What won't you pay for that others do?



  • taanoir
    taanoir Posts: 9
    I won't pay for designer clothes, I rarely care for the styles anyhow. Online games / apps just not a priority. Waxing, hair dye or most other beauty treatments, I'm graying gracefully.

    Things I will pay for , Pedicures - my back doesn't let me bend that way anymore, can't get to them to my feet to care for them. Sushi, sashimi, not taking the chance with home prep, I'll pay a professional.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I won't pay for:

    fake nails - i user dot be an archaeologist so no point. I only occasionally pay fro a manicure when it is lumped in with my pedicure

    aminals from breeders

    car repair - my husband can do almost anything

    lawn or yard service - mowing is my favorite calorie burn.

    What i will pay for:

    wine direct form the winery I will pay up to $40 for a wine I have tasted and loved. but there are tons of wineries her in VA where I can get a bottel for under $20
    the correct tennis shoes for my whole family. Mine personally cost $20 from target and I LOVE them but my husbands cost over $100 b/c he has foot issues. My sons are in between.
    brand name sour cream - sounds silly but I love daisy sour cream
    smashbox facial powder

    Edit: I saw this on another post: movie theater snacks. I will not pay for them.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member

    HA HA...ditto!

    certainly not
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    Interesting topic :)

    What I will pay for:

    -someone to mow the lawn: bees/wasps/etc. terrify me. I had one fly down my shirt when I was trying to mow a few years back and it was not good.

    -repairs I could not possible do on my own: electrical, car, plumbing, etc.

    -Aloha Bay candles. They smell good, are eco-friendly and create a lovely atmosphere in the house. One of my few indulgences.

    What I will not pay for:

    -haircuts (I have a method of layering my hair that I learned on YouTube. Works perfect every time and looks like just as good or better than a professional cut).

    -nails (I've had 1 pedicure and 1 manicure in my life. Unless it's a special occasion, just no.)

    -controversial one: people who stand at intersections with collection jars, guilting you into donating to something you have no clue about, like the local Lion's Club luncheon. I try to turn off right before I get to them. I think it's an @$$hole way of raising funds and is reminiscent of a police barricade.

    -another controversial one: research on certain diseases that I know the pharmaceutical industry/FDA (they might as well just be one entity, as much cronyism that goes on) will never allow a cure to be found for. If you watch the documentary Burzynski, you'll know what I'm talking about.

    -lottery tickets (I'm not left with much spare cash after bills. If the jackpot gets so huge that it'd be stupid not to buy one, I reconsider though)
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    Won't -
    *Expensive Purse. All of my Coach Purse's were gifts.
    *Jeans with holes in them ( I can make holes in them myself!)
    *Jewelry, I just don't wear any. :(
    * Ciggs

    Will -
    *Car repairs ( Ie: Oil Change. I can add oil, but I have NO IDEA how to change it.)
    * Hair Cut ( Had long hair and let someone cut it for 20 bucks and royally screwed it up!)
    * Good Bra... 36DD's here & def need a good supportive bra.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Regular vehicle maintenance & minor repairs (just do it myself)
    Gym membership (too many options outside of the gym)
    Expensive clothes and accessories (my taste changes to frequently to justify spending exhorbitant amounts)
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I refuse to pay for a meal I can prepare myself. Plus I love cooking, so unless its a special occasion or we are meeting up with friends, I cook at home.
    I don't understand why some people will sacrifice things to have nice cars. I have a decent car, but I see no reason to go broke to have a particular vehicle. My payments are very low, and I got a great interest rate.

    I refuse to pay for apps for my phone...if it costs, I can do without. I will also not purchase books - I get all of my books online on the Nook freebie Fridays or from the e-library in Indiana.

    Now I will pay for a manicure (natural nail, not fake nails) or pedicures even though I am very good at doing them myself. Sometimes its just nice to be pampered. Some people think I'm crazy for paying for quality ingredients for my food - but its what makes cooking so much fun!
  • dalexander82
    dalexander82 Posts: 111 Member
    Cigarettes and alcohol... Sorry
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I won't pay for anything cheap.. I'd much rather save up for the expensive version.

    I pay for:
    Gym Membership
    Personal Trainer
    Designer Bags/Shoes

    Yep me too.

    I won't pay for: sex!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Lawn mowing/gardening/landscaping - I'm too compulsive plus it's decent exercise!

    Cable television - so many channels, so little time to watch, and not all that much we're interested in (and if we really want to see something, there's always a way). Plus, except for premium channels, it irritates me to pay to watch commercials..

    Car washing - see #1
  • Porn. Duh.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    House cleaning.
    Ironing my clothes (some people pay for "dry cleaning" of men's shirts, as an example. they don't need dry cleaning, they need to be washed, dryed, and ironed).
    TV (lol). I wont pay for it. I believe it should be free. Although, I do pay for NetFlix. LOL. I know, I know.
    I wont pay for a gardener.
    There's more I'm sure.
  • witchyme
    witchyme Posts: 97 Member
    i wont pay someone to skin my deers and all my wild meat.....

    I actually enjoy skinning it, cleaning it, cutting it, and wrapping it....... hehehe
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Won't - Movies, porn, tailor.

    Will - Someone to clean my house. I am investing in this one REAL soon.
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    i wont pay someone to skin my deers and all my wild meat.....

    I actually enjoy skinning it, cleaning it, cutting it, and wrapping it....... hehehe

    Ummmm...marry me? ha ha :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Bottled water. Cause it's evil.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Books for my kindle - there are so man free ones to read!
    Any sort of cleaning - it just feels lazy (and I do work full time!)
    Gym membership - its just way too much each month for me to do it!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I won't pay for: Annual credit card fee, extended warranties on items, or manicures (they are chipped within a day and I can do just as good a job).

    I will pay for: monthly massage (my treat to myself), a good dinner out (I will gladly pay $50 or more for just myself for dinner if the food is awesome), and a pedicure (I love the spa pedicures!). I will also spend money on high quality shoes and clothes because you can tell the difference and they last longer, but I generally will not pay full price (sale or coupon needed!).

    If I could afford it: I would pay for lawn care and house cleaning and a personal shopper!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I won't pay for expensive clothes or shoes
    Organic fruits and veggies, even though I probably should for some of the "dirtier" ones
    I won't pay for coffee outside of my house (maybe once a month I do because I'm socially pressured into it lol)

    I have a friend who won't buy anything at a restaurant she can make herself (relatively easily). I like that policy, but I want what I want when I want it

    I will pay for whatever is on sale. I'm absolutely awful about getting a great deal on something I didn't need. Or better yet, something I "could use eventually," so I have 2 teeth whitening kits, at least 5 of each: shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, etc. I'm trying to change this, but I also have a pattern of buying convenience foods, protein bars and such... but I make really yummy ones, so I really should stop buying and make my own.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Cleaning supplies. I limit (except for Tide and oxiclean for clothes and Dawn for dishes) my cleaning supplies to salt, baking soda, and vinegar and water. These items, in different combinations, can clean virtually anything. And soon I'll be making some gel cleaner of my own that works for clothes and dishes as well so I won't need to buy those either.

    Paper towels. It takes less to just wash rags.

    Diapers. I cloth diaper and save a ton.

    Hair color/cuts. Just not my thing anymore. I'm growing my hair out and I like the color that it is.

    Things I use the money I saved for:
    comic books
    video games
    computer stuff
    smaller clothing ;) since mfp is awesome