Breaking the "Fat Girl" Mentality



  • LadySteele54
    I am in this same boat! i started at 230+ lbs and am currently down 63 lbs and i am constantly in stores looking at clothes that i know realistically i fit now but still thinking "wouldnt it be nice??" till a remind myself im in that size now. granted i still have 58lbs to lose and i know i am at a weight i havent seen in a long long time like since highschool but in my mind im still that fat girl i have a very hard tim seeing any change and still feel huge. I was wondering if i was alone for a while now!
  • Firephoenix013
    I am worried I will always have that "fat" girl mentality. I'm kinda odd tough. A part of me doesn't realize that I'm fat until I look in the mirror or I try on clothes or if someone calls me a name etc. At that point is when it comes back full force and it's like oh...yeah. So I don't know. I'm afraid when I look in the mirror I won't see my skinny self, but we'll see. I'm not there yet.
  • LadySteele54
    I have lost 38# so far and have 22#-34# left to lose. I still end up in the plus sized section. I still go straight to my old sizes even though they are huge on me.

    I still go to plus size as well knowing damn well.a 1x is too big. I have always dressed big trying to hide myself and I still do.... Hope this mentality will get lost as I lose more weight.
    I so hear this!!!! i do the exact same thing!!!!! i almost wonder if its cause im scared this isnt real or something i know it sounds stupid
  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    When I was a size 22/24 I didn't feel fat, I was aware, I felt normal and accepted it. Now at size 12/14 I'm feeling the "fat girl" mentality and still manage to end up in the Plus dept. Starting a whole new journey of acceptance...
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    It's called Phanton Fat, we all have it ...

    ‘Phantom fat’ can linger after weight loss

    Losing pounds doesn't automatically shed larger-than-life self-image
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I've gone from my heaviest of 288 to now 149, and I still have the fat girl mentality. I will still look around and wonder if I am the fattest person in the room; I will look at people and think, if only I was thin like them, and then I will realize that they most likely have 20-30 pounds on me. I have been overweight my whole life and thin for only a few months so I imagine it will take me a while to break that way of thinking. I've accepted that this is part of my journey, and I am working hard to change my self-talk.

    I use to always tell myself that if only I could lose 50+ pounds then -- insert wonderful life event here -- would happen. I've learned that my extra weight wasn't my problem -- I was. I will always be a work in process. I'm okay with that. Kaizen!
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i've still got the fat girl mentality. the fact that certain clothes don't fit the way they would if i'd never been big is part of it, i think -- i'm not fat anymore, but i still have trouble wearing not-fat clothes... so that must still mean i'm fat, right? (can't a sista get a pair of jeans that comes up to her waist???)

    i also eat like a fat girl. granted, i'm generally healthier about it than i used to be -- old me would be driven crazy by wondering what tuna salad and beefaroni tasted like mixed together. until she mixed them. and she would eat all of it, even though it was horrifyingly disgusting.
    new me goes to the 24-hour walmart and buys a can of corn and a can of chopped black olives and mixes them together. and tracks it in her food diary. sometimes i still get convenience store apple pies and eat them in my car out of embarassment... but i track those too.
    but it's still the same sort of behavior, still kind of obsessive/compulsive, even though what i'm doing is not as "bad".

    also, i look awful when i'm naked and looking at myself in the mirror. i look great with clothes on, at any angle. but unclothed... so many rolls of flesh (that now look WORSE because they're flappy) and my huge, though faded, stretchmarks... there'd be no mistaking me with a true thin-girl. i feel like no matter how thin i get, i will still have the fat mentality, and a fat body -- not just by looks.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    This is something that I have struggled with for some time. I started out over 300 pounds in September. I was probably down 50 or 60 pounds before I started to even see a difference in my body. I'm now down 98 pounds and I actually see my figure. I see my waist.

    In all honesty, it really just takes time. I'm still over 200 pounds but am getting closer and closer to ONEderland. I catch me calling myself fat still. For months I've told everyone who commented on the difference that they were insane. It's really something you'll learn to see the difference. I don't know that it's instantaneous for everyone, although it might be for some. It certainly wasn't for me. Having been overweight my whole life...I would imagine that I will call myself fat for a long time to come even though I now see a difference.

    Good luck!!!

