Starting to find comments on weightloss annoying and hurtful

First off let me tell you that I hit goal about a month ago. I am pretty satisfied by the way I look other than some toning but I don't want to lose anymore weight. Last December I had a baby, I weight 197-198 pounds. I now weigh around 120 pounds. This is the smallest I have been since high school, I am 32 now. Probably because I have never been so dedicated......another thing that I don't mention much is that I stopped drinking like a fish (empty calories). Yeah I drank my 20's away, and stayed anywhere from 130 pounds to 155 pounds.

So here I sit at 120 pounds 5.4" and I still occasionally get the you look great compliment but I usually get...."Wow, you have lost a lot of weight, what are you doing.?" Are you okay? Are you eating enough? I think you should stop losing weight, Everytime I see you, you look smaller and smaller....and the latest, Are you anorexic?"

I don't even know how to react to this. Any of the people who say this 9 times out of 10 are smaller than I am. The anorexic question comes when I tell them that I count calories. Really? So anyone counting calories is anorexic? I even tell them that I eat over 1500 calories a day (my TDEE is anywhere from 1533 to 1550 depending on what site you use). Apparently over 1500 calories is not enough for people. I sit at a desk all day long.

Sorry this is so long winded. I needed to get it off my chest. I also need to know if anyone else get this. If so what do you say? It is starting to annoy me and become hurtful. I am starting to doubt myself. I ask my husband if I am too skinny. I wear a size 6 for goodness sakes, it isn't like I am a 0.

So how would you feel? What would you say to these people? How would you overcome?


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    So how would you feel? What would you say to these people? How would you overcome?

    Quickly change the topic to their favourite topic, themselves. Steer the conversation away from you.

    Case in point.

    Them "Hi j1wright wow you have really lost a lot of weight you look too skinny are you anorexic?"

    You "Did you get that new vacuum cleaner you were talking about? How is your cat going?
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    If they seem like they are joking around or asking a legitimate question, I'd just brush it off. Personally, if they were being purposefully rude, I'd just be an *kitten* back and make them feel small for not understanding what I'm goin through... I've had a lot of people notice how much I've lost, and the weirdest thing has been "better watch out, you're disappearing!" but I typically just laugh comments off and respond with how much stronger I am now and how awesome I am... :wink:
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I can't believe someone would straight up ask if you are anorexic. That's quite an assumption to make. I'm sure it's difficult to hear things like that, but I think the best thing to do is just clear up their misconceptions. Let them know you're achieved your weight loss in a healthy way. If it's only coming from people smaller than you though... maybe they feel threatened? I know that sounds weird. But people are weird like that.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I don't think people have any idea what healthy looks like. I see your pic there and you look like a healthy, slender woman.
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    Blow it off and enjoy what you're doing for yourself! Obviously, it's working! If comments persist by specific people, don't be afraid to let them know that their misguided comments are not supportive. Maybe they don't realize how those comments feel to you (trying to give them benefit of the doubt since I don't know them), but if they're just being catty, then you don't need 'em.
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    .........I have got "I didnt know you were pregnant"..............(awkward silence, followed by a sturn)..........."I'm not"

    I think I prefer your comments!!!!!!!!

    People say things without thinking - a lot of the time it is because they care (not always).

    I agree with the post above - change the topic....... Or your could make a concerned comment about them!!!! (if feeling rather defensive!) are busy, you have to go etc........

    Rave about MFP to them and tell them they should log on......but most of all be proud of yourself. If you are comfortable and your closest family members are supportive then stuff everyone else!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck - and stay proud of you!!!!!!!

  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Happens to me all the time....especially from my mother. But i'm a ***** so I usually come back with "hows that 10 thousand dollar lapband surgery working for you? Oh yea, it isn't." She shuts right up.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    So how would you feel? What would you say to these people? How would you overcome?

    Quickly change the topic to their favourite topic, themselves. Steer the conversation away from you.

    Case in point.

    Them "Hi j1wright wow you have really lost a lot of weight you look too skinny are you anorexic?"

    You "Did you get that new vacuum cleaner you were talking about? How is your cat going?

    ^ This is EXCELLENT!! It is also so true. People love to talk about themselves and as soon as your steer the conversation to them, they will forget all about you. Sad, but true. Good luck!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Me being my usual snarky sarcastic self. If someone asked if I was sick, or anorexic, I would probably answer them yes I am sickand only have 6 months to live. When people ask these questions, they don't want truth. I love shock value. I have given many similar shocking answers in the past to many random questions.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I work with all guys, so when one sees me, that i haven't seen in a while, the common, yet not so PC question is "Did you get AIDS or something?" which i generally respond "Yes, from your mother."

    might not work in your situation, but that works well for me.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Me being my usual snarky sarcastic self. If someone asked if I was sick, or anorexic, I would probably answer them yes I am sickand only have 6 months to live. When people ask these questions, they don't want truth. I love shock value. I have given many similar shocking answers in the past to many random questions.

    And giving a silly response might make the other person realize it was a silly question to ask in the first place.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Same here... My friend even told me that her mom is worried about me? Like wtf?! I does get annoying but I just think about how it's my life and it's what I want... So il get over their comments and continue to reach my goals. Something that also really annoys me is when people seem to get annoyed when I eat healthy... The annoying part is that I don't even have to be eating 'healthy' for them to make comments about how I eat. They just know that I'm trying to lose weight, so automatically anything that I want to eat is weird to them. Aaaaand what I hate the most is when people talk about my diet and try to tell me if I can eat something or not! " I know what I want an what I don't, I'm capable of making my own des icons, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" gaah, I swear... People just don't understand.... Haha glad I got that out though... Sorry this was so long haha.
  • ScottCadi
    You look great. You look HEALTHY!

