no carb diet



  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm not an advocate for low carb at all for several reasons, the foremost of which is cellular respiration. Without going into the sciency nerdy stuff, carbohydrates are easy for your body to break down into simpler sugars to feed into the Krebs cycle. The Krebs Cycle makes several different energy molecules (NADH, FADH2, ATP) which your body can use to actually function. While the body can feed other molecules, like proteins, into the Krebs cycle, it doesn't like to and you will find that you have less energy than you should have when eating healthy balanced meals.

    There are no lasting quick fixes. Eat healthy, exercise and be patient. Think of this as a lifestyle change, not a diet if you want to keep it off for good.

    Also, please don't watch Dr. Oz unless you prefer sensationalism to science.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    You people are funny.
  • GermanicKnight
    I am currently on the bacon diet. You add bacon to everything as long as it isn't white. So I eat bacon-wrapped asparagus, bacon and peanut butter, and bacon with bacon.

    Bacon is the answer.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Soon as you mention cutting some carbs they immediately (9 times in 10) "Oh, I don't know, I couldn't give up my bread/pasta/cookies/ice cream/<insert over processed carb laden food here>!" Weak.

    You don't have to go low carb to give up the things you've mentioned above, though.
  • gillz89
    gillz89 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm considering it but not sure yet. A friend just lost 8 lbs in 5 days but I know everyone is different.
    It's not a sustainable diet. Try high carb, low fat, raw vegan for a week and see how you feel. If it's all about losing weight fast, try a juice fast. You can lose 2 LBS a day juice fasting. A low carb diet will just put you into ketosis.

    Actually, it can be a sustainable diet. I have been doing low carb (eating less than 20 g net carbs daily) since February and I have no intention of stopping. I feel better overall, have more energy, am less tired, eat less, have lost weight (still losing but adding strength training and rock climbing), and I can run longer than I ever could. Oh, and I no longer have disgestive issues, nor feel bloated or anything. I do make sure to hit my macros, get my nutrients, and drink a lot of water (read: usually 14 cups daily at leaast). I have also had blood work down in that time and I have gone from having very high cholestoral and everything to everything being in the "normal" range. And, it will not necessairly put you in ketosis, that was the point of mine, but you can eat low carb and not enter ketosis. It's all a matter of what works for you and what you want to do. Granted, I know low carb is not for everyone but it is an option for people, and is sustainable.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This argument will never be won on either side, and MFP is always hostile to low carbers, but I still come here a lot, because damn it, I love you all in a very disfucntional family kind of way.

    Taking off the infini-quotes:

    I find this ironic considering the voracity of your responses!

    Any voractiy is due to conditioning after a year of giving people solid well thought out advice on the topic, only to have people that have no interest in low carb come into the threads and s**t on everyone.

    It really does not help when you call people who do decide that low/no carb is not for them 'weak willed' in your first (or maybe it was your second) post. I do not do it because I do not see the point. You do it because you do.

    Yet generally my point stands. YOU may have decided that it doesn't make sense to you, but there are many, many people that come to these forums, or have come to me in real life and said "I've literally tried everything to loose weight and can't! You've been able to and look healthy and are gaining muscle in the gym, what should I do?!"

    Soon as you mention cutting some carbs they immediately (9 times in 10) "Oh, I don't know, I couldn't give up my bread/pasta/cookies/ice cream/<insert over processed carb laden food here>!" Weak. They'd rather stay fat and eat these foods...and I know a few of them personally that have continued to beat their heads into the wall doing these same types of things, not loosing or even gaining weight...but even TRYING to cut carbs is so crazy they won't give it a shot. Most of them would try a raw vegan diet before just laying off the bread....which to me seems WAY more of a departure from "normal" eating than cutting carbs.....*SIGH*.

    *Sigh* is right. You have decided to encompass everyone who decides eating carbs works for than in a sweeping statement of being weak willed. Some people may be, but IMO it is not exactly appropriate to apply that to everyone as you have been doing. I chose to give up meat for personal reasons - I loved the taste but I have not eaten it for about 23 years, which to me indicates being pretty string willed when it comes to food. But apparently because I choose not to give up carbs because I do not feel it is necessary, you are effectively calling me weak willed. I honestly scratch my head at that logic.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    anyone have a sample menu for a no carb diet?

