No more late night snacking August 2012



  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member

    **Gmukris** WTG !!
    **DewDrop** Congrats! I sooo enjoy SUPPORTING!
    **Waya Luna** Always wishing you the best!!

    EVERYONE... You can DO IT!!


    :drinker: :heart: Deb
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I had a manic 13 hour shift at work where I didn't stop all day. When I finally made it home I so wanted to stuff my face. It's Friday and by now i Would normally have consumed plenty of anything sweet but this challenge is keeping me strong.

    If its now day 17 I have had 2 LNS and 15 to me.
    Pretty pleased with that.
    Another mad 13 hour shift predicted at work tomorrow. I can resist the evening urges :laugh:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    If its now day 17 I have had 2 LNS and 15 to me.
    Pretty pleased with that.
    Another mad 13 hour shift predicted at work tomorrow. I can resist the evening urges :laugh:

    Love your focus and dedication, Kate! Thanks for sharing...personally I am ENCOURAGED by your ability to RESIST!! :bigsmile:

    Keep up the fantastic work...and stay sane the next 13 hour shift!! :happy: :flowerforyou:

    :drinker: Deb
  • wayaluna
    wayaluna Posts: 34 Member
    Let's get this party started!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    LNS: 0:heart:
    Me: 11:bigsmile:

    Today was an especially challenging day for me! I slid sideways through the calories today. We were supposed to get boxed lunches delivered and I knew what I was having and had allowed for the calories in my plan etc. Only for them not to deliver to us. AGAIN! They are 0 for 3 on delivering our award lunch. LOL That's par for the course since our location is far out in the rual area.

    Oh Well. I went the store next door and bought a Lean Cuisine. (so not the problem) And three no bake cookies (so much the problem). :grumble: Normally I stay away from that sort of thing.. A momentary lapse in judgement. I ate all three of them. A blinding moment Leading to WHAT DID I JUST DO?:noway: :frown: UGH! Left me feeling sick to my stomach all afternoon into evening.:frown: I had a light dinner and air popped pop corn and diet root beer :drinker: for snack. Amazingly enough, I had breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack and managed to be with in my calorie limits! I even ate good for me stuff! Boy was I shocked! MFP Math does not lie. So it is definitely Party time! Hey where's the smiley with the part hat?:laugh: :happy:

    Has any one else had the time creep thing happen where your LNS slid into a time earlier in the day? That kind of took me by surprise. I'm on the case now!:glasses: Watching out for day time over snacking!:glasses:

    Stay strong through the weekend. Eat well through the days to help avoid problems in the evenings. PEACE every one!:flowerforyou:
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    :( I had to eat late because I was out late.

    Me: 2
    LNS: 1
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    :( I had to eat late because I was out late.

    Trusty...your accountability is AWESOME! Just a note...if you were *under* calorie goal...eating late (I don't think( should be counted against you...that happened to me one time. It is the mindless snacking that we do...sooo...just a thought :smile: :drinker: Have a grreat week-end :happy: Deb
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 14*
    LNS: 3
  • wayaluna
    wayaluna Posts: 34 Member
    Me: 12 :glasses:
    LNS: 0

    This has been an awesome day! I burned far more calories than I can eat. It feels great to be on track. YEAH! It's Saturday night and the time was right for a treat. I had my diet orange pop and ice cream. :drinker: Yum! and I was still way within my calorie limits.

    I hope you all are enjoying a great weekend and great success with NLS!:flowerforyou:
  • I try to schedule in a 100 calorie snack for bedtime. Its like my reward for not going over calories and eating the right things. I especially like the special k crisp bar-brown sugar.. They are awesome and curb my sweet tooth. Is this bingeing?
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Thanks Deb :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I've just completed a 14 mile run. I have not run this distance in quite some time as I had a stress fracture in February. It feels great to get out in the countryside again and do this sort of mileage. I am allowing Sunday every week as my day to relax and not be so strict with myself. All week long I don't eat crisps, cakes, sweets etc (I am 3 weeks without chocolate, I have made it to 9 weeks before so I am testing how long I can go again). I am pretty much at my goal weight. Maybe I'd like to lose 1kg more but my main plan is just to stay at this weight and more importantly don't get back in to the habit of mindless snacking and stuffing my face just because I am tired/ bored /its a Friday/ everyone else is stuffing.

