Weight loss surgery...



  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I was browsing your diary, and it appears to me, that you are simply NOT eating right. There was one day where you had a Jelly doughnut as a snack....that doughnut had MORE calories than your entire lunch did. All your snacks are unhealthy, from ice cream, to soda and doughnuts. Mcdonalds for breakfast??!!!! How do you expect to weigh and measure a Mcdonalds breakfast sandwich? You need to choose things like fresh raw baby carrots, or a piece of fruit, or a tablespoon of peanut butter as snacks. I see no way in heck where your eating properly and healthy. If you are only taking in 1200 calories a day, then at least half of those calories are pure sugar and pure JUNK! If this is what the 9 months worth of dieting diary consisted of when you seen a nutritionist, then you need to talk to a different one, because I can sit here and tell you right now, what changes your diet needs.

    I know this seems harsh, but I'm just being honest, and I think you need to start being honest with yourself. I seen a few things that looked healthy on your diary, but from what I see about 90% of your diet is crap, and that WILL NOT help you lose weight. I know everyone is entitled to their pity party, but I can't seem to find sympathy to someone who is not taking the necessary steps to lose weight, sure you may be working out, but from the looks of your diary, it will take you 10x more work to get to where you want to be. This isn't about not being able to lose weight, I think this is about self discipline. You MUST stay away from all that crap food if you really want to make progress. It's okay to have something sweet every now and then, but everyday is just not going to cut it for you. I have one day a week where I allow myself a naughty, whether it is a can of soda ONE can, or ONE snickers bar, it's one thing a week. Not 3 things a day. Yes i'm riding your butt about it, because you need to see it for yourself.

    I do wish you the best of luck in your journey, but you really, really, need to do some soul searching, and make sure you are HONEST to everyone. When you said you were willing to lie, and commit a crime for WLS, I should have known it was very and highly likely, you are lying about what your eating, and how much you are eating.

    ^ This <3
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Ummm... people with PCOS can have a harder time losing weight. Research diets for people with PCOS then try that for a few months. I bet it makes a huge difference.

    One thing I have noticed with successful weight loss for PCOS, the majority of the successful people I have seen eat clean. Really clean.

    You say you've tried everything but seriously, eating doughnuts and other convenient junk food isn't eating clean. I'm not knocking eating doughnuts (I eat what I want and it's certainly not clean) but certain health issues require a bit more effort than someone with no issues would require.

    Again, revamp your eating if you want to see a change. Exercise and better foods *will* help with your depression too.

  • hollyberry2012
    This has brought back so many memories.

    One memory was of the first night of my sleep study.

    You are in a strange room, a strange hard bed, with a paper thin pillow, dimmed lights, camaras on you, speakers in the wall....glued to your head, your chest, your arms, your stomach, your thighs, your knees and your ankles with eewy gewwy glue are patches attached to wires running up and down your body. Don't STRETCH whatever you do, one will pop off!

    all set?

    GOOD, now 'go to sleep'

    12 a.m. (over the crackling intercom above my head) Miss Holly try to go to sleep.


    must sleep, must sleep, must sleep....adrenalin, go away!! must sleep.

    12:30 a.m. Miss Holly get the pillow off your head and place it under your head.

    ~gulp~ meekly me: okayyyy

    1 a.m. just abouttttt asleep...so close ....soooo close
    Miss Holly roll on your back please!

    wha? wha?

    Roll over on your back please.

    2 a.m Miss Holly we got the okay from the doctor to bring you some sleeping pills.


    2:30 a.m Those pills should be taking affect soon Miss Holly, remember to stay on your back, good night.

    3:30 a.m. Out like a light

    4:00 a.m. Wake up miss Holly, you didn't go to sleep soon enough, we got your sleep apnea results but you need to come back tomorrow night and do it again so we can fit you with a machine.

    4:10 am. all wires and goo stripped off my body.

    4:20 am. time to make the doughnuts. . . . .

  • 55AngelH55
    55AngelH55 Posts: 117
    i'm with everyone else. its absolutely despicable that you would LIE in order to get weight loss surgery!!! There are so many other people out there with ligitimate reasons for getting the surgery. Suck it up, stop putting food in your mouth and move your body EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

    You are not with EVERYONE else. The girl admits that she is depressed. Don't make it worse.

    I have clinical depression, severe anxiety, and I used to be a cutter...You don't see me posting this stuff, I went and got help.

