Losing my feelings for my boyfriend

jmoney34 Posts: 61 Member
This has been eating at me for a while and I really just need to get it all out. It's long, so I don't blame you for not reading.

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. When we started dating it was like something you'd see in the movies. I really thought it was love at first sight. I really enjoyed his company, we have a great time together, and my friends and family love him. After being together for 9 months we moved in together. I wouldn't say I was super ecstatic about moving in because we had only been together for 9 months, but my lease was up at my apartment and I didn't want to live in that city anymore, and I literally stayed at my boyfriend's apartment 5-7 days/nights a week, anyway, so why pay $300 for storage at my apartment. I did it because it was logical, not necessarily because I wanted to.

Well here we are, 3 months later, and I don't even think I want to be with him anymore. I could just kick myself for moving in with him. Living with him now is no different than before I moved in because, like I said, I basicaly lived here anyway. However, I don't have the opportunity to just pack my bag and leave--I'd have to move all my crap out.

I'm so torn because my boyfriend loves me SO much. He is SO wonderful to me. He would do anything for me, he's constantly telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I also do have a lot of fun with him when it's just me and him. But, there's just something missing. I wouldn't say I'm SUPER unhappy, but I definitely feel like something is missing--or like I'm settling. There are certain things about him that just BUG me so much. If I had to list the top 5-10 qualities that are most important to me in a partner, I don't know if he'd even have half--or maybe just about half. I feel guilty. I am lucky enough to have a guy who treats me like gold and it's not good enough. The funny thing is I broke up with my ex of 2 years about 4 months before I met my current boyfriend (making me now feel like he might've been a rebound) because he DIDN'T show me the attention and affection my boyfriend shows me now, but now I feel like my current boyfriend shows me too much. I'm not trying to sound conceited, but sometimes I feel like my boyfriend is obsessed with me.

I've brought up the idea of us maybe breaking up about 2 times in the last 3 months and each time he completely freaks out. He hyperventilates, cries uncontrollably, begs me not to leave, talks about what a "loser" he is for not being able to keep me, and one time he even told me he'd "blow his brains out" if I ever left him. I really don't want to hurt him. He's a wonderful person and he treats me like gold, I just cannot help how I feel. He's even said this to me when I've brought up breaking up--"Don't I treat you well?"--this is what he always says to me. And he's right. Am I just a selfish *****?


  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Well apparently I have a lot of time on my hands lol cuz I jus read your entire post :p first off, I don't think you are selfish at all. I snuck a peek at your profile and saw that you're only 23 - which is still pretty young in my opinion. But I am also 23 so I may be biased hahah! But I feel at our age it's natural to not want to settle down too soon which is what you may be feeling, which may contribute to you feeling smothered. Settling down at that age works for some people but it's not for everyone. Maybe you need to find yourself and see what else is out there. You're old enough to know that your boyfriend isn't exactly what you want, so why not take the chance to look around and find someone who is what you want.

    I have dated a similar type of guy before so I had a couple other things I wanted to say but my phone isn't cooperating right now lol. Your guy sounds like he would do anything for you but it sounds like he needs more confidence in himself as well. A relationship is made of two whole people who complementary - not supplementary to each other. I'm not sure how you could bring up the subject without him freaking out but it seems like you need some time on your own to think things thru. Feel free to add me if you need to vent haha I'd like to think I'm a good listener lol :) hope things work out for the best!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I don't think you're selfish.. If the feelings aren't mutual, then there's not much you can do about it. You deserve to be happy and so does he. Maybe tell him how you REALLY feel (like you just did here) or you could just give the "it's not you, it's me" speech.. Either way, you should follow your heart. Don't be with someone who doesn't make you happy. It's not like you're married. Life is too short!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Life's too short, you are young! Let him down gently and move on - you have a lot of living to do before you settle down.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Yeah, its quite possible you never was in love with him either. It happens...I would get out ASAP.
  • Jess207
    Jess207 Posts: 90
    Feelings like yours don't get better...they get worse. Believe me, you won't wake up one day and suddenly feel so in love if you don't already feel it. If you're not into him, you're not into him and you don't have to beat yourself up about it. He shouldn't try to make you feel guilty. Do not stay out of guilt. Don't waste your time or his time. He could be the greatest guy in the world but if you don't think so, it doesn't matter. Try to break it to him as nicely as you can but then, don't worry about how he deals with it. I don't mean that to sound cold, I just mean don't be afraid to feel how you feel just because you don't want to hurt him. Both people in a relationship have to be happy. Good luck!
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    You can't stay with someone simply because he acts like he can't live without you... you'll just grow to resent him. You're not doing him any favors by staying if you don't really love him and if you know you can't be completely happy with him. Do him and you a favor and just end it. Be strong. And as hard as it must be to see him become emotional, he'll get over it.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    Dude, your BF has issues. Crying and saying he'll blow his brains out after only a year of dating is pretty intense, I think you might be in a bit of trouble. I watch this show "I Survived" and ive seen episodes where the dude acts like that and bad *kitten* ends up happening. You need to end it now, before it gets worse/weirder. For real.
  • nicolemariematson69
    I agree with everyone else's responses. I do not think you are being selfish either. You are so young!!! Plus, you aren't married yet and it could be worse. Just get out while you can! Like someone else here said.. life is too short!
    Follow your heart and do what you think is best for you. Do not ever let anyone tell you what to do or let a man persuade u to stay when you do not want to.
    Trust me.. i have been there , done that. And currently married with a child and not sure if i am still happy at almost 1 year of marriage.
  • PattieCakes23
    I dated a guy for 4 years 18- 22. I thought he was 'the one'. Well, then I decided to go for my dream and go back to school. doing so would have moved me 4 hours away. If we had been meant to be, we would still be together, but we aren't

