on what other people choose to do with their lives. If you don't like it, delete them. Being excited about your child starting school is hardly something to get annoyed about - when you're a parent one day, you'll agree.

    I'm 21 with a two year old - and blissfully happy with my fiance.

    Not every 20 something is interested in the same thing.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Know what bugs me? When people do smileys the other way, like ): instead of :(. It's all about the position of the parenthesis, people!
    There really is no need to comment on what other people choose to do with their lives. If you don't like it, delete them. Being excited about your child starting school is hardly something to get annoyed about - when you're a parent one day, you'll agree.

    Not everybody wants to join the mommy club, and not everybody needs to get excited about Junior's first day of school. Sorry.

    I took the OP as being surprised that people her own age, which is young, were already parents of school-age children. Sure not everyone is interested in the same lifestyle, but I don't think it's unreasonable for OP to comment on things that are happening on public pages.
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    You know what really bugs me?

    When your running or working out and you get that drop of sweat that goes into your eye and burns like hell...happened this morning :(
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Know what bugs me? When people do smileys the other way, like ): instead of :(. It's all about the position of the parenthesis, people!
    There really is no need to comment on what other people choose to do with their lives. If you don't like it, delete them. Being excited about your child starting school is hardly something to get annoyed about - when you're a parent one day, you'll agree.

    Not everybody wants to join the mommy club, and not everybody needs to get excited about Junior's first day of school. Sorry.

    I took the OP as being surprised that people her own age, which is young, were already parents of school-age children. Sure not everyone is interested in the same lifestyle, but I don't think it's unreasonable for OP to comment on things that are happening on public pages.

    I agree that she can comment on whatever she wants, but she did it in a rude way. Saying "but what happened to just being 23?" is kind of a slap in the face to me (who has a 4 year old daughter). I was still "being 23" although I had a daughter.
  • PattieCakes23
    running away from your problems. That's what bugs me.

    And sadly enough, I've done that. UGH. I am far too harsh on myself sometimes.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Seems to me you are a little much judgemental of people who chose a different direction with their lives.

    You say whatever happened to waiting, and I say whatever happened to being happy with your choices and not worrying about others.

    Not to mention that "waiting" is a relatively recent phenomenon. Used to be you were an unmarriagable old maid by 20.

    If they're happy, what do you care? When you're settling down with kids in a few years, they will be sending theirs off to college and be free to enjoy life. And they'll have good careers with more money to do it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I had my kids at 21 and 25 respectively... and guess what... they will be out of my house and I will still have the energy to enjoy my life the way everyone who was twenty-something did... and even better... I will have more when I do than I did at twenty-something. So... WOOT!
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    you know what bugs me.. is women.. they tease.. and tease.. but never ever ever show the goods.. i mean they are afraid of getting baned or something.. its just nudity women.. i mean really.. its like wearing a bowtie.. its supposed to be seen.. thats why its there..

    thats what bugs me.. and with that said.. now accepting applications for female pics.. yep..
  • PattieCakes23
    you know what bugs me.. is women.. they tease.. and tease.. but never ever ever show the goods.. i mean they are afraid of getting baned or something.. its just nudity women.. i mean really.. its like wearing a bowtie.. its supposed to be seen.. thats why its there..

    thats what bugs me.. and with that said.. now accepting applications for female pics.. yep..

    This made my morning.
    You, Sir, have made me laugh.
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    you know what bugs me.. is women.. they tease.. and tease.. but never ever ever show the goods.. i mean they are afraid of getting baned or something.. its just nudity women.. i mean really.. its like wearing a bowtie.. its supposed to be seen.. thats why its there..

    thats what bugs me.. and with that said.. now accepting applications for female pics.. yep..

    This made my morning.
    You, Sir, have made me laugh.

    unfortunately.. i get that same reaction when i take my shirt off.. sad sad times..
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.

    I am 21 but I know EXACTLY how you feel. SO many girls from my grad class or younger have children(one or multiple) and or are married. And thats great I love kids and those are their choices. good for them. but my BFF and I always joke that we are the only normal ones anymore, and that in itself is sad.