Cheat DAY works!!! did they work for you too?

OK, so i see all these posts about people being skeptical over having a cheat day or meal and I'm here to say that cheat days truly do work. and yes, I mean DAYS. Not one damn meal. I gave having one cheat day a week about a month trial and i went ALL OUT on those days. I ate everything i craved from that week and it was awesome! had about 8000-13000 calories each cheat day (anything less and your doing it wrong :laugh: ) and I didn't even get full. I was too happy :bigsmile: . and as a result of these cheat days, I LOST WEIGHT! sure, i weighed more immediately after the cheat days. A LOT more, but within 3 days I weighed roughly a pound less than i did the day before the cheat day. so there you go. IT WORKS! so go with the whole day over the meal. You may be worried about the calories at first, i know i was, but You will be so much happier in the end. especially with the results.

You can also check out my blog if you want to know more about my cheat days. I try to post what I eat each cheat day and start to plan what I think i might be craving for the next week.

Just give it a shot. if you don't like having a cheat day then it may not be for you, but I feel like I've broken a major barrier or plateau in my progress.

Let me know what you might plan for your cheat DAY! and remember to go all out!


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Since I stopped eating candy/cookies/cake because I was too addicted, I don't even want a cheat day. There's nothing I want to eat. :grumble:
  • spidertheman
    spidertheman Posts: 38 Member
    I usually do it to avoid addiction. you should try buying only the amount you want to eat. that way, once you eat it on cheat day, its all gone so you don't worry about breaking down during the week. I shop for cheat day either in the early morning of cheat day or the night before and only buy what i will eat that day.
  • jak1958
    jak1958 Posts: 82 Member
    I believe you!!! I just broke a 6 week plateau by having two high calorie days last week... I logged a 2.8 loss (6 weeks/1/2 lb per week which is my goal). 1% reduction in body fat :) - going to do this every 7 - 10 days :)
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I agree it works, and thats what I do every week thats why I can stick with eating well the rest of the week. cause I have my cheat day. Somedays its all day sometimes its a snack or one meal.
  • In that case I have hopes that my "cheat Sunday" will just be a blip. I did so well last week and managed to lose 2lbs. Then had wine, pies and a cream tea on Sunday and put double back on! Fingers crossed the scales will show a slide by the end of the week!
  • spidertheman
    spidertheman Posts: 38 Member
    I believe you!!! I just broke a 6 week plateau by having two high calorie days last week... I logged a 2.8 loss (6 weeks/1/2 lb per week which is my goal). 1% reduction in body fat :) - going to do this every 7 - 10 days :)

    ya, I remember i started doing these cheat days because i broke down on a 3 day weekend and ate SOOOO MUCH! a few days later i had the courage to weigh myself and i lost weight, haha
  • claire47
    claire47 Posts: 39 Member
    I really think this might help me cus normally i am good for a couple weeks then cave for like a week at a time and am back where i started so maybe your right and if i go all out one day a week it'll keep all those cravings at bay. Cx
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    On my cheat days, I eat lots and lots of cheese! I also sometimes throw in sour cream and a Mexican dinner. Yummmmm!
  • spidertheman
    spidertheman Posts: 38 Member
    If you want to get an idea of just how all out and overboard i go on cheat day, just check my blog. You may be amused, lol. cause i dont think many people truly go all out the way I try to
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I eat snacks and sweets every saturday :) It does not prevent my weight loss, I'm still losing steadily. I usually don't go over 2000 calories by very much though because I'm usually not able to eat that much. One bag of crisps, and some sweets usually does it for me. When it comes to real food, dinner and such, I don't do anything differently on saturdays. I eat the foods I want anyway, just in moderation. I'm quite lucky that I've never been addicted to fast food and such, so I don't have to plan days where I can eat stuff like that.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have what i want, when i want, in moderation. There's no way I'm going to pound down 13000 calories in one day.
    not even in a week!
    It might be great for breaking a plateau but if you struggle with changing to healthier habits, i don't believe this is the way to go.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    And no offense but you're male and 21 years old. You still have a teenage metabolism. Try that *kitten* when you're 40 and see how well it works. :P
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    8000-13000 calories! I don't think I could force myself to eat that many calories in a day; maybe 4000 and that would be a struggle. Anyway, this seems really unhealthy. I undersand mixing it up a bit, but wow.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I have what i want, when i want, in moderation. There's no way I'm going to pound down 13000 calories in one day.
    not even in a week!
    It might be great for breaking a plateau but if you struggle with changing to healthier habits, i don't believe this is the way to go.

    Agree...seriously 13000 calories?! That's a ridiculous amount to eat.

    I am by no means the one to say that this doesn't work...but I don't see it being healthy either.

    I eat whatever I want...I have just changed what I want. I do not deprive myself of anything, therefore never needing a cheat day.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    8000 calories on a cheat day? Ummm no. I eat 1320 cals per day so that equals 6 days for me.

    If I cheat its like 500-700 calories for one day. Cheat days are more about your brain than your body. The only problem for me, is getting back on track the next day.
  • spidertheman
    spidertheman Posts: 38 Member
    That is why I never did this at first. I waited until I made eating healthy a habit. Now i always hesitate at the beginning of my cheat days, and it's that hesitation that prevents me from going past the one day with it.
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    Cheat Days work really well for me 2!!! And I do proper PIGOUT on my cheat days, I eat whatever I want and as much as I can.......I also start looking forward to it a day or 2 before :laugh: . My problem was that I kept losing and then I start eating junk again and I pick it all back up, so after 2 years of this I had to do something different. So 2 changes, I only eat when I am actually hungry no matter the time, only with breakfast I have to make myself eat and then I have this one cheat day a week. And it works, I am losing, I am happy and I don't feel like I am missing out :laugh:
  • Wildheart_Baby
    Wildheart_Baby Posts: 44 Member
    13,000 calories, that's ridiculous, that's not a 'cheat day' there aren't words for what that actually is, aside from the equivalent of 3.6lbs of fat.

    Also there are no 'cheat days' eat healthy don't, eat healthy, your body doesn't care where the calories come from.
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    I don't have a Cheat Day per say but one meal per week that I really want regardless of the calories. For myself, a whole day is too much (too much temptation for binge) but I really look forward to that one meal...and even though it's only Monday I'm already thinking about what it will be this weekend.
  • spidertheman
    spidertheman Posts: 38 Member
    13,000 calories, that's ridiculous, that's not a 'cheat day' there aren't words for what that actually is, aside from the equivalent of 3.6lbs of fat.

    Also there are no 'cheat days' eat healthy don't, eat healthy, your body doesn't care where the calories come from.

    I like the philosophy there. also, i usually have a smaller body fat % after these "cheat" days