What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • Lumett
    Lumett Posts: 29 Member
    Was never fat to start with, but because i'm 19 years old and didn't want fit the stereotypes of lazy, unhealthy binge drinking, Fast food British youth that apparently plague our streets

    So really I just want to give a big F you to the previous generation for labelling the youth like they have
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    At Christmas when I barely fit into the bucket seats at the carnival..
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member
    I hadn't seen my favorite cousin in two years, She came and stayed with me on vacation and she told be about her struggle with weight. I had been struggling really hard over the past few years and gained a ton of weight. She told me what her weight was and it was pretty much the same as mine, we are about the same height. I finally realized just how big I had become. It's like my eye were tricking myself in the mirror to not see how heavy I really had gotten. I live 1000 miles from home, the next time I can afford a trip back, I want to go home proud of myself, not ashamed to let my family see what i've become. I am no longer a salad dodger. Slowly but surly its working and the weight is coming off. I won't forget how bad I felt when I finally hit my rock bottom.
  • noteve
    noteve Posts: 57
    I used to not care about my weight at all. I used to always weigh 125 pounds. Then I started college and got a boyfriend and didn't weigh myself for months. Then I decided to weigh myself for the hell of it. I'd gained 13 pounds. I freaked out and decided to lose the weight. Then I lost more.

    Here I am, at 116 pounds and I still think I'm fat.
  • Elizaj85
    Elizaj85 Posts: 158 Member
    when I walked up the stares and practically couldn't breath any more
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I started getting stretchmarks on my stomach.
    I already hate the ones I have on my thighs and hips, and I knew I was getting fat I just didn't want to believe it so the day I saw the stretchmarks on my stomach I started dieting.

    I caught them early, they're not visible anymore. :D
  • AsiasMommy
    AsiasMommy Posts: 64 Member
    When the scale said more than 250 and i was embarrased about a picture i got tagged in on facebook!!
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I want to look hot naked. Seriously though, realising that I would stay depressed unless I started achieving my goals.
  • gemmalianne84
    I was bursting out of my size 16s and struggling to keep up with my daughter. I wasn't happy with myself so I decided to get fit and fabulous!!!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I realised that it's not rational to start thinking about ordering clothes from shops in another country because I couldn't find any clothes to fit me in my own!

    Long legs and a huge *kitten* make shopping a bit tricky, but the solution is to make the *kitten* smaller, not spend £££'s on enormous clothes I'd have to have shipped internationally!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    By that I mean when did it finally hit you that no matter what you need to start dieting to make a life style change and to stick with it?

    In July I landed in the hospital with a systemic bacterial infection that settled into infectious cellulitis and a raging UTI. It all checked out clear of MRSA but I had both staff and strep. It was nasty. Id never been so sick. I had toyed with losing weight for the last several months. Lord knows Id tried everything over the years and nothing "stuck"

    After I got outta the hospital I had no appetite. I had been on so many antibiotics battling the infections that I was nauseous and dry heaving 20 minutes out of every 60 that I just didnt wanna eat.

    THAT was the kick start I needed. Then I found MFP and started over here. Id been here about a year ago and lost my login so I hadda start over. Ive since signed in every day, dropped at least 35 pounds, am logging food faithfully and feel better than I have in years
  • dgr93
    dgr93 Posts: 40 Member
    It finally hit me when my friend uploaded some pictures onto facebook from a night out we had been on and it was the first time i'd like seen myself as other people would see me in a long time and i was horrified!
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    when i got pregnant with my third 6months after my second and i still had 30lbs to lose from that pregnancy! i started light exercise during that pregnancy and actually lost body fat and only gained 2lbs so i was off to a good start when my daughter was born! i didnt want to look like a chunky mummy who didnt care about how i looked. i wanted people to think wow you cant have 3 kids haha!
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    I've always been a very large guy.....6'4".....built like a football lineman. Got on the scale and it was at 395. I swore I was NOT going to join the "400" club. Down to 340 with another 120 to go.
  • indianstallion
    When i went to the doctor for flu last December and he ended up taking my blood pressure and telling me that it was borderline high, and that I have to go on regular meds pretty soon if I don't lose weight . That scared the hell out of me and I decided to do something about it.
  • newtonuk
    newtonuk Posts: 13 Member
    I woke up on Sunday morning and thought "Right, time to get some weight off" and have been doing since then... Only a week and a half into it, but so far I am still in the right frame of mind to do it.

    For me, it didn't matter what anybody else said, it was only at that point when my mindset was right that I have had the motivation to do it.

    I hope that I am able to keep myself motivated to reach my first goal and then see how we go from there.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    I fell in love with a man I ant to spend my life with. I have 84lb to lose - but I am deted to losing it slowly, through a healthy lifestyle that will last forever, rather than a crash diet which isn't healthy.
  • Butterbean6737
    Butterbean6737 Posts: 34 Member
    a visit to coronary care two and a half years ago was the straw that broke the camel's back! :)
  • superflus
    I had put on forty pounds in medication weight over the course of about a year and a half, only one of about seven pairs of jeans I owned fit any more, and I took a research trip to Paris, France in May for two weeks. I walked a half hour one-way to the library every day of those two weeks and came back five pounds lighter, at 145. That was the initial kick I needed to start getting serious about logging meals and losing weight.

    So far I am down 13 pounds since joining this site; a total of 18 pounds with the Paris weight loss factored in. Now I can fit into two out of seven pairs of jeans. I am looking forward to the day I can wear all my clothes again.
  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    I didn't lose the weight from my second baby like I did the first (he's 2 now!!) and I can't fit into most of my trousers and I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe of clothes...also seeing photos friends had taken of me made me realise how obvious it is that my clothes don't fit. As my face is still quite thin I think I had looked in the mirror and fooled myself but those photos made me look again properly and I didn't like what I saw.

    Apart from the vanity aspect, I have two kids that I want to keep up with and be healthy for long term.