    ..... which simply means you're at a different stage of emotional, psychological, and physical healing than she is. So how can you judge her? You haven't lived her life, and you don't know everything she's going through. I'm not saying lie to her, but there's no need to be harsh and overbearing. Of all people, you should know better.
    Good for you that you went and got help. Clearly, then, there was a point where you needed help and didn't have it. Don't be so hard on her.

    I may not have lived her life, but pretty damn close. I was(still am) overweight. I suffered from severe depression, and even had myself admitted into a Psychiatric hospital because of it. I am an overweight woman who CHOSE this path for herself. I chose this. I chose to have 5 kids, I chose to over eat, I chose not to take action and responsibility for what I was doing to myself. I blamed my depression, my kids, my husband at the time, I never took accountability for ME, which did me absolutely no good. Until I could sit here and look at myself, and know that I did this to myself, I chose this path...I was not going to change. I didn't have anyone to pity me or feel bad for me, and I didn't expect them to because I chose to live that way. I'm not trying to be harsh, i'm being honest. I cannot feel sympathy or pity for someone who chooses to live a certain way, and then complains about it or even considers committing a crime. No one did this to her, and no one, no matter the encouragement or harsh truth will make her change her mind, only she can. I'm fat, but instead of sitting here and feeling sorry for myself, I'm getting up and doing something about it.

    I want to make sure I'm clear that I really admire you for everything you've been through and everything you've overcome. And I believe the OP can make the same choices. I also didn't intend to start this whole debate with you - you were one of MANY people I felt like was too harsh with her initially. I see where you're coming from, and I agree that committing felonies, etc. is no way to go about weight loss.
    I agree with a previous poster who said that the MOST important thing for her to do FIRST and foremost is get her depression under control.
    I have battled severe depression and anxiety also. I failed at attempted suicide multiple times. I guess my concern is that a person admitting they have severe depression shouldn't be told by hundreds of strangers that they're "disgusting" and "evil" and all the other things OTHER people (not you) are saying.
    I want to see her feel victorious and strong and THAT is what will enable her to move past this. You know?
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    It's not just the depression and desire to cut that you should seek help for, hon. Your need to be perfect is a mental attitude that needs to be addressed because it underlies all these other mental problems that you're having. No one is perfect. You need someone to help you understand why you feel the need to be. You seem to run on a lot of assumptions that simply aren't true. A cognitive-behavioral therapist would really be helpful with this. I say this as another perfectionist who had to re-examine what it meant to be a perfectionist and that no one can ever be perfect. I've now redefined being perfect as doing as well as I possibly can. That is all you can--and should--expect from yourself.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I have all conditions: sleep apnea, type I diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low thyroid and I don't WANT any of them! I was approved for gastric bypass and spent a lot of money to have it, then my insurance company denied me two days before the surgery because the nutrition program I did was the "wrong" one. I am GLAD that I did not have it. If you know the changes that occur after and the limitations it will put on your body FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, you will see it only as a final option. I love MFP. I am doing this on my own, the RIGHT way and am slowly seeing results! Weight loss surgery is a great option for some, but NOT to be taken lightly!
  • CallyBeth08
    CallyBeth08 Posts: 50 Member
    You cannot be serious?

    ". I am currently at 242 and my goal is to get down to 140."

    I saw this on your profile. You are perfectly capable of losing weight. I started at 244 and I am down to 224 110 days later. It has been slow, hard, but worth it. Why would you risk your life in a surgery?

    I started out at 249lbs, and now im 221lbs. It's a slow process. Not something you can rush through. It's kind of disgusting that you would consider getting surgery/ cheating on your weightloss because you haven't seen a change in a month. Lets say you get the surgery, after you lose the weight, you're going to have a ton of lose skin, and prob need even more surgery to fix that. Get a back bone, and try losing it on your own. Stop being lazy. That surgery is only for the Morbid obese people. Like 350lbs or more........ not a 240lb woman who just wont try losing weight.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    By the way, you have to see a psychologist or psychiatrist before they will approve any weight loss surgery and they are pretty strict on the reasons for it.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    To each their own...Im not gonna bash you because I'm sure thats not going to help but I am going to say this and its the same thing I told my sister when she joked about having gastric bypass... You have to know how to eat. Surgery is not the solution. I've seen plenty of people that get the surgery as a quick fix and end up gaining the weight back because they never trained their body or their mind to eat right. You HAVE to learn how to eat right mama or the weight is just going to come right back.

