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What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • TLEIGH33777
    TLEIGH33777 Posts: 93 Member
    02-07-12, the day I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
  • I have been thinking about this question a lot lately...what was my breaking point...and I don't think that ther was one major "thing" that made me decide to lose weight...it was a lot of little things like, my knees hurting when I would stand up, my heart would start racing seemingly out of nowhere (to the point that I thought I was going to pass out or die), not feeling comfortable in my own skin...let alone my clothes. One day I just told myself if not now, when? And on those days when I would get depressed about how much weight I had to lose I would always ask myself ...well what's the alternative? Get bigger and more unhealthy...uh no I don't think so...best decision of my life.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    When I saw a picture of myself when I was at my first "weight loss goal" years ago... I had put all the weight back on and then some... I compared the pictures and was disgusted from what I saw.... I will NEVER get back there again... I'm serious this time and ready for long term success!!
  • mf0u1098
    mf0u1098 Posts: 61 Member
    I saw myself tagged on facebook at a wedding a few years ago. I couldn't believe the "whale" that had eaten me! I'd been going through a rough time and had started drinking 6 cans of beer EVERY night to get through it and I decided that enough was enough. I lost 2 stone just by walking insane distances every day and not drinking alcohol. Since then I hit a plateau where I've stayed for the past couple of years. I still want to lose another 25lbs though. The thing that spurs me on is the thought of how I'd feel if I ever bumped into my ex again. I'd want to be proud of myself and show him what he missed instead of being ashamed (he was in the army and a complete fitness freak). I've started cutting out evening snacks and exercising at least 3 times a week. It will be a slow road to my goal as I want to change my habits for life. I've learned there are no shortcuts if you want to make changes that last. I think it's right what someone else on here said, sometimes you hit rock bottom but you need to realise that all other concerns have to be put to one side. It is all about YOU and making the effort to be the person YOU want to be. My work is not as important as my health, my family's problems are not as important as my health, money is not as important as my health...
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Realising that every Friday night when preparing to go out I was in tears and taking 2 hours to get ready because I felt ugly and fat in everything.
  • When I ended up in hospital Memorial day weekend with bad chest pains and ended up staying a week and having a heart cath done.
  • bebaile2
    bebaile2 Posts: 19
    The housekeeper for my building telling me he noticed that I'd "gotten big". A couple hours later when he was back around during move in day (I'm a Residence Director) and I was eating lunch-- a completely innocent meal, mind you-- he goes, "There you are, munching again."

    I pretty much just want everyone to keep their opinions to themselves, don't want to give them anything to talk about.
  • Bluebox32
    Bluebox32 Posts: 100 Member
    When my daughter says...that lady...has a belly like you and they wear that....see you can wear it too, other people really dont care how you look. I think she was trying to give me a confidence boost....but it just made me feel horrible.

    We were just in AZ to visit family and while we were there I realized that half the stuff I brought....did not fit. I had to buy new stuff there. Everything was a size bigger that I bought.

    I have wore jeans for almost the past 2 years at work due to me not fitting in any of my work clothes.
  • marmatt13
    marmatt13 Posts: 16 Member
    It's been a combination of things. Never, since high school, feeling fully confident about myself. I've conquered most of my confidence issues, the only ones remaining are my weight related ones. Also, my mom died at age 52 from a massive heart attack, I was only 15. My kids are 13 & 14, I love them too much to put them through that kind of pain.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I pretty much hit rock bottom in every area of my life. I guess you could say I woke up and realized I was the only one who could change it all and I knew I had to start with changing ME. It started with portion sizes, cutting out the junk & processed foods. Eventually started really eating clean and exercising. Forceed myself to this every day because the alternative made me cringe. Fortunately, I became a bit obsessed with it. I soon realized I was feeling a lot better, both physically and mentally. At that point, it became nonnegotiable. It's just the way I live my life now and I wouldn't want it nay other way. I don't ever want to go back to the person I was a year ago.

    DITTO !!!! Congrats on your weight loss !
  • Sometimes I'm afraid that I haven't reached it. I have been off and on so many diets, I have been warned by MD that blood pressure and glucose are borderline, I'm 100 lbs over my lowest adult weight, and I sometimes don't really see myself when I look in the mirror, as in I just see me not the physical shell? does that make sense? Then when I catch a glimpse of just my body without the face I do a double take like - who IS that? I know that I need to lose weight and I am motivated by my daugter's upcoming wedding. I just have to say that my entire life has consisted of yo-yo dieting (114-170-130-185-150-200, 175-220, etc.) and as you can see, the lower numbers keep getting higher along with the top numbers. I sometimes feel like I have been on every diet known to man.

    I do agree that tracking is the way to go. Being accountable for everthing that goes in your mouth is eye-opening to say the least. I do eat healthy foods - always have - my problems seem to be the additional sweets that I have a hard time resisting. I love to bake, and I am a chocolate freak! I hope belonging here will help me to get beyond this and find the motivation to make a permanent lifestyle change.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    Last summer I went to my manager's wedding and afterwards saw some photos of myself. I hated how I looked, in fact I hated pictures of myself period since I gained all that weight. I also had been going through old boxes for my daughter's fundrasier yardsale and found clothes that I had not been able to wear in years. Really made me sad because I used to love to wear some of those clothes.

    I knew that my wedding was 11 months away and I needed to make a change. After all half the day is about pictures and I didn't want to look back at my wedding pics and hate them because I didn't like how big I had become. I was at my highest weight ever, I weighed more then I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter.

    Wanting to get back into those old clothes and wanting to like my wedding photos pushed me to finally start losing the weight. My wedding became my goal. Lost 32 lbs before my wedding and you know what I love my wedding pictures :heart:

    Now that the wedding is over I have just pushed myself with a new goal, to look great in that slinky black dress I was given and want to wear to my cousin's wedding in October. So far I have lost an additional 4.8 lbs since my wedding and I feel confident that I can make that an even 10 lbs before her wedding. I am like the tortise, slow and steady but I will win this race!
  • RubyWare
    RubyWare Posts: 51 Member
    When my almost 3 yr granddaughter wanted to play in the sand a month or so ago. I couldn’t get comfortable sitting on the ground with her. It was a bit of a WTH moment for me.
  • SMP151
    SMP151 Posts: 32
    I hated hating myself. I hated dodging pictures or hiding pictures if I made it into one. I hated trying to position things in front of me. Dodging outings because I was so embarrassed at how I looked. I was just ready to be proud of myself again.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    My daughter told me I was fat and that she didnt want to be like me. That was enough.
  • wclassy
    wclassy Posts: 20 Member
    So True...Very Funny.... :)
  • Erin707
    Erin707 Posts: 1 Member
    Going thru pictures from our Cruise to Alaska and realizing that I hated every single picture of myself. Also just got engaged and totally dread going dress shopping.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    This summer I went for my annual physical. The nurse weighed me and wrote on my file "Recommend Obesity Counselling".
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I went Skydiving and saw myself on the video afterwards. I also had difficulties lifting my legs high enough to land properly.

    I knew it was time for a change.
  • jmbecker37
    jmbecker37 Posts: 2 Member
    Realizing I'm probably not going to be alive in a few years if I keep going at the rate I have been. At almost 400 pounds, I know I'm a ticking time bomb. Every day I can eat healthy and exercise for even just a little bit is hopefully a little extra time onto my life.