First Kiss



  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    after reading everyone elses, i feel weird saying i waited to kiss someone till like 3-4 months into a relationship. wow... i havent thought about this in a long time. first 'real' one... i think i was 15? he was 17. i was 'together' with this bad *kitten* guy who was a junior in highschool. he was a bagger at my local grocery store, first time i ever saw him i turned beet red in the face, and i couldnt figure out why. i totally believed in love at first sight though... i meet him latter on in some of my freshman classes... that shoulda been the sign that it would go sour haha.

    things were super awkward between us, and i honestly believe it was because we liked each other so much. he asked if i wanted to go to this party with him after a school dance, at this point i had only talked to him over msn and stuff haha. (to shy to talk to him at school) i said sure, id go (i was already 'in love' with him at this point though haha). went to the party, and got drunk for the first time. i remember i sat on the other side of the table from him for a long time. all his friends were out of highschool and it was really weird. he asked me to get him another beer and i grabbed the handle of the fridge and realized i just punched my hand into the door lmao. i ended up leaving because all his old friends wanted to play 'circle of death' and get us naked.

    talked to him a bit more after that, and then he asked me if i wanted a ride home from school. this happened a few times per week. we kept hangin out and going to movies, but nothing happened. i remember watching a movie with him a few months after we started hanging out and he held my hand. my heart was like... going into cardiac arrest. only relationship i have ever got butterfly's with. i was literally petrified of him- i thought he was so perfect.

    he ended up asking me out while he was driving me home one day. i remember he said 'so qtip, will you like... be my girlfriend or what! dam.' haha how romantic... went over to his house a few times, and we took a walk to the park. i think he kissed me there for the first time. i dont remember much of it or anything- dont even remember if it was bad or good. im gonna say... it was alright? nothing fantastic. i remember i thought it was so cool to have hickies though. i know my first time doing serious other stuff was NOT very good at all tho :p

    we broke up shortly after celebrating our one year (my junior year). he was entirely inconsiderate regarding anything about me or my feelings. he took advantage of my innocence and had anger problems. if i could go back in time i would NEVER mix myself up with him at all and waste my high-school years. lock up your daughters.

    my actual first kiss was totally with a girl when i was younger. :]
  • MrDangerSass
    First kiss...kindergarten...girls chasing the boys with penalty of a kiss if caught. (I was a slow runner even then.)
    First "real" kiss...13 (I think ) a Stryper concert.
    Best kiss...21 ...from my bride on our wedding day.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I was 14. It was at school during lunch and I was in the courtyard with some friends and one of my friends (I honestly can't even remember his name... wow.) was like "Hey, kiss me." And I was like "Okay." So I did and his breath was bad and it wasn't particularly enjoyable (I mean, at the time, it was fine, but looking back, no.) and then I never kissed him again.
  • ShantiDey
    ShantiDey Posts: 16 Member
    I was 17, and a guy I'd had a crush on came by our house. After a few minutes of awkward conversation, he pulled me around the corner of the house and shoved me against a brick wall. My head hit the brick wall so hard I thought I almost blacked out. My mouth popped open in surprise, and the next thing I knew his tongue was halfway down my windpipe. For a second I thought he was trying to suffocate me.

