What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • KettleBellHoe
    after i did shrooms absolutely every thing changed. which included being healthy
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    When my endocrinologist told me for the second time that I had "reached the point of no return." Hah! I'll show him!!!
  • mirandamayhem
    I was tired of nothing happening and relying on food. It wasn't really a breaking point, but someone was offering a 3 day trial of herbalife, and I thought, what's the harm? And something switched.
    I've spent a long few years dealing with my emotional eating demons and depression, and I guess I finally felt strong enough to progress!
  • mirandamayhem
    after i did shrooms absolutely every thing changed. which included being healthy

    Tell us more!
  • KettleBellHoe
    after i did shrooms absolutely every thing changed. which included being healthy

    Tell us more!
    if you insist.......
    honestly it was after plenty of years of depression and self abuse, I felt just so betrayed,a social outcast, some kind of ****ed up villain in this world of ours, I was filled with rage and misery it was just maddening I was waiting to die. Everyday I felt the same and if I ever was happy the brief moment vanished in the ocean of societies pressure to make me into their slave.


    One day I tried shrooms didn't have 1g or 3g...but 10grams of shrooms om nom nom.
    evan tried putting it on pizza lol didn't taste good kinda like dirty feet, anyways I had a revelation, Tripping complete balls sitting at dinner with my family( I have no idea how they didnt notice me completely high on magic mushrooms but hey that's a family for yeah, they don't notice anything anyways their neglectful)
    And I went to the bathroom and started crying and crying and crying and I asked myself " are you happy " and I said " No, this isnt right its dysfunctional its unbalanced its not my life!"

    Within 2 weeks I left home the day before my 16th birthday without telling a soal, without saying goodbye to mom or daddy,without a note-**** that wasn't going to be my life anymore. I took a plane to BC and was homeless about 6 months, I had nothing but managed to still be happy i was away and i was restarting, i spent most my time in the nature hanging out with trees and animals feeling good doing nothing not having to rely on attention from others or anyone's approval needing nothing and that's all i needed. I started to care about my health I had ideas and dreams I wanted to live I wanted to create the life I wanted not the one being shoved down my throat by media,my parents,peers,and all these so called authority figures. I wanted to be me and happy and I wanted to see magic around me and be friends with it. I worked as a laborer and roofer and bought myself a van for 1000$ i lived out my van for a few months parked outside the gym so I can shower and workout everyday. I wanted to be strong,healthy,balanced,something I could never be as a slave depressed and angry. Its something you have to decide and become its a firm confirmation no one can guide you through but yourself you need to take a confident leap out in to the world and the universe will respect that.

    Now I am a very healthy individual and I'm almost always in a good mood, living in a beautiful loft with my boyfriend and pets making very adequate money working from home,tax free just like I pictured. You see your mind is very very powerful and it like all energy- vibrates. The whole universe is made up of energy and its consciousness that strings the energy together, like attracts like. Every thought in your head, is a prayer,and is the corner stone of your physical manifestations that you see as the world around you.

    So basically you just need a reason to live and your confused ? Well the reason is just because you chose to be here that's why ,and as human beings we are made to create, and every thought you choose to express is a seed.... some grow beautiful flowers and some grow weeds what do you want your garden to look like? It's in your hands.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    My Uncle told me I had 'got huge'. It wasn't nice but it was the kick up the butt I needed!
  • Erlkoenig
    When I broke the bottom of my bed :(
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    When I looked in the mirror..... Really looked in the mirror... Not deny it. I then went for a walk and it was the worst walk of my life I could barely breathe, I decided it was enough.
  • mirandamayhem
    after i did shrooms absolutely every thing changed. which included being healthy

    Tell us more!
    if you insist.......
    honestly it was after plenty of years of depression and self abuse, I felt just so betrayed,a social outcast, some kind of ****ed up villain in this world of ours, I was filled with rage and misery it was just maddening I was waiting to die. Everyday I felt the same and if I ever was happy the brief moment vanished in the ocean of societies pressure to make me into their slave.


