Shedding for the Wedding?



  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Just got married beginning of this month.

    Don't set a weight loss goal just for the wedding...or the honeymoon. Make it a lifetime goal for health and wellness...and avoid crash dieting too.

    Signing up for MFP was a good idea because it's more gradual and realistic change that is easier to keep doing after the wedding and honeymoon are over.

    Our honeymoon isn't until October...main thing I wanna change is how pale I am! Can't have that in mexico.
  • mnfrank11
    mnfrank11 Posts: 35 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their upcoming weddings!!!!

    I am going to be MOH in 2 weddings within the next 6-9 months. I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago and have lost/kept off 55lbs total. I am 5'7 and sitting at 169lbs right now. My goal is to lose 15-20 more pounds before being in all these weddings! Not to mention work on toning my arms because fat arms do not look good in photos!

    Feel free to friend me! I do my best to log in as much as possible. I have a goal of 70,000 steps per week with my FitBit and usually reach it due to working at a hotel and always walking around. I want to start the 30 Day Shred so if anyone is interested in starting it as well let me know! I need someone to keep me accountable =)

    Good luck and best wishes to everyone on their big day!!!!!!
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    Sort of. We aren't engaged yet but I don't want the lead up to my wedding to be about my weight. I want that to be the last thing I think about so I'm losing weight now. Before we are engaged. So I never have to deal with that :)
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! It is exactly what I need to keep the motivation! My wedding is June 22, 2013 and I'm currently 216 pounds with the goal being 180 by my wedding. I am also doing this to change my lifestyle, but my goal is my wedding because I really want to look and feel my very best on that day. I want to look back on my photos and be proud! Anyway its been about 2 months since I started on MYP and this week I completely lost motivation. I ate takeout, didn't cook any meals and once even had a chocolate bar for lunch! I forced myself to come back on here today and change my ways, back to someone who measured and counted. I'm getting my engagment photos next week and it makes me sad that I will still be this size in them!

    If you are a soon to be bride losing weight for your wedding, don't hesitate to add me as a friend! I need all the motivation and commiseration I can find!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Sort of. We aren't engaged yet but I don't want the lead up to my wedding to be about my weight. I want that to be the last thing I think about so I'm losing weight now. Before we are engaged. So I never have to deal with that :)

    That is a great idea! Its never too early to start changing your lifestyle! Good luck :)
  • Found out a few weeks ago that my scale is broken, which is good for me. I weighted myself on two other, fancier scales to find out that I am 15 pounds lighter then my home scale says. WOOP. I don't know how to account for this though on MFP.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread! It is exactly what I need to keep the motivation! My wedding is June 22, 2013 and I'm currently 216 pounds with the goal being 180 by my wedding. I am also doing this to change my lifestyle, but my goal is my wedding because I really want to look and feel my very best on that day. I want to look back on my photos and be proud! Anyway its been about 2 months since I started on MYP and this week I completely lost motivation. I ate takeout, didn't cook any meals and once even had a chocolate bar for lunch! I forced myself to come back on here today and change my ways, back to someone who measured and counted. I'm getting my engagment photos next week and it makes me sad that I will still be this size in them!

    If you are a soon to be bride losing weight for your wedding, don't hesitate to add me as a friend! I need all the motivation and commiseration I can find!

    I'm in the same boat -- we're taking our save the date photo today and I'm really disappointed not to be where I was hoping to be. I have no-one to blame but myself though. I've been off and on for the past two months and really lacking in motivation. I'm setting the intention to move forward with a plan of action, not excuses! Good luck!
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    i lost 50lb from febuary till i go married o the 31st july 2012 =D
  • I didn't start out my weight loss journey on this track. I started my weight loss Journey 4 months before I met him. But, He proposed last year. And we're looking to get Married either in June or September. So, I want to lose the last 67 pounds before then. If I don't, well, as close as I can get would be great.
  • Sort of. We aren't engaged yet but I don't want the lead up to my wedding to be about my weight. I want that to be the last thing I think about so I'm losing weight now. Before we are engaged. So I never have to deal with that :)

    Me too....trying to get to a better place before I plan the wedding.
    PS - I love this thread!!
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Hi everyone