    Not no carb but low carb:

    If it works for you: cool beans. If you feel dreadful on it then for any extended length of time then ditch it. Don't let someone sell you the line that it is somehow your fault because you haven't given it long enough, become fat adapted etc, etc...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Actually, it can be a sustainable diet. I have been doing low carb (eating less than 20 g net carbs daily) since February and I have no intention of stopping.

    Low carb can be sustainable (depending on the person) but it's not the same thing as no carb.
  • BVegasIs4Lovers
    BVegasIs4Lovers Posts: 27 Member
    (I make a molten lava cake far superior to anything I've EVER had in a restaurant using no wheat, sugar or other garbage)

    I'd like that recipe for the molten lava cake!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    This argument will never be won on either side, and MFP is always hostile to low carbers, but I still come here a lot, because damn it, I love you all in a very disfucntional family kind of way.

    Taking off the infini-quotes:

    I find this ironic considering the voracity of your responses!

    Any voractiy is due to conditioning after a year of giving people solid well thought out advice on the topic, only to have people that have no interest in low carb come into the threads and s**t on everyone.

    It really does not help when you call people who do decide that low/no carb is not for them 'weak willed' in your first (or maybe it was your second) post. I do not do it because I do not see the point. You do it because you do.

    Yet generally my point stands. YOU may have decided that it doesn't make sense to you, but there are many, many people that come to these forums, or have come to me in real life and said "I've literally tried everything to loose weight and can't! You've been able to and look healthy and are gaining muscle in the gym, what should I do?!"

    Soon as you mention cutting some carbs they immediately (9 times in 10) "Oh, I don't know, I couldn't give up my bread/pasta/cookies/ice cream/<insert over processed carb laden food here>!" Weak. They'd rather stay fat and eat these foods...and I know a few of them personally that have continued to beat their heads into the wall doing these same types of things, not loosing or even gaining weight...but even TRYING to cut carbs is so crazy they won't give it a shot. Most of them would try a raw vegan diet before just laying off the bread....which to me seems WAY more of a departure from "normal" eating than cutting carbs.....*SIGH*.

    *Sigh* is right. You have decided to encompass everyone who decides eating carbs works for than in a sweeping statement of being weak willed. Some people may be, but IMO it is not exactly appropriate to apply that to everyone as you have been doing. I chose to give up meat for personal reasons - I loved the taste but I have not eaten it for about 23 years, which to me indicates being pretty string willed when it comes to food. But apparently because I choose not to give up carbs because I do not feel it is necessary, you are effectively calling me weak willed. I honestly scratch my head at that logic.

    Wow, you really have a hard time reading what people are saying apparently....

    What I am saying is that most of the time those that continue to fail at conventional diets, or whatever, are so tied to their carb laden franken foods that they won't even entertain the idea of giving them up, even if that means better health, weight loss, etc without them.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yes, a diet that won't allow you to eat fresh vegetables because they have carbohydrates sounds like a successful one.
  • tippity
    tippity Posts: 3
    you could also try South Beach Diet which teaches you to eat good carbs vs bad carbs.

    Kalyn's Kitchen is an excellent site that has all kinds of recipes that are South Beach friendly...and very tasty!
  • etajr
    etajr Posts: 49
    Oh I will watch Dr Oz


    He endorses so many quack remedies. It's always something new. As far as I'm concerned, just stay far far away :)
    I so agree - most of what he does now is just a money making sad I thought he had potential..
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    anyone have a sample menu for a no carb diet?

    Lots of good recipes & links to blogs on PInterest. One blog I really love is Living Low Carb...One day at a Time.
  • jamiemcdonald1
    I love low carb! I have seen great results and I feel so much better than when I'm eating grains and sugars.I also eat more veggies now than I ever did! has great recipes but my day usually looks like this
    Breakfast: Eggs (omelets, fried, baked, hard boiled, etc)
    Lunch: Big lettuce salad with cheese, hard boiled egg, homemade vinagerette or store bought blue cheese, mushrooms, green peppers, olives (whatever you like)
    Dinner: I make a huge variety for dinner but a lot are recipes I used before but instead of serving it with rice, potatoes, pasta, I serve it alone or over vegetables. Then a side salad and another side of veggies :)

