Weight loss surgery...



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    It makes me angry that doctors have told you that there is nothing to be done or you will never reach your ideal weight.

    Do you really believe doctors told her that? She is clearly delusional, possibly secondary to depression.

    Actually, though I would not go as far to say she is delusional, I can agree that it is possible she was not told this. Like I said in my previous post, when my depression is not under control, I can essentially lie to myself. So I can see how if the doctors told her something like "Due to your medical history it may be more difficult to lose weight" or "For some reason it is slow for you, but it will happen" that all the OP did was focus on the negative and come out with "I can't lose weight and the doctors told me so" or "I can't lose weight and I am a failure". Depression can play a lot of evil tricks like that.
  • drwgal
    drwgal Posts: 66
    i'm with everyone else. its absolutely despicable that you would LIE in order to get weight loss surgery!!! There are so many other people out there with ligitimate reasons for getting the surgery. Suck it up, stop putting food in your mouth and move your body EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

    You are not with EVERYONE else. The girl admits that she is depressed. Don't make it worse.

    I have clinical depression, severe anxiety, and I used to be a cutter...You don't see me posting this stuff, I went and got help.

    ..... which simply means you're at a different stage of emotional, psychological, and physical healing than she is. So how can you judge her? You haven't lived her life, and you don't know everything she's going through. I'm not saying lie to her, but there's no need to be harsh and overbearing. Of all people, you should know better.
    Good for you that you went and got help. Clearly, then, there was a point where you needed help and didn't have it. Don't be so hard on her.

    I may not have lived her life, but pretty damn close. I was(still am) overweight. I suffered from severe depression, and even had myself admitted into a Psychiatric hospital because of it. I am an overweight woman who CHOSE this path for herself. I chose this. I chose to have 5 kids, I chose to over eat, I chose not to take action and responsibility for what I was doing to myself. I blamed my depression, my kids, my husband at the time, I never took accountability for ME, which did me absolutely no good. Until I could sit here and look at myself, and know that I did this to myself, I chose this path...I was not going to change. I didn't have anyone to pity me or feel bad for me, and I didn't expect them to because I chose to live that way. I'm not trying to be harsh, i'm being honest. I cannot feel sympathy or pity for someone who chooses to live a certain way, and then complains about it or even considers committing a crime. No one did this to her, and no one, no matter the encouragement or harsh truth will make her change her mind, only she can. I'm fat, but instead of sitting here and feeling sorry for myself, I'm getting up and doing something about it.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    if yu remove fat from your belly and thighs and other normal body fat storage spots your fat will start to grow in odd places that have smaller amounts of fat like the top of your knees.armpits and feet and you will look disfigured.do it the natural way :)

    WTF you talkin bout?

    I think this person confused lipo with WLS, LOL!!!

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Don't have surgery! You can do this! Each time you conquer a challenge, you will become stronger. Trust me it happens!

    My sister had bypass surgery because she was too lazy to exercise and she wanted a quick fix. She lost weight fast, has saggy skin, has lost a lot of her hair and had 3 strokes, can no longer work as an RN and is now disabled. This doesn't happen to everyone but she didn't think it would either.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Take it from someone who had weight loss surgery....If you are truly eating 1200 cals per day, exercising, etc, weight loss surgery will not help you. You have to be completely honest with yourself.

    It's not a magic pill....it's rough. Still the best decision that I have ever made, but it requires calorie tracking, exercise, EXTREME portion control, and mastering the demons of an eating disorder. You have to do alot of work psychologically.

    I have known so many people who have gotten WLS without being really prepared for it. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a quick and easy fix. If you aren't prepared, you waste time and money on a tool that won't help you and only makes you far more unhealthy than when you started. If you are prepared to really use your WLS as a tool and a means to an end, it will be the best decision ever.

    MSSG me if you have questions.