    I survived my 2nd day in a row on very busy 12.5 hour shift. There was chocolate, puddings, loads of cakes out etc and I resisted really easily. It wasn't even a struggle thankfully on this occasion.

    So the scoring is on Day 19

    Me 17
    LNS 2

    Not bad going :tongue:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 15*
    LNS: 3

    Grandmatimes, no that is definitely not binging. Sounds like a nice reward for yourself when you've done so good all day.

    Kate, that is an amazing run! I'd say you absolutely deserve to treat yourself after an accomplishment like that!

    Everyone is doing so well--keep it up! It's so nice to see all the participation on this month's thread!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Thanks gmukris :blushing:

    You are doing bloomin' well yourself
  • I eat past 9pm but not junk food though lol i go for a bowl of cereal like cheerios or special k if i get the munchies works for me...and it has not affected my weight loss at all .
  • cgo8890
    cgo8890 Posts: 32
    I'm on board...I read this article recently about the 12 hour fast which is basically going without everything but water from dinner til breakfast the next day. Basically u train yourself to stop snacking after dinner, and to be sure to go to bed at a reasonable time so you aren't going to bed hungry. It has also helped me have an appetite in the morning so I can start my day with a good breakfast. I eat dinner around 7-8, I'm in bed by 10:30-11PM and I get up at 730-8am the next day. I've been feeling rly good doing this the last couple weeks, and that's enough for me to keep it going.
  • wayaluna
    wayaluna Posts: 34 Member
    I try to schedule in a 100 calorie snack for bedtime. Its like my reward for not going over calories and eating the right things. I especially like the special k crisp bar-brown sugar.. They are awesome and curb my sweet tooth. Is this bingeing?

    Binging is when you eat a large amount of food in a brief amount of time. A 100 calorie snack or treat with in your calorie limit for the day is smart budgeting :laugh: I'm a great believer in comfort food snacks and I always plan for a desert or an eveniing snack. It is good to enjoy food. :drinker:
  • wayaluna
    wayaluna Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Everybody! :drinker:

    I almost forgot to check me in! :blushing: It is hot tea time as I slowly relax and prepare for a good snooze. :yawn:

    Me: 13
    LNS: 0

    Can you believe my track record so far this month? WOWSERS!:laugh: It is amazing how well this is working for me. I am on my way to having a more right relationship with food. A by product of the changes happens to be weight loss. YEAH! I lost again this week. One day at a time is all I can do, even though I want to be practically perfect in every way, like now already. patience means you have to wait. Sigh.

    Somedays it is hard to focus and stay on track and that's when it helps to have a few good people pulling for you. Lets sing:
    All together now: I get by with a little help from my friends! :laugh: Ahh! That's much better!

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 8 - LNS: 6 (started Aug 6)

    I might have to take this seriously soon :wink:, since my plan not to lose weight seems to give results, hehe. I don't want to speedy gain, either :smile:. To be honest, this month I am here just because I :heart: this team. :flowerforyou:

    Hope to catch up with your posts later today.
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 16*
    LNS: 3
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I wasn't even tempted to late-night snack while on vacation....which was really nice.

    Me: 18
    LNS: 1
  • wayaluna
    wayaluna Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Everybody!:flowerforyou:

    Me: 14
    LNS: 0

    It's so very lovely to see you all doing so well. Even if you just show up and read the posts, you are winning bit by bit.. :love: This thread has been very much a part of my success this month. Happy Dance!!!:laugh: :happy: IF you only knew how I'd been struggling with snacking before I found this board. WOW WEEE! It was not pree-tee. :embarassed:

    Tonight I am impressed with how I've managed not to emotionally eat. Considering the stress I was under this evening:noway: But I'm done for the day and managed to be with in my limits. YEAH! :love:

    I'll do a cheer for the team. I got my pom pom's right here :happy: :glasses:

    Fitness pals that's what we are.
    With each other we're going to go far.
    No more late night snacking,
    'cause we don't want to be packing;
    no more weight than we got;
    so even if we get down..
    we'll get up and give it another shot!
    Yeah Team!!!!:laugh:

    Now wasn't that fun? How many calories do you think that's worth? Eh?:noway: :laugh: :glasses: