
MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
Do you believe in ghosts? Ever had an experience? Share your story.


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I'd like to, but I can't without proof.
  • mirandamayhem
    I have had a few experiences. I do overnight investigations. The problem is, even with "evidence" unless the person looking at it was there, they're not going to be convinced. We have a voice recording of something shouting. It was in a room of 25 people, 5 of us were in the corridor next to it. 2 of us in the corridor felt something running towards us, I still can't really explaining. We got up and ran into the room of 25, screaming as something had come at us. And just before the screaming you can hear this horrid, horrid, voice.

    It's here on youtube the first part of the video,

    If nothing else, everyone on that investigation left having experienced something! Whether people believe it or not, well I'm sceptic about what other people say they see or hear, so I wouldn't blame anyone else for doubting!
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member
    I worked 3rd shift in a long term care wing of a old hospital, which had been in place for over 100 years. We would hear things all night long, crying, whistling, footsteps, moaning, laughter all kinds of stuff. I would also see things out of the corner of my eyes. We all heard things on a regular basis. I kept a rosary in my scrubs pocket that made me feel better.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    yes I believe.

    that's all I'll say.
  • scottstephens79
    scottstephens79 Posts: 77 Member
    As a kid I thought I had seen a ghost in my house on 3 or 4 different occasions but there wasn't ever any proof. As a 33yo now, I'm assuming I just had an active imagination back then.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    yes. I talk to my dad all the time. It started about two years after I visited his grave, there was a funny country/christmas song that reminded me of what made him laugh and I swear he was sitting in my new car (that i was so proud to show him) listening with me. He's been with me since.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    yes I believe.

    that's all I'll say.

  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Also my cat Buddha was with me for 15 or so years before I had to let her go (tumor on her jaw) it broke my heart..soon after I would see flashes of black in my apt & when I would look to see what it was, my other cat would be asleep on the couch. They looked a lot alike. She stayed in the apt when we moved to my condo. I hope the new renters don't mind, she is a queen. :)

  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    I believe. There is a burned down men's ward to an asylum in Western Washington that is gated off. That place is haunted. I went on a warm summer night and as soon as I got onto the property the air cooled by at least 10 degrees and became heavy and thick. There is also an old white church north of me that has some long buried dead. One was a little girl who had murdered and she was buried in the older section. As I was walking around I could hear giggling around me and I saw grass pressing down like it would under feet. Needless to say, I hustled my *kitten* back to my friends. It was awesome.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Yes, I've had many experiences.

    The two that stick out in my mind: I was in my bedroom getting ready for bed and saw something out of the corner of my eye from across the room. It was a little ball of white light. It then floated towards me until it was right in front of me. The one ball of light soon became dozens. I thought, "This can't be real. It's definitely just some floaters in my eyes." So I closed and opened my eyes and they were still there. I then moved my eyes from side to side and they stayed in the same place. I've gotten floaters and spots in my eyes before, but this was unlike anything I've seen in my life. It was very bright and sparkly and I feel a sense of calm come over me. Then, it just slowly faded away. It didn't scare me. I believe it was a spirit in the form of orbs.

    This one was much scarier. It was about 3 am or so. I was leaving for a trip early in the morning so I was pulling an allnighter. I was downstairs alone still packing and my parents where upstairs sleeping. I was in the front entry way of my house deciding what shoes to pack when I heard a whistling noise. I got very still and was just listening to this noise. I thought maybe it was some wind coming through the chimney, but it didn't sound like that at all. It sounded inconsistant, like a person whistling a song. I figured out it was coming from my kitchen (which was on the other side of the wall I was standing in front of). I stood there still listening and then I heard footsteps on the woodfloor. I thought it was my dog and poked my head in my living room and he was asleep on the couch. I then realized, "Holy crap! Someone is walking around whistling in my kitchen." (For some reason, I got the feeling it was a man.) In my kitchen, there's a squeaking floorboard right in front of the stove and I heard the footsteps moving around and then a squeak like they had step on that exact board. That was enough for me! I ran upstairs to my bedroom and didn't come down until the sun came up! Later, my mom told me one of my great grandfather loved to whistle. I believe it was his spirit walking around the kitchen, keeping an eye on our house while everyone slept.

