How often do you weigh yourself?



  • I weigh myself up too 4 times a day. Not healthy but I can't help it
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    Every day if I remember. I'm fully aware that weight can fluctuate when you check that often, but it pushes me to work harder when I see the fruits of my labor :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I used to do it daily and drove myself crazy with the natural fluctuations.

    I'm now only going to weigh myself for reference when the bits that shouldn't jiggle don't.

    Whatever that number turns out to be is not important to me, even less so the BMI.
  • Every day like it an illness....LOL
  • sweetpeaz12345
    sweetpeaz12345 Posts: 64 Member
    Every morning when i wake up :)
  • pandoraw
    pandoraw Posts: 143 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I only record 1 time a week. I do an average of the week.
  • I don't weigh myself at all. I prefer measurements or simply using my clothes as a guide.
  • sinderfox
    sinderfox Posts: 7 Member
    A few times a day, but I try not to panic and know that it's normal to fluctuate from day to day.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    every sunday morning
  • MaryAnn1113
    MaryAnn1113 Posts: 14 Member
    Almost every day, but I only log it in on Wednesdays.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Sunday mornings. And if I feel like things are going good. On Wednesday.

    This^^^^but I weigh myself on Wednesday ONLY if my fickle b*tch of a scale doesn't say what I would like it to say on Sunday :).
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I pretty much weigh myself every day, or every other day. I weigh in every Friday for sure, and that's what I post on here. If I weigh myself, it is always in the morning, right after I get out of bed and use the bathroom, and right before I get into the shower. (I shower first before breakfast.)
  • twice a week...I want to stop the negative if I've gain or continue the positive if I'm loosing
  • bump.
    I used to do it daily. But it would be a let down because I thought I should be losing more.

    Now I do it Friday mornings. They say in the morning you weigh the least. Doing it Fridays motivates me for the weekend. It reminds me that I have worked hard all week and look how good I have done. Keeps me in check to keep it up during the weekend,
    Sometimes I get curious and weigh in on Monday morning, but I do not any more than that because I tend to be discouraged if I do.
  • oeagleo
    oeagleo Posts: 70 Member
    I have a Withings scale, and weigh myself every morning. I get out of bed, take my blood pressure, (I was REALLY heavy, near 300 lbs, and bordering on high blood pressure; the added encouragement is watching the BP go down too!), and then on the scale. Put on my fitbit, and I'm ready for the day. I've found that even though there is a fluctuation day to day, the net loss, and watching the line stay under my goal is encouragement to go on, and not stop at Carls for one of their $6 burgers...
  • every morning
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    I weigh myself everyday & after meals or workouts. I'm aware the body fluctuates and especially in women on TOM. I like to weigh myself all the time to keep me on track with everything. It helps me stay focused when I see a bit of an increase in my weight. I only record my weigh ins once a week; doesn't matter what day is on for me. I measure once every two weeks now.
  • KB1ofaKind
    KB1ofaKind Posts: 12 Member
    I tend to gain weight if I don't weigh myself. Checking ever other day or so, and logging once per week, keeps me motivated. Otherwise, I fall off and the next thing I know I've gained all the weight I'd loss back. Pisses me off!
  • shakeitoffbxch
    shakeitoffbxch Posts: 25 Member
    i weight every morning before breakfast and sometimes after workouts or if im curious about my hydration. I only record if I see the same,or close number a couple days in a row. I know its not good to weigh everyday, and moreso a couple times a day, but it helps me gauge how dehydrated i am.... if i suddenly gain 3 lbs since yesterday, im probably dehydrated because the body retains water when it doesnt get enough.
  • Every morning!!