    I'm not much of a country music song, but one line from one I use all the time is:

    God is great, beer is good and people are crazy.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,426 Member
    I think I can give you some perspective on this from the other side. I have two friends who lost a bunch of weight. The first one, lost it fairly quickly and it was so shocking to see how thin she was that several people (myself included) thought she looked sick because she looked so different and her skin hadn't caught up with her new weight. She has pretty much kept that off now for going on 4 years and she looks "normal" to us now. The other woman did kinda the same you did-cut out drinking and she also started working out like the cardio queen and dropped a lot of weight. I had people asking me if she was sick, was she anorexic, what was she doing etc. I approached her one day and said 'I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but this is what I'm hearing" and told her about the sick comments. (For what it's worth, both of these women are older than you so that lovely skin sag didn't help either one of them).

    As we all know, it can be very hard to lose weight and even harder to keep it off. When you lose a bunch of weight it shocks their sense of the "you" they know. Sadly, the first thing a lot of folks think is "she's sick" since we all have known many people like that. While it is incredibly rude to ask you if you are anorexic, it's probably just shock at how small you are now and they aren't used to it. I'd be willing to bet it's folks who haven't seen you regularly during your weight loss making these comments.

    I think you look amazing and great job on losing that much weight. Dang, that's impressive! Please don't let them discourage you and if you can, try and laugh it off when they ask you those questions. I'm sure for most of them, it's coming from a place of concern and they just aren't expressing themselves well.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    It is all very very irritating, however when you get to know someone at your original weight that's how they know you..

    I got asked if I had an eating disorder, I replied "yes I did, now I don't"
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I've been in this world a long time, constantly fighting just to maintain 10 pounds over desired weight. I have noticed so many people making that anorexic statement just out of envy. They want the person to gain weight. Not saying thats the case with your comments but think about it. Anorexic people look pretty, pretty sick. you look healthy, so I look back at the people who would desire that person to gain weight so that they themselves will be the thin ones.
  • PinkRhythm428
    PinkRhythm428 Posts: 30 Member
    Don't let it discourage you! After all, you are the one that needs to be happy with yourself. It shouldn't matter what other people think.

    Tell people that you are happy with how you look and feel. Confidence is a huge factor in these discussions. As long as you have the confidence you need, people will generally leave you alone...or feel awkward about repeating the comment, at least

    If people think you are anorexic because you cound calories, you could tell them that the average person eats X too many calories a day and give the benefits of a healthy, stable diet and exercise.

    I was actually asked if I was anorexic a lot in high school and middle school. I was, in fact, very small, but I was not anorexic. Even my mom questioned me about it. I just told people that I had a great metabolism and went on with life. I was sedentary until I got a job at 16, but I never worked out or anything. It was the honest truth. Think of it this way: If they are skinnier than you but asking if you are the one with anorexia, they possibly have a distorted body image and view themselves as heavy but view you as skinny. Try your best not to let it bother you and remember that you worked hard to get the body you have. If you are happy with it and you are healthy, it doesn't matter what other people have to say.
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    First off let me tell you that I hit goal about a month ago. I am pretty satisfied by the way I look other than some toning but I don't want to lose anymore weight. Last December I had a baby, I weight 197-198 pounds. I now weigh around 120 pounds. This is the smallest I have been since high school, I am 32 now. Probably because I have never been so dedicated......another thing that I don't mention much is that I stopped drinking like a fish (empty calories). Yeah I drank my 20's away, and stayed anywhere from 130 pounds to 155 pounds.

    So here I sit at 120 pounds 5.4" and I still occasionally get the you look great compliment but I usually get...."Wow, you have lost a lot of weight, what are you doing.?" Are you okay? Are you eating enough? I think you should stop losing weight, Everytime I see you, you look smaller and smaller....and the latest, Are you anorexic?"

    I don't even know how to react to this. Any of the people who say this 9 times out of 10 are smaller than I am. The anorexic question comes when I tell them that I count calories. Really? So anyone counting calories is anorexic? I even tell them that I eat over 1500 calories a day (my TDEE is anywhere from 1533 to 1550 depending on what site you use). Apparently over 1500 calories is not enough for people. I sit at a desk all day long.

    Sorry this is so long winded. I needed to get it off my chest. I also need to know if anyone else get this. If so what do you say? It is starting to annoy me and become hurtful. I am starting to doubt myself. I ask my husband if I am too skinny. I wear a size 6 for goodness sakes, it isn't like I am a 0.

    So how would you feel? What would you say to these people? How would you overcome?

    Well it depends. Like many on this site, I tend towards the sarcastically humorous. You can say, "why yes, as a matter of fact I am anorexic, can you please pass me those laxatives you see on the table there, I have to go crap out another 20 lbs". As you walk towards the bathroom, liberally spray the area with air freshner. Might not work for you but that's how I'd handle
  • homeymoney
    homeymoney Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on the success! I would shine off the negative comments Many people are just plain jealious and can't handle someone's achievements..Think are doing great!!
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    I think you should take Tony Horton's advice and punch them in the face...

    I'm just kidding. I think you if you are feeling fit, healthy and eating very clean then you should just a) ignore them and b) stop hanging out with them. Find friends that are like minded about health and fitness - this is probably the hardest thing to do to be honest.