    Good luck and don't listen to all those negative people :)
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Atkins induction meal plan (lo to no carb diet)--everyone doesn't gain the weight back. My 24 y/o dtr did Atkins induction when she was about 16 and in less than 2 mos she loss 40lbs. As of today, she has pretty much maintained that weight loss though she is no longer on this program. I'm not judgmental--whatever works for you, go for it. Hope you find the plan that works for you. :)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    DO NOT go on a NO carb diet. I did about 20 years ago and after about a month I was in the emergency room 3 different times with heart rhythm problems. Atrial tachycardia, which is very dangerous. There are nutrients in carb foods you MUST have. Taking a vitamin supplement isn't enough. A low carb diet is a good way to lose weight fast without being hungry, but please take this warning seriously.

    Edit: I went on the Atkins diet, but I knew if I didn't eat ANY carbs, I would lose weight much faster, which I did. I lost 30 pounds in less than a month and ate mostly meat, cheese, and eggs. That's when the trouble began. At that time the doctors in the ER didn't think it was the diet, but I have found out later that many more people have done the same thing, with the same results. Go to the Atkins site and search for heart rhythm problems. I did and that's where I read about people who actually died from the same thing.
  • ksb0602
    ksb0602 Posts: 25 Member
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    It's nearly impossible to consume no carbohydrates whatsoever unless you only eat meat and nothing else.

    ^^^^ This! Veggies have carbs---it would be impossible to eat no carb unless you ate just meat all day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This argument will never be won on either side, and MFP is always hostile to low carbers, but I still come here a lot, because damn it, I love you all in a very disfucntional family kind of way.

    Taking off the infini-quotes:

    I find this ironic considering the voracity of your responses!

    Any voractiy is due to conditioning after a year of giving people solid well thought out advice on the topic, only to have people that have no interest in low carb come into the threads and s**t on everyone.

    It really does not help when you call people who do decide that low/no carb is not for them 'weak willed' in your first (or maybe it was your second) post. I do not do it because I do not see the point. You do it because you do.

    Yet generally my point stands. YOU may have decided that it doesn't make sense to you, but there are many, many people that come to these forums, or have come to me in real life and said "I've literally tried everything to loose weight and can't! You've been able to and look healthy and are gaining muscle in the gym, what should I do?!"

    Soon as you mention cutting some carbs they immediately (9 times in 10) "Oh, I don't know, I couldn't give up my bread/pasta/cookies/ice cream/<insert over processed carb laden food here>!" Weak. They'd rather stay fat and eat these foods...and I know a few of them personally that have continued to beat their heads into the wall doing these same types of things, not loosing or even gaining weight...but even TRYING to cut carbs is so crazy they won't give it a shot. Most of them would try a raw vegan diet before just laying off the bread....which to me seems WAY more of a departure from "normal" eating than cutting carbs.....*SIGH*.

    *Sigh* is right. You have decided to encompass everyone who decides eating carbs works for than in a sweeping statement of being weak willed. Some people may be, but IMO it is not exactly appropriate to apply that to everyone as you have been doing. I chose to give up meat for personal reasons - I loved the taste but I have not eaten it for about 23 years, which to me indicates being pretty string willed when it comes to food. But apparently because I choose not to give up carbs because I do not feel it is necessary, you are effectively calling me weak willed. I honestly scratch my head at that logic.

    Wow, you really have a hard time reading what people are saying apparently....

    What I am saying is that most of the time those that continue to fail at conventional diets, or whatever, are so tied to their carb laden franken foods that they won't even entertain the idea of giving them up, even if that means better health, weight loss, etc without them.

    And again with the aggressive response. And I fail to see what your response has to do with my specific comments about generalizations so, right back atcha.

    To quote you:

    "Carbs can be fuel, but why not use your own fat? Rice, oatmeal, pasta, bread, the occasional slice of cake or cookie are all garbage foods for those with weak willpower and can't stick to a whole food diet. Go for whole-grain or multi-grain and potentially suffer bloat and other side effects of genetically engineered wheat! "

    And I will wait for yet another attack on my reading comprehension.....