    Between the pain and the gagging, I was scared off guys for several years after that....when my husband-to-be took me on our first date, he asked permission to kiss me. He started off very gently and it was fireworks! :heart:
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I was 5. A kid tried to kiss me and I punched him in the gut. Or at least that's how I remember it. Whatever my reaction, it landed me in the principal's office my first day of school, trying to explain to my parents how THAT happened. That much I will never forget.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    It was the summer before 5th grade and we had our own "fort" hahahaha... we banged teeth on initial contact (both of our mouths wayyyyyyyyy open), but that was quickly corrected, and then re-corrected... He was so cute ~ he said "we are gonna keep going until we get this right" and then I got fed up and took control and I've been a bit of a dominant ever since... Lol
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm 22 and I've never been kissed. I want to though! Maybe sometime in the next couple of years?
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I was 12 for my first kiss. For my first proper kiss (tongue), I was 13, just finished yr 8 and went to the movies with a friend, met these random guys out the front and we ended up seeing a movie together, and I got my first kiss then. No idea what his name is, or what he looks like. Clearly he made a good impression hahahha. The kiss was alright, nothing amazing. No slobber though (that came in later kisses with other guys), I feel sorry for everyone who got slobbered on!
  • MJH5773
    MJH5773 Posts: 70
    My first kiss was when I was 18. My friend had invited me to come with him to see his family in Trinidad and Tobago for the summer. It was with one of his cousins and it was kind of funny because I was trying to play Tiger Woods on the PS2 with my buddy and another cousin of his. Kind of caught me off guard though. And then we kissed again before I left to come back to the States. No making out though, it was just a peck kiss. Pretty nice though. :D

    My first make out kiss I was 22. I had some friends over and this girl that I knew in High School wanted to hang out for some reason. Long story short, the night ended with a game of Strip Poker gone array and she kinda started wanting to make out with everyone there (I was the first one though so no sloppy seconds for me). It was ok at the time. Looking back its worth a shrug because it didn't mean much.
  • maddiec1989
    maddiec1989 Posts: 144 Member
    It was the summer before I started highschool. I had just moved into a new subdivision that was still under construction and had met a group of guys within the first week or two. one of the guys apparently liked me, and one night the two of us were sitting on a bunch of bricks outside a house being built and he leaned in and kissed me... I had braces... his tongue was moving in my mouth like some sort of fish trying to find water lol and when he pulled away there was a very sexy line of spit. we both pretended it wasn't there, whiped our mouths and then he walked me back to my house.
  • ciaobellaxo
    I had braces... his tongue was moving in my mouth like some sort of fish trying to find water lol

    I seriously was lol so bad at this, ahaha
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I was 14 and we were in a room full of people. I was mortified. I ran out of the apartment and he chased me. Spent the rest of the night on a park bench making out and trying to keep his hands out of my shirt. It was pretty awesome. LOL
  • mh569
    mh569 Posts: 41
    I had my first kiss this year, I just turned 21. Totally worth the wait ha ha.
    No point in kissing frogs, I say.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    My first kiss was terrible.

    I was in 6th grade, and he came over to my house. And we were in my room (door open!) and he pulled me on to his lap, and shoved his tongue in my mouth and I thought he was trying to eat it. There was lots of teeth, and I remember thinking "If this is what kissing is, I don't want to do it any more"



    I had a kiss like that not too long ago! ha ha

    It was a first date. He was VERY attractive. I wanted to kiss him sooo bad. So, when the opportunity arose, I looked at him, and said, "Come here." He, of course, heeded to my call and proceeded to kiss me. Much like you described. ICK. This was just a few months ago. LOL and I'm divorced and have three kids... lol
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    First girl I kissed was forgettable.

    SECOND girl I kissed was amazing. It was like a half hour before we came up for air. Then as we were saying our goodbyes in the garage at the end of the night the lights went out, and we were lip-locked even longer!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Funny thread. Her name was Denise. She was pretty. I'm fairly sure it wasn't her first. It was leaning against an Oak tree. It was 7th grade.
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    HAHAHA oh man I had to think about that for a moment. I was 19 years old and it was my first bf. My folks were out of town and I had him stay the night with me. We were rough housing in my living room and he leaned down (like in the movies after rough housing the man leans down and kisses the girl for the first time) and we started kissing. He didn't believe it was my first kiss! I was a late bloomer but that's ok, it was well worth the wait!
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    My first boyfriend in 7th grade...
    It was so planned out, it was like "Today we are going to kiss."
    I was so nervous, we stood around for like 5 minutes. It was an awkward, simple peck.
    Oh the innocence :)
  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    I think I was around 9 with my bet friend Michael, we experimented alot on each other, even though we didnt know what we were doing. LOL
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My kissing partner had bad breath and used FAR too much tongue.

    I used to kiss him with a tic-tac under my tongue after that. =B