    Please reconsider... you're life is not in danger. I know its hard but you CAN do this!!!
  • brittanypeters1990
    brittanypeters1990 Posts: 39 Member
    I used to work at a baratric weight loss center..
    here is what i can tell you.
    There is way's around insurance.
    Comorbidities can be as follows:
    High Blood Pressure
    High Cholesterol
    Gallbladder Disease
    Urinary incontinecen
    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

    So don't try to fail a sleep test.
    You could have problems associated with your weight and not know it.
    Have you seen a bariatric surgeon yet?
    Depending on your insurance you may have to do what is called a 6 month supervised weight loss.
    If you have any questions message me.
    I understand the issue a lot more than others may.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    This has brought back so many memories.

    One memory was of the first night of my sleep study.

    You are in a strange room, a strange hard bed, with a paper thin pillow, dimmed lights, camaras on you, speakers in the wall....glued to your head, your chest, your arms, your stomach, your thighs, your knees and your ankles with eewy gewwy glue are patches attached to wires running up and down your body. Don't STRETCH whatever you do, one will pop off!

    all set?

    GOOD, now 'go to sleep'

    12 a.m. (over the crackling intercom above my head) Miss Holly try to go to sleep.


    must sleep, must sleep, must sleep....adrenalin, go away!! must sleep.

    12:30 a.m. Miss Holly get the pillow off your head and place it under your head.

    ~gulp~ meekly me: okayyyy

    1 a.m. just abouttttt asleep...so close ....soooo close
    Miss Holly roll on your back please!

    wha? wha?

    Roll over on your back please.

    2 a.m Miss Holly we got the okay from the doctor to bring you some sleeping pills.


    2:30 a.m Those pills should be taking affect soon Miss Holly, remember to stay on your back, good night.

    3:30 a.m. Out like a light

    4:00 a.m. Wake up miss Holly, you didn't go to sleep soon enough, we got your sleep apnea results but you need to come back tomorrow night and do it again so we can fit you with a machine.

    4:10 am. all wires and goo stripped off my body.

    4:20 am. time to make the doughnuts. . . . .


    LOL, they make it impossible to sleep and then give you drugs! Not surprised. I have sleep apnea but I'm glad I never bothered with getting a professional diagnosis. All my exes used to wake me up in a panic because I would stop breathing for so long! (Strangely, my not breathing would wake them up!)
  • courtneyleem
    Go ahead and fake whatever tests you want, you WILL fail the psych eval, and rightly so. Also, if you have insurance, you should hope that they don't find posts like these, which would go a long way in proving insurance fraud. Not necessarily for the WLS, but if you successfully convince then that you have sleep apnea when you don't, the CPAP machine and mask they force you to get for your "condition" that they would be on the hook to pay for would certainly be fraud.

    I believe that you may have selective listening skills. I imagine your conversation with the doctor went something like this "Kamikaze (oh, how ironic a username) based on your pre-existing conditions, your body type, yadda yadda yadda, 125 pounds is not a reasonable or safe goal weight. You will not be able to reach your idea weight. However a more reasonable weight is ____"
    But you zone it all out and only hear that you can't be 125 and it's the end of the world.

    I also highly doubt your doctor or nutritionist looked at your log, saw you ate 3 breakfast burritos from McDonald's for breakfast (at almost 1000 calories of your daily 1200, I believe) and told you that you were doing "everything possible" to lose weight on your own.

    You have depression and I would believe a myriad of other mental issues you need to iron out before you deal with your weight.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    If you don't have the motivation to start getting healthy, what makes you think that you'll be able to keep the weight off after the surgery? Not changing your habits will land you in the same spot as you are in now only much more dangerous becuase now your stomach is not able to handle the capacity that your have been at now. Do the work, don't be lazy
  • drwgal
    drwgal Posts: 66
    i'm with everyone else. its absolutely despicable that you would LIE in order to get weight loss surgery!!! There are so many other people out there with ligitimate reasons for getting the surgery. Suck it up, stop putting food in your mouth and move your body EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

    You are not with EVERYONE else. The girl admits that she is depressed. Don't make it worse.

    I have clinical depression, severe anxiety, and I used to be a cutter...You don't see me posting this stuff, I went and got help.

    ..... which simply means you're at a different stage of emotional, psychological, and physical healing than she is. So how can you judge her? You haven't lived her life, and you don't know everything she's going through. I'm not saying lie to her, but there's no need to be harsh and overbearing. Of all people, you should know better.
    Good for you that you went and got help. Clearly, then, there was a point where you needed help and didn't have it. Don't be so hard on her.

