Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    That is my good deed for today....................

    :wink: :wink:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Monday Check In: Weekend went well, till my sugar tooth bombed me. I failed though, I got some nutella and shortbread cookies. However, I am proud of myself. I limited it to about 10 cookies and 3 tbs. of nutella. But my boyfriend gave me gummy worms... so... that killed me. But hopefully I succumbed my sweet tooth for a few weeks, besides, I have nutella to spare for a quick sweet fix... in very small moderation.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    That is my good deed for today....................

    :wink: :wink:

    LOL - I get ill from fried foods now.. I don't even miss them. Last night I was out and they had all of these fried appetizers... my friend's pal kept saying, "Please help yourself".... I finally said, "Thank you for your generosity, but I AM helping myself by not eating that."
  • andreabeatty
    "It is a life journey for me with no end and slip ups cannot be used to beat myself up because real life happens."

    Rebecca, that may be the best quote ever. I wrote it down and I have it in front of me!

    My weeks vacation with the husband just ended, and Lord knows I was not the best decision maker. I was great with no snacking- -if it wasn't a meal I wasn't eating. But I didn't exercise portion control, I just ate til I was satisfied. It was all pretty much good, non processed food which was good. Steak, vegetables, quinoa, for dinner when we were home. Breakfast almost every day, pretty much all low carb options as I don't really go for pancakes or stuff like that. I did a lot of walking around while we were on vacation, lots of trips to the park and the beach. Still, I dread the scale!!

    I'm almost back to work and a woman I work(ed) with was transferred to the middle school. In a way, I'm glad. She's so nice, but last summer she took six weeks and went to the Biggest Loser Ranch, and did the same this summer. I've tried talking to her about it, and instead of being empathetic, and discussing her experiences, all I got was a lecture about how the only reason people are heavy is because they hate themselves, their lives are a mess and they need therapy. I heard that ALL YEAR. It was hard to even look to her as an example, as she became so, I don't know, high handed. And arrogant!! Thats why I love everyone here so much, those of us who are successful want to help, not bring others down. I thank the stars for all of you here every day.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    @Laurik70 – sounds like a fun day even though the plans were changed.
    @Annie219 – wtg! Good luck on the 5k.
    @Susan2396 – wow, we have a few more similarities: cheer and swim
    @monorchris – heart
    @CelticHIppo – great job on getting to the gym four times!!
    @RobinsEgg – thanks so much for the kind words!!! Congrats on the new washing machine!

    Not quite caught up reading but time to get back to work.

    My Monday Check in - Tough weekend but today is awesome! Need to tweak a few food choices....ok - I need to go to the store - so I have breakfast and snack items.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday-

    Over the weekend I found out the house I put an offer on was owned by the city so my loan was not compatible with the house. So today I put in another offer. Eating out a lot over the weekend has me feeling sluggish and blah.

    @Cia - your sunday share was so powerful

    @Helen- Sorry to hear about your friend....I have learned over the years do just what you did because you will be better off in the end.

    @Laurie- Do you happen to live in MN that is when my son starts school too. Hope you get the zip lining in I think that looks like so much fun.

    Welcome newbies

    Welcome back old familiar faces and names that have been MIA.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helen - your situation with your ex-friend sounds painful - truly painful - oh how I hate dust-ups like that. I still miss an old friend that I had to cut out of my life because she was hazardous to my mental health......I'm sorry you're going through that.
    And your poor husband's possible surgery and off work for months sounds very serious too. Dear you need to book a pedicure and a massage. Every other week for the next six months! :flowerforyou:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Helen- You could tell your friend that TOM was around and that you can't donate at that time or your iron was low. She won't know the difference. I understand you don't want to lie but both are valid reasons they would ask you to delay giving blood. I commend you for even trying- giving blood is not something I want to do. It would be my luck that I would pass out.

    Andrea- The person who went to the Biggest Loser Ranch sounds like she was brain- washed at that place. I wonder what stuff they are filling people's heads with that would have them react that way to others who want to know more. Like you said you have us to support you.

    Robin- My mom knew what I was doing and the group I was meeting. Usually, I would back out of unfamiliar situations but I choose to try something new. Thanks for your concern.

