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Baby or Body

Im 31 years old have been married for 8 years and have a 7 years old daughter. She was a surprise since I had her when I was in college. Anyways I debating if I should get pregnant or not. I want to wait until I hit my goal before I get pregnant but my teacher friends are trying to persuade me to do it soon. This will be my third year teaching so I feel like I am pretty set with my career but I do want to get my masters soon too. My husband is not thrilled about the idea and neither are my parents since they are thinking they will have to take care of him or her. I'm so confused especially because I haven't reached my goal weight so if I do it soon I will be huge. Has anybody been confused on baby or body or career?


  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    For me, my husband not being on board would be a huge red flag. I have three children and work full-time. If I didn't have a supportive husband who is also a devoted father, I would be pulling my hair out( even more than I do now:))
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Having a baby is something you should be absolutely positive that you want to do. You are obviously not sure of yourself and your husband isn't "thrilled" about it. I would not try to have a baby, especially not just because your "teacher friends" want you to.
  • jtgilfoy
    jtgilfoy Posts: 25 Member
    Your husband's lack of enthusiasm and your parents concerns about care (are they providing care?) seem much more important than what you are asking. Your personal goal weight is pretty small potatoes in the big picture.
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    I don't have any experiences in my life like yours, and this may sound simpler than you were hoping, but I think you should listen to your doubts and try not to push them to the back of your mind. If you listen to others advice on how to live I just see that ending in a bad decision. I think you should put yourself first when thinking of your future, what I would do is write out on a piece of paper all the pros and cons and seriously consider what you'd be willing to live with.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I wish you the best deciding :smile:
  • Icaw
    Icaw Posts: 58 Member
    Your husband's lack of enthusiasm and your parents concerns about care (are they providing care?) seem much more important than what you are asking. Your personal goal weight is pretty small potatoes in the big picture.


    I think that your husband's opinion is far more significant than whether or not you've achieved your goal weight. :S
  • slimmcb
    slimmcb Posts: 1
    Sometimes we think with our hearts - don't be afraid of this - you have millions of years of evolution on your side. I am sure that you will not have regrets if you bring another child into your life, however, that said, maybe you should explore the reasons for your husbands reluctance. There may be a perfectly good compromise there somewhere!
  • Well my husband is not totally against it. It is just that for a while we are like yes we should , then no we shouldn't. . We are just back and forth about it. I know that he will help me 100% but he is just in love with the daughter we have now and does not think we need another one. I'm just a little worried because I'm in my 30's and do not want to have children after the age 35. My mom works too much so she would not be able to help so much.

    My teacher friend might just want me to get fat since Im the thinnest teacher there and I am not really thin.Or since they have more then one child then might think that I am missing out on having more. They have really good points though. I am just confused and I have been confused for a while now but I am running out of time since I only have 4 more years to just do it. :/
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If you and your husband are positive you want a baby, go for it. If you're not, don't do it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Probably the wrong person to reply to this since I don't want kids, but if I read correctly it sounded like your husband didn't want another child? If that is the case, I think you really need to talk to him about it and find out why and how he feels.

    If that is not the case and I totally misread what you said, than I still think you aught to talk to him about it. Write it down, make a list of pros and cons.
  • jtgilfoy
    jtgilfoy Posts: 25 Member
    Honest truth, it sounds like you know it's a bad idea (for whatever reason) but are hoping for people here to give you some way to justify it.
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    This shouldn't even be a question (doubt) in your mind. If you whole heartedly wanted another child, you would be trying to get pregnant rather than worrying about your weight.

    Wait until you're happy with yourself. It'll make pregnancy so much better for everyone around you. Then have another discussion with your husband and go from there.

    His parents/Your parents don't matter in the conversation - It's not up to them if you can or cannot have more children.

    Good luck!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you wait for everything in your life to be right before having more children you will wait forever. The only consideration I would have is your husband, he's the only other opinion that counts. But I would HATE to be an only child, it's lonely, bigger families rock, so make more people to love and look after the people you already made is my philosophy!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't know the extent of the problem (hubby and others, who btw it does not concern them!) with you having another child so I can't really say don't do it. I would want to make sure 'everything else' is ok first though.