    One day I tried shrooms didn't have 1g or 3g...but 10grams of shrooms om nom nom.
    evan tried putting it on pizza lol didn't taste good kinda like dirty feet, anyways I had a revelation, Tripping complete balls sitting at dinner with my family( I have no idea how they didnt notice me completely high on magic mushrooms but hey that's a family for yeah, they don't notice anything anyways their neglectful)
    And I went to the bathroom and started crying and crying and crying and I asked myself " are you happy " and I said " No, this isnt right its dysfunctional its unbalanced its not my life!"

    Within 2 weeks I left home the day before my 16th birthday without telling a soal, without saying goodbye to mom or daddy,without a note-**** that wasn't going to be my life anymore. I took a plane to BC and was homeless about 6 months, I had nothing but managed to still be happy i was away and i was restarting, i spent most my time in the nature hanging out with trees and animals feeling good doing nothing not having to rely on attention from others or anyone's approval needing nothing and that's all i needed. I started to care about my health I had ideas and dreams I wanted to live I wanted to create the life I wanted not the one being shoved down my throat by media,my parents,peers,and all these so called authority figures. I wanted to be me and happy and I wanted to see magic around me and be friends with it. I worked as a laborer and roofer and bought myself a van for 1000$ i lived out my van for a few months parked outside the gym so I can shower and workout everyday. I wanted to be strong,healthy,balanced,something I could never be as a slave depressed and angry. Its something you have to decide and become its a firm confirmation no one can guide you through but yourself you need to take a confident leap out in to the world and the universe will respect that.

    Now I am a very healthy individual and I'm almost always in a good mood, living in a beautiful loft with my boyfriend and pets making very adequate money working from home,tax free just like I pictured. You see your mind is very very powerful and it like all energy- vibrates. The whole universe is made up of energy and its consciousness that strings the energy together, like attracts like. Every thought in your head, is a prayer,and is the corner stone of your physical manifestations that you see as the world around you.

    So basically you just need a reason to live and your confused ? Well the reason is just because you chose to be here that's why ,and as human beings we are made to create, and every thought you choose to express is a seed.... some grow beautiful flowers and some grow weeds what do you want your garden to look like? It's in your hands.

    Wow! That's really beautiful! Thank you! Sorry about the sucky family. Apparently we choose our family before our birth to give us life's lessons.....not sure I like that belief, but then I'm certainly a stronger person through my experiences. Well done on coming so far and doing so amazingly!
  • KettleBellHoe
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    When my ex wife cheated on me and I divorced her.
  • KettleBellHoe
    after i did shrooms absolutely every thing changed. which included being healthy

    Tell us more!
    if you insist.......
    honestly it was after plenty of years of depression and self abuse, I felt just so betrayed,a social outcast, some kind of ****ed up villain in this world of ours, I was filled with rage and misery it was just maddening I was waiting to die. Everyday I felt the same and if I ever was happy the brief moment vanished in the ocean of societies pressure to make me into their slave.


    One day I tried shrooms didn't have 1g or 3g...but 10grams of shrooms om nom nom.
    evan tried putting it on pizza lol didn't taste good kinda like dirty feet, anyways I had a revelation, Tripping complete balls sitting at dinner with my family( I have no idea how they didnt notice me completely high on magic mushrooms but hey that's a family for yeah, they don't notice anything anyways their neglectful)
    And I went to the bathroom and started crying and crying and crying and I asked myself " are you happy " and I said " No, this isnt right its dysfunctional its unbalanced its not my life!"