    Check in- Not the best day/ weekend just very emotional due to TOM coming and it started today, which lead me to being tired and unmotivated all day. Luckily, I have an intern this year who decorated my classroom. I should sleep tonight since I am so tired today.

    I live in Annapolis, MD.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in for Monday!

    I am a more hyperactive version of myself lately. I am friendlier, happier, and much nicer to be around. I have never eaten so many fruits and veggies in my life, as I have in the last 45 or 50 days. Is it possible that what I was missing in my life, the one vital component, was natural nutrition?

    I did, however, drink two beers last night... so I am feeling a bit blah today.. but even my "blah" is better than my best ever was!

    Overall, my loss makes me happy... but what makes me feel really good is that I feel really good!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I hope you all are having an amazing Monday! May your troubles be few and your triumphs be many! :drinker:
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    @Robin - Thank you!

    @Helen - Eff it. You don't owe her any explanation. Don't stress yourself out over other people's pettiness. If she wants to talk ish, let that be her thing. You remain the kind, sensitive person you are. You have other things to worry about that directly affect your life, like your husband's possible need for surgery. Remember, however, that even with possibilities of struggle, they're just that -- possibilities. Don't stress yourself out over something that may not come to pass. If you can stay in the present (which I think is difficult for every person, including myself), you'll find that life is less stressful. Stay focused on what you can control today, and remember to breathe. You've got this! :smile:

    Monday Check-in: TOTALLY went carb crazy this weekend. I had a burrito on Friday, rolled tacos and a cheese quesadilla on Saturday (along with discovering that Three Olives makes a s'mores vodka -- *GASP*, and a patty melt with fries on Sunday. There were real meals during the weekend, too, but those were my sin meals. And you know what I learned? The only thing that would be worth the guilt is the s'more vodka. On the positive, I don't feel guilty. I'm more disappointed that these were things that I used to LOVE, and none of it gave me that enjoyment that I used to get from their taste. Which means I doubt there will be a repeat of this weekend any time soon (if ever). NSV for the win!
  • lnoso
    lnoso Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all, glad to have found you again. Went to the end of the locked post (but it opened?) and clicked on the link to here. Maybe that will work again next time. What does Phalarope refer to? The name of the thread? It's Monday so maybe my mind is still taking a day off.

    Check-in - still struggling with sweets, especially ice cream. Have had some oral surgery, but am at a point where I can eat solid food, but am combining it with ice cream - duh. Still lost a pound last week and had a great time biking with a friend on Sunday and an hour of water aerobics on Sat. Riding my bike to work this week - at least made it today and most of last week. Really want to get back on track this week so when I weight in next Monday I will see some bigger results.

    May we all have a great week with lots of healthy food choices and plenty of NSV. Linda
  • lnoso
    lnoso Posts: 12 Member
    Hmm, 104 pounds lost???? Something weird has happened. Though perhaps I had lost a decimal point when I weighed in, but the value looks right. My wishful thinking must have soaked into the computer. Guess I'll have to figure this out. Linda
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    Monday Check In - I've been without a computer much of the last week but my new computer is now home with me and seems to be working fine. Now if only Time Warner Cable could keep my internet connection working.

    I bought a Vitamix today! I'm so excited and can't wait to use it for soups and dips. Will be testing it out for protein shakes tomorrow.

    My eating has been good and I've been under my calorie goals every day but I can't seem to sleep and I have 3 night shifts coming up at work.

    @nicholsvj - a lot of places will let you return protein powder if you don't like it. I buy mine at the Vitamin Shoppe for that reason.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Monday Check-In:

    Was scheduled to run 20 mins straight today. I only managed about 16 because I literally thought I was going to die. My legs felt like Jello and my breathing got a little away from me. I even turned the speed down and it didn't seem to help. I ended up having to take 4 1-minute walk breaks in order to make it through.

    Weekend was good. I stuck to my workouts and didn't go over on my calories, which shocked the mess out of me. I usually always have ONE day on the weekend I go over. But I have no complaints.