    ETA - Hail to the Redskins!!!
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I was not overwieght for long (7 years) I felt better about shopping or my body before I lost weight. right now I dont know what I have. I have been so us to shoping or look at me fat or pregnant for so long I found what I have under there. Now I have a had time picking me out in pictures. Its hard for people to get ther mind around why I dont feel it. I hope I will lose this fast and start see who I am now.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    It's called Phanton Fat, we all have it ...

    ‘Phantom fat’ can linger after weight loss

    Losing pounds doesn't automatically shed larger-than-life self-image

    This was a fabulous article. Thank you for sharing it! This so describes me!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I have been at my goal weight for 2months and sometimes I still feel fat. Because of the amount I lost I have excess skin and still need more toning.. I know I will never be skinny and that was not my goal. I am fit and off all meds which I have acomplished and am very proud of that. I really cannot believe I was as big as I was. I have a hard time with clothing sizes, not quite sure if I believe the number on the tag. It is less than high school (40 years ago). Mind boggling!!!! At the moment I still have a fear of gaining the weight back and struggle constantly to stay within a 5 lb range. I am hoping this will come more easily in the future.
  • MustangSally74
    MustangSally74 Posts: 59 Member
    I have lost about 55lbs and 1lb from my "ideal" goal weight. The last three months I have really concentrated on exercise and sculpting and it helps when you have someone in your life that is on the same page as you in living a healthy lifestyle and can get you through the days you can get down on yourself. I get compliments all the time about how good I look and now I hear that I am "skinny"! That's a word that I never related to me and that is hard to hear for some reason. I still feel like I don't look that good and I still see the heavy girl. I also see all the areas in the mirror that needs lots of work, but we are our worst critics! I went online to shop for clothes and went to a sizing chart to see where I am now...Says size 4 and couple of things in size 2? Really? I am still used to looking at size large and size 12! That is very hard to wrap my head around. This is a lifestyle I want to continue for the rest of my life and surely it will sink in one of these days.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I definitely still picture myself how I was before a lot of the time. When I go shopping, I immediately go for the bigger sizes even though I know I'm a 4 now. I'll do a little cringe before I look in the mirror occasionally because I remember how much I disliked looking at myself.
    I've lost 35 pounds, and am only about 10 away from my goal. But a lot of the time I still feel like I'm pushing 170.

    I sincerely hope that it goes away one day.
  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    i am down nearly 40 but still am very ashamed of my body and feel fat. i hope when i reach my goal weight.. that i will feel better about myself.

    This is me! I have about another 25 to lose but can't seem to be happy with the weight I have lost. I know I must look better but when I look in the mirror I still see the old me.
  • JennafurC
    JennafurC Posts: 65 Member
    I went from 210 in January 2010 to 130 now. When I was 210 I had no idea I was that big until I saw myself in pictures and even then, I couldn't believe it. Now that I'm 130, I don't believe it until I see myself in pictures again. Even in the mirror I see myself at around 160 (which is what I pictured myself at 210). It is a struggle. Only recently have I started to see a 'fit' girl in the mirror and its not all the time. Sometimes I look at myself and think "omg I'm HUGE", other times I see myself the way others do.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Bump. I want to read all of these after because I am having the same issue.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I've lost over 90 pounds, and while I AM still fat, I FEEL like I am still HUGE. I never think I can fit through small aisles or gaps in things, I am SURE that clothes won't fit me in the size that I know I am now, and they end up fitting fine, I still feel very self-conscious even though there have been several incidents that have happened lately that indicate to me that I am suddenly in a different "class" of overweight when it comes to how other people see me (I never even realized that was a thing). I have no idea if my brain will ever catch up, but I really hope it does. :(
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I know that I look better than I did, but I can't wrap my head around how much better I look.

    I see myself naked, I know how much further I have to go.

    This is me, 100% :(
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I still feel the exact same and probably will until my stomach is flat.
  • Jennaissance
    In the past 15 years, I've been my smallest at 125 and my largest at 180. I was always around 150 in college so I was the fat girl. I lost 20 pounds as soon as I graduated, but people would always try to give me these giant clothes or I'd go shopping with a friend and they'd pull out some size 14 thing and be like "this is on sale" when anything more than a size 8 was way too big on me. I don't think of myself as the fat girl, but I was for a second and my friends all think of me as the fat girl. It's the shocked face when I can fit in one of their dresses that just really bugs me. Or how surprised people sometimes are when I can run farther, bike farther and faster or hike faster than they can. They can't beleive that the 10 pounds I have on them is muscle.

    Anyway, I'm the fat girl again for the moment but I'm probably the only person that isn't thinking that :smile: