Starting before picture. Trying not to cry.

Ok, this is totally embarrasing, and Im trying not to cry looking at this. I took a pic today to serve as my before pic, and to add a little motivation to my weight loss journey. Im at 182 lbs right now. My belly is my biggest problem area right now. Though I also do want to tone up my legs and my arms as well. I was 135 when I met my hubby and very athletic. He still says I look the same and im beautiful and while thats sweet and romantic, the picture proves I dont look the same. I wanna be healthy again. And I want energy to keep up with my family. Heres hoping Ive got the strength to stick with it.

August 19th. 2012. 182 lbs. Chest 43". Waist 41". Hips 44". Thighs 25". BMI 30.3



  • wisters
    wisters Posts: 84 Member
    You are very brave and strong to post. I totally understand where you are coming from and your husband sounds like a dear! I am sure that you will find the support that you need here, it is a wonderful place to come for motivation. You go girl!
  • m23gm25
    m23gm25 Posts: 157
    Hey KalikaRae I don't even have the courage to post a picture. It it would be way worse than yours. Don't worry you lose it. You're young.
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Life happens--the important thing is that you are motivated and determined to do something. Your desired amount to lose is almost exactly the amount I set out two years ago to rid myself of, I was up to 213 lbs. You can do it, it sounds like you have good support at home, and you will always find great support here on MFP!
  • you should not cry. you are a beautiful woman and you just had a baby not long ago. all will be ok. this site is really helpful and if you stick to it you will be at your goal in no time. also that was very brave of you to post this. thats alot more than most people will do. good for you and good luck. you may add me if you want a friend. also my gut still looks a lot like yours 3 years after having my son. our stories are about the same. good luck :)
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Good luck sweetie. You can do it. To be fair, husbands see you based on their heart. HOWEVER, we are our own worst critic. You have to find the balance base on health metrics (cholesterol, blood pressure, etc).
  • janrarey
    janrarey Posts: 10
    First of all congratulations! They say admitting you have a problem is the first step, and I took that first step a few months ago, and apparently you are taking that first step as well.
    I too took pictures of myself when I started this site a little over a month ago. At one month I took another set of pictures. I didn't measure myself before but I did do my measurements at the one month phase so I can have an actual record of the inches because I could see the difference after one month.
    I like how this sight makes you accountable and also makes you think before you eat.
    Add me as a friend I would love to watch you progress which I am sure will be amazing!
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    No crying girl! Be strong, if you want it badly enough you will achieve it!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member haz it. One day at a time, one choice at a can do this!
  • It's a very brave thing you've done and it's a starting point. I wouldn't mind being 180 but that one was a 2 when I started. We all have to start somewhere and you've found the motivation now.

    I wish I had the guts to take before pictures!
  • wendy007uk
    wendy007uk Posts: 6 Member
    You are too hard on yourself. The fact you are starting this journey in prearation for a healthy future, is full credit to you. And you are beautiful...
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    You are very brave and strong to post. I totally understand where you are coming from and your husband sounds like a dear! I am sure that you will find the support that you need here, it is a wonderful place to come for motivation. You go girl!

    Totally agree with this!!!

    You are already amazing and strong enough to post this, that is the hardest part. You have taken a massive step today and there are so many of us who wouldn't be brave enough to do what you have done.
    Best of luck on your new, amazing journey! Please feel free to add me if you would like a supportive MFP Pal! x
  • popstarwow
    popstarwow Posts: 14 Member
    Come on kalika! You are strong and we are sure you can do this. Give your best and Im sure you are going to reach your goal. :D
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    Great way to be accountable! Feel free to add me if you need a friend. I am 5'3 187ish right now. Down from 214 pounds.
  • awillkies
    awillkies Posts: 53 Member
    don't cry you are STRONGER than you think... look at your beautiufl children... they are a testiment to how strong & how much you sacrifice. but you know that. i totally get you. i think you are brave too. if you want friend me, i will happy to be your friend. you can see my pregnant pic! we all have something that finally snaps up into shape. no pun intended. you can do it. now is your time to get YOU back. just by finding this place (like i did) & starting is huge in itself.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    I started at 225 im 181 right can add me if u want! Dont cry it will go away!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I still can't bring myself to post an "after" picture, let alone a "before" picture. So you've definitely got the guts and determination to do this. You're in a supportive place here -- lots of good conversations going on here.Tracking everything I stuff into my face is an invaluable tool for me, and I know you'll find the tools you need here, too.
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    You are so strong and have a lot of courage for posting the before pic. I could not do it at all, even though people asked me to. I was too embarassed! Take it from someone who started on MFP on New Years Day 2012, this is soooooo worth it!! I have lost almost 35 pounds, am almost 40 and in the best shape of my entire life. It is going to be hard and a challenge, but I promise you if you committ to it and seek out a group of friends on here that are supportive and carry you along, you will never regret even one day of the struggle. You can do this!
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Be proud of yourself! You are making a decision to change your health and quality of life. Stay strong!
  • No reason to cry! You have decided to make a brave life change! You should be excited! Just take it one day at a time, and you've picked the perfect place to do it! The people here are great, and you can take advice from all parts of the journey; members that are just starting, members that are in the thick of it, and those motivating members that have already reached their goal weight. You CAN do this! Feel proud, you've just taken your first step!
  • You got this. It's not going to be easy, but the rewards are worth it. Everyday begins anew and is one step closer to winning your war. We're starting together in the same spot and have about the same weight to lose. If you'd like to add me as a friend, we can encourage each other.