    I'm starting to hate my scale. I think it is broken! There is no way that it shouldn't be moving. I'm being strict on my cals and my workouts. I'm not sure what is up, but I wish it would sort itself out. I guess I need to measure in the AM tomorrow and see if maybe I've lost some inches. That will make me feel a little bit better.

    Other than all of that, I'm doing well. I have a TON of paperwork and papers to get graded and completed before tomorrow, so I'm going to grab a quick bite to eat and get busy. Hope everyone has a great day! I'll try to do personals once I get all my work done. :)

    ~ Jana
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    ~Ode to Taco Bell~

    Your tasty goodness calls my soul

    But with my health, I'm on a roll

    I cannot stop

    I cannot taste

    Your calories are such a waste

    Instead I fill my plate so full

    With fruits, lean stuff and vegetables

    You tempt me so, fourth meal so sweet

    But I shall not accept defeat!


    One word describes that poem. EPIC

    I love it lol.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Greetings all. I've been laying pretty low the past few days. Reading but not posting.

    I took today off work to chill for one more day and saw a movie...which brings me to a NSV...... I was able to sit very comfortably in a movie theater seat WITH the arms down comfortably and with room to spare....

    Can't even remember the last time that was the case....
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    @Helen: As the saying goes, "this too shall pass"...:flowerforyou: Prayers for your hubby..Hope surgery won't be needed.
    @MyMowMow: Great NSV! on the movie chairs:smile:
    @Naceto:heart: the Poem...I agree "EPIC":laugh:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed!:heart:
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    I found you guys, again. I am really beginning to think maybe you are trying to ditch me, humm.

    @Ushi?sp: We're not trying to ditch you:laugh: That made me lol...You're one of us:tongue: Like it or not:laugh:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Anyone have an affinity for Taco John's?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Again, I'm protected from all Taco places, Kentucky Fried Chicken and most all restaurants........I always get ill from food intolerances, gluten contamination, or a handful of other things.

    NOW--NO ONE HAS AN APPETITE!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Yeah - sadly, none of this phases me at this point in my career. Now if y'all knew what we normally talked about over of you would eat again!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jana--don't worry about not making the 20-min run; I can run a full 5k now, but still often have days when I just can't do more than 10 or 15 minutes without a walking break. Just keep trying and you will certainly get there! :drinker: Your post about paperwork and grading made me sad :cry: --I start on Wed. and already have lots of tests and papers scheduled for the 1st week and a half. This means my evenings and weekends soon will be devoted to schoolwork...*sigh*

    @tungsten--thanks for the tip about being able to return protein powder. I have been hesitant to try it for fear that I would hate it--I will have to check to see if GNC has a similar policy (no Vitamin Shoppe near me).

    @inoso--glad to hear the site moderators got the link set up from the old thread. I think robin said a pharalope is a type of bird...? Something to do with birds b/c she is a bird-lover--she chose it simply b/c it is such an uncommon work, she figured it wouldn't be in any other threads (thus, making it a good search word).

    @ally--I'm not much of a vodka drinker, but s'mores vodka sounds delicious!

    @holly--hope this 2nd offer works out!

    @andrea--I agree with Laurie--sounds like they brainwashed your co-worker, which I assume they would have to do to get people to come back considering how much it costs to go there!! It costs something like $2500/wk for one person and that, of course, doesn't include travel/airfare to get there. Way too pricey for me! I'm happy for you that she got transferred (and to the middle school--that's karma! :laugh: ) so you won't have to listen to her anymore.

    @doomcakes--I love nutella, but I don't usually buy it b/c it's too expensive and i will eat it by the jarful! :blushing:

    @lin--you are a riot!! :laugh:

    @nicole--loved the ode to taco bell!!

    @helen--sorry your ex-friend is causing you grief and behaving like a 16 y/o; I agree with ally and laurie--eff her! You don't owe her any explanation! If she asks where you went, just say "my iron was low"--that is so very common for women that it's unlikely she will think to question you further.

    @jt--I probably would have done the same thing with the protein shake :laugh: ; I grew up in a household where wasting food was a NOT allowed and that has carried over into my adult life. I know it's part of the reason for my weight issues--I've really had to learn to throw away food, but it's still a challenge at times.

    OK--I need to take my dog outside and brush him, so I'll finish later.