    I got engaged on Christmas Eve 2011 and we're getting married on October 12 next year. So far have I have lost 39lb, and am aiming to lose a futher 45lb to hit my healthy goal weight of <174lb. The wedding is a big motivation for me to lose weight, but it's not my only reason - I have a 1 year old daughter who I want to be a good role model to, and I wasn't happy at the size I had become. I decided to use our wedding day as a goal date to work towards, as it was far enough into the future to be achievable!
    Good luck to everybody out there who is using their wedding day as motivation to shed some pounds. :flowerforyou:
    It's supposed to be the most special day of our lives (although it's going to have to be amazing to beat the day my beautiful daughter was born!), so it makes sense that we want to look our best :wink:
  • Hi everyone! I am so happy to see such a supportive group for brides to be. I am getting married tentatively July 11, 2014 maybe earlier still going back and forth on the date. We are getting engagement pictures done in November so I want to lose 5-10lbs by then. However, my overall goal is to lose 35 lbs by the time I get married. I wish you all the best in your wedding planning and healthy lifestyles! :)
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Try the 24 day challenge. Message me if you want to know more.
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Just got back from my honeymoon but I'm still here for support for those of you who need and I need support to keep going with this journey post-wedding! I managed to hit my goal weight the day before my wedding. It was a great feeling. I felt wonderful on my day of and on my honeymoon. Gained a few pounds on the honeymoon (totally worth it) and now trying to stay fit for married life :) Sounds like a lot of you have great goals and the wedding is great motivation to jump start you into action!!
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    I am shedding for the wedding! Woot!! Getting married in March 2013!! Honeymoon begins on the 24th of March!! I'm so excited!! My honey has been supportive of me for getting my body right although he does tease me about how he liked my extra weight before. LOL!! He is even eating healthier and slimming down himself. :) Congrats!! Woot!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Just got back from my honeymoon but I'm still here for support for those of you who need and I need support to keep going with this journey post-wedding! I managed to hit my goal weight the day before my wedding. It was a great feeling. I felt wonderful on my day of and on my honeymoon. Gained a few pounds on the honeymoon (totally worth it) and now trying to stay fit for married life :) Sounds like a lot of you have great goals and the wedding is great motivation to jump start you into action!!

    WELCOME BACK!!!! You look stunning. Congratulations on reaching your goal and enjoying your big event!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Just got back from my honeymoon but I'm still here for support for those of you who need and I need support to keep going with this journey post-wedding! I managed to hit my goal weight the day before my wedding. It was a great feeling. I felt wonderful on my day of and on my honeymoon. Gained a few pounds on the honeymoon (totally worth it) and now trying to stay fit for married life :) Sounds like a lot of you have great goals and the wedding is great motivation to jump start you into action!!

    WELCOME BACK!!!! You look stunning. Congratulations on reaching your goal and enjoying your big event!

    Thank you wandering!! Now its time to find some new motivation to keep me healthy :)
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    We are already married but due to our crazy work schedules and all that jazz our honeymoon will be in April. Also we are having a ceremony and reception for family and friends to join us in December (we had a JOP in September with my parents and a few of our friends, it was beautiful! :D ). So I am trying to drop about 10ish pounds before our ceremony and reception in early December. Then I want to be out of the 200s, hopefully approaching the 180s by our honeymoon in April of 2013.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    ACK life is getting in the way and I reversed direction!!!!

    I had shoulder surgery four weeks ago and the recovery has been so much harder than I thought. I've been through a back surgery and a knee surgery and neither have come close to comparing in terms of the pain, limited mobility and frequent visits to "the dark place."

    I made the mistake of trying on my wedding dress (in my profile pic)*, with my sister's help, and I couldn't even pull it up. I have gained all my weight back in the course of just a month of sitting 22 hours a day. I can't believe how depressing it is. I know the important thing is that I'm marrying the most wonderful man who loves me, scars and all, but this has really made my spirit plummet. The surgeon said that I won't be lifting weights before the wedding (beyond the 1 or 2lb ones they do in PT). The flab has crept back and all the muscle tone I worked so hard for is ebbing away.

    Add to that that as much as I mentally want to exercise, my body just shuts down when I try to do something even as simple as walking. I know it's because my surgery was so major (five different torn and broken bits to be fixed in that one joint, including my rotator cuff and biceps which were torn in half) and all my energy is going to healing but UGH it is hard to look at where I was pre-surgery and where I am now...unable to walk more than a mile or two at a time.

    Sorry, now I"m just boring myself with this negativity.

    I'm getting married May 2013, exactly six months to the day from today.

    What to do? Realistically, this gives me about 3 months before fittings. I'm going for full focus on my diet, counting on the fact that it accounts for 80% of weight loss (at least it seems that way, as chronic exercise has never really worked for me). I joined the December Walking Club thread and I"m going to try and walk as much as I can. I can't wait to start PT so that I feel like I am moving and making progress. And I"m going to count my blessings...and ignore the fact that my gown's one shoulder is covering my NON-scarred shoulder LOL.


    P.S. Thanks to everyone who has posted on my wall. It's nice to be back! And feel free to friend me if you need encouragement!