    This. I had WLS too. WLS is only a tool. It does not do the work for you. You still have to eat right, exercise and take your supplements for the rest of your life. And it only "fixes" your digestive track. It doen't fix your head. Even with WLS, many people still require therapy for the emotional issues that go along with being a food addict.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I read your profile. I started at 242 July 1st and am now down to 228. It can be done without surgery. But you need have patience. It will happen. And I do have hypothyroidism.
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    There are many people here who have overcome bigger weight obsticles and chose to do it the right way. Eat less weigh less. This is My Fitness Pal not My Surgery Pal.
  • LNZimmer
    LNZimmer Posts: 94
    >>>>>"""""I had a baby in November 2011 and have packed on 50 pounds just since February of this year! I have worked hard in the gym and eating healthy since January. I just discovered mfp a little while ago to help me track my calories more accurately but I just keep gaining. I've had my thyroid tested and been tested for cushing syndrome but the doctors have no answer as to why I'm disgustingly fat. I can barely force myself to leave my house to go to work much less going out in public for anything fun. I'm 5'3 and have hit 250 pounds. I have been eating 1200 caloires and trying to stick to low carb eating although I have to be careful with that since I've already had ketoacidosis once and was warned that it could kill me if it happens again."""""

    Uhhh HELLO. Get off the couch and do something about it!!! The answer why you are fat is because you aren't being true to yourself. I used to HOPE for the doctors to give me a reason, but the reason is I would lie to myself saying I didn't eat those fries when I did. I would sit all day long, and DO NOTHING. I had a little girl 3 years ago, weigh 318 pounds right now. The reason I am disgustingly fat is because I let myself get this way. I didn't care, and it sounds like you are so down about yourself and don't care either. Eating healthy isn't going to be the answer. You have to get up and MOVE. Join a gym. It will do you a lot of good and get you some ME time!

    Surgery is NOT the answer. I have seen one person gain most of their weight back, and lose all of their hair. Another is now addicted to Xanax because she couldn't handle the weight loss.

    In order for the surgery to be successful, you have to know HOW TO EAT and HOW TO MAINTAN, as well as HOW TO BE ACTIVE. If you can't or don't know how to do any of those, then the surgery is just a waste.

    Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get up and move. I did it. You can too.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    So, you've seen some really positive and some really negative comments here. I hope you have not gotten discouraged. I can only say to you that I would not recommend the surgery AT THIS TIME. I've taken the slow and steady approach to losing weight - 50-ish pounds in 6-ish years, and still going. There is no race to lose the weight. In fact, losing the weight is only a by-product of GETTING HEALTHY. Make small sustainable changes to your eating habits, and you will see pounds come off.

    My opinion is that you are eating too few calories (you said 1200?). Try 1500-1600, and see what happens. Be sure to eat plenty of complex carbs, fruits/veggies, lean meats. If you drink sodas, start eliminating them (even diet sodas). Just small tweaks here and there, and you'll be able to do this for life.

    Surgery is drastic and can have lots of complications. I'm not saying don't do it, just use it as your very, very last resort. Good luck!
  • meltingmama1965
    weight loss surgery isnt really what its cracked up to be let me tell you. i have had weight loss sugery 4 years ago and lost 257 pounds but there is a down fall to this. one you can die from it due to complications, two you could end up like me never feel hungry and cant eat meats to get protein in and you will be on alot of vitamins. any thing i eat and if it dont agree with my stomach i end up duming. and let me tell you dumping hurts really bad it feels like your insides are comig out. im in so much pain that i have to lay down for a few hours. i cant eat normaly like yall can. i have to eat alot of gerber graduate foods only thing i can keep down or i have to eat bocca burges. my stomach cant handle ice cream, yogurts, milk products, rice, potatoes, pasta, breads, and if i eat i can only consume 1 cup of food if im lucky some things i eat for example beans i can only eat 3 bites and i feel like i ate a thanksgiving meal. so plz give this site a shot longer and key to loosing weight is watch your carb intake and exercise. i know some people that had weight loss surgery the same time i did and i see them now they are bigger then they started before the surgery. i dont agree on lieing to get the surgery because there is alot of people that really need it. like me for example if i didnt get it 4 yrs ago my doctors said i would die in6 months.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    How is surgery going to help you not be depressed? Are they going to cut into your brain too.
    I just think you need to get a new attitude.

    Fret not! MFP can help you. Look at all the love and support you have gotten, and all the kicks in the butt you need too.

  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    You want to FAKE a co-morbidity??? REALLY???
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    Surgery is only a TOOL. You have to work with it, your stomach will be changed but not your brain. Its not an easy fix by no means. I am going through the process right now and will have my surgery in the next 8 months, BUT i am working very hard to change the way i am eating and the choices i am making. You have to be able to follow and stick to the changes for a lifetime. Basically you are signing up to eat 6oz of food per meal forever; it takes dedication and committment.