    However, if you know you want another child, you should do it soon. Ask your Dr. about your weight concerns. Maybe you should lose more before you get pregnant? He/she could guide you. Also, you can stay on MFP, still exercise and have a healthy pregnancy! Have your Dr. tell you how many calories to eat each day and what exercises you can do safely. Pregnancy is not disabling unless you have complications.
    You have the rest of your life to finish school, advance in your career and have the body you've always dreamed of. A child is worth the extra effort it takes. Personally, I'd want to have the 2nd one and get it over with at a younger age. Just my opinion!
    Good luck with your decision & <hugs>.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    My husband and I go back and forth too -- and our daughter was a surprise. Honestly, I don't think we'll have another because, while I love our daughter and think I want another child most of the time, the relief I feel when my daughter hits a milestone toward independence and the terror I feel at starting ALL OVER stops me. If I were you, unless the desire was overwhelming, I just wouldn't.
  • If you wait for everything in your life to be right before having more children you will wait forever. The only consideration I would have is your husband, he's the only other opinion that counts. But I would HATE to be an only child, it's lonely, bigger families rock, so make more people to love and look after the people you already made is my philosophy!

    The only child thing is my concern too. I have 3 sister and 1 brother and I love them like crazy so it really isn't fair to not let my daughter experience this too.
  • I'm 37. I was 34 when my husband I started trying for a baby. Unfortunately we had to use IVF, as 2 years went past with no luck. I was a little overweight when we started trying, then stacked on more with the various hormones, then a little more with being unable to do any vigorous exercise each time I had an embryo transferred..
    The end of the story is that we FINALLY have a little boy, now 3 months old, and I'm just starting out with MFP to remove all the excess weight!
    I was doing Weight-Watchers until IVF and had the same worries as you. i.e. had really started seeing the pounds drop off and was concerned about gaining it all back.
    I *did* gain it all back too...and then some!
    Worse, I had to have an emergency C-section, so was unable to even think about exercising until now!...the little fella is such a joy though, -the weight seems a paltry concern in comparison:)
    He's now extra motivation for me to lose the weight. He needs a fit and healthy Mumma to see him through life:-).
    I have to say, -pushing a pram up and down hills is excellent exercise too! I've been at it for 2 weeks so far and have managed to shift 2 kgs:-).
  • This shouldn't even be a question (doubt) in your mind. If you whole heartedly wanted another child, you would be trying to get pregnant rather than worrying about your weight.

    Wait until you're happy with yourself. It'll make pregnancy so much better for everyone around you. Then have another discussion with your husband and go from there.

    His parents/Your parents don't matter in the conversation - It's not up to them if you can or cannot have more children.

    Good luck!

    "Wait until you are happy with yourself" Good point
  • My husband and I go back and forth too -- and our daughter was a surprise. Honestly, I don't think we'll have another because, while I love our daughter and think I want another child most of the time, the relief I feel when my daughter hits a milestone toward independence and the terror I feel at starting ALL OVER stops me. If I were you, unless the desire was overwhelming, I just wouldn't.

    "the relief I feel when my daughter hits a milestone toward independence and the terror I feel at starting ALL OVER stops me" I remember those days. The milestones
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    I am 43. I spent many years of my life fighting my weight, and at least 4-5 years yo-yoing with the intent of getting down to a 'good weight' before getting pregnant.

    I finally allowed myself to try even though I was at the time 235. It took some time, but I did get pregnant. It didn't happen quickly, I was 38.

    I have wanted to get pregnant again, but have suffered 2 miscarriages in the past 2 years. For the first time in my life, I feel like i have finally figured out this whole weight thing and how to lose it forever. Unfortunately, while I am finally figuring it out, and am at my lowest weight in over 10 years, I fear I am now too old to get pregnant.

    I knew this, in the back of my mind, that the longer I waited, the odds would start stacking against me, but I SOO wanted to be at a healthy weight, and then ballooned up to 268 before I finally started to get a handle on it.

    While I would never encourage anyone to get pregnant if they were not ready, if you are ready - and only debating career or weight - and no other issues, I encourage you to consider the fact that the older you get, the harder it will be to get pregnant. For me, I am trying now, and yes, I know if I do, my goal weight will be put off for a good year, but I don't care! I feel like I know the answer now, and whether i get there this year or in 2 years, I will get there. and if it means I put that off, in favor of having a baby, i'd take that trade in a heartbeat.

    Take care.

  • Honest truth, it sounds like you know it's a bad idea (for whatever reason) but are hoping for people here to give you some way to justify it.

    Not really I am just not sure and worried but not a bad idea.