    I may not have lived her life, but pretty damn close. I was(still am) overweight. I suffered from severe depression, and even had myself admitted into a Psychiatric hospital because of it. I am an overweight woman who CHOSE this path for herself. I chose this. I chose to have 5 kids, I chose to over eat, I chose not to take action and responsibility for what I was doing to myself. I blamed my depression, my kids, my husband at the time, I never took accountability for ME, which did me absolutely no good. Until I could sit here and look at myself, and know that I did this to myself, I chose this path...I was not going to change. I didn't have anyone to pity me or feel bad for me, and I didn't expect them to because I chose to live that way. I'm not trying to be harsh, i'm being honest. I cannot feel sympathy or pity for someone who chooses to live a certain way, and then complains about it or even considers committing a crime. No one did this to her, and no one, no matter the encouragement or harsh truth will make her change her mind, only she can. I'm fat, but instead of sitting here and feeling sorry for myself, I'm getting up and doing something about it.

    I want to make sure I'm clear that I really admire you for everything you've been through and everything you've overcome. And I believe the OP can make the same choices. I also didn't intend to start this whole debate with you - you were one of MANY people I felt like was too harsh with her initially. I see where you're coming from, and I agree that committing felonies, etc. is no way to go about weight loss.
    I agree with a previous poster who said that the MOST important thing for her to do FIRST and foremost is get her depression under control.
    I have battled severe depression and anxiety also. I failed at attempted suicide multiple times. I guess my concern is that a person admitting they have severe depression shouldn't be told by hundreds of strangers that they're "disgusting" and "evil" and all the other things OTHER people (not you) are saying.
    I want to see her feel victorious and strong and THAT is what will enable her to move past this. You know?

    I do understand where you are coming from, If I didn't want to see her succeed I would not be sitting here stalking this page and trying to help her. I have viewed her diary more than once, and it shows that she isn't taking the right steps to improve her weight loss. I know it is a HUGE struggle to stop eating all those yummy things, but it boils down to your own choices. No one has forced her to eat things that will impede her dieting. If I personally called her disgusting I didn't mean HER in general, but her choice to try and commit a crime is disgusting, as all crimes are disgusting in general. She isn't, but her thought process on cheating medical testing for WLS is. Some people just need a swift kick in the *kitten* to get motivated. They need outsiders to look in and tell them WHAT they are doing wrong, or should be doing right, which is all I am trying to do. I have a very hard time sugar coating things in general, not just here but in real life. Sometimes truth is painful, but sometimes even if it is painful, it opens a new perspective and allows people to really see for themselves the things that need to change.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect the opinions of others. But I don't think it is fair to the posters here, to be fooled into her pity party when the things that are troublesome to the OP are only caused by her own actions.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Go ahead and fake whatever tests you want, you WILL fail the psych eval, and rightly so. Also, if you have insurance, you should hope that they don't find posts like these, which would go a long way in proving insurance fraud. Not necessarily for the WLS, but if you successfully convince then that you have sleep apnea when you don't, the CPAP machine and mask they force you to get for your "condition" that they would be on the hook to pay for would certainly be fraud.

    I believe that you may have selective listening skills. I imagine your conversation with the doctor went something like this "Kamikaze (oh, how ironic a username) based on your pre-existing conditions, your body type, yadda yadda yadda, 125 pounds is not a reasonable or safe goal weight. You will not be able to reach your idea weight. However a more reasonable weight is ____"
    But you zone it all out and only hear that you can't be 125 and it's the end of the world.

    I also highly doubt your doctor or nutritionist looked at your log, saw you ate 3 breakfast burritos from McDonald's for breakfast (at almost 1000 calories of your daily 1200, I believe) and told you that you were doing "everything possible" to lose weight on your own.

    You have depression and I would believe a myriad of other mental issues you need to iron out before you deal with your weight.

    Really??? You dont have to be so rude.

    Geezus people...
  • khelm31
    khelm31 Posts: 51 Member
    I understand the frustration, but if you are getting depressed to the point you want to harm yourself, you may need to talk to someone such as a professional counselor. Many times weight issues can be more mental than physical and despite how you lose the weight, if you can't love yourself as you are now, you won't ever love yourself no matter how much weight you lose. Simply losing weight is not a cure for depression.