    It was hard, but along with me moving, we had both lost feelings over the past few months before it happened. I still had them for a while, but he apparently lost them long before I did. Yet, he stayed with me because he didnt want to hurt me.

    Hear that, he STAYED with me because he didnt want to HURT me. This is what you're doing. If the feelings are gone, they are gone. You know when they are gone. Trust me when I say it will hurt the guy worse if you stay just to spare his feelings. It's not fair to either of you. It won't be easy for either of you. And he seems like he may be miserable afterwards, but you both will move on. He will too, believe it or not.
    I was wreak after he broke up with me (two weeks after I moved, btw). I wanted to come home right then, middle of the night. I was willing to do anything, give up my dream. Then I realized that it obviously wasnt meant to be. And not I'm happy just being me!

    I don't think it's bad that you've lost feelings.It does happen. And when it does, it's best to get it done with then to stretch it out. Like a band aid.
  • jmoney34
    jmoney34 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice! I know you're all right. It's just easier said than done. It's funny because it took me a while to work up the courage to break up with my ex who treated me like crap, so I guess it's even harder to leave the person who treats me so well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    Guys don't like to get strung along. Be honest and just let him know.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I stayed with someone far too long because I didn't want to hurt him by leaving him. It ended up a nightmare, he still got hurt, and now hates me. I also lost time being unhappy with him.

    You need to make yourself happy and if you're not happy with him, GET OUT. Do it for you and let the pieces fall where they may.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Even though they treat you like a queen, they just might not be your king.

    Think about it this way: Would you like someone to do this to you? Keep you around because you treat them well and you really see yourself not having a future with them? Doesn't that feel a little crappy?
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Never stay if you're not happy.

    And don't feel guilted into staying either : "i'll blow my brains out if you ever leave me" is a d*ck move.

    Get out. Now.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I've brought up the idea of us maybe breaking up about 2 times in the last 3 months and each time he completely freaks out. He hyperventilates, cries uncontrollably, begs me not to leave, talks about what a "loser" he is for not being able to keep me, and one time he even told me he'd "blow his brains out" if I ever left him. I really don't want to hurt him. He's a wonderful person and he treats me like gold, I just cannot help how I feel. He's even said this to me when I've brought up breaking up--"Don't I treat you well?"--this is what he always says to me. And he's right. Am I just a selfish *****?

    That's manipulative behaviour. He's suckering you into staying. If you leave, he may threaten to kill himself. 9 times out of 10 they won't actually do it, so take your chances and GTFOOOOOO.

  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Oh and, just from experience, you can never have a civil relationship with someone this manipulative/fcked in the head after the fact, so take all the stuff that you actually have a right to take, because you're gonna end up the bad guy whether you leave him with all the game systems or not.

    *took me two years to rebuild my collection
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    He hyperventilates, cries uncontrollably, begs me not to leave, talks about what a "loser" he is for not being able to keep me, and one time he even told me he'd "blow his brains out" if I ever left him. I really don't want to hurt him. He's a wonderful person and he treats me like gold, I just cannot help how I feel. He's even said this to me when I've brought up breaking up--"Don't I treat you well?"--this is what he always says to me. And he's right. Am I just a selfish *****?

    save money, run far and run fast. Don't look back. He has some serious issues! Let your parents know now, and explain to him this part. They will more than likely fully support you on this!
    **Also, start slowly getting your most prized possessions out of the place, with this behavior it can get very ugly. A good way to go is just move out when he is away for the day and leave a note. he. is. psycho. manipulative.
  • Skych123
    Skych123 Posts: 96
    The nice guy does always finish last lol. Sounds like my last boyfriend - crying and all that - i felt like the man in the relationship because he was such a little nancy. Tell him to sac up and be a man and treat you like his woman hahaha. Advice from a similar situation: get out while you're young, there is someone who will make you happy and never doubt it
  • 55AngelH55
    55AngelH55 Posts: 117
    You're actually being selfish by staying with him, knowing you don't really love him in **that** way.
    You can love someone plutonically - deeply. I'd never want to hurt my brother in any way, and it would devestate me to know that I had caused him any pain...
    Doesn't mean I should marry him.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    You're actually being selfish by staying with him, knowing you don't really love him in **that** way.
    You can love someone plutonically - deeply. I'd never want to hurt my brother in any way, and it would devestate me to know that I had caused him any pain...
    Doesn't mean I should marry him.

    She did try to separate with him a few times. He threatened to kill himself.