    Also i am doing this because of other health reasons and because my BMI is 50 and weight 359 lbs...i think you should try on your on first and give it 110% for say 6 months to 1 year before you go down this road. Good luck:)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Dear OP....
    The LAST thing I want is surgery.
    I do have many of the co morbid conditions (just dx'd with type 2dm, have had HTN for years and high lipids on 2 meds for it and the HTN, and the BMI.
    I weigh MORE than you do and have for a LONGER time.
    I've been on/off dieting/losing weight for over half my life.
    I have NOT given up yet.

    The surgery is NOT the easy answer, whatever caused the weight gain (50 lbs in a few months) can happen again even with the surgery. If you can't work on losing the weight before surgery, you probably won't after it.

    Many (not all of course) people on MFP are here trying to lose the weight AFTER gaining it back AFTER surgery.
    You CANNOT fake diabetes, it is not a written test, same with sleep apnea and all insurance companies to my knowledge require a psych evaluation as well.

    Most MDs/insurance plans want to see some type of history of weight gain/loss for years before okaying the procedure.

    Not saying the surgery is the easy answer and I know for many people it is a medical necessity, but look at all the MPF members here who have devoted the time and energy to lose the weight on their own, many that had MUCH more weight than you have to lose. They never gave up and neither should you.

    Be patient, figure out the calories you need to eat to lose weight and lose it slowly (1-2 lbs a week is what I'm doing) and find your mindset and motivation.

    YOU can do it and I'm sure if you do it by yourself, you will be proud of this major accomplishment. That you set your mind to it and did it without the assistance of surgery.

    Hang in there, one day at a time, one pound at a time.
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    Surgery is only a TOOL. You have to work with it, your stomach will be changed but not your brain. Its not an easy fix by no means. I am going through the process right now and will have my surgery in the next 8 months, BUT i am working very hard to change the way i am eating and the choices i am making. You have to be able to follow and stick to the changes for a lifetime. Basically you are signing up to eat 6oz of food per meal forever; it takes dedication and committment.

    Also i am doing this because of other health reasons and because my BMI is 50 and weight 359 lbs...i think you should try on your on first and give it 110% for say 6 months to 1 year before you go down this road. Good luck:)

    ALSO, did you know that those who have depression ( i do too) have a more serious risk of suicide post surgery??
  • AngelaP2012
    your BMI qualifies for bariatric surgery. You won't have to prove any other diseases and can't fake a co morbidity becuase you will have to get medical clearence from your primary doctor/ cardiologist/ lab work before surgery.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    I started at 210 lbs...and I'm down 65 lbs. it's taken a long time. YOU have to put the work into it. You might be eating more than you think. Go to a registered dietitian and get some help. I have and I only have 15 more to go to my goal. Take one meal at a time and see what you are eating. We want weight to fall off immediately and trust me it does not. It takes alot of work and dedication. Hang in there you can do it YOUR mind can defeat you before you even give yourself a change. Take a second look at what you are eating....and you have to move your body...to burn the calories....Good luck
  • maxcottle

    I looked at your food Diary.
    Although you may be under your target you are frequently over in sugars.

    I was doing the same and i hit a platue.

    Cut the sugar content down, way down and almost immediately you will start losing weight again.

    Be consistant your breakfasts are very light. You should probably start with a bowl of porridge or something it is slow digesting and will keep you from being hungry.

    Forget the surgeries and shortcuts, you don't need them, Nothing worth having comes easy

    hope this helps


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    The difference with people who have had wls and people like you is that you have reconised early enough that you have a problem whereas the wls people can not see that until it is too late! and so have to get wls..... :sad:
    You still have time to do something about it you are young enough and "thin" enough too,so eat healthy stop ALL fast foods and do it for your family if not for yourself! :smile:
  • family_girl2626
    That is the best answer I have seen yet. I joined MFP cause surgery isnt an option for me either. So far the weight has come off fairly well but everyone is different. You have issues you need to do deal with before you will lose weight, too much stress, lack of sleep (you have a brand new baby) and mental health is a big part of success it has been proven. Do you take other medications? These too could be part of your problem. Get in contact with your family doctor, get a game plan with him/her and please see someone about your mental health. You will be no good to yourself or your family if you are hurt or perhaps worse. :frown: Take care and god bless!!!!!!!