    Within 2 weeks I left home the day before my 16th birthday without telling a soal, without saying goodbye to mom or daddy,without a note-**** that wasn't going to be my life anymore. I took a plane to BC and was homeless about 6 months, I had nothing but managed to still be happy i was away and i was restarting, i spent most my time in the nature hanging out with trees and animals feeling good doing nothing not having to rely on attention from others or anyone's approval needing nothing and that's all i needed. I started to care about my health I had ideas and dreams I wanted to live I wanted to create the life I wanted not the one being shoved down my throat by media,my parents,peers,and all these so called authority figures. I wanted to be me and happy and I wanted to see magic around me and be friends with it. I worked as a laborer and roofer and bought myself a van for 1000$ i lived out my van for a few months parked outside the gym so I can shower and workout everyday. I wanted to be strong,healthy,balanced,something I could never be as a slave depressed and angry. Its something you have to decide and become its a firm confirmation no one can guide you through but yourself you need to take a confident leap out in to the world and the universe will respect that.

    Now I am a very healthy individual and I'm almost always in a good mood, living in a beautiful loft with my boyfriend and pets making very adequate money working from home,tax free just like I pictured. You see your mind is very very powerful and it like all energy- vibrates. The whole universe is made up of energy and its consciousness that strings the energy together, like attracts like. Every thought in your head, is a prayer,and is the corner stone of your physical manifestations that you see as the world around you.

    So basically you just need a reason to live and your confused ? Well the reason is just because you chose to be here that's why ,and as human beings we are made to create, and every thought you choose to express is a seed.... some grow beautiful flowers and some grow weeds what do you want your garden to look like? It's in your hands.

    Wow! That's really beautiful! Thank you! Sorry about the sucky family. Apparently we choose our family before our birth to give us life's lessons.....not sure I like that belief, but then I'm certainly a stronger person through my experiences. Well done on coming so far and doing so amazingly!

    I love everything that happened i am not a victim i am a warrior. I welcome any challenger including the invisible forces that want to suck us dry. at this point im the one trying to help my parents grow up,...their scared abused children still and need alot of love and support.
  • mirandamayhem
    :smile: wow. You're really inspirational :flowerforyou: I think this is the point everyone needs to come to, we have a choice to be victims, or to move on and grow and to make the world a better place through our experiences
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    When I took an honest look at myself in the mirror. I thought OMG I dont want to look like this anymore:embarassed: I hate having my pic taken. Its horrible I am soo ready to lose this weight.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    When i looked in the mirror and my belly was blowing up like the pilsberry dough boy, i resented looking at my reflection on the computer, and the final photo that was sent to me by my father-in-law a few days after we returned from a vacation. I look the the Michelnman. I was at my heavist point in my life! no wonder I had trouble breathing going up stairs, hills or snoring when i slept. Ugly!!!
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I was watching The Avengers, wondering why the hell I couldn't look like Scarlett Johansson. And then I really thought about it and was like, "Well, why the hell not?!" I decided that if you want something enough you just work your *kitten* off for it, so that's what I'm doing.
  • D0ry
    D0ry Posts: 59 Member
    When I reached a weight of 2 kgs more than my mom's while being pregnant with me. We have similar bodys, so I believe it's relevant. I thought that's absurd. And I wondered how much more could I get when I hopefully get pregnant one day. I still wonder (e.g. I worry...) as I'm not done yet with fighting my apetite and with making really new eating habits...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I turned 65 and didn't want to be a fat old lady. It took me four more months to find MfP and realize i could stop the upward trend.
  • slyde87
    slyde87 Posts: 42
    Eh... It's embarrassing to tell, lol. But I hit my breaking point when I was asked "When are you due?"
    And was like, "Im not. I just got fat. Thanks."
    It was probably just as awkward for them. Lol
    But it doesn't matter if a woman is pregnant, or looks pregnant, or is obviously ready to pop.
    You never, NEVER ask her that question, or anything of the sort. Unless she brings it up to you first.
    Just awkward all around.
  • marylicious01
    I hit my 'fat' breaking point when I realized that even though I'm not massive , my joints started to hurt. My gran suffers from osteoporosis and arthritis since her late thirties - big big warning sign to cut out the junk and emotional eating and regaining control- to me it's not just about having a good looking butt, but mainly about working on my health !