    I don't believe my house is haunted, but I do believe we get "visitors". Often, I'll hear a male voice coming from my living room. I'll leave the office (which is right next to the living room), walk down the hall, stand in the hall and still be able to hear the man's voice, but the SECOND I step foot in the living room, the talking stops.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Some interesting stories...
  • kalwi
    kalwi Posts: 10
    Yes, I do..
    I work at a really old house.
    Aura there is just.. let's say it's not really nice.
    Seen someone looking at me from outside.
    Don't have any evidences, because I'm scared of finding out what's hapenning... -.-
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    Yes I do and I hope I never have an encounter with anything ever lol.
  • wedge421
    wedge421 Posts: 224 Member
    ?Yes. Im a man of science and matter can not be destroyed or created so where does it go when we die
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    No sorry I don't believe in ghosts. I have seen many things in my lifetime that I could have put down to ghostly activity but because I don't believe I always go to investigate what is happening and I have always found there is an explanation for what I have seen or heard.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Yes, I've had many experiences.

    The two that stick out in my mind: I was in my bedroom getting ready for bed and saw something out of the corner of my eye from across the room. It was a little ball of white light. It then floated towards me until it was right in front of me. The one ball of light soon became dozens. I thought, "This can't be real. It's definitely just some floaters in my eyes." So I closed and opened my eyes and they were still there. I then moved my eyes from side to side and they stayed in the same place. I've gotten floaters and spots in my eyes before, but this was unlike anything I've seen in my life. It was very bright and sparkly and I feel a sense of calm come over me. Then, it just slowly faded away. It didn't scare me. I believe it was a spirit in the form of orbs.

    This one was much scarier. It was about 3 am or so. I was leaving for a trip early in the morning so I was pulling an allnighter. I was downstairs alone still packing and my parents where upstairs sleeping. I was in the front entry way of my house deciding what shoes to pack when I heard a whistling noise. I got very still and was just listening to this noise. I thought maybe it was some wind coming through the chimney, but it didn't sound like that at all. It sounded inconsistant, like a person whistling a song. I figured out it was coming from my kitchen (which was on the other side of the wall I was standing in front of). I stood there still listening and then I heard footsteps on the woodfloor. I thought it was my dog and poked my head in my living room and he was asleep on the couch. I then realized, "Holy crap! Someone is walking around whistling in my kitchen." (For some reason, I got the feeling it was a man.) In my kitchen, there's a squeaking floorboard right in front of the stove and I heard the footsteps moving around and then a squeak like they had step on that exact board. That was enough for me! I ran upstairs to my bedroom and didn't come down until the sun came up! Later, my mom told me one of my great grandfather loved to whistle. I believe it was his spirit walking around the kitchen, keeping an eye on our house while everyone slept.

    I don't believe my house is haunted, but I do believe we get "visitors". Often, I'll hear a male voice coming from my living room. I'll leave the office (which is right next to the living room), walk down the hall, stand in the hall and still be able to hear the man's voice, but the SECOND I step foot in the living room, the talking stops.

    Intriguing story...
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    what about you handyman, any stories to tell or are you just a looky loo?
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    what about you handyman, any stories to tell or are you just a looky loo?

    I do have an experience. I am not sure it it was a ghost, demon, creature, or animal. It was several years ago in the fall when I used to live with my parents. I was coming home one evening and went though the side gate to enter though the back door as I was accustom of doing. For some reason, I thought something was behind mere staring at me. I turned and a saw a figure "standing" only about 2-3 feet tall in the distance. It almost looked like a small child in a snow suit. It was in the corner of the back yard in the shadows so I could not make out any details. Quite confused, I turned and started taking a step towards its direction. Just then it went from standing to all fours, it let out a grunt and literally jumped over my parents six foot fence. It didn't climb it, it jump over it. Needless to say, I grabbed my house key and like you see in he movies I tried to unlock the door but couldnt due to my frantic nature. I caused such a commotion trying to unlock the door my mother awoke and let me in. She knew I was distraught so I told her the story. We both looked out the back door but saw nothing. I looked out the front door and down in the distance I saw what ever it was standing again near a tree. It didn't move. I showed my mother but she couldn't see it because it wouldn't move. Just as she was about to give up and chock it up to my imagination, it once again dropped to all ours and ran in the opposite direction of the house.

    Many say it sounds like a bear but I live in the city of Saint Louis, so I don't see how it could be. Others think it cold have been a monkey or ape. I just not know but it definitely was something.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Yes I do and I hope I never have an encounter with anything ever lol.

    and to wedge and a few others-

    i had to decide a while back to not live in fear. when you do, life stands still. (posted a topic on this in motivation topic i think)