Women: Do You Take Protein?



  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Agree with others that timing doesn't matter at all. Personally I like a small protein snack after working out, but that's because I'm HUNGREH and I like protein when I'm hungry. :)

    Your protein macros seem super high in your diary? I'd thought for women it was around .7-1 gram of protein per lb of lean muscle (more for athletes/weightlifters but can't remember the details). Or is that why you're looking to calc your lean muscle?

    I'm around 100-104 lbs lean muscle (scale I use depends so much on hydration levels but that's the approx. range). I generally aim for minimum 70 grams/day but find it difficult to get much more than 80-85 - and I eat eggs, cheese, meat, nuts and protein shakes all day! (not specifically doing low-carb, just don't eat sugar or yeasted items, and don't really like pasta and rice)

    I'm still working it out. I changed my macros based on what I was reading in here to be a 40-40-20 type split. I'm pretty heavy...244 lbs with 34-36% BF, so that's kind of where I calculated the number. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? It's all a trial and error...I really appreciate everyone's advice and have learned so much (and been so inspired) by so many people here, women especially!
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Agree with others that timing doesn't matter at all. Personally I like a small protein snack after working out, but that's because I'm HUNGREH and I like protein when I'm hungry. :)

    Your protein macros seem super high in your diary? I'd thought for women it was around .7-1 gram of protein per lb of lean muscle (more for athletes/weightlifters but can't remember the details). Or is that why you're looking to calc your lean muscle?

    I'm around 100-104 lbs lean muscle (scale I use depends so much on hydration levels but that's the approx. range). I generally aim for minimum 70 grams/day but find it difficult to get much more than 80-85 - and I eat eggs, cheese, meat, nuts and protein shakes all day! (not specifically doing low-carb, just don't eat sugar or yeasted items, and don't really like pasta and rice)

    I would just go with the full 1g\lb lbm and also .45g fat\lb lbm. More than you need is fine. Your body can actually function properly with no carbs although I dunno if anyone wants to go that far and you would need some good supplimentation to make up for lack of MICROnutrients.

    Wasn't really looking for advice, was providing an example for the OP. :)

    (And I struggle with getting more than .7-.8 gr/lb lbm, not worried at all about going over.)
  • matt_h76
    matt_h76 Posts: 39
    Yes definitely take protein after a workout, if you can. Along with carbs too, to replenish your energy levels, otherwise the protein itself will be absorbed for energy instead of being used for muscle growth. A protein supplement along with a banana or some other energy rich food, is ideal after a workout. Don't go for a low calorie shake as the extra calories are vital following a workout. Good luck with it all :)
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I do =) At least I try to when I remember.... lol I think its actually supposed to help you muscles heal faster too.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I usually try to get a lot of protein at breakfast (including a shake) so that I stay full the rest of the day. Otherwise I don't think it really matters WHEN you take it.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I've gotta disagree with all those who say "timing doesn't matter." That depends on the efficiency of your metabolism. Have you ever noticed that some people can get by with only eating one big meal a day, while others get really hungry and need to eat 5 or 6 times a day? Different people's metabolisms may work slower or faster or process their calories more or less efficiently.

    So for SOME people, timing may not matter. For me, personally, I'm hypoglycemic and insulin resistant. So I have to eat or drink something that contains both protein and carbs immediately before I work out. And then I have to eat or drink something with lots of protein immediately after a workout. That's orders from my doctor. And from personal experience, it's the only way I can get through a workout and then through the rest of my day without crashing and feeling like I'm going to collapse. :smile:

    So if I were you, I'd follow your doctor's and trainer's advice and eat when they tell you to, for starters. And then listen to your body, adjust as needed to fit your particular metabolism. Everyone's body is different. What works for others will not necessarily be good for you, and vice versa. I know people hate to hear this, but ultimately you have to figure it out for yourself, through trial and error.