    I've had a couple close friends and family members get the lap band or gastric bypass surgery. I can assure it's not a quick fix, nor is it easy, but you do have to pass a mental evaluation before they will consider doing either procedure and if you don't have the right mindset about body image and losing weight, they can still deny you.
  • brittanypeters1990
    brittanypeters1990 Posts: 39 Member
    ENOUGH with the harshness..
    She did not ask for all this.
    She is desperate for help.
    Who are you to judge someone..
    I have seen MANY success rates from surgery.
    So everyone who is bashing it also needs to read up on their facts.
    I admit I was against it, until I WORKED for a surgeon.
    Do you think they would just let her through, no.
    She has a process to go through of psychological evals, and programs.
    Surgeons don't just pass anyone that walks in their door for money, contrary to popular belief.
    Stop beating up on the poor girl.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,276 Member
    Go ahead and fake whatever tests you want, you WILL fail the psych eval, and rightly so. Also, if you have insurance, you should hope that they don't find posts like these, which would go a long way in proving insurance fraud. Not necessarily for the WLS, but if you successfully convince then that you have sleep apnea when you don't, the CPAP machine and mask they force you to get for your "condition" that they would be on the hook to pay for would certainly be fraud.

    I believe that you may have selective listening skills. I imagine your conversation with the doctor went something like this "Kamikaze (oh, how ironic a username) based on your pre-existing conditions, your body type, yadda yadda yadda, 125 pounds is not a reasonable or safe goal weight. You will not be able to reach your idea weight. However a more reasonable weight is ____"
    But you zone it all out and only hear that you can't be 125 and it's the end of the world.

    I also highly doubt your doctor or nutritionist looked at your log, saw you ate 3 breakfast burritos from McDonald's for breakfast (at almost 1000 calories of your daily 1200, I believe) and told you that you were doing "everything possible" to lose weight on your own.

    You have depression and I would believe a myriad of other mental issues you need to iron out before you deal with your weight.

    Really??? You dont have to be so rude.

    Geezus people...

    Okay, I read the post you quoted like 10 times and I don't see anything rude about it. It is to the point and not sugar coated, but it lays out the facts. Being to the point and pointing out facts is not in any way rude.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I read your profile. You appear to have the right mindset there, lots of inspirational sayings etc.

    I totally understand the feelings you're having, maybe to a more severe degree. Until 2 months ago, I had not left my house in over 4 years! Granted, it was only partly due to my feeling ashamed about my weight. It was also due to being unable to walk or breathe. But, I could have tried harder, had I not been ashamed to be seen. These things helped my lifelong battle with depression completely take over my life. I didn't even recognize me! On February 24, 2012, weighing 247 pounds, I decided to change my life. I started walking, slowly at first, unable to go even 2 minutes. Today, I can walk for hours, I ride my new mountain bike for many miles, I stand up straight, I can breathe again. And I have lost 64 pounds! I'm not finished yet. I'll continue until I reach my goal. I know I will get there. Have I ever even considered any type of weight loss surgery? No way.

    If I can do it, YOU can do it. You are 30 years younger than I am. You have to believe in yourself. If you want to do it, you CAN do it. Read some of the inspirational messages that you typed on your profile page. They are true. I wish you well in your journey. I hope you get where you want to be without lying or cheating. Hard work and dedication will get you there. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Go ahead and fake whatever tests you want, you WILL fail the psych eval, and rightly so. Also, if you have insurance, you should hope that they don't find posts like these, which would go a long way in proving insurance fraud. Not necessarily for the WLS, but if you successfully convince then that you have sleep apnea when you don't, the CPAP machine and mask they force you to get for your "condition" that they would be on the hook to pay for would certainly be fraud.

    I believe that you may have selective listening skills. I imagine your conversation with the doctor went something like this "Kamikaze (oh, how ironic a username) based on your pre-existing conditions, your body type, yadda yadda yadda, 125 pounds is not a reasonable or safe goal weight. You will not be able to reach your idea weight. However a more reasonable weight is ____"
    But you zone it all out and only hear that you can't be 125 and it's the end of the world.

    I also highly doubt your doctor or nutritionist looked at your log, saw you ate 3 breakfast burritos from McDonald's for breakfast (at almost 1000 calories of your daily 1200, I believe) and told you that you were doing "everything possible" to lose weight on your own.

    You have depression and I would believe a myriad of other mental issues you need to iron out before you deal with your weight.

    Really??? You dont have to be so rude.

    Geezus people...

    Okay, I read the post you quoted like 10 times and I don't see anything rude about it. It is to the point and not sugar coated, but it lays out the facts. Being to the point and pointing out facts is not in any way rude.

    bull *kitten* its not